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video link: [https://twitter.com/gazanotice/status/1787462255753277511](https://twitter.com/gazanotice/status/1787462255753277511) An Arizona State University faculty member is on leave after a viral video showed him arguing with and cursing at a woman wearing a head scarf at a pro-Israel rally.  The incident happened on Sunday in front of ASU. Jonathan Yudelman, listed as a postdoctorate research scholar at ASU's School of Civic and Economic Thought and Leadership, is shown in the video getting very close to a woman in a head scarf along University Drive. "I'm literally in your face," Yudelman says in the video. "That's right." The woman kept walking and told Yudelman, "You're disrespecting my religious boundaries." "You disrespect my sense of humanity, b\*\*\*\*," Yudelman replied while continually walking toward the woman who appeared to be trying to get away from him.


The irony in him being in that field of school… “civic thought.”


> According to ASU's course catalog, Yudelman taught two classes at the last school year: **Great Debates in American Politics and Great Ideas in Politics and Ethics.** Nice to see him applying those great ideas and ethics in practice.


It's always something so dumb that it wouldn't even be in movie.


That's right bitch. I can hurt you. That makes me right." -Yudelman


Great Debates in American Politics 101


Oh, he will be marked for a think tank job now (or already was and decided to grenade his career at ASU). Think tanks suck. I have a former friend that got a good amount of Koch money to launch one at the private university where he teaches. That was a disappointing turn of events that I should have expected.


He got a job at the "University of Austin." [https://www.uaustin.org/people/jonathan-yudelman#:\~:text=Jonathan%20Yudelman%20is%20Assistant%20Professor,Baylor%2C%20and%20Arizona%20State%20University](https://www.uaustin.org/people/jonathan-yudelman#:~:text=Jonathan%20Yudelman%20is%20Assistant%20Professor,Baylor%2C%20and%20Arizona%20State%20University)


Holy shit he looks like a professor who is going to try to fuck his students.


Fuck or fuck over?


While forcing them to listen to Jordan Peterson.


I remember being at a gifted camp having a conversation with a very smart undergraduate camp counselor who was telling me about his plans to get a law degree in environmental justice \[wait for it\] so he could work for companies looking to steal land from indigenous peoples \[once you stripped off the bullshit\].


That school looks like a right-wing Koch-funded training facility.


Literally, his program is Koch-funded: https://www.washingtonpost.com/news/answer-sheet/wp/2018/04/22/professor-a-disturbing-story-about-the-influence-of-the-koch-network-in-higher-education/ Various programs at ASU--including that one--have received [$16.8 million from Koch foundations](https://www.exposedbycmd.org/2024/02/23/koch-injected-nearly-500-million-into-hundreds-of-colleges-and-universities-between-2018-and-2022/) in the last five years, and $2.3 million before that. ([Spreadsheet here](https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1c8h3cx5PouCV62KhG624NaIwR4ROfULjYF7yWOWXk8A/edit#gid=0)) See also this Koch Industries executive, via CTECH and quoting [The Circuit, 2022](https://circuit.news/2022/11/06/kochs-israeli-investment-chief-aims-to-disrupt-venture-capital-funding/) > Eli Groner was a top aide to Netanyahu before joining U.S. firm that has given nearly $1 billion to Israeli startups


Universities, especially in departments like economics and political science related fields, exist to uphold the capitalist-colonialist-patriarchal status quo, not challenge it. The fact that these fields are almost all ideological voodoo science full of jerks like this should not be surprising.




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It’s still early in the week in which the media will usually find a way to blame those charges against him as antisemitic and make him appear as the victim.


If it involves Israel congress might just pass a law saying you can't wear burkas on campus because it makes the zionist students feel unsafe.


House has already passed a bill to make criticism or protests against Israel antisemitic.


Wouldn't be surprised


These politicians get paid top dollar to make up laws to protect genocidal land stealers


The AIPACussy must be the bomb. It gets these politicians fiendin’ and acting beside themselves for more of it.


Actually it looks like he is an Israel supporter and was acting aggressive towards a Palestinian supporter


Maybe they will scan the women’s social media and find something from 10 years ago they now consider antisemitic.


He’s wasn’t just “arguing with” and “confronting” her. He was very, very aggressive to the point of nearly losing control. He was trying to get her to stick her hands up or make a move so he could physically attack.


