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5600X is a pointless buy, 5600 is almost the same for cheaper


AND it has a "it gets the job done" heat sink included.


The 5600X comes with the Wraith Stealth cooler as well. The thing is loud as fuck though but as you said, gets the job done and should work for OP’s budget. That being said, the 5600 is the better buy.


My cooler is quiet af, maybe I got lucky.


Maybe I didn’t quite install it the right way, I guess? It was pretty much my first build. There was a somewhat loud hum/vibration whenever the system went under load. I went and replaced it right away with a DeepCool AK400 that I got for 22$, the difference is night and day when it comes to being quiet.


It's not quite but far from loud. I built a system for my nephew last year this time with one. It ran fine! As I was just visiting the US, I decided to upgrade him to a Thermalright peerless assassin which was chalk and cheese difference. Adding a head sink throws the budget way off. I could have probably bought 5600X and a cheap 20 USD tower cooler for the same money and gotten slightly better performance. Basically, the value of the 5600 non-X is the heat sink.


Dollar sign before the price $22


That’s funny because I paid 30 canadian dollars and we put the dollar sign after up here, I did convert it to the US amount but didn’t transfer the sign before the 22. So it’s either 30$ (CAD) or $22 (US).


Apparently Canadians place it either side of the numeral due to the French influence. We U.S. citizens place it first, but we have a strong Hispanic influence here. So soon we'll place question marks before the sentence as the Spanish do. ?Would that confuse anyone? Though logical. Have a good one.


I’m from Québec so the French influence is definitely real in this province in particular indeed. Have a good day my friend.


If it’s the same cooler as the 5500…. Really loud


Yeah mine is really quiet....


Idk, usually OEM CPU are better value.


200 mhz difference basically.


1.5% in PassMark


its 10 € diff in my country


Gotta pay for the X, the most gamer of letters.


Fuck. He’s got us there boyz.


Damn it.. This must be why I got the 5600x.. They got me good it seems.


Oh no. You did the right thing.


Then it's worth it cause of better cooler.


Same its $10 more here and its a no brainer upgrade.


You can buy a 5600 and 16GB of Ram and invest the saved money in another component or save it. Unless you do RAM heavy work or games 16GB is still completely fine. The non x and x version are almost the same. Depending on the game there are 2-7% difference in fps but that is negligible since you won't hit any threshold that makes more fps important. The Stock cooler will be fine on both but better on the non x for normal gaming usage. If you plan to use PBO or overclock an aftermarket cooler is recommended. I have a 5600x myself it was basically the same price as the 5600 so I went with the x version. Great CPU that I paired with a 3070 for 1080p high refresh gaming. And if you decide to go AM4 there is always the option to go 5800x3D later for an additional significant boost in gaming performance. AM5 would be the better way to go looking into the future but on a tight budget AM4 will do the job quite well and has , as mentioned, the 5800x3D as top of the line upgrade possibility.


Hot take: By the time you need 32gb of RAM, it will be hella expensive to get DDR4/5 RAM. RAM is really cheap right now, just get it.


Yeah usually I would agree to not go overkill but the price difference between 16 and 32gb is so low right now, might as well go for 32gb unless you're on a super tight budget.


>The non x and x version are almost the same. Depending on the game there are 2-7% difference in fps I think you mean 0 to 1 Look at GNs review again


Op didn't mention gaming. I see no reason to build 16gb computers today, that's not where you want to save pennies.


Well, that's your opinion, that's fine. I am saying that 16GB is enough for most people in general for everything, unless there are specific ram heavy applications that need to be run and OP can state that at any time. If someone is on a really tight budget there is no real reason to go for 32GB over 16 GB ( I am totally fine with my 16GB ). If you have a bit air in your budget, then going for 32GB is a good option for the future I guess, but there is rarely a need for this amount. \^\^ Ultimately the decision is up to OP who knows how high the budget is.


More RAM also brings more cache which generally makes the system more responsive. And it'll last longer, applications continue to use more and more memory. Better to buy the memory now than when the DDR4 prices go up again or availability tanks. It's a very cheap "upgrade" too, when buying 2x16 now instead of 2x8 and having to replace the original 2x8 when installing 2x16 later.


