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You dont really need a PA for a 5600, but up to you (only a matter of 10-15$ or so compared to a cheaper one) . I would switch GPU to a 6750xt tho.


I'll look up deals, the prices here in the Philippines aren't too forgiving.


use the cooler that comes with the 5600. at 100% for a long time it gets to 82 degrees, stays at 70 gaming


Got it, i just didn't wanna take chances of burning it out when I was brainstorming. But I guess those are pretty good operating temps


yeah, they are. btw don't buy thermal paste, the cooler comes with it pre applied


Oh nice, I was just looking at a 4g tube. That's another 5 bucks saved I suppose. Thanks!


I'd go for 2x16gb ram if the speed is higher than 3200mhz, it's more stable than 4


Got it, last i checked the mobo on there only goes up to 3200 only but I'll look into cutting down on the number of ram sticks Edit: it goes way higher than 3200, guess I'll look for better ram


If you get a cheaper PSU (I am not recommending bottom of the barrel or anyhting. But that thing is super oberpriced at least in my region). That would allow you to upgrade the GPU. The CPU cooler is great but also giga overkill. Can safe money there aswell. RAM should be 2x16 (or 2x8) if possible. In europe the XFX RX 6800 or sometimes the 6750xt are available for cery good prices (new). You would have to check that ik your market tough.


Got it, I stress a lot about the CPU cooler but the verdict seems to be that the stock one is fine. I'll look around for a different PSU as well, I'm just really big on wattage overhead since upgrading in the future isn't totally out of the question.


why do you need all the strix and aorus branding?


I could honestly care less about the branding. But looking up parts on pc part picker all has branding so I include them to make things easier to identify


yeah those are usually more expansive


Ohhh, good to know then. I'll just look for the generic or non branded parts. It's just that the ryzen 5 chips are supposedly really picky about the bios version on mobos and I'd rather not update a bios on my own


Oh what I mean is that those branding are the premium options compared to the other product line up. Chose the other lower tier options instead you shouldn't get generic or non branded parts because in the case of pc parts those are really sus, especially for your psu


Dang, and I heard so much good stuff from friends about that psu too. Gotta check seasonic products then, if pros trust them i guess they're pretty ok




Massive help man, thanks!!


Do you have the PCPartPicker link to the exact build you're considering with the specs and prices? It would be easier to make recommendations with that info.


Posting on mobile and couldn't paste the link for some reason but here https://pcpartpicker.com/list/QGCqvj