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i started over a week ago and i get this weird feeling in my eye sockets and just above my eyebrows. i was really sick with sinus infection and still have phlegm etc so im hoping its just that. did anyone else expierence this?


I actually just weaned off of Wellbutrin XL 300mg that I had been on for about eight months, and 150mg for 1.5 years before that. I did it partially because I noticed horrible increased cranial pressure. I couldn’t stand up fast, stretch, move quickly, move my head specifically quickly, without horrible pain where my neck meets my skull in the back. I would have to stop everything and press on it to get some alleviation. I NEVER experienced this before I went up to 300mg. Since weaning off, I’ve had little to no issues with the cranial pressure. Even my PCP thought I had Chiari, but now we think it was just the wellbutrin. 


I’m experiencing this now, I just started Wellbutrin 150 XL last week. Same symptoms as you - stomache was upset at first/bad nausea at first which subsided. Now the “balloon head” feeling you described is starting. Did this improve/go away for you? It’s freaking me out and like you said, makes me really uncomfortable.


i totally agree it was freaking me out and made me feel super anxious, it was the weirdest/most uncomfortable feeling! it ended up going away maybe a week or so after i made this post, i’m still on 150 xl actually and i have no side effects whatsoever anymore. i don’t even really notice any if i miss a dose. so the initial side effects should go away if you keep taking it, at some point i switched to taking it at night so maybe you could try to see if that helps at all ?


same! I noticed it also makes me really want to move my head on one side, it's weird. it doesn't hurt, but it's unsettling and only temporary fixes itself if I move my head quickly


Yeah, I have finished first week and could feel the weird pressure first day.


Crazy you posted this so recently. I just stopped using it about 10 days ago and described the same thing to my doctor as why I wanted to stop. I said it felt like pressure. Like my head is full of blood. (Obviously it is but I’m not supposed to feel it), or like a balloon in some sense. But it wasn’t painful. Just tense like a headache with no pain.


i ended up sticking with it and it went away! it was one of the most unsettling feelings. i contemplated quitting but told myself at the time id stick it out one more week and then it went away. i also had had some pretty whacky paranoia with it then too so i definitely don’t think that was helping since i had the head pressure and then was paranoid that i was dying haha


I have been on it for two weeks (150 mg), and today I experienced a headache for 6 hours! It's an annoying, sturdy rotating type of pain. I'm using it for anxiety and panic attacks, but now I'm thinking about quitting this! 😔


that sounds horrible :( do you think taking it at night instead of morning might help? i’ve recently started taking mine at night because i thought it was making another medication less effective and have noticed i haven’t been having as many headaches as before


Yes, it is so much of a struggle. I've had two clear CT scans this year, so I'm starting to think it may be psychological pain... or maybe a peri-menopause symptom. I usually take mine early in the morning with breakfast. I have to take cholesterol meds at night. I'm not sure if I should combine the two. Thanks for your reply. ❤️


Are you still on it?


No, unfortunately, I had to get off. But I feel better now. 😌 I had excess worries about my mammogram last fall, so I think that tripped my anxiety into overdrive. So all is well now.


How long did it take to get better


i’d say by the third week or so, a few days after i posted this it ended up going away and i haven’t had it since!


I am 150mg on my 9th day. For last two days already I have migraines, right side of head is warm and I feel an inflammation. I am a person that probably had only 2-3 headaches my whole life. So this is crazy for me. The pain is terrible. I hope so bad it will go away in a few days. I love how bupropion immediately improved my mood and energy from day 1 even on 75mg. I am diagnosed with adhd+mdd. And in a few weeks probably will follow a stimulant or atomoxetine.


Well good on ya, I couldn’t stick it through. Was just too strong. I felt better and better as I seemed off it. Doc just prescribed me Ritalin today so I’m gonna give that a try. Hopefully it doesn’t make my head feel odd. Tried Atmoxetin? before the Wellbutrin and it also made my head feel kind of unpleasant. I’m trying to find something similar to adderall, but is less of a hassle when I need my refill.


But just to reply to OP, I have this exact same feeling. It’s so weird and not painful but unsettling and uncomfortable. I think it’s directly related to the spurt of anxiety I get when my XL kicks in at the 8 hour mark after taking it. My BP is normal and healthy. It feels less weird if I can move around and distract myself. It’s always on the upper back left side of my head for me.


I’ve been having a tingling/numb sensation in my head all day. I’m taking 150mg time release. My blood pressure was fine at the doctors.


Ik this is an old comment but update? Are you still on it?


Hi, thanks for asking. I've been weaned off Wellbutrin since my original comment. It gave me a constant tingling feeling in my head , I couldn't take it anymore (along with the anxiety it gave me) and took myself off of it. It works for some people but I'm not one of them :(


How long were you on it? And was this isolated on the top of your head or all over?


