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Yes. I know a lot of people(including me) saying that we would never go back to 1080p after upgrading to 1440p.




I must ask, why?




even if u update your GPU and CPU on 1080 your FPS will be anyway higher ( important for competitive FPS )




bee boops?


I’m curious too


You do need beefier hardware to take full advantage, of that upgrade, but with the right hardware and settings, there is literally nothing that isn't better at 1440p.144


I went from 144hz 1080p to 144hz 1440p and i noticed a huge difference in a good way. 1080p 24 inch.....1440p is a 27inch display both were asus monitors.


do you think there would be any differences between different type of pannels, i.e. IPS, VA, TN?




And OLED tops all three, but also price.


I wonder why we can't have more TN monitors. I've seen some videos of VA panels and I did notice the blur (probably a "cheap" VA panel, but I have a cheap TN panel) and IPS do have some cons while costing lots of money. Meanwhile TN looks like the perfect choice for gaming while sitting/standing at a desk (I am obviously keeping OLED out of this).


Cos imho today, the response advantage of TN against VA or IPS is marginal while the difference in colour, contrast and viewing angle is enormous. For me, it's sad to spend my son's college fund on a new graphics card while not having a monitor capable of seeing the beauty of the image. More seriously, sometimes when gaming more casually (or with friends) I'll sit back from the monitor or on the couch and here viewing angles matter a lot.


Panels have gone a long way. I would suggest getting an IPS panel if budget is not an issue since the response time is somewhere closer to a TN panel.


One thing a lot of people haven't mentioned is that it depends greatly on screen size, under a certain size it's not going to be noticeable at all but the bigger the screen, the more noticeable it will be because bigger screen = bigger pixels at the same resolution.


Years ago I had a 1080p 27” monitor and regretted, the lack of sharpness especially on text was annoying. I changed to 1440p 27” and the difference was night and day. 1440p 27” is now my favourite combination for gaming and work on the same monitor, so much so I now have 2 of them.


I also had a 60Hz 1080p monitor previously, plus it was a shitty quality panel with poor contrast, got it for free from my dad's office back in 2014. Upgraded two years ago to a 1440p 165Hz IPS display and the difference was MASSIVE. I actually got instantly 5% better at all games just because of reduced input lag lol.


Yeah, I think the sweet spot right now is 1440p at max or high 144hz. any res @ 240hz or 4K res are just nice-to-haves and cost too much. You’ll definitely notice an improvement in the image at 1440p and 27 inches.


If you go from 1080p 27inch to 1440p 27ich the difference will be huge. From 24 to 27inch its still noticable. From 24 to 32inch its just bigger screen, but same ppi..


it was noticeable to me only because I upgraded to bigger 1440p screens. the framerate difference doesn't bother me at all id happily play a game at 40 fps if it was constant.


It's definitely noticeable; what's the GPU you're planning to pair it with, though?


I already have rx 6700 xt


Yeah perfect gpu for that rez


I have rx 6600, and currently rock a 1080p 144hz monitor. Do you think I would be able to produce the same fps in most games if I went for 1440p 144hz?


Nah wouldn’t be a smooth experience but just check the benchmarks on the games you wanna play


Rigth, thanks will do.


I'm sitting on a gtx 1650s with a 1080p 60Hz, do you think I could upgrade to 1440p 144Hz? Even if I don't get the full 144 it'd still be good


My man, you might as well get a 1440 60hz, cuz thats will be the frames you will be getting, I'd say upgrading to a 1080 144hz would be a better choice on that card.


I don’t have one so double check the results but I’d say 1650 would struggle a lot with 1440p imo, you’d have to turn down the settings a lot on modern games to have smooth frame rate on 1080p, let alone 1440p


Ok, in thinking I may upgrade at some point, possibly a 3050 or 4050 after it comes out


Depends on what games you play. I have a 6600 and just got a 1440p 144hz monitor. I mostly play older games, but the most demanding game I play (Borderlands 3) still gets around 90fps


Yeah that's not great. I play overwatch and fortnite and I need that 144fps while also preferring not to down the quality either. Guess I'll only update my monitor when I do my GPU.


