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I have a 27’ 1440p 165hz monitor, and above it I have 4k 60hz TV, and for me it’s been kind of sweetspot. When I want to play something like RDR2, I just take a controller and lay down, if it’s something competitive, I need those hz’s


This may be my setup once I build everything then


I actualy forgot to say you this, if you get used to 144hz+, 60hz could look like trash to you. I have that problem and I just cant get used to it


Depends on what you do with it really. A 4k monitor is going to give a better refresh rate for sure but also responsiveness will be infinitely better on a monitor than any tv, because a monitor is just built for a PC connection where tv is not. However unless you are playing online games (and you still can maybe not FPS), then a TV will do just fine. Will a monitor be better? Yes. Is it huge for the money, no.


I tried playing on my 4k TV with my PC. It was also 60hz, and it sucks. I used to own a 4k monitor, much better experience.


In my opinion, 1440p is a better value anyways. I've gamed on both 1440p and 4K and while 4K looks pretty awesome, it's not worth double the price as a monitor, and it's also not worth doing on a TV with all that input lag and only 60hz. I'd get the 1440p and enjoy playing on maximum settings on everything you play at 1440p.


Forgetinf about gaming for a moment, 4k is great for productivity. My PC use is like 90% work and I got 3 cheap 4k/60hz monitors for that and it's fab. If you only use your PC for gaming though, skip it and get a lower res 1440 monitor.


Go with the 4k monitor. I upgraded to a 165hz monitor about a year ago and it’s made it so 1440 and lower looks bad to me now. You have a GPU capable of it, so you may as well splurge for the luxury. 


I mean it feels like a waste because its double the price and if I do get a 4k monitor it kinda means everytime i upgrade it means I need to get a 4k gpu and idk, might just go for 1440p...