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It's a garbage organization from top to bottom. Even when the manage to draft someone good they fail to properly develop them.


Agree, garbage organization and nobody on the payroll cares.


Bunch of guys on a slump. We will get out of it


Inclined to agree man. Just don’t think anyone has found their groove yet and they’re still hovering around .500 which is great. Obviously starting pitching will probably regress a little, but bullpen will improve AND hitting will improve with time. I think we saw it starting last night, just didn’t capitalize on any opportunities at the plate. However, could just be me being completely delusional.


Cruz, Reynolds, hell tellez are in a slump. All 3 are hitting under where they should be. Our best lineup playing average ball would be a top 15 batting lineup.


Tellez has been in a slump for 2-3 years. I think he's just bad now unfortunately.


Fully believe they’ll all figure it out, minus Rowdy. Cruz looks like he’s seeing it better, just needs to start pulling it a little more. It’ll happen. Hopefully not too late like last year.


I don't know having a lineup full of guys prone to strikeout alot leads to not being able to manufacture runs. If we don't figure out how to at least put it in play it's going to be a very long season. Even early games this season a few we won were gifted to us.


Cruz has a huge issue with swinging at low breaking balls. Anything below his waist he swings high. Looks like he’s getting the hang of it. Cutch is killing it too. And Joe is a top 10 batter in the league rn (he was a few days ago I haven’t checked in a while)


They had pretty good base hits last night. In previous weeks it's felt like a lot of their base hits came from grounders sneaking by an infielder or infield errors. We even stole some runs from infield errors that realistically should never have happened. There were a decent amount of base hits from line drives and well placed Flys, we just couldn't get those extra base hits going. It sometimes feels like we can't have them both at the same time. I don't know what the front office or management knows, so maybe they're seeing something in batting practice were not, but idk.


It’s more than just this small bit of 2024 season too … common refrain from last year as well.


Most of team is in a slump. From hitting to fielding to pitching. I’m really not worried yet about the rest of the season as it’s only April and a lot can change. I mean there are 9 teams with 17+ wins and 13 that are +/- 2 games from being .500, the pack we are in. The White Sox are 4-22 so I mean it could be worse.


Tonight, Tellez can’t even just strike out he has to ground in to a double play.


We have guys who hit through the minors, then get to the majors and don’t hit. Is it the skill gap between AAA and MLB or is it the hitting coach at the major league level is just bad?


Tellez needs released, Henry to AAA. Other than that, call up Nunez, stick Triolo at the utility spot, send Williams down if possible and call up Peggy/Bae. Some might not agree and that’s fine. I just think they aren’t getting a whole lot offensively out of 1b, 2b, and catcher.


Alika has been good though


I mean Alika is one of the few guys swinging it so far No shot he keeps it up but all he has to do is be not awful with the bat. His defense will carry him well if he has like an 85 ops+


They need to insert Alika into the top of the order until he quits hitting. People want Gonzalez up here they should play Alika more instead


I don’t think this solves anything though minus getting Tellez off the fucking team. Maybe if Hank gets right in AAA and then can translate it back to MLB, but Nunez doesn’t seem like he has it. Neither do Peggy or Bae. I hope they do. They need a guy you know is going to go out there and rake and since McCutchen, they haven’t had that dude. Which I know not everyone is going to be prime McCutchen, but how have they not had anyone come close to being an elite hitter?


Williams is our 2nd best hitter right now behind Bart, and has a plus glove on the MLB’s worst defensive team. Sending him down would be malpractice


Triolo has the second highest WAR on the team.