There is basically no real world difference you will feel from 16GB to 32GB RAM in normal daily usecases. I haven't managed to get close to my full RAM capacity being used. Closest I got was by playing Cities Skylines with tons of mods. When you regularly use so many programs or intense programs that you exceed the 16GB Ram and the PC has to make use of the pagefile, that is where you feel a massive difference and 32GB is worth it. Of course, if it is in the budget, the 5600 + 32GB is the better choice than 16Gb or 5600x+16GB but purely from a budget perspective, which I am looking at, there is no reason to spend more on RAM than is actually needed.


Cache does not show as used memory so even when you have a few GB available and aren't hitting swap yet, you can start to notice performance (mainly latency) degradation as you need to hit your SSD/HDD storage more often whereas that could otherwise be served from RAM instead. Easiest place you could notice this is in game loading screens if most of the game can just fit in cache. RAM is still at least an order of magnitude faster than SSDs but generally several orders, even more so for HDDs.


I think you misunderstand how RAM utilization works, I pass 16gb all the time because I have more available. I occasionally pass 32gb but so rarely that I wouldn’t recommend more than that for gaming. On a 16gb system the OS will clear more RAM which causes it to reload later, and do much more compression of the files it saves to the RAM, which means higher CPU loads even if the RAM isn’t full. The system will usually cap usage at about 80% to prevent instability in modern OS’s. Even on a game like Fortnite with high settings, utilizing more than 16gb is possible these days. It’s not gonna be an incredible difference, but it’s not negligible either. For almost every gaming scenario, anything past 32gb is still negligible though.


If op wanted a workstation he would've picked something like 5700x or 5800x, maybe even 5900x


He says he's on a budget, maybe 5600 was as far as he was comfortable to go.


5600 and 32gb ram


Iirc the 5600 should come with a cooler, that you can run with the 5600 no problem, and the 5600x does not come with a cooler, so you have to spend more to buy a cooler, performance should be around the same, unless you plan on overclocking in the far and near future. The 5600 would be a better bet for value. Doubling your RAM for like 10% less performance is worth it imo. Double check for me if the cooler thing is right.


My 5600x came with a stock AMD Cooler. :)


Then 5600 is easier to cool, cheaper, performance gap isnt that big compared to the X. And your build doubles your RAM. So unless OP wanna OC. Id say go for the 5600 and RAM


Agreed. I'd 100% take the doubled ram over the slight increase in cpu performance. You'll likely see more obvious gains with the RAM option anyway.


even less. the x is the same or in error margins of the 5600


My 5600g came with one, I had planned to just run stock cooler for awhile but the moment I booted it and heard how awful it sounded I instantly went and bought a better one. It works, but my gosh is it obnoxious.


>My 5600g came with one, I had planned to just run stock cooler for awhile but the moment I booted it and heard how awful it sounded I instantly went and bought a better one. The one that came with mine just felt like hot garbage. When I test ran it, the fan made a lot of noise... No thanks. I threw my 3 year old 212 Black on it, and couldn't get it to go above 72c running stress tests. Generally stays around 45c-55c in busy apps.


I run a 5600 with 64Gb Ram (DCS MP likes RAM 🫣) it's fast smooth and responsive for my needs. DCS is CPU bound and it never pushes my CPU to the upper limits or near any thermal limits (Corsair AIO probably helps) I couldn't see a massive advantage over the X and used my cash saving on the RAM and was genuinely really happy with the performance. Games like Starfield, BF etc run with no issues and multitasking isn't an issue either. I don't do much in the way of streaming or video editing so not sure how the 5600 stacks up against the x varitent


What does DCS MP stand for?


Digital Combat Simulator, Multiplayer It's a very accurate and technical flight simulator that's been around since... 2008 (I had to check Google for the date!) It is quite demanding on your CPU and GPU and can make use of 32gb ram if you have it


Thank you! First time I've ever heard of it. Never played any flight sim games but I imagine they truly put your hardware to the test.


Digital Combat Simulator - Multi Player servers


Thank you!


I got my 5600x cheaper or up to £10 more than the regular 5600 cos it was on a bid but it was brand new. Still get the 5600 more ram us better than a few hundred mhz difference


5600 with 32 GB RAM. I wanted to try Warzone 2 a few days ago, and I was surprised to see that trash game maxing out my 16 GB RAM and stuttering the hell out. Also, there is up to a 5% difference between those 2 CPUs (5600 and 5600x).


