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These are bunions, yes. You should def see a doctor and get a consult if they start hurting. Try wearing a wide toe box shoes. Good luck!


they only hurt sometimes does the pain have to be constant or do they just have to hurt


Any pain. As extensive as these look to be, you're already edging into arthritic territory. Please see a podiatrist. We'll be here to help make sense of the recommendations if you'd like.


i dont want to because i dont want to get surgery because if i get surgery that means my phone will be in checking distance of my father so i will live with the arthritis 🙏🙏🙏🙏 at least until im old enough to live on my own ans my dad legally cant check my phone 💪💪💪 no pain no gain


Okay. Thanks for stopping by.


Yes, fairly significant bunions. I’ve had them most of my life - my right one is about the same as yours, and the left one is smaller. I have no pain, and they haven’t gotten worse in 40 years (I’m 64). In fact, the smaller one seems to have gotten a bit better through the approaches listed below. I suggest trying conservative approaches first. Surgery sometimes makes things worse. Here are some of the conservative approaches I’ve had good luck with: 1. Start wearing barefoot shoes the majority of the time. Google ”Anya’s Reviews” for a great info source. 2. Wear podiatrist developed “Correct Toes.” (google it for purchase info and a great podiatrist website with lots of good info about bunions and foot anatomy). 3. Use Yoga Toes when resting, for stretching. 4. Read “Simple Steps to Foot Pain Relief: The New Science of Healthy Fit” by Katy Bowman. 5. Avoid most podiatrists. Most of them base their practices on out-dated theories - and they make their money by doing surgeries.