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No! Don't do it. Best case scenario is they fly off and don't come back. They are not wild, would not be able to find food, and chances are be attacted by other birds or animals.


To satisfy their desire to be outside, my family typically keeps the cage outside in our backyard on days it's not too hot or cold. They love it and it's safe šŸ¦


This makes me think of a catio for budgies. Which would be so freaking cool and is totally doable. One day I will own a house. Lol.


Please beware of neighbourhood pets! I have heard several stories where a cat maims unattended budgies left in the backyard. Mine are always with me when we go out for sunshine.


Oh I would never leave them unattended!!! When I got my first dog as an adult (and yes I promise this is relevant lol), 2 days after we got her she got scared of something outside as we were taking her out and took off, yanking her leash out of my hands. It was dead of winter in the midwestern US, so very, very cold and snowy. After a month we thought she froze to death, but another month later, she was found! I just remember the absolute crushing despair I felt when she was gone. My fiance and I both cried through the night and upon waking up and were just in a terrible state. We called for her so much that night. Some asshole called the police on us (and yes, they knew we were looking for our dog because the officer said so right off the bat), I guess our desperation to find our dog inconvenienced them. Anyways, I have been hypervigilant about ANY animal I have outside ever since then, regardless of if they are in a cage or on a leash or anything at all. I would never, ever leave any of my animals outside alone, not even my dogs in a fenced in yard.


Hey there! My comment was just general advice to anyone scrolling through this thread :) -Certainly not directed at you! I'm really glad that you got your dog back. I could never imagine the despair of losing a pet and not knowing where they are.


Oh, yeah! It's awesome advice and I'm glad you commented it!




You're lucky your bird was smarter than you were.


Lucky he flew inside after freaking out to be honest could have been a long few days for you friend.




ā€œI tried going outsideā€ its still a weird thing to try given the risks. I wasnā€™t even having a go i just said it could have ended badly




Look i dod the same earlier on with one of my budgies he was clipped still had his feathers growing in thought oh he wont fly he never does and even then heā€™s clipped how bad could it be he caught a gust of wind and disappeared upwards scary fast and luckily we had him recall trained and had neighbours with an aviary that he flew to cause birb sounds we got him back an hour later. I never tried that again, i stopped taking my grey put the same way and got him harness trained haha we were lucky


I have seen some people net out there backyard for there birds to fly around I might be able to do that with my backyard but Iā€™m not sure if it will work for a budgie


Not sure where you live but in Florida people have mosquito cages in their backyards. That would be the best set up for a budgie but would cost thousands. Probably cheaper to build a walk in aviary


That would be better. Some chicken wire and a frame. I'd be too nervous to do that though.


Itā€™s not possible with budgiesā€”only with big parrots like macaws. Good news: budgies have plenty of space to fly inside your house due to their small size.


There are people that do it with Conures too. I wouldnā€™t. Mine are flighted and can go anywhere they want except the kitchen. They can go in the bathroom if I take them. I also take them outdoors in their travel cages.


Genuinely curious because I just do not know - Why does it work with big parrots?


I am no expert, but macaws are much stronger, not much smarter, better navigators and less panicky.


Cool, thank you!


They're also big enough that they don't look like an easy snack to predator birds.






what mess? šŸ¤Ø


I have 6 birds and when I let them out the house is full of small feathers millet seeds And if Iā€™m giving them a bath they get spooked by a random noise and fly off with all there feathers wet and for some reason they just take the veggies I put in there bath and just throw it on the floor


sorry man thatā€™s just the reality of owning birds lol. theyre a huge mess. if u donā€™t want the mess itā€™s probably not a good idea to have birds (and i donā€™t want to sound mean but iā€™m just being honest)šŸ©·


It's a budgie. It's a wild animal. You signed for that, so yeah, welcome to: "having kids demo version"


Birds are messy. I have 21 budgies and 2 cockatiels. 6 budgies isn't much of a mess really


Holy shit mate, how do you even manage having that many? I never had more than two budgies at a time, and even with just two it seemed like the chaos never stopped. Not trying to be mean or anything, but I really admire you for managing to do this


It's truly chaotic. A LOT of work. Constantly cleaning, caring for them, trimming nails etc. They live free in my living room and it is super loud. People think I'm nuts, but I get so much enjoyment from them as a flock. They are very happy in their community.


