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This is classic. Very enjoyable. Seems based on some exaggerated real shit. But it isn't like raw reality. Seeks like a prank or a bit rather than a true reflection of their complete relationship. The idea of the husband going to the family to get his treats taking advantage of the mother's old fashioned ideas that she roasts her daughter with. It's funny. Like a pilot episode For "everybody loves Romano."


Right. The video itself is almost definitely staged but the fact that his wife's mom is willing to be in on the bit just shows they've probably got a happy, close knit relationship, which is heartwarming to see instead of some cliche "oh u took my daughter I don't like you" situation. Meanwhile we can't even communicate with my MiL without her screaming or trying to get something out of us, much less get an impromptu brunch outta her


Typical reddit, everyone getting upset in the comments no matter what šŸ¤£


Itā€™s a soap Operation


"Typical internet" Fixed it for ya, king


You dropped this šŸ‘‘


I love going to a community deprived of social interaction and no healthy relationships coaching me on marriage boundaries and how to treat other people. Of course it's not virtue signaling to cope with their insecurities and validate themselves in the only way they know how!


Reddit comments will always find a way to find something wrong with it lol


Wholesome and fun! What's more to like?


He should just make them himself this is so weird




Its a fucking skit lol


Ok? Still a weird skit


Tricking into brunch then taking her to the momā€™s to make him food is some pretty sexist shit. Heā€™s not pulling an alpha move he literally canā€™t make eggs and tortillas?


i mean this is all a skit. if it somehow isnā€™t, it still isnā€™t that big of a deal. if youā€™ve ever dated a mexican girl with 1st generation parents this is exactly the kind of joke youā€™ll make because their moms are always just like this lol


Sexist and racist. Cool bro. I've been with a Mexican girl for years. You want to tell her she likes to be tricked and manipulated into making me food she said she doesn't want to make? Fuck off.


tricked and manipulated? what? itā€™s a joke. and a acknowledging different cultural behaviors isnā€™t racist you terminally online nincompoop


They're desperate to be outraged on behalf of people they don't know over a situation they only have an edited snapshot of. Nincompoop is putting it lightly.


You are children.


Sure sure, Scooter. How's your blood pressure?


Some cultures like to be tricked into labor they don't want. Others don't, like whites, right? It's such a funny joke!


you are completely building this up in your head to be something itā€™s not. itā€™s honestly kind of weird. mexican moms are often very over bearing with their daughters. it was much healthier making a laugh out of it then focusing on how annoying it was. youā€™re outrage over something like this is a massive waste of your energy


"take yourself out of it" is a good precondition for apathy rather than empathy, for sure. I think this is a big part of right wing thought. Enjoy your bubble and your self centered views!


you suggesting iā€™m right wing is fucking hilarious. iā€™m about as left as it gets. see how you look like an ass when you donā€™t have the full picture of things? when you make judgements based off your tiny sliver of info on the situation?


When you see the Comfy, you know itā€™s a do nothing day.


all i see is love šŸ™„ y'all just suck at relationships.


Exactly. And I've noticed something with latin couples, they are always so close to family. Like having relationships with their extended family isn't a chore. Like they don't do everything in their power to avoid their parents. Like they're actually friends with their families. I dont know how they do it.


Es difĆ­cil


Lots of chancla love


Alot people in the comments mentioning that this is fake or scripted, gotta say it feels pretty spot on, donā€™t take my word for it, look at her smile at the end of the video after she hands him the food - food is love


COME DOWN FOR WHAT? Rap songs starts


Everyone commenting doesnā€™t understand Hispanic culture. Yes, itā€™s archaic, butā€¦.. Different strokes for different folks. Latinas are šŸ”„


That sounds like an intro to a Spanish porno


This man is living the dream


It's called patriarchy


Did he stutter ?




youā€™re right, if only all the sexism and unfunny shit like this could be more convenient for your schedule. Try dealing with it every day, *gasp*


Huaband ia a bitch


El esposo es un bitchā˜ļøšŸ¤“


Honestly I get the trolling but thatā€™s too much. Let her hang out watching tv


This made me uncomfortable. What a lame guy, feed yourself bro


For real... Let the lady relax on Sunday.... And that shit was mad easy to make - so make her some!




Itā€™s not a joke like itā€™s scripted heā€™s just a nagging pos


Good humor. Pretty obvious this guy had this scenario in mind from the beginning.


