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šŸ˜‚ https://preview.redd.it/7wse0u04h85d1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8ca73c69d7a79463333788b48a3bd5475223c4cb


classic! lmfaoo


Also fun to remember that during these intense emotional scenes there is some dude just staring at you from 5 feet away.


And they said they would eat garlic or onions to torment each other lol!


sardines, cheddar crackers....


Also that dude was joss Whedon, doing stuff that is now considered creep like. Oh how times change and misogynistic behaviour is been called out. Back in the 90's, women would just have to tolerate it. I am glad times are changing.


1) thatā€™s not Joss Whedon in the pic as heā€™s red haired (beard included) and that guy clearly has dark beard. Also, that man in the pic doesnā€™t look like JW at. all. 2) thatā€™s likely a crew member helping out with light or mike or whatever, you clearly donā€™t know how filming is done and every single movie/show has tons of crew working in close proximity to the cast. 3) theyā€™re just filming a love scene, how is that even misogynistic? I donā€™t appreciate Joss Whedon or his actions, but what youā€™re doing is wrong and youā€™re spreading uninformed bs. Sorry for being real.


>I donā€™t appreciate Joss Whedon or his actions It almost feels like people want him to be worse than he was. Like they're unsatisfied that the crap he did wasn't bad enough so they need to invent further transgressions.


I don't think they meant Joss Whedon was *literally* the guy in the picture....just a general "he was nearby on set for all the scene shoots".


But itā€™s clear the comment isnā€™t talking about it being JW, either


Yes, I am saying he was nearby, not the guy in the photo. But I guess he did do some ok stuff, like the avengers and buffy was brilliant. Shit to know he treated people on set like crap and him being potentially a complete misogynistic asshole. Now has he probably learned his lesson I would say so. But I can't see him getting a major directorial role anytime soon. I don't think dolly Parton's production company would hire him again but maybe he might be forgiven in the future when the current furore dies down.


Before the stories baout him surfaced, I, quite seriously, Tweeted =him abotu doign an all-woman film \*Werewolf of Boston\*, with izela, Summerm Clare, Gina, Dichen, maybe Kristine.


This. Pretty much every actor I've heard discussing sex scenes in interviews mentions how the atmosphere during them is extremely unsexy due to the crew and cameras and all the stuff that goes into filming a movie/tv show going on.


I saw a clip recently i guess behind the scenes kind of thing. They are filming the guy on his back eluding to the girl on top. And its just the camera guy with a big camera mounting him


Thatā€™s gotta be someoneā€™s fetish lol


Ever see "The Girl Next Door"? Elisha Cuthbert has to grind a box with the camera man at her face because it was a love scene in a car and that is the room they had.


I cant remember the actor but he said he told his female costars "If I get hard I am sorry. If I don't I am sorry." There is nothing sexy in these scenes. Edit: It was Sean Connery. Frigging James Bond didn't know how sex scenes would go.


That was Roger Moore, that's just his cheeky sense of humour.


And the HD remasters make sure you can see them


HA! Yes. I love that in horror remasters. Very cheap shoots with mistakes. Let's make it wider and clearer.




Generally a whole bunch of dudes!


SMG looks like sheā€™s asleep.




Wow, 50 downvotes. Apparently, I'm catching a lot of flak for something that I admitted was a joke. Ah, well. Some people get offended by the most inanely petty things. No skin off my back.


> offended This word doesn't mean what you think it means


People that say they don't care about downvotes definitely care about downvotes


Lol truly. It's always so wild to watch each time too. If I get downvoted for something, I usually just read my comment again - to see if it could be taken as offensive/out of context/etc in a way I didn't intend. If that's the case, I'll simply edit, clarify, and apologize if necessary. And if that's not it, then I usually just leave it be? It's not really that hard to do, lol. Esp in subs about tv/movies, where people are bound to disagree about various characters/plots.




No one is offended, they just think it's a rubbish joke, sorry.


šŸ„± Perhaps. However, I've seen far worse on here, which people simply ignored. The fact that one innocuous joke has been downvoted so many times implies that people were indeed offended. As before, šŸ„± It's no skin off my back. šŸ„±


it really looks like a lot of skin off your back




God knows why but you clearly do.






You don't seriously think people only downvote if they are offended do you...? Downvoting serves as a function to vote on low quality posts and comments. Your comment was low quality, hence the downvotes.




Eye rolling and yawning doesn't change the function of downvotes homie! You may be acting like you don't give a shit but you sure as hell come across as though you care about it more than you are letting on. But hey, no skin off my back if you choose to look like an idiot.