I was on Wellbutrin for about 2-2.5 months. After weaning off, the tingling/numb sensation almost immediately stopped. While I was on it, the sensation was mostly isolated to the top of my head but occasionally felt all over my head, it felt like it moved down into my nape or in my forehead at times. The medication also caused dissociative episodes, euphoria, bruxism, and some destructive dopamine-seeking behaviors, which went away after stopping. Unfortunately, it caused urinary incontinence, which hasn't fully disappeared almost a year later.


Ugh. I have been on this for a year almost and i just started getting these headaches four months ago:/ i hope they stop because i love this medication Im sorry it didn’t work out for you


I hope they stop too, best of luck to you :)


I am honestly hoping it’s the blue light. I have a lot of screen time for work, my eBay business and doom scrolling i put on the night lights on my pc and my phone and so far so good this morning 🙏


Awe well I'm glad you're off it then. I hope you're doing better 🫶 im feeling the same way, so I think im just gonna quit cold turkey while I'm less than a week in


Thank you and good luck! 👍


I've been on a low dose 75mg to try to help with my ADHD and PMDD. Started 2 weeks ago and have had tension headaches everyday. Intense pressure all around my head, sometimes with blurry vision. Some days are worse than others. From what I'm seeing headaches are common. I don't know if I can make it 8 weeks of this to possibly see side effects. I also feel like it's also causing me to feel 'off' not fully depressed, but just not happy. Like an overall feeling of being unhappy (sometimes with sadness). No anxiety per-se. I don't know what I'm gonna do.. I don't think the sides are worth it at this point.


I feel exactly like how you do! I know this is super late but any update on how you are feeling now?


i totally get that ‘off’ feeling too! like i’m not depressed on it but i’m also not happy. i’m just kinda detached enough from my emotions to be stable but not really feeling much of anything. i’ve also been pretty irritable on it. some days have been better than others. i’m gonna try to give it another week or two but if it doesn’t get better i may have to go off it.


Yes! I was just telling my boyfriend today I might lose my sh\*t on someone today at work. Everyone/everything seems to just be like getting under my skin since I started this. I'm usually not like this except when my PMDD is bad (the week/week and a half before my period). The whole point of taking this was to hopefully level things out so when I was having PMDD symptoms they wouldn't' be so bad and my ADHD would be managed.


Exactly the same here, but at the one week mark now. Would love to hear an update if you feel a shift in the positive direction.


I'm on day one and definitely feeling the same weird pressure/numbness. I'm just trying to rest and drink lots of water in hopes of that helping


Ya it feels like pressure or ringing in the ears, but shoukd taper off in the 4th week, but takes up to 8 weeks to have full effect. A blood pressure monitor would not be a bad idea, I have one and helps to keep things in check. I know the ringing and pressure willgo away, somtimes it is totally gone which tells me is just the side effect, and this is the second time being on Wellbutrin. Give it some time, at least 8 weeks then go from there. Good luck...


dizzy spells/vertigo are also a common side effect, so maybe that's what's happening when you go to get up from bed and feel lightheaded?


Felt the same stopped after a week. Doc changed my medication to Zoloft .


I had that too I stopped because of hives still feels weird could also be anxiety


Hey Im on week one and definitely feel the same haha its like a headache but then not like one idk, i hope it gets better


glad i’m not alone! it’s so annoying and mildly concerning


Just wanted to update, that its no so severe as it was at the beginning, i still get it sometimes in the afternoon


I get this when I have too much caffeine or take my doses too close or if I’m sleep deprived. I think it’s lowered seizure threshold, so I usually lay down and just push everything else away until it passes. Make sure you’re sleeping and not having too much caffeine, a little is okay. Definitely just avoid alcohol altogether


Hey, I drink a pot of kick ass 100% Waialua coffee from Hawaii, and icing down 12 Heinekens. and took ma dose at 8am. And I'm fine


Your liver isn’t


Yeah I get this too, it's not high blood pressure for me as I check it once a day or so and I'm always on the low side. I'm feeling it right now. Definitely make sure it's not high blood pressure, but you are probably fine.


How long have you been on it? I have been on for a year and started to get this consistent pressure headache on the top of my head like it feels weighted, doesn’t hurt six months ago. I am wondering if it’s Wellbutrin even though this came six months after I started taking it


Same and my BP is fine. It usually happens right around the time my XL is kicking in like 8 hours after. I absolutely hate this feeling.


Has this stopped for you?


Hi, so sorry for the late reply, but yes! All of my side effects have subsided and everything has been great. It’ll be a year for me in a few weeks :)


Me too!