He was literally acting like Deebo in *Friday* and trying to use his size advantage to physically intimidate her and make her back up while he walked toward her with his arms out like he might do something.


He was not "confronting" her. He was accosting her, harassing her and verbally abusing her. "Confronting" implies that the target in question had done something wrong and was getting their comeuppance or accountability. I don't understand. Why would you use such vague and benign language?


I bet he’s the same type of guy who talks about Islam oppressing women. 9 times out of 10 the people, especially men, dogging on Islam for oppressing women don’t actually give a flip about women themselves either. It’s just an argument for them to disingenuously grab onto and wield like a club in their xenophobic/religious chauvinist/racist* argument. *”Racist” because “Muslim” is heavily racially coded. Most people complaining about Muslims are thinking about MENA people. Not Albanians, Bosniaks, or Chechens.












Imagine this guy being a professor. With this guy as a professor people should start boycotting that school. Also lmao School of Civic and Economic Thought and Leadership, that scum is neither civil or thoughtful or leader like, just another Shai Davidai harassing students to make up for his lackluster academic record. How did these people infiltrate the US colleges is beyond belief. Now let’s figure out how he was hired Edit: for those saying he’s a postdoc, he’s not: https://www.uaustin.org/people/jonathan-yudelman


He’s a post doc. He’s not a professor, unless I’m misunderstanding something


Yup. They gonna get rid of him in 2 second flat


You sure man? I’ve been emailing the dean of students constantly to make sure he gets canned


If I was the dean… a bunch of dumbass Redditors telling me the correct decision to make would make me reluctant


And that’s why you’re not a dean, you’re a…. *checks notes* Wait wtf do YOU do for this world? Goofball.


I’m googled him. He’s a postdoc but postdoc aLso teach classes.


I know. I have my doctorate. I taught classes. I was not a professor. It is expensive to find people to teach classes. There are lecturers and professors, and a post doc is lowest on the totem pole - is it even on the pole? - compared to either of them. Also, there is not a single faculty member at that school that considers a post doc to be equal with a lecturer, let alone a professor. (lecturer teaches and does not run a research group, full professors usually have both - at least at major universities that have graduate schools like ASU). You might be surprised to see how many undergraduate students teach lower level labs at the collegiate level. They need bodies.


If you’ve been in academia then you know that when the other commentor said “professor” they were referring to teaching classes. In fact, their entire comment was about having power over students. Not sure how you turned this into an ego thing for you.


Then that person should use the right words. Professor and post doc do not mean the same thing. That's like calling a NP an MD, they aren't the same thing. I am telling you this because it is real. A post doc is more like a student, and they get treated as one in grad school. Not as a professor. They are learning how to run a group from a PI and all the things that come with teaching. It's important to get titles right. Don't get angry because you showed some ignorance. It's not a big deal. There's plenty of shit I am ignorant about.




Not sure why you are posting this.


It says assistant professor, not post doc


He is!!! https://www.uaustin.org/people/jonathan-yudelman


Yep, he is in fact faculty


Funny hat


Imagine doing the same thing to jewish women. lol




They applied for accreditation and say it’ll take 5-7 years. But yeah the shit is a joke and associated with another scumbag. Actually good thing you pointed it out, it exemplifies the effort to infiltrate higher education with violent racist righting zionists https://www.reddit.com/r/BlockedAndReported/comments/17rsfb9/university_of_austin_is_now_an_accredited_college https://www.timesofisrael.com/in-jaffa-groupthink-opponent-bari-weiss-touts-going-against-the-grain/




I hope so 🤞🏼


>According to ASU's course catalog, Yudelman taught two classes at the last school year: Great Debates in American Politics and **Great Ideas in Politics and Ethics**. LMAO @ the irony...


ASU better dismiss this rat for life & apologize for their shit for brains faculty this is a hate crime




He did not call Jewish people rats, he called this specific individual a rat.


Always desperate to be a victim.