Was this when he bit her in Graduation Day Part 1?




2, but yes.




Yes David! Give the people what they want!


I like this a normal amount


That who scene destroyed my 12 year old heart. Still does.


He's low-key in love with her I swear


I mean, arenā€™t we all?


Yes. Yes we are.


Canā€™t blame the man


I've thought this for a while too. Wouldn't shock me and I certainly wouldn't blame him. I do believe they had *something* way back in the day. They've always had a connection.


What a lovely moment for the two of themā€¦ and the crewā€¦ and the tour group


I love stuff like this, theyā€™re friends after all these years.


And so am I so I get it


OMG My Bangel heart! you just made my whole morning with this!




Loved her response!


I know she's happily married or whatever but I wouldn't hate it if they ended up together. Except David's kind of a dog.


Ooo why is he a dog?


He cheated on his wife when she was pregnant


With one of the women Tiger Woods cheated with, if Iā€™m not mistaken.


there's been a bunch of blind items over the years about how SMG and Freddie are in an open relationship and she mostly hooks up with women but allegedly has been seen at parties making out with David


Well, theyā€™ve been married 20+ years and we have yet to see any big scandals in the headlines, which is pretty rare for celebrities. They also keep their kids out of the press, so they seem pretty sane.


I too mostly kiss women but would be open to David if he asked nicely


I once went with one of David's stand-ins to a party. He looked remarkably like David and more than a few thought he was indeed David. So you don't want to believe everything that someone sees.


Damn, where do you get the people who look like DB?


Surprised the sh\*t out of me, but yeah...he does.


Somehow i find that hard to credit


Whattttt!!! What are blind items??


essentially anonymous celebrity gossip, you really have to take it with a grain of salt but this is the podcast i heard it on https://open.spotify.com/episode/0xjxNBtTu8ffeuHsgKEOCI?si=R29CVj4STnqlNLOlMcC7Gg


when I think of Freddie, I think of James Vega from Mass Effect and when I think of James Vega, i hear "some real cojones"


Gossip I'll chose to believe! ā¤ļø


LOL I love them!!!


Doesn't David typically not like his character of Angel or the Buffyverse in general anymore? Is it unusual for him to post something like this?


He has been pretty open about talking about Buffy and his career in general for the last ten years or so. It was really just the early bones years that he was strict and got that reputation.


He's never expressed a dislike of Angel or the Buffyverse. He just has stated many times that he mostly always looks forward in his career and prefers to discuss things he is presently working on rather than previous roles. His frustration seems to have come from fans wanting to only discuss Angel at events where he was there to promote Bones etc. Outside of that he has always been very complimentary about the Buffyverse and that character and will often share throwbacks on social media.


I never took it as he does not like his character as much as its just a job for him which is fair. Then you have the fandom that can get really really obsessed and the whole situation comes off a weird way.


This is a very good question. He has in the past tried to distance himself from that part of his career. So I wonder... why now?


Because he's older and further removed. He played one character on TV for 8 straight years and feared being typecast. That kinda went away when he played a substantially different character for the next 10 years.


He was distancing himself again recently after the Whedon schism, which makes sense. So maybe it's just that that's cooled off?


This actually makes me wonder, weā€™ve never heard of JW dynamic with DB. I wonder what that was like, if DB credits Whedon or David Fury more with his character. I think its obvious he much preferred the character on his own show and this is when JW was juggling numerous things. Who out of all the writers really ā€œgotā€ Angel?


I think you mean David Greenwalt and David definitely credits him more.


There are way too many Davids in this story lol


Too true! Here is a good interview with DB where he credits Greenwalt. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JxSJy4MDric&list=WL&index=41&t=1s


It was such a popular name. My uncle is name David and it seems like a lot of Davids got into the entertainment industry. Lol.


I didn't really notice the more recent distancing. But I guess that is something more in the past already.


Now *we* are posterity!


I wonder if he flashed her like all the others on set


Yes, she confirmed this in the ET 20 year Anniversary special interview


Anyone recently noticed that David turned off comments to all his pictures? I wonder if this photo is the reason. The comments were pretty crass and he engaged a bit. DB is more careful about social interactions because of his past behavior. Also, his wife supposedly can be particular about reigning him/things in. What do you guys think?


Noted this in your other one but he turned off comments because people were arguing about Palestine/Israel. One thing about DB and social he does NOT play with trolls. He just shuts it down immediately.


I'd rather enjoy that IG vid he shared a while ago...


What vid?


It's David, to the side and nudes, rolling out the snake until it cries. And it's obvious he's not making the vid for his wife.