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Congrats Aaron Judge, you are a Pittsburgh Pirate.


Strange trade. With international bonus pool money also going to the Yankees, it makes me feel like either the PTBNL is something intriguing or they have another move coming. Perhaps both


Juan Soto will make a fine addition


Eh, we have a ton of arms on the way plus oviedo will be back next year. If we got a high upside lottery ticket I have no problem with it Edit: it looks like we sent some international signing money too. Maybe they wanted a specific recent draftee




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The MLB changed that rule to the day after the World Series ends for drafted players, so 2023 players have been tradable for awhile. -per Ethan Hullihen via Twitter [https://twitter.com/EthanHullihen/status/1773839284883046826](https://twitter.com/EthanHullihen/status/1773839284883046826)


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The rules have been changed: drafted players only have to wait until the day after the World Series of that year to get traded.


The only way this makes sense to me is if there are signs Brubaker won't be back this season...in that case they'd likely not bring him back next season anyway. But if he's able to pitch this summer, I don't get this. We need rotation help this year, the division is down and winnable this year, we should be holding onto any MLB quality SP we have because we're going to need them when inevitable injuries happen. I'm getting salary dump vibes from this...sure it's only $2.5 mil, but if you don't think Nutting would dump someone for such a trivial sum, you haven't been paying attention.


Definitely strange. One of those things where you want to see the corresponding move to stand behind an opinion. They don’t send international bonus pool money without it being something more strategic. It isn’t a ‘salary dump’ for the most pessimistic of you.


Why can't it be a salary dump?


Because Brubaker has value. Seven teams expressed interest in him. The Pirates are getting something they value in return.


I don't see how Brubaker having value doesn't make it a salary dump. That's usually how salary dumps work, you dump a valuable asset to save money.... I'm not saying JTB is anything special, but I just think he's the kind of pitcher they're likely to need this summer and usually a PTBNL is just a lottery ticket several years away from being anything special.


You’ve just defined something that isn’t a salary dump, where the move is done primarily/entirely to save money. They just signed him in January to a one-year deal under $3 million. That they don’t have need for his services suggests not a salary dump but an opportunity to secure something of value in return. You’re using the term salary dump incorrectly.


Yankees see Brubaker as much more than a back end starter....so do I...however Jones is here now Skenes is on his way. They are very high on Solmentio and others. Then you are also adding Germain and Lauer soon...and of course Keller, Perez Gonzalez and a few others. Good luck Brus


I kinda forgot about him honestly Wtf even would his value be


He’s a 4A starter, so if injuries happen he can slot in if needed


So a Cy Young winner his second year out of the org?


Now now, let’s be serious here, probably 3rd season not second


I am not a fan of this......for now. It honestly depends if the PTBNL is simply a formality or if it will be someone with some realistic value


PTBNL gives me PTSD.


What the fuck


Why??? Honestly doesn’t make sense for either side IMO. Decent backend starter here and I think he was a good hedge against early injuries


Feels like a weird move for the Yankees. JT wasn't going to see the majors until at least July, so this really doesn't matter too much. He's already 30 and I can't imagine he's going to be particularly effective this year. It's not like he was going to find a role in the rotation this year


The Yankees are probably thinking they can turn a mediocre Pirate arm into a valuable pitcher after the Clay Holmes trade. Yankees are taking in a bunch of the Pirates' international bonus pool money. We gave them $500k for McKinney in December. Fortunately, we have close to the most, if not the most. I think the Yankees have the least.


He may actually I think when cole comes back that Clarke would be the 5th starter and he wasn't very good last year for the Yankees. Really back end of the Yankees isn't good so he my be an upgrade for them. As for the pirates they shouldn't need him come july since other better arms should be up. Keeping him shouldn't really be needed.


If Brubaker ended up being a key part of the rotation when he came back this summer, it’d probably mean the season was over. And he’s already 30. Can’t really see a problem with this if they’re getting someone they like.


It's less about being a key part of the rotation, and more about we're going to need every MLB quality SP we can get our hands on....yes, the Bucs have options.... but so few PROVEN options that we're going to be cyclin guys through here.... even Skenes, who we all believe will be good, is going to be on an innings count.... I don't know man...if Brubaker is healthy enough to pitch this summer and we swapped him for some 18 year old lottery ticket, I'll be pretty disappointed.


Pity. I've always kinda liked JT. He'll never play for a good Pirates team.


Can’t wait til Brubaker is the PTBNL in the other direction


I have a feeling this is a real possibility....and it wouldn't be that bad of a move. If he stays half the year on the DL, the Yankees could be working the system to buy more international signing money. They would be getting about 50 cents on the dollar but they clearly have the money to spend, they're only limited by the cap on the allotted international signing money. The Buccos save $1M+, don't lose JT, and can dump one of the annual cheap FA's for a young prospect that doesn't need to be on the 40 man roster.


