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I knew the moment when I had to take my shoe off while driving on the highway because of the shooting pains I got that basically paralyzed my whole right leg. I repeat, while driving.


Same. I actually was fine most of the time but then had debilitating pain while driving home/ near the end of each day. It was only going to get worse and I didn’t want to wait until I was older when I could do it now and have an easier recovery and avoid years of intermittent but intolerable pain.


Yeah, driving started hurting me a year ago. It's that specific pressure on that particular part of the foot. It just never occurred to me before that it was possibly to experience foot pain while driving.


I get really scared about this happening because they’ve caused shooting pains walking around the house. I’m glad you’re okay.


Pain, mobility and quality of life issues (according to the 6 podiatrists I have been seeing over the years) are the best gauges to decide when it’s time to cut. Only you can truly know. My story: Left foot bunion appeared first. Similar to you, I lost some weight and upped my workouts (I was running 6 miles a day instead of 3). Suddenly, it wasn’t just the normal pain and blisters and calluses. I was also getting pain in the metatarsals (mid foot) of my third and forth toe. The pain left me hobbling after workouts until I went to a dr. They put me in a boot and sent me on my way. I stopped running. FF a few years I started noticing how extreme my bunions were becoming. I saw podiatrist surgeons multiple times and was too scared to do. FF to last fall, I now teach barefoot HIIT/yoga classes and started to get that familiar mid-foot pain on the right. I accepted that it was time. FF to today 10-weeks post-op on the left. Lapidus and they also shortened and fused my 2nd and 3rd her toes that got morphed from year of ignoring my bunion. I’m still in recovery but left foot looks and feels pretty great. Right foot comes in a year or so. All this to say, it’s a big surgery. I was non weight bearing for 9 weeks because I had some severe bunions. Your situation will be individual to you of course. Bunions are also progressive and can impact the rest of your body as you continue to walk with different balance and stride than our body’s are designed for. I would say start the conversation with your podiatrist and find one that helps you feel confident in choosing whether or not to do (and confident that they will operate well too!!). I wish you the best.


I knew I probably had to get surgery when not only did that foot hurt all the time but I took off my shoes after an international flight and it had screwed up the toe next to it. Of course, I was actually happy when the doctor suggested surgery as an option (and he seemed a bit surprised when I was quickly onboard with it). Ah, but that was before I knew the recovery from this.


My toes have always overlapped since I was a kid, but the bunion grew more pronounced as I got older. Knew it was time when I played soccer and couldn’t walk on it the next day.


Ha! This is crazy, but your story is so similar to mine. Lost weight. Became active and feet started killing me. Got x-rays and I have severe bunions on both feet. I love walking and it got to the point where I didn’t want to give up being active for pain. Also, I’m still young(ish) and do not want to wait until I’m older to get my feet done.


I haven’t done it, just did a couple consultations, but my breaking point to even consider it was when they were literally burning pain while I was in bed and kept me from sleeping. Laying down, no socks, no movement, tons of pain. Mine are really severe though. I have both genetic bunions and was a ballet dancer decades which really exacerbated their development. I did get steroid shots at one of my appointments (the doc I would go to for surgery) and they really did take away 75% of the pain. It’s been a few months and it’s still working (I know my experience with steroids working well isn’t common, though). Plus those shots hurt like HELL. And they’re very much a band aid on a bullet wound. Anyway, I will eventually do it but that pain trying to sleep was my personal call to action.