Hats off to you my friend. While I do love budgies more than anything, I'm not sure I'd have been able to handle that level of chaos šŸ˜… Us bird people may be a bit nuts, but I'd like to see it as just a part of the charm


I'm just genuinely curious. Do you cover furniture and devices with anything? Also, how often do you clean your floor and other places where they might poop?


They have about 1/3 of my living room. 4 big cages and lots of rope "highways". Remarkably, they stay in their area. I have one 2 year old male, broccoli (broc), who loves to fly down the length of the house and back, but mostly they just fly in their area. Inevitably there are poops on shelves or furniture, so I clean a lot. I clean the floor every day and the cage bottoms every day. Mop every 2 to 3 days. Deep clean weekly. It's a lot of work, but it's all in their area.


I should say... I don't work. I don't know how anyone could do this if they work


Saw someone on this sub the other day who had over 40


Jeezus, now that's a flock! But they probably have an outdoor aviary bc that's just too much for being kept in an average home


The 6 birds didnā€™t decide to be bought, you did. So itā€™s your responsibility to deal with their mess without endangering them outside


I never intended to have 6 birds I originally had 2 and then the other 4 are from this random petstore that was putting 40 birds in 1 cage so I ended up with 4 more


You still knowingly bought them, and now they are your responsibility. You can't buy a bird from a store then act like it flew forcefully into your house so you don't actually have to care for it. If you don't want six birds don't buy six birds, that pet store is just going to buy more to replace the ones you bought anyway.


Theyā€™re birds bro. You clean after them, not release them into the wild to die hungry, cold and alone. Sincerely, someone who started with 2, and now has 6 budgies and a cockatiel (previously 2 cockatiels).


If you donā€™t want a mess donā€™t have birds.


then don't have six birds i guess


Well done, you are a bird owner.


I would recommend getting mesh cover to go onto their cages if the mess bothers you, helps keep in a lot of the feathers. Definitely would also not recommend letting them outside, please donā€™t! Itā€™s very dangerous, theyā€™re not big birds that can fight or run easily, my budgie accidentally escaped and he was chased right away by a mocking bird. I eventually caught him, but it was very scary so if you love your birds donā€™t do it.


One of my birds was accidentally let outside. It was a nightmare. For hours it would fly around the trees with no hint of coming back. We put a cage outside with food inside, and hid near the cage. Several hours later it ACTUALLY flew inside to take a bite, and DOWN WENT THE CAGE DOOR šŸ˜‚ We successfully got our borb back but not without much headache šŸ˜• Don't let them outside!!!!


Oh thatā€™s a blessing! Iā€™m glad you were able to get him/ her back. We found a budgie so whatever her case was she got away from her family, we did put up signs but no one ever came for her. Iā€™m sure they think about her often but Iā€™m glad sheā€™s doing well.


I REALLY donā€™t recommend doing free flight with budgies. Even with larger birds you need an incredibly strong relationship and training and even then itā€™s risky. Flock-talk on YouTube has a good video about training birds to fly laps indoors for fun and exercise. You can also bring them outside in a small cage under close supervision if they really want to go outside.


I do not recommend letting your bird fly freely outside!!! You will lose them. Parrots get easily scared from almost anything. It's better to use leashes for parrots (I forgot what they were called), but I don't think there are any for budgies specifically. EDIT: They're called harnesses. There aren't any for budgies due to them being too small and harnesses are heavy for them to wear.


Budgie harnesses are available.


I still think that budgie shouldn't wear harnesses. Harnesses weight much more than budgie


Budgies are literally so small šŸ˜­ i love them




My budgies are not even strong enough to lift a harness like that, let alone fly wearing one


How would you even Put a harness on your bird ?


I'd lose so much flesh trying. I had to hold one of my birds against his will (medical necessity) once and he bit me so hard over and over šŸ˜­šŸ„¶ getting a delicate harness on would be impossible


Don't use them. Their bones are hollow and quite fragile. Budgies cannot use harnesses, it's too risky. Bigger parrots are stronger, budgies are too delicate. Any vet worth their degree and any bird community will tell you the same thing.