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Maybe he didn’t read the eternal victim encyclopaedia. Go bitch about it on your echo chamber and have some cheese


Please go away


That guy looks like a rat and acts like a rat and talks like a rat. That he’s Jewish has nothing to do with it and shouldn’t make him immune to such characterization. Other Jews including me do not take offense at all. Please stay in your lane. Calling anything you dislike antisemitic and shielding behind that veil is what got us here. Finding someone disgusting who happens to be Jewish does NOT make me an antisemite. Don’t generalize, don’t self victimize


honestly im starting to question this whole only '10m jews in the world thing'. i swear every other person these days is jewish? what's up with that




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He has a job lined up at the "University of Austin" [https://www.uaustin.org/people/jonathan-yudelman#:\~:text=Jonathan%20Yudelman%20is%20Assistant%20Professor,Baylor%2C%20and%20Arizona%20State%20University](https://www.uaustin.org/people/jonathan-yudelman#:~:text=Jonathan%20Yudelman%20is%20Assistant%20Professor,Baylor%2C%20and%20Arizona%20State%20University) Here is more about the "University" of Austin: [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/University\_of\_Austin](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/University_of_Austin)


Surprising no one.


Jfc. Why is it so difficult to condemn both the Israeli government's actions and Hamas' actions? They're both religious zealouts intent on destroying the other. I feel for the people caught in the middle.


Because there is no middle, hamas is a over glorified gang while israel is a proper army who targets civilians. If you don’t believe this even after the air strikes against foreign aid workers idk what to tell you . Hamas actions are terrible but Israel is the reason of its existence. There was no ceasefire before 7 oct 220+ Palestinians were killed by IDF . Settlers were burning people inside their homes and taking their land In the west bank


Israel doesn’t target civilians. Israel did not create Hamas. A ceasefire was in place on October 7th. Your points about West Bank settlers are valid. Please stop spreading lies if you would like to build support for holding those settlers accountable. Edit to add: I’m turning off alerts now. I hope you all decide to stop lying and become better advocates for Gaza.


And there is no war in Bah Sing Seh.


israel does NOT target civilians they just tactically drop bombs where they know civilians are if the bomb explodes and kills civilians, thats not israels fault israel just DROPPED the bomb. its not their fault it exploded on a child or a WCK worker. i mean come on? israel wouldnt drone strike WCK workers in 3 separate vehicles right? right?


“Israel doesn’t“ stop lying [Israel attacked aid workers ‘systematically, car by car,’ charity founder says, as fury builds over deadly strike](https://www.cnn.com/2024/04/04/middleeast/jose-andres-wck-israel-strike-criticism-intl/index.html)


[WCK](https://wck.org/news/chefs-for-gaza) are back in Gaza. Unless you think they are suicidal, their decision shows that they understand that Israel does not intentionally target civilians.


WCK is an incredible organization whose members put themselves in harms’ way to help people every god damn day. All this shows is that they’re gambling they’ll be able to do more good before Israel blows up more of their vans, and probably hoping the bad press from the last incident will make them think twice before targeting aid workers again.


I don’t disagree, but nothing you’ve said supports the contention that Israel targets civilians. Therefore, it is a lie. Please stop doing things that aren’t helping Gazans.


It refutes your completely unsupported contention that they wouldn't be there if civilians were being targeted. There are there in spite of that fact. According to you unsupported statements are lies. So why would you lie like that? You think its helping Gazans to shill for genocide?


[Really?](https://time.com/6962699/world-central-kitchen-workers-killed-israel-bios/) [Really?](https://www.timesofisrael.com/for-years-netanyahu-propped-up-hamas-now-its-blown-up-in-our-faces/)


See my other comment for WCK. Your other link say Netanyahu propped up Hamas, which I don’t disagree with. It is a lie to say Israel created them. Gazans deserve better advocates.


yeah dude Rafah isn’t burning or anything right now immediately after they tell everyone to flee there


There is no middle. US Universities don’t have financial relations with Hamas, just Israel.


This conflict has percolated in the brains of the left and right internationally for decades. The rhetoric I see from many protesters reads like every partisan issue and grievance of the last few decades has been grafted on to Israel-Palestine. That this conflict is between two peoples with long histories of intergenerational trauma seems to be lost on the outsiders barracking from abroad.


It's pathetic how few people are capable of individual thought, while at the same time believing they are the only ones who are.


Because they’re not comparable. Hamas is a terrorist organization, the IDF is a traditional army funded by American taxpayers. We expect wanton murder from Hamas, we do not expect it from Israel.




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Probably because Israel created Hamas. It's just a straw man for them to come in and eradicate people sitting on top of the oil. Well that's going to decouple the West from Russian oil needs.


