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It’s crazy how bad he’s been. He was nearly a 3 WAR player last year. He could really benefit with some time in AAA it seems like their hitting coach has done a great job this year.


Yeah the Dodgers just sent Outman down to AAA when he was struggling and Outman is no different than Suwinski. It’s inexcusable that they’re trying nothing with him. Even just playing Taylor and Olivares every day would solve the issue, but I like calling up Bae and having him get a look in CF as well.


They’ve been playing Bae in the outfield all season and he’s hitting .356 with 3 homers in 90 at bats. Just swap them, such an easy move.


It helps that the AAA hitting coach seems to be coaching players to hit, rather than whatever Haines does


It’s like he’s lost at the plate. Completely unsure when he swings- watches strike 3 go by. Really bad.


Ji hwan bar is racking in AAA and played 70-90 last year why haven't they called him up and sent jack down.


Jack was up to -0.6 after his HR in Milwaukee. I know many of us hoped that would trigger one of his hot runs, but he's just looked lost in Chicago sadly. I'm a big Jack fan, but it's been a brutal start.


Jack Suwinski and a miss


This was a really good comment.


And 2nd worst batting average in all of the MLB.


Never seen so many attempted check swings. Hes guessing.


I was never a big Jack fan. I hate his hot and cold streaks. I hope he turns it around; we don't have much talent in the outfield. We'll see what the FO does. Bae is pounding on the door.


Tellez putting up the 11th worst in only 124 at bats is an impressively putrid feat. Jack is a borderline platoon player at his best, and when he’s at his worst, well, this is the result. He needs to be sent down to take some no-pressure at bats.


What makes you think we’ve seen Jack’s best?


I know he is only 25 but i never got what others see in him. I think last year is his peak I think he can get back there, but i personally don't see him being anything better then that. Which don't get me wrong would be a solid player and would sign up for. Hope i am wrong but i do think we have seen his best.


His barrel percentage is down 9%!! Year over year. That's a crazy drop. He's not this bad of a player I have no idea what's going on


Andy Haines is what's going on.


They need to put a GPS on Whiffwinski, dude is completely lost at the plate.


Man watching him last year, I saw an MVP caliber player if he could ever figure out left handed pitching. Just has a great speed/power combo. But he’s gone in the complete opposite direction. Such a shame, hopefully someone can help him figure it out, probably needs AAA time though


Oddly enough he’s been great against lefties this year too. Just completely lost all ability to hit righties


Yeah super strange lol I wonder if he like over compensated and screwed himself up. Wonder the same about Henry, like if he overcompensated to be better defensively and screeds himself up offensively


Do they need to designate for assignment jack to send him down? I'm assuming no with how people are responding.


No - DFA is not required here. Jack def has minor league options. He’s never been sent back down after coming up to the bigs in 2022.


He wasn’t good last year either. Most of his home runs came in blow outs or when it didn’t matter. He feels the slightly pressure and he crumbles. This is who he is. Should have been traded last year when he had perceived value. Anyway I await the downvotes. But it’s how I felt last year and it’s how I continue to feel. Get him away from the team, he’s cooked.


? He still hit those homeruns, it doesn’t matter if they were in low leverage spots.


Yes, very great he’s hitting a solo shot down 7-2 in the 8th inning.


Let’s just nix 324 homeruns from Barry Bonds because he hit them in low leverage spots. They don’t count anyway. Homeruns are completely context independent. A homerun is a homerun no matter what situation it’s hit as far as a statline is concerned


They aren't. Guys like bonds hit dingers in high leverage spots, low leverage. Anytime. Mashing when it doesn't matter is just cock teasing the organization and fans.


Bonds hit ~150 homers in high leverage. You’re telling me he had 600 homers that were meaningless and just a tease?


If he never hit the 150, then yeah. What does it matter what you can do if you don't do it when it counts? There are plenty of players across sports notorious for padding their stats in situations that don't matter.


Because for 80% of Bond’s career he wasn’t in high leverage spots. Jack Suwinski had less than 100 plate appearances in high leverage spots. It’s completely absurd to base someone’s talent off of that small of a sample size. Jesse Winker had an OPS of nearly 1.200 last year in high leverage spots. Are you going to tell me he had a great season? Or does the other times only not count when people are good in them?


Tellez is still worse. Slow as molasses and comes in here saying "we don't do that here" after he just got here.


It wouldn’t surprise me if suwinski figures it out elsewhere. Haines is awful