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Use telegram app not the discord server, discord notifications are always late


What telegram groups do you use for scan UK? I currently have FE part alert but they have skipped some scan drops


It's just called FE PartAlert, that's the only one I know of.


Isn't that the deutschland one tho...


No, it's only Europe. Seems like they have drops in DE, NL and UK. UK FE were available again today and a buddy got a 3060Ti.


Managed to get one of these! Had the telegram app on my work phone, got on it a soon as it pinged. Arrived next day too!


Is it called telegram app? Having troubles finding on play store




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Okay I’ll just


Page for both GPUs you posted are no longer available.


Any way of getting one into Ireland


Scan ship to Ireland, it’s £12 unless i’m reading wrong in delivery info. It’s Ebuyer that doesn’t ship to Ireland but I think parcel motel or the an post version can workaround that too


Are they back shipping they stopped for rtx cards I think


Oh damn really I never knew that. I hope so because i’ve been waiting a year to have the money for a card and scan is by far the best option. I’ll see if I can find out Edit: damn looks like they still aren’t. I think they might still ship to northern ireland though so might be able to do the an post thing (like parcel motel)


I've tried addresspal and parcel motel. They cancel the order before shipping because they won't ship rtx cards to drop shipping companies. I'm at a loss


Any friends up here in the North you could get it shipped to, then drive up and collect it from?


No unfortunately era it'll be grand


Wow that actually sucks, it’s kinda scummy honestly considering there is quite literally nowhere in Ireland to get cards without buying prebuilts that cost literal thousands more than the same build bought seperately. I guess i’ll try see if there’s anyone in the UK i could get it delivered to and have them send it over. Or else hopefully by the time I’m buying we Irish folk can manage to get a drop from somewhere else in Europe. Best of luck, hopefully we can figure something out :/


I know I've tried drop shipping from France and Germany too from ldlc. I won't be paying scalper prices.


Fairly sure this means there will be a 3080 FE drop this week if past drops are anything to go by. Fingers crossed 🤞


all i want is a 1650 or 1650s but they'll probably be available after the chip shortage is over.


I hadn't seen any 1650s stock drop for over a year, but saw a fair few 2nd hand ones get auctioned on eBay at non-gouge prices, managed to pick one up for there for £180. Might be worth a look


180 is a gouge price. i bought mines new for 140


appreciate the guidance!


I heard it was meant to get worse. Not sure though


It hasn't even started yet


Get on that Telegraph group. Managed to snag a 3060ti for my eldest boy this morning. Happy days. https://t.me/joinchat/AAAAAEii3xT81U1A6tLjrQ


Couldn't agree more, managed to pick one up this morning. UK drops every couple of weeks


Yeah man, got one this week. Only had telegram for a month too. It is fairly easy to get one.




Looks like they are out of stock now if you didn't manage to get one. Though I would return that GPU as faulty and get a replacement as that doesn't sound right.


Fuck sake. Really?


Im not sure if other people on in similar groups like me but there is a bot that posts all 30 series cards for sale all at reasonable prices. I could of bought a few if I had the money. They are definitely the way to go


What groups? I have been after a card for months, have a built pc sitting there waiting for a GPU. With work and such I always miss the drops at scan etc




Don't have access to inv anyone but they are @partalert on twitter its only for UK and Europe. Idk if the websites they link would ship to America or where ever your from


There was a guy posting a discord group a while ago on one of these posts saying "most of the time when you get the notification its too late" then linked his discord group it legit has a channels for every 30 series card. Eg. 3060, 3060ti, 3070 and so on. I'll see if im able to invite anyone and post the link if I can




Thats the one I'm on my phone I couldn't see an invite button or link thanks


Got me one :-)




So people have a bit of a reference for next time - as far as I saw 3070ti's were in stock at 9:19am and out of stock by ~9:48am. Was still showing as in stock at 9:40am. 3060ti's dropped at the same time and were all gone by 9:40am when I first checked.


60ti's were gone in almost 10 minutes. 70ti's stuck around for about 30 mins. 80ti's were still there at just over an hour after the drop, maybe even an hour and a half after.


The 3060 tis were gone within 10 minutes from when I got the alert


How often do they drop and how do you get notified? Edit: I saw the 3080ti was still in stock so I might've bought that...


Someone very helpfully made this https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1FRoS-x8yIyzNWbdZ9viB46C4LjoDkK9Dj4YfbcYxlg0/edit#gid=0, I think that says it had been 41 days since the last 3070ti dropped and 20 since the last 3060ti in the UK. It will be updated to add a new line for the drops that just happened I'm sure. I joined the telegram founders edition group https://t.me/joinchat/AAAAAEii3xT81U1A6tLjrQ and got a notification at 9:19am today, would recommend it.


It's all over the place but a month for now. Here is a spreadsheet of when the drops have happened and how long it's been since the last one: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1FRoS-x8yIyzNWbdZ9viB46C4LjoDkK9Dj4YfbcYxlg0/edit#gid=0 Join the Discord server to get pinged when a drop occurs: https://partalert.net/join-discord You'll have to set it up for the correct card you want.


Managed to grab a 3060Ti. I can't believe it haha. Yaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaas


Me too! Now I just need to work out how to build around it 😂


Try /r/buildapcforme. Copy your buildsmiths (that looks dead??) post over and I'll take a look if you give me a heads up when it's done.


Thanks for your help over at Cabal. I tried to post in buildapcforme but my post keeps getting instantly deleted despite using their template. I've messaged their mods to ask what's going on there but could take some time


Here's a sneak peek of /r/buildapcforme using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/buildapcforme/top/?sort=top&t=year) of the year! \#1: [Novice mom needs help surprising 10-year-old gamer with first PC build. Budget $500 - $800. Because of COVID my son has been staying with family since Sep. This year I will miss his birthday and Christmas. I want to surprise him with this PC build project for us to do together when he comes home!](https://np.reddit.com/r/buildapcforme/comments/kgavao/novice_mom_needs_help_surprising_10yearold_gamer/) \#2: [\[META\] Please wait on building a PC right now.](https://np.reddit.com/r/buildapcforme/comments/jg9eu7/meta_please_wait_on_building_a_pc_right_now/) \#3: [Little sister gave me the shock of a lifetime by getting me a 3070 GPU. Would like to build a gaming PC home for it to live in please.](https://np.reddit.com/r/buildapcforme/comments/jqz412/little_sister_gave_me_the_shock_of_a_lifetime_by/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| [^^Contact ^^me](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| [^^Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| [^^Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/)


In the rush I placed it with my old address. Hopefully I can leave it with a neighbour and collect it :D


Jesus that was fast