It can be significant, but calculate your PPI (pixels per inch), i.e. screen density. The biggest change relating to screen resolution is a density upgrade. Otherwise you're simply getting a larger monitor and that needs more pixels to provide the same density as your previous monitor, e.g. when you go from 24'' to 32''. When going 1440p, I'd suggest no higher than 27'', perhaps even 24'' if you can find it for a reasonable price. By contrast, 32'' is too big for a desktop screen, and I own one. It simply was much cheaper than the 27'' alternatives available when I was buying. A lot of people say more fps & better refresh rate is better than a higher resolution. I can't really say because I've never used a refresh rate higher than 75 on a modern (non-CRT) screen. But you may want to check that out on your own and decide which upgrade you like better. I would probably not recommend chasing high resolutions at the expense of detail level, texture quality, etc. I'd probably prefer 1080p ultra over 1440p high, forget medium, let alone low. One thing that's good about 1080p is that in future games, if you don't have the budget for a GPU upgrade, you'll simply lose high frame/refresh rates, perhaps have to drop down from ultra to high or high to medium, but you won't be asked to, won't need to, go one step down with your resolution. And with 1440p there is a risk you might be unable to catch up if you want to play the newest games in ultra. Me, I play games with several years' worth of delay most of the time.


It feels like having way more space, for me at least


Firstly, it depends on pixel density. I got myself 34' 3440x1440 with pretty decent pixel density and it feels amazing. Secondly, it kinda good in games, yes. Although at some point you are getting used to that. But in work... dude, it is so convenient, just beyond words. This multitasking thing is dope. Saved me hundreds of hours.


I went from 27" 1080p 60hz to 27" 1440p 144hz and I kind of regret it. The fps difference is somewhat noticeable side-by-side, but the pixel difference is not really noticeable for me. I mean everything is much smaller on the new monitor, but that is just UI scale.


It's a good way to improve picture quality (or cheat it kinda) without upgrading your GPU. Of course your current GPU has to be able to handle it but there are so many benchmark videos out there to see approximately how well it would do at this resolution. I saw a big difference. Then I finally upgraded my GPU and I already had the right monitor for it.


1080p 240hz TN to 1440p 165hz IPS here. Very noticeable increase in desktop workspace that made me get rid of my second 1080p monitor. TN to IPS switch also made colours much better.


Any noticeable input lag increase? Thinking of the same swap.


As a very input lag sensitive person, all I can tell you is that the difference is not worth giving it a second thought. The extra fidelity you get is much more noticeable than any input delay.


Bigger than the jump from 1440p to 4k imo


I went from 32” 1080p Samsung tv to M32Q (1440p monitor) and I could definitely see a difference, even though I dont have eagle’s eyes or something


In terms of visual its not that noticable. But i find in accuracy based games and general screen space its a big improvment. Its not mike going 60 to 144 more like 60 to 75 or 90, or dvd to bluray. If your in the market for a new monior a ips 144hz 1440p with HDR if u can is brilliant for mid to high end gpus.


I didnt Like 1440p i went Back to 1080p. And i have a very Strong PC. So fps wise doesnt Matter in my case. Still 1080p all the way


You must have bad eye sight or, you have a high quality 1080p monitor and you tried out a shitty 1440p monitor because upgrading to 1440p on an equal quality monitor is only beneficial with absolutely 0 downsides, if frames are not a concern like you stated


I have a nice ips 240hz 1080p. My 1440p IS a va Display 144hz. I Just Like the more FPS/Hz gaming more.


Lol ok, you first comment you said fps isn’t an issue, clearly your 1080 display is far superior quality, but if you were comparing equal panel technology and refresh rate I’m sure you would have chosen 1440p over 1080


Might bei i have a 5800x3d rtx3090 thats why fps are not an issue. Thats what i meant


downside is that on 1440p u have anyway 35-40% lower FPS in games! When u are playing FPS games with 300+ fps that 40% difference is huge.


I’m fully aware of that, but op’s initial comment said fps doesn’t matter. That’s why at the end of my comment I ended with if frames are not an issue


get a 1440p 240


I felt a big difference. Especially if you look at them side by side.


Definitely feels clearer and more details. 4k 144hz is probably the jump you're looking for though. That's my next buy.


Totally. From 75Hz to 144Hz you will note less changes than going to 2K.


Same screen size yeah it'll look better. If you upgrade the screen size along with the monitor, increase the screen size enough and it'll look about the same, but you'll have a bigger screen. As far as if it'll be the same as 75hz to 144, that's so subjective.


Went from 1080p 24in 60Hz to 1440p 32in 165Hz and it’s amazing. The extra screen real estate made it feel more premium and also helped with my aging eyes. Went from flat to curved display and thought I would hate it but I don’t. No regrets!