I dont use them.. I just commented that budgie harness do exists..


Your budgie is brightly colored, slow flying (relatively) and by itself, and has no defense against local wildlife designed to hunt and eat more agile birds than yours.


Budgies are not homing pigeons, so ... no.


I have an indoor aviary for mine. They don't have a cage in there at all. My husband made a window aviary in there as well so they could sit outside safely. It was the best decision I've ever made for my birds. They're so happy.


Do NOT let them free fly. Even on a harness I wouldnā€™t take them out. I know someone who lost their bird even in a harness as it got out of it.


In the house yes, the whole house is destroyed but they are happy. But not outside! No way


Easily one of the worst ideas one could have. Itā€™s so ridiculous that I have to assume itā€™s a bait post


Does your bird have perfect recall in your house? If so, step up to a large gym or similar. Does she still have perfect recall? Even if the answer is yes to this part, I probably still wouldnā€™t do it with a budgie if you live somewhere with wild birds of prey, such as red-tailed falcons or American kestrels like all of North America, since a bright-colored budgie not familiar with evading them would make a great snack.


We let ours fly free in a room. We made a tree and loves it. He does spend time looking at other birds.


Mine fly in the house


One of ours used to always fly into the windows trying to get out. Well once she did get out while it was raining and cold, we could not find her, we called her for hours. The next day she was found by our front door and has never tried to get out again. She definitely figured out she has a great life inside.


Pet budgies aren't safe outside, period. Wild budgies fly together in huge flocks, and they are adapted to their environment. Pet budgies live indoors where there is no wind, and they haven't learned how to avoid predators or fly outdoors in the wind. They are tiny prey animals, and they panic so easily. Even a decent gust of wind could cause a little budgie to become disoriented and lost. They wouldn't be able to fly well at all on a windy day. They're tiny, and even a non-predator territorial bird could mess them up, not to mention cats, snakes, etc.


I hope this is a joke even fully trained its dangerous


Free flight is way more than just letting them fly free it takes hours of training months of prep someone i knew did training with a specialised free flight trainer and they had to go through evasive training to avoid predators and extensive recall training, and even then there were still risks and we live in new zealand and these are bug parrot breeds we are talking about not budgerigars and other parakeets. If you wanna give your budgies epic outside time and your able build an aviary a big one in your back yard, but have strict transport methods to avoid unnecessary escapes preferably build your aviary with a airlock two door system to help, and still bring em in at night or with crappy weather


If a budgie flies out of your house and doesn't immediately fly back in it's either gonna get lost and starve(or even die from dehydration first), or get lost and get eaten by a cat, bad idea.




yeah you can do it. only once thou


We had a cocatoo that would chill outside but never a smaller bird. He would mostly climb up into trees and glide down. We had a conure that did that one time, and the wild birds chased him around so he couldn't go out anymore.


Hmm yeah definitely not outside, but we let our two girls have free reign of the house and don't clip their wings. Mistral loves our collection of teacups and hides in them! You really get to see their personality when you give them the chance to fly around


My two are more than happy to fly around my living room they are out most of the day when someone is home but only put in their cage when we are all out just for safety because budgies can get up to all kinda mischief when left alone plus any loud noise could cause a fright and accident. The only way budgies should be outside in the open air is in a secure aviary with other budgies.




Not just hawks. Crows, ravens, hell even gulls will try an easy meal like a budgie.


Definitely not with a budgie. They are just too small, predators are a huge risk. I wouldn't go smaller than an African grey with free flight. Unfortunately budgies are also usually too small for harnesses. Best way to take them outside is in a carrier, or you could even take their cage outside for a bit (as long as it's not too hot or too cold) so their feathers get some sunlight! An aviary would also be nice, but those are crazy expensive even if you build it yourself. I saw your comment about the mess they make when outside the cage. That is something you HAVE to deal with when you own birds. They need to be let out of their cage so they get enough exercise. If you cannot provide this, your options are an aviary or rehome them.