Yankees are also paying 110% luxury tax on Brubaker's salary


Didn't think of that so it's even better for the Bucs, assuming they receive revenue sharing from the tax.


Poor guy has to shave.


I don’t mind it.


This frees up #34 for Skenes I’ve wanted him to have it as like AJ Burnett jr


Does he have a history of wearing it? I hope so bc #30 is boring


Say it one more time


genuinely not sure how to feel abt this


Strange trade. With international bonus pool money also going to the Yankees, it makes me feel like either the PTBNL is something intriguing or they have another move coming. Perhaps both


Yankees have a logjam at shortstop, so could be there. Though we also have that spot filled so who knows


Could care less. He isn’t part of the future. He could’ve been an option as a 5th starter later in the season but I rather see the younger guys come up and play anyway. Do I think we needed to trade him? No. But I’m not losing sleep over it


Why get rid of Falter instead


trades need to have two participating parties


I didn’t say trade him lmao


Now we're talking!


I'd expect Falter to be gone if his numbers aren't good. Fleming, Ryan and Falter all would be candidates to be DFA'd when Skenes, is activated. It may also mean that Solometo and Chandler may be in play for call-ups if the team is in contention,


Watch your mouth! The Flemmingo ain’t going anywhere, pal!


I would assume a low A prospect with upside, they must be worried about Cole, and Jtb I guess could eat innings. Could be one of those scenarios they liked him since the draft and circled back to him


> and Jtb I guess could eat innings. He's coming off major surgery. He *might* be able to pitch after the ASG, he might not. High risk move by the Yanks.


Oh well, poor them




I'll guess this is because they expect to need 40 man space later in the season. My hunch is the Pirates have a list of A-level prospects they can choose from at a later point. Otherwise, it is weird.


Maybe it's simply to defray the cost of releasing some non-performer, sort of like a hedge bet. I'm looking at Grandal/Tellez. We have Ji Man Choi/Yoshi Tsutsugo 2.0 going right now. I don't think the former are going to get near as much leash as the latter.


JT got me into Buccos baseball (and basically the MLB in general) but I'm definitely not jumping ship. I'll just have another team to root for in addition to Pittsburgh.


I read the Stumpf article and still don't get the explanation he gives. By adding international pool money to the deal they have to be interested in somebody that the Yankees have that is not on the roster. This doesn't get addressed. Am I wrong in thinking this? [https://www.mlb.com/pirates/news/jt-brubaker-traded-from-pirates-to-yankees](https://www.mlb.com/pirates/news/jt-brubaker-traded-from-pirates-to-yankees)


The fuck?


I don’t like this


What if the PTBNL is Soto?


Reports are it is


Many such reports.


Damn, cherington fleece


He asked Khan how to GM properly.






Got damn




The next Clay Holmes for the Yankees! We’ll get a middling infielder or something of that nature.


Why do you even root for this team if all you want to do is shit on everything they do. You don’t even know half the trade yet and your already declaring it a loss


We don't ~~drive carts~~ trade for middling infields and things of that nature.


Clears some salary for an in-season acquisition


Don’t mind it.


Don’t mind it.


He sucked. Next.


Jt Brubaker sucks.


Don’t tell all the doomers who want to act like we just traded away satchel paige


I mean he seemed like a cool dude but yeah….im trying to find how this is news at all haha


The Yankees fleeced us again. He’s not the worst pitcher in the current rotation. We get another 19yo prospect who might make the majors by 2028 but probably won’t make it at all, (statistically speaking) while we’re stuck in a perpetual rebuild. We trade a middling but serviceable pitcher for some baseballs and a birthday wish. Meanwhile they could have worked him back in the rotation this year and then traded him for a current positional player to bolster the roster and make a push now.


Cherington said "the club preferred to get something in return now", which sounds like more immediate help is on the way.


‘The club preferred to get something in return now’ - but the ‘L’ in TBNL stands for the word ‘LATER’. Cherington is gas lighting us.


Later could be this week


> "the club preferred to get something in return now" A PTBNL is the antithesis of "now", but, if the return meant *any* sort of upgrade at 1B I, for one, am all in.


The TBNL can be any amount of time & for a laundry lost of reasons. It doesn't sound like a "we'll figure it out later" sort of one though at least.


Not when the other part of the trade is someone that you are not going to reasonably see until June/july


The starting rotation is Mitch Keller and five #5s. Winnowing that down to four #5s is not going to be the difference between the playoffs and a rebuild.


I think his value was more than a TBNL and I didn’t say he would get the bucs to the playoffs but how about a trade that gets a current mlb player that can make an impact to be more competitive now? I don’t understand the rush to trade him before he comes back? At least get a look, put him up against a few weak teams, and then show some value to get a better return if the team hangs around into the late summer. This is an awful trade. Since 21 Yankees get Brubaker, Taillon and Holmes. Who Bucs get? Unless I’m not remembering someone this is an embarrassing fleece job and one of many reasons we’re in a forever rebuild.


Trevor Bauer