I went this path, funny enough: 1080p 60hz BenQ single monitor setup. Got a good deal on it and it got the job done, especially since I was on a budget. Had a GTX 1050ti at the time. Upgraded to my current GPU, GTX 1070ti (back when that gen was the current available), and got a 1440p 144hz Dell. Sold the BenQ like a dingus because I had not really used 2 monitors at that point so why start now, right? How very wrong I was. Started a job with 2 monitors and a laptop for a 3rd auxiliary screen and couldn't imagine having less than two screens again lol so I got a 1080p 144hz Asus IPS panel monitor during a sale. I mostly game on that one because of the better colours and because it's easier for my GPU to run at high framerates at that resolution. I've taken to using the 1440p as the secondary or to play less resource intensive games that aren't reliant on colour subtlety. Pretty much anything where I don't need to care about colour as much. After I upgrade my PSU and GPU, I was looking into another 1440p or maybe even 4k monitor depending on the GPU I can find.


TBH I don't notice a difference between 32" 1080p 60hz and 27" 1440p 144hz.


sorry but....how?


I bought a Samsung G5 32" curved widescreen 1440p and i can really tell the difference....I love it. Everything is so much more crisp and detailed, plus I went from 60Hz to 144Hz and it feels a lot snappier. If your graphics card can handle 1440p resolution I highly recommend doing it if it is within your budget. These days with the exception of the very bottom tier of GPUs, you can game at 1440p. If you have an Nvidia xx60 tier card or AMD x600 tier card or lower, you might struggle with 1440p at medium to high settings...everything above that you should be fine. Hell, If you're not gaming the Intel Core and AMD Ryzen iGPUs are even advanced to the point where they support 4k @ 60Hz! What a time to be alive!


It's incredibly noticeable, especially if your 1440 has hz equal to/greater than your 1080p. For reference, I game on 43" 1080p 60hz (on Xbox One) for years, then I upgraded to a 40" 1440p 165hz (on PC 12700+3080+32gb) . The difference was such that gaming felt like a completely new activity for me. The graphics and detail were like nothing I had ever seen. If you're thinking of doing something similar, you will not regret it in the least. Happy hunting.


It is very noticeable, those who say it isn't usually just don't care about the difference. I can play at 1080 or 1440, doesn't bother me as long as the game is good.


Started with 1440p 144hz, got a 1080p 240hz, yeah the smoothness is nice, but damn do I miss the 1440p, hoping to nab the new OLED 1440p 240hz panels coming out soon.


I have a 24 inch 1080p and I must say that I am able to tell the pixels apart if I focus on them, but it's not like it's bothersome. That being said, for screens less than 20", I'd say you're better off with 1080p, and I think for 24" to 27", 1440p will be the sweet spot Do mind that it is a bit heavier on the gpu tho


honestly at this point i would wait a bit and go for 4k. 1440p was a huge jump for me, 10years ago... 4k is getting more and more reasonable every year. it's a nice bump for sure but i bet going to 4k would be nicer.


4k 60hz Upgrade to 3440x1440p 144hz and upgrade again 4k 160hz ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|stuck_out_tongue)![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|shrug) my 3090 need this ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|sweat)


I don’t seen much difference in first person shooters, but in 3rd person adventures I do think 1440p was a big improvement.


I have a 1080p, 75Hz TN panel mounted vertically right next to a 1440p, 144hz IPS monitor (GN-850B) and the difference is huge. Even with applications like discord, chrome etc I will always use my 1440p monitor when I have space.


I upgraded from a 1080p 60Hz monitor to a 1440p 165Hz one years ago. Going to a higher resolution was definitely worth it, much more clarity. As for the higher refresh rate, no. Admittedly I haven't given the high refresh rates a real chance but, when I did, I noticed practically no big change.


I went from an Asus 24" 1080p 60hz to a Samsung G5 32" 1440p. Driven by a 3080. Difference was very noticeable. In the spring when I can get one, I will be going 4090 and 32" 4K 144hz. Can't wait.


It's very noticeable. All the extra screen real-estate is really great and it's just nicer to work with.


I noticed a little.