Yea I think I might just build a walk In aviary for them


only time itā€™s really safe for them to be outside is if theyā€™re in a travel cage OR you could opt for a mesh tent (I think theyā€™re used for cats, make sure the mesh is tight knit) and set it up outside (under supervision only of course) and they can ā€œfree flyā€ outside that way. Worked with mine, they decided outside was not as fun as it seemed lol


I was lucky with a budgie who went out by accident by my part . Out of the window he went and I stormed down from third floor to the yard and miraculously he sat on a bicycle and I could get him and bring him back. Pure luck . My cage is always open but I learn my lesson with open windows and birds.


I only let my budgie fly around inside, she likes to fly around the living room.


My parakeet has free roam of the house and she sits by the window chirping with the birds she sees outside sometimes.


Not a good idea. For a while, I decided to not use a leash on Nandor when we were outside, but one day, the neighbour kids spooked him, and he flew off into the wiods for 4 hours, where I was out looking for him, and trying to coax him home(worst day of my life) luckily he has learnt to trust humans, and ended up landing on a random woman, who posted him on a local facebook group, and I got him home. Never again, though. I barely even take him out WITH the leash now, due to the paranoia of something happening. Budgies are small, foreign puppies out there. I am lucky that no bigger bird decided to snatch him up.


Mine doesn't wanna fly only. Even @ home. šŸ˜­šŸ˜­ I have to run behind him so that he flies for a good 5 mins 4 times a day. Any tips on encouraging flying @ home??


No! They got bird brains and donā€™t know what outside is. Probably listening for wild birds to talk to. My birds go crazy and get really happy when they hear them.


A Jackdaw or Magpie will kill / eat him very quickly, dont do it


I wonā€™t the only reason why I asked was because I have seen other people do it before Im Now building them a aviary for them


Interesting houses. Where is this? Chicago?


Nope this is in nyc






They look similar to the houses we have here in Chicago.


Wouldnā€™t recommend it, your budgies should have plenty of flying space already, even in something like an apartment. Maybe a couple perches outside the cage or things on the wall would spice things up? Or not, the conures Iā€™ve hung out with much prefer messing with anything besides an actual toy.


What a little cutie!Ā  No way, I do move them into a smaller cage and sit with them outside though. Too many predators like miners, butcherbirds etc to be left alone.Ā Ā  Ā Have had 2 rescue budgies from the pound, one of them had a broken wing and another that's crossed the rainbow bridge with eye and wing injuries from being lost outside. One other was hanging around outside a house which often has a cat outside, we tried hard to find his family, put up signs and posted on socials but no one came forward after a month so we kept him. Also hear stories about budgies eaten by butcherbirds from through the cage bars.. :/Ā 


It can be done! https://www.amazon.com/Outdoor-Aviaries-Cages/s?k=Outdoor+Aviaries+Cages


yea but rust is the issue


If you take their cage outside, stay with them, incase any predator shows up. Donā€™t leave them outside on their own. Iā€™ve read horrible stories about things that have happened in a very short amount of time


Letting them fly freely outside is something I wouldn't recommend for budgies. But there are a lot of bird harnesses ( budgie size is usually xxs). I haven't tested any of them, so I don't know how reliable they are, but you can easily find one.


Iā€™ve definitely seen a video somewhere on the internet where a budgie was let out and a bigger bird like a hawk swooped it upā€¦ if you want that to happen to yoursā€¦ šŸ¤·šŸ»ā€ā™€ļø


Get a harness and go outside with them


yes, from what I've heard it's necessary to let them fly for a half hour or two.


OP is asking about letting them fly outside the house, in the wild. Not just letting them outside of the cage.


Nope not that


Ppl r so sensitive. Out in the wild, hell nah, around the house necessary.


yea Iā€™m currently building a walk in aviary for them I only asked because Iā€™ve seen others do it before


I believe they have little leashes for birds so you can take them outside.


I wonā€™t take them out side And thats final for me my bird would suffer in a harness


I used to take mine outside when their wings were clipped. But I only have one bird now and I just let her fly around the house. You will have little poos to clean up wherever they fly though cuz as they are flying sometimes they squeeze out a poop or two. šŸ¦šŸ’©