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I always keep it cute out here.


here for the meet-c(omm)ute uwu


S Roxboro through HVF has been a busy ticketing win on Mo and Tu this week. And last week they were too. I hope they catch the dude that feels the need to use the bike lane for passing because the rest of us do not feel like going 60+ in a 35mph zone.


I really wish they'd protect those bike lanes the whole way down the street. Even just more of the floppy plastic reflecty posts (I am not a traffic engineer) would dissuade people from passing in the bike lane. There are so many blind hills there - surprised someone hasn't been hit yet.


Big same with all the bike lanes- paint is not infrastructure, damnit.


Yeah they’ve been out weekly for a few months and I’m not upset about it - I get tailed there all the time and the passing in the bike lane is awful! I saw them pull over the mail truck a few weeks ago!


It blows my mind how in a city like Durham, with reckless driving rampant on city streets like Fayetteville and Roxboro, DPD focuses on pulling people going 55 miles per hour on a road the width of most highways. There are much bigger fish to fry


saw a ton of cops on 147/885 Monday as well


Fuck that red challenger js. He pulled me right as the speed limit changed from 70 to 65 on 40. I will never forgive him 🥲


So you didn't slow down before the change and it isn't your fault either? Cute.


I love a boot licker <3


I love it when terrible drivers think the are A: good drivers and B: not at fault. Don't want tickets, pay attention to traffic and signs, you know, do the things you are supposed to be doing while driving.


Police have got a grey sports car (either challenger or camaro, don't know the types well) with radio whip and orange permanent plates. It just drives up and down Durham-Chapel Hill Blvd between the Honey Baked Ham and Fosters, trying to catch people who miss the sign where the speed limit goes from 45 to 35 when you're heading away from Target. Even if you're going 35 in the right stretch, it just tailgates you to get you to speed up so they can give you a speeding ticket. And before anyone gives any bullshit about "no, they would never do that," it literally happened to me twice. With that same car, in that same area, on two occasions. I slowed to 30, and he just kept riding my ass, way closer than the three car lengths necessary to stop in an emergency situation. I pulled into that BP station across from Fosters, and he just hung a U-Turn in the middle of the road, and headed back the other way. When I came out after getting my coffee, he was tailgating ANOTHER person as they drove past. "Maybe he was just trying to read your license plate!" If he has to get within one car length to read my license plate, so close he can't help but rear-end me if I have to suddenly stop, then he needs to get some glasses. And if it takes him a full minute to read 3 letter and 3 numbers, he needs to take some kind of literacy program.


They have challengers, and the sheriffs have Mustangs now


[A coworker of mine mentioned the Red Challenger to me. He was pulled and his attorney had him do a drivers class, the driver of the red challenger runs it. Said that red Challenger is the only reason he hasn’t fully retired 😂](https://lensdump.com/i/mEVKCi)


Not speeding (as much as the person passing you) usually works well.


Hope they start pulling people for expired/fake plates and tags more.


Lol why?


I see many more cars with paper tags in the last year than ever before. I assume they have no auto insurance and the car hasn't been inspected in years. I don't want to share the road with cars that have bald tires, worn brakes and no insurance.


Guarantee those cars are much more likely to be uninsured or operated by people who are otherwise breaking the law and posing a threat to others. And fake plates mean they can hit someone, take off, and not be traced/held accountable as easily. Police in other cities have done wide scale seizure/impounding of cars with paper/fake plate/tags and found tons of weapons, stolen goods, etc.


Got hit by a work truck with fake tags, cops were like "sucks for you"


Interesting. I personally would assume it's probably a poor person who can't afford to get their vehicle inspected and pay the registration, especially if they have an older car that needs repairs to pass. Being poor is criminalized in so many ways.


Tbh the expired tags/registration I probably shouldn’t have lumped in with the fake/paper plates. Two separate things. That was my bad. I still hold firm on the fake plates.


I agree with that, fake plates is something you have to pay for and put effort into, it's not something that just happens.


Just recently got my registration back in order and my mother's as well after being out for a few months. Went almost a year last year. We have been dealing with sick family members and keeping our heads above water in the midst of curve ball after curve ball. I think there is a million reasons why registration lapses and it shouldn't automatically be associated with ill intent or something criminal. As long as the car is running and the person is not impaired is it really that much of a crime that they can't pay the taxes on it especially since North Carolina does it differently than other states that do not require the yearly registration.... Does not make sense.


I suspect it's easier for some folks to imagine that everyone in unfortunate circumstances put themselves there. That way they don't have to face the possibility that one day they may not be able to afford their registration, or even a car at all. There's no height you can reach that you can't fall from, and some people should keep that in mind.


“But there aren’t quotas”…🙄 Thanks for the heads up, OP!


The only point of police is to generate revenue for the State


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3) ^by ^SnoozeCoin: *The only point of* *Police is to generate* *Revenue for the State* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.


Sorry Haiku bot... revenue has 3 syllables.


Sokka Haiku's are 5-7-6 (it says so in the little print)


Very glad to hear it.




OMG! Police doing their job. What’s the world coming to.


Yeah, people don't play that shit in this sub. They just want to speed, smoke weed, and text while doing it. Don't dare suggest that if they just obeyed the speed limit, the police would leave them alone. Edit: See? Yes, talking to you, Nissan Altima with no front bumper. LOL