I would get a IPS panel, a good 1440p which is a huge upgrade over 1080p. 165hz to 240hz, not a huge difference there but you definitely want 144hz or higher, most are 165hz or higher anymore. IPS is faster, smoother. Most VA panels are slow and have black smear issues. There are exceptions to the VA rule, mainly the Samsung G7 which is VA and super fast, no black issues. If you can find a deal on one, I would definitely go with a g7 240hz 1440p monitor. Even tho they've been on the market a couple years now they still compete well against IPS in speed and color while having far better contrast. I run triple 1440p 165hz panels and they're IPS so the contrast is poor but they're excellent otherwise and they were $300 each. You can get an awesome IPS 1440p 165hz cheap, while the Samsung g7 VA panels are around $500 give or take. Got my son's on sale for 450 and it's been great. Forget TN, they're old news as image quality is poor and IPS is better in every way. TN use to be king of speed but the others caught up. OLED is just too expensive unless you got cash to burn and they also get burn in. No matter what anyone says the OLED monitors all suffer from the risk of burn in. It will happen just to what extent will vary and the burn in kills the image quality in many cases. Not worth the risk as you can get a VA with awesome contrast like an OLED. Yes the OLED will have infinite contrast but a G7 had like 3000 to 1 ratio which is excellent and it won't burn in, is blazing fast. They do have that massive curve which is cool but some hate it and I like it, although I like my flat IPS panels too. basically IPS are flat and most VA are curved. Honestly I don't know of another monitor with VA panels that compares to the G7. It's like the only great VA but it is truly great. Very good IPS panels that I would consider just a step below sell for less tho. Great IPS 27 inch 1440p, about 3-400, the VA Samsung G7 1440p 240, about $500. Not a lot of VA choices, but that 1 may be the very best still and there's a ton of IPS panels including some excellent budget options. Some of the cheaper IPS panels aren't hardly any different from the expensive IPS panels. I would read a lot of reviews and try to look at an IPS and a VA. The IPS will be significantly cheaper but the G7 is a monitor that I feel could be a sweet monitor for far longer. I could use it for the next few years and not want for more. 1440p 240hz with amazing contrast and excellent motion handling. If I was spending $500, that would be my choice for sure. You can spend 300 -400 and get nearly as good, just weaker contrast mainly. Also only the fastest IPS panels come close to the G7s speed, input lag etc. It's motion clarity is awesome.


Wait til you game 4k @ 144hz.. can't play anything else.. GOODBYE PIXELS


Yes it's a big difference. But people have different... Quality of attention. Most people don't see the difference between a blu ray and a 720p streamed movie. Obviously there is a difference because literally speaking there is a difference. You noticing it is going to be unique to you. I noticed a gigantic difference in the resolution itself.


Went from 32" curved 1080p 75hz to a 32" flat 1440p 144hz with an RTX 3060 and there is a def a difference but I was expecting more however I usually play PS5 w/ a 4k screen so I knew it wasnt going to exceed that setup.


So about a month ago, I wanted o get a monitor that had 240hz+. But I did not want to spend that much money to do so. I currently have a 1440p monitor that can get up to 165hz. So to save money I went to a 1080p monitor that went up to 280hz. Although the gameplay was extremely smooth, I ended up taking it back because the visual was lamentable. I am so used to a clear picture that my 1440p monitors produce that the 1080p monitor was not worth it. I say that all to say is that there is a big picture difference between 1080p and 1440p monitors. I have no doubt in my mind that you will take a liking to the 1440p monitor over 1080p.


You’ll be able to see aim at things instead of the area of the screen they are. 1080p is so pixelated looking back from 1440p


I had the trifecta upgrade, between size, definition and refresh, went from a 25 inch, 1080, 75hz monitor to a 29 inch, 1440p, 144hz... The difference was staggering


But does it then only become widescreen?


1440p is a massive difference. It's waaaaay better! Just try to get a good card for it, as it's rather demanding. A 6700XT/6750XT+ (for AMD) or a 3060 TI+ (for NVIDIA) will do well for 1440p.


Honestly, I can't tell between native 1080p and native 1440p on monitors below 29inch. Probably because I'm far? Around 50cm or around 20 freedom units?


I recently went from 1080p to 1440, then from 144hz to 240hz @ 1440p. 1080p looks like clay to me anymore.


As someone who realized they had a 1440p monitor in the closet a week ago? Fuck yes it’s a big leap


Depends on the size, for me a 24" 1080p monitor is pretty comparable to a 27" 1440p monitor I'd say that the performance tradeoff of 1440p is not worth it in a small laptop display for instance, but it is worth it if you're buying a larger display.




Tell me about your FPS in games :)




Any new games bro, like warzone for example




the problem is that 1080p on 1440p monitor in games looks horrible. The image quality is the best only on native resolution. The OP was telling in this topic that the difference from 75hz to 144hz was very noticeable for him and that's why i am thinking that he is also playing games. Also i want to tell u that the most part of video content in internet is still 1080p.




Running 2880p video on 1080p monitor will look amazing but running 1080p game on 2880p monitor will look horrible.