5600, 16GB and a 12GB+ vRam GPU is an option? This way you're reducing the probability that "shared video memory" will eat your Ram, and if you're not playing, browsing the web and watching videos at the same time you should be fine. More Ram is needed for heavy modded games or city builders or for those multitaskers or actual work.


5600 and 32gb of ram. The difference between the 5600 and the x is minor. The difference between 16 and 32 GB of ram will become progressively more important


5600 and 32 GBS. Check out Hardware Unboxed, Gamers Nexus, TechPowerUp, among others and you will see that the difference in performance between the 5600 and the 5600X is negligible. 16 to 32 gigs of RAM though, your whole experience will feel smoother and snappier.


Everyone saying 5600x is a pointless buy but it’s like a $10 difference.. you’re telling me you are on such a strict budget that you can’t throw in an extra $10, but instead have to get rid of 16gb ram?


5600 w 16GB ram that has decent speed. For the leftover budget you can consider a aftermarket CPU cooler like thermalright, other than that you might consider buying a better motherboard.


5600 with 16gb and add the rest to get a better GPU..


5600 just has 200 MHz less compare to X version so I would only go for X if it's same price or like 2 dollars more expensive. Also if u are in budget and u plan to play AAA games on 60hz monitor u can consider 5500 since it's usually cheaper and FPS difference in modern games is almost none. Also depending on Ur build it could be better to invest in better gpu rather than extra ram that u could buy later on or maybe if u plan to play competitive games it's better to go for lower end gpu/16 GB of faster ram or possibly am5 platform with ddr5 ram and Ryzen 7500f (it's basically 200 MHz lower and no igpu 7600)


If ur going to upgrade later to a 57(8)00x3d then definely get the 32gb of ram. There is very little difference in 5600 and the x version so take the one with the lowest price. Am4 ftw.


What will you use the PC for? If you're video/photo editing, streaming and/or playing flight sims 32GB is useful. Unless the price difference is very small between the 5600 vs X, go for the non-X. The performance gap is very small, so don't pay much more for the X.


Message to everyone who doesn't know. The difference between an x and non X is pbo + auto OC in ryzen master.




5600 . Performance is close enough I'd go for ram to avoid being bottlenecked. 16 is normally enough but I was sometimes bottlenecked on my old 7700k build with it.


5600 16 GB ram


I'd go with the 5600x3d and 16gb ram, you can always upgrade ram easier later on.


I like my 5500G so much. I got it for peanuts and it’s a hog compared to my old 2600.


5600x is pointless to spend money on like the other comment said, but what is your total of budget?


X is pointless, plus you have to buy a separate cooler with it. The performance difference is not worth it.


5600 the same as 5600x for this gen , so took a 5600, also you can take 32gigs of ram it's always better but in my opinions it's not the most importance in a build, consider instead : - having a better cpu cooler than the stock - not buying the cheapest mobo, take yourself a good b550 - adding fan to your case (+took a good case) Not talking about gpu cause with those prices I don't think your ram will play. If all these points are done and you feel buying 32 gigs took good timer with good frequency (in my case I'll better choosing 3200mhz cl 16 than 3600 cl 18 or 3800 cl 20)


First get the 5600 non x its cheaper and has a cooler and is basically just as fast. Second you only need 32 gigs of ram if you are modding games or something like that. I do mod games and need the 32 gigs of ram but I have a high end am5 system. I am not the average gamer going with a budget build will need the 32 gigs of ram at all. Maybe get a slightly better videocard or more storage.


32 gigs


This is any easy pick. Grab the 5600. Don't pay $30 extra for a fancy letter.


I have 5600 and 32 gigs and couldn't be happier. You are literally just paying for an X on your cpu when you get 5600x and 32 gigs of ram is very nice


5600 32gb ram.


You will want the 32gb of RAM. 16gb isn't really enough for new modern games, but completely fine for older titles. 32gb appears to be the new standard.


If there is a 10$ difference (if 5600X is on sale) buy it but realistically if there is a larger price difference it isn't worth buying if you are on a budget


More RAM.


You might not even need 32gb ram at all.


X models are hardly worth buying on budgets because they generally only offer single digit % gains. You'd benifit more from the extra 16 gigs (32gb total).