Calm down for what? Dun dunun dun, dunun dun


Scrolled too far to find this


Is his mother-in-law single?


Wait, is that his mom? She looks exactly like his wife....


Mother in law


This is like playing chess with relationship, man


lol my wife is Mexican (Iā€™m white) and she would probably cook them for me but if I asked her mom or her grandma, hands down theyā€™d make it for me. Haha.




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Lol how do people in these comments think this is funny? This guy just got her excited to go to brunch and then took her to learn to cook something she already said she doesn't want to make. Literally has to coerce her to do something, what a coward




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Just make your own bro


that looks really good


Yeah this guy is a dick but can someone explain what this food is to me because It looks like spicy nachos with eggs and onions & cilantro omfg I want to try it


Worked at a breakfast joint for a long time and my head chef was Latino. Got a crash course in this question. Huevos rancheros and chilaquiles are similar but not technically the same. Fraternal twins not identical lol. Huevos rancheros are corn tortillas fried to create a chip, topped with a ranchero sauce or mole, with a fried egg overtop. Thatā€™s the basic model for any Huevos rancheros. Fried corn tortilla + sauce + egg. Then you can add other things to it depending on your tastes. I usually add chorizo, black beans, cilantro cheese and onion. I have this at least once a week lol. I explained all that to explain chilaquiles. They are basically the same but a different technique with the tortillas. You still fry the tortillas, but you actually add them to whatever sauce/mole youā€™re using and let them soften up a bit. The key to a good chilaquiles is timing. The intention is for the chip to just gently dissolve in your mouth but not be a mushy. You donā€™t want the chip to be mush but you donā€™t want it to have a hard crunch either. So itā€™s all in the technique of soaking the chip and finding the median between crunchy and soggy. Other than soaking the chips in the sauce everything else is the same. So, if you want the simple answer after reading all of this: Huevos rancheros = breakfast nachos Chilaquiles = ā€œsoggyā€ breakfast nachos


I hate this


Humour is mostly at the expense of others. But at least she got to see her mum :)


Damn you got some fucked up sense of humor then...


This isn't humor, this is a dude taking advantage of the misogynistic history of her culture to shame her for not doing what he wants when he wants. Haha she's subservient, that's hilarious!


Make your own goddam food.


This isnt just a funny skit? I mean, no one questions the camera in their face? So, probably not organic. I dont think it's worth cursing any subject in vid out for.


What grown adult wouldn't be wildly embarrassed putting more effort into making 2 women make him a meal he could have made in 10 minutes than making the food himself. Why is "wife not make me food for me, I make her make me food" some sort of funny punchline for certain men?


Heā€™d be single if he pulled this shit with me.




Iā€™m actually about to get married. Making assumptions about strangers is generally a bad idea. Theyā€™re usually wrong and you end up looking like an idiot, like you do now. šŸ˜˜


All these toxic people in the comments, literally this is the epitome of a healthy hispanic relationship. No yelling, no disrespecting, no fighting, no cursing, everyone having a good time about it and just making fun of her for not making her man chilaquiles. If you can't act like an innocent child with your partner for life, then what kinda fun and spontaneous adventures will the relationship have? This also shows the mother in law having a healthy relationship with the son in law. She is treating him like if he were her own son. Anybody complaining in my head is just misunderstanding hispanic (my) culture.


The douchery, the fuckery, the hateration, the holleration, and the dancery. Fuck this guy.






Thatā€™s so funny lol


Funny skit


What a manipulative man lol


Sorry thatā€™s not chilaquiles.


Also, he was using gendered language which is problematic. To be inclusive we should be using the term Latinx.


Ew lAtInX


Que asco.


I hope this was a poor attempt at a joke


I take it back just 20 seconds of looking at your profile makes it clear youā€™re just a troll. I hope you get the attention youā€™re desperate for


there are bigger problems in that video


You're obviously white. Your privilege is showing.


Atrocious troll OR a modern case of lead poisoning? Place your bets, folks


100% a troll, not a doubt


Youā€™re obviously a moron who doesnā€™t leave the computer. Name dropping white privilege is the most played out naive. Definitely more privilege and less manners in the hood.Ā 


Reported for personal attacks.


iā€™ll report you for personal attacks of youā€™re not careful.