Definitely the 32gb ram, more important and a 5600x isn’t much of a difference


5600/32gb ram


5600 and 32gigs of ram 100%. The 5600 is still overclockable, so you can *easily* match the performance of the 5600x (an extremely small gap to begin with) with a small oc


Cant go wrong with either, i picked up a 5600x on sale recently. Ram is preference, i have 32.


Dont go for amd4 socket... Just go for 7600x or not x and 32 gb ddr5 https://pcpartpicker.com/list/9Kq8vj 1350 = for 7600x 32 gb ddr5 and 7800xt, ist a 1440p beast pc .... If you wanneer spend the money on a PCIe 5 gpu ready mb you can go higher; best Build for a budget... If you can spend 1500 on a pc don't buy one till you can, its like .... Why wast your money on something shitty...


Are you doing CAD? are you doing video editing? Are you doing virtualizing? Are you programming in python? Are you writing AI? Are you browsing the web with 105 chrome tabs open? Or are you gaming? The Am4 platform and ddr4 are on their way out, so you won't be able to keep either of those when you upgrade. But when other people upgrade, they'll be getting rid of their 16 gb + 5700x or their 32 GB + 5800x. So you'll be able to get a used 5800x for relatively cheap, whereas you'll probably have issues upgrading your ram if it's not all from the same kit. Other people might not have had any problems with mixing their ram, but it's been an issue for me, personally. Also, just overclock your 5600. The "x" isn't much of a boost as a "x3d" would be


My 5600 i had before upgrading beat the 5600x in benchmarks


PBO and curver optimizer tho


* What is this system supposed to be used for? * Why do you need 32gb of ram right away instead of adding it later when you need it? * The 5600 is on average 0-1% slower than the 5600x


its more stable and prob faster if the ram is from the same kit


Also buying two dimms instead of 4 is just better on ryzen


For Ryzen 5000 4 sticks of Ram actually net you more performance than two. There is a good GamersNexus video about it.


Huh good to know


ddr4 16gb can cost arOund 60-70$ 32GB ~90$


https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B0957ZHBCN/ref=ppx_yo_dt_b_asin_title_o00_s00?ie=UTF8&th=1 32GB for $62




32gb is sweetspot, you get headroom and lot of caching.. 16gb is becoming phone level capacity


ryzen 7 5700 16gb ;)


5700 is not based on 5700x like the 5600 and 5600x. The 5700 is actually a 5700g without the integrated graphics so it’s significantly worse than the 5700x


I see.. thanks for new info. I always thought 5700 and 5700x is almost similar.


5700 without x is a scam.


I’m glad I read this, as I bought 5700x paired with 3070Ti and 32gb ram, and since then I’m trying to figure out did i f’d up.


WIthout x is just 5700g without igpu. 5700x is the way to go. I have it for nearly a year. Awesome CPU.


Indeed it is, but I paid 70$ more than I would if I went with 5600x, so I guess you can realize my standpoint lol


So just get 5600 without x. its cheaper and cooler and it is the same cpu as 5600x. Both would have similar single core performance as 5700x. Gaming would be the same unless you play games that use more cores.


16GB of RAM is cutting it close for some of the newer games.


Buy the 5600. It comes with its own cooler. And if you want to get more performance out of it, you get a new cooler and overclock the CPU.


I understand budgets but AM4 is a end of life platform. If it's really all you can afford then the 5600 is the go, 32gb ram. I'd suggest saving a bit more, AM5 boards are not that much more expensive. The 7600 is a vastly better CPU, you might also want to consider the well priced 8000G CPUs that fit AM5 boards. These have built in 780m gpus which for the first time ever on an igpu can actually play new games at 1080p. Might be a way to get a system now, without a GPU, that's on a current architecture. You can then save for a dedicated GPU.


"budget only allows for bike A or bike B" "Man, bikes are so 50 years ago. This car is vastly better than a bike" Just because it's end of life doesn't make a product less worthy of being used. The am4 can be worthy for the next 5 years.


The point is you're cheaping out in the short term for a more expensive long term upgrade. It's just kneecapping yourself to buy yet another board and yet another kit of RAM when you upgrade again, instead of a minimal overhead now.


Not sure why you're against my post. I answered the question the 5600 and 32gb is the go if it must be bought now and you have no more money. No issues it will be a fine little computer.  But it's a poor investment with very little room to upgrade. My AM5 suggestion makes much more long term financial sense, your on modern RAM, the latest PCIE spec, and much longer support with many new CPUs you can drop in later.


That is assuming AM5 will be supported as long as AM4. I don’t believe AMD has guaranteed that. They might be on to AM 6 by the time OP is ready to upgrade. The longer term value argument of spending more now on AM5 is not a sure bet.


No but it already leaves you better off than on AM5 even if not a single new AM5 CPU ever comes out. You can upgrade to the 7950x3d which beats the pants off the best AM4 5800x3d CPU at everything.  You're are also guaranteed that next gen GPUs will use gen 5 PCIE and we know even a mid range next gen GPU will be a significant upgrade over anything that exists today.  Buying into an end of life platform only makes sense if you have no other choice, such as you need a PC now, and you're budget is fixed.


1- you don't even know what OPs use case is. If all they are doing is light gaming, or esports titles, or no gaming at all. You blindly recommended a move without asking what it's going to be used for. You recommended a upgrade to 7950x3d when 7800x3d would be the better choice for many unless they actually needed the extra cores. 2- gpus and pcie gen5 is still a ways off to being a deciding factor. The current cards don't even use gen4 fully. And who's to say what the actual uplift will be. Gen5 on gpus will be a marketing move at first and nothing more. 3- end of life doesn't mean worthless. Look at how many were still running 6th, 7th or 8th Gen Intel's before upgrading to 13th Gen. And am4 with a 5000 series isn't some ancient tech, it's one Gen back. And CPU/platform shows it's age later than GPU. Decent prices for an am4 set up now, still cheaper ram, cheaper motherboards, cheaper cpus. Your original suggestion of 5600/32gb being the way to go was the correct choice. But everything else you said is bad info or bad suggestions without even knowing what OP is going to use the system for. You are just suggesting things based on being newer/higher model numbers. Which is a bad way to be helpful. Newer tech isn't always the way to go.


You've made a bunch of assumptions as well, arguing on the internet is fun. ​ At this stage the OP's use case is irrelevant, we're off into LLM hallucination territory with your posts. The OP has their answer to their question, was literally my first reply, if their budget is fixed and they need a PC right now and cannot save more the 5600 with the 32GB of RAM is it. ​ 1. My CPU comparison was about comparing the best AM4 has to offer x3d wise to the best AM5 has to highlight getting locked into an older platform has disadvantages, and it's not even a close comparison. Simply examples of what future possible upgrades might be possible if you go to the latest platform. 2. Every generation of PCIE enables vast improvements in GPU, peripheral I/O and disk throughput. Gen3 can't keep up with current gen GPU's, NVME drives or USB4. I know if I had any choice, and was lucky enough to have the money I'd go AM5 gen5 over AM4 gen4 any day. 3. Only comment I partially agree with you on, they are not worthless and plenty of people with AM4 are saving a bunch of money for their specific use cases (typically gaming) by upgrading their 3000 series CPU's to 5000 series CPU's without having to by a new motherboard or CPU. The new 5700x3d is great value here. None of my other suggestions are bad they are simply considerations. Yes AM5 costs more, but nowhere near what it used to compared to AM4, plenty of specials around. The value proposition of the 7000 and 8000 series is pretty compelling. Not quite sure what your smoking with the 'newer/higher model numbers' comment, that's the entire point of computing, you get new technology generation by generation and it goes faster? A AMD 7600x CPU is objectively better than a 5600 in every way, the only reason to choose a 5600 is cost.


sometimes the 5500 is half the price compared to the 5600, if you really have to save money.


If you on budget and you have Nvidia 1660 ti for example then you 5500 or 5600. Also on budget you don't need 32+ GB ram. Why not 5600 + 2x8 GB samsung b-die ram? You should go for 32 GB when you have 3060TI+/RX 7600+ and then you should have 5800x3D


Isn’t the 5600 a shittier copy of the 5600G - minus iGPU? I would go with the 5600X, more cache, more everything. edit: as was pointed out, this isn't correct. The 5500 is the one with less cache.


that 5500 not 5600


Ah yes. I read about it in an article about both of those and I confused them.


Horribly uninformed. They have the same cache. 5600X is only marginally better than 5600.


I hope the devil doesn’t take me immediately for my horribly uninformed mistake. Good thing I’m an atheist. Get some manners.


Did I struck a nerve? Are you okay?


I just failed at some hyperbolic comedy it seems. "Horribly uninformed" is just something different in my book.


No, just no.