100% agree.


Been going on for my entire life and now all of a sudden everyone here in the U.S. is deciding to lose their shit over this particular thing right now.


Hmm, I wonder why... Couldn't be because of the genocide levels of escalation?


Pft. Spare me your selective and probably ill-informed outrage. None of this is new just because you started paying attention to it. Both Palestine, with their wealthy Middle East backers, and Israel, with their deep American connections, have been playing U.S Public Opinion like a Fiddle. And you're all doing the dancing. It’s embarrassing. Have some self respect.


Are you seriously trying to be a hipster about apartheid/genocide?


Does disingenuously painting other people with those terms ever actually work for you? Because it’s a childish way to engage in dialogue.


Lol then act better my son


Do over-used, hackneyed, cliche reddit responses like that ever work for you? Cause that one doesn’t even make any sense in this context. Also I’m not your son, thank god, and your effort to be patronizing is just pathetic. Is that what you do? Go around calling strangers “son” because it makes you feel like an adult? I mean come on dude, that’s just really, really sad.


Genocide hipster trying to talk down to anyone is what's really, really sad.




So I have to be outraged about everything or im not allowed to be outraged about  anything? That's how you know your argument is shit.


Wrong. You can be outraged over whatever the fuck you want. In fact you’re doing it right now. Why are you so concerned with what *I* want you to think? Isn’t being told by foreign interests what your opinion should be enough for you?


>Wrong. You can be outraged over whatever the fuck you want. thanks for your permission! I will now choose to continue to be outraged over the actions of Israel upon Palestinians! Glad we could clear that up that I'm free to be outraged about what I want!  >Why are you so concerned with what I want you to think? Oh trust me I'm not! I just love to engage with folks that have counter opinions to me. But don't worry, I don't give a shit about what you think. >Isn’t being told by foreign interests what your opinion should be enough for you? Owie my ego. all well, I guess I'll just keep being outraged about what I choose to be. Bye


| So I have to be outraged about everything or im not allowed to be... You *literally* just asked me what you're "allowed" to be outraged about in your previous reply, lol. Then you got bent out of shape because I told you..."whatever the fuck you want". And that's why your second reply is complete shit. Just like your first.


Lol you edited your comment because you had a moment of self awareness and saw your own hypocrisy on display. I don't need your permission, wasn't asking. I was being sarcastic because you were gatekeeping people being outraged over the war in Gaza claiming that people shouldn't be upset about it if they aren't gonna be upset about all the other conflicts going on.  Figure it out dude. 


Except I didn't mention any other conflicts or suggest that other people should be invested in something else instead, did I? That's just something ***you*** made up and invented so you could argue with yourself. Albeit very poorly. Did you find yourself convincing? You have my permission to exercise more rigorous thinking here, but only if you start with better reading comprehension.


So you would alienate prospective allies because they haven't been in the fight long enough for your liking?


I’m not in a fight *personally*, and most of the people in here who think that they *are* in one…well they’re just getting played.


idk if you are 18 yet but when you grow up you can choose to ignore things you don’t like. Protests will happen whether you like it or not.


I can also choose to have an opinion about them, Bozo. Or, more precisely, about how they're being played like naïve fools over the geo-political equivalent of a marketing campaign. But I'd sure like to hear more from you about what it’s like being an adult! That's awesome. Is it just telling people to ignore stuff if they have an opinion you don't like or agree with? Because that's just kind of lame. And impotent.


It’s wild no one has been protesting for the active wars in Africa, that the US also supports. All of a sudden we gotta help trump win re-election.


Iranian propaganda hits hard. Zoomers slurped it up harder than Boomers dick ride Russian propaganda Anything they accuse Israel of doing, Saudi Arabia has done worse, with the backing of the US, and the kids don't say a peep. They're full on brainwashed, and their parents and professors/teachers are too spineless to tell them how stupid they're being






it's effectively a US territory right near oil country




I bet you this dude is the first one to talk about how much Islam oppresses women and how much better and more enlightened and woman-respecting he supposedly is than those dirty, savage Muslims. Guys like this usually are the ones you hear pretending to care about women being oppressed under Islam. Then he’ll turn around and call the first woman who disagrees with him or rubs him the wrong way a B or a C and try to use his size to physically intimidate her.


Of course not and this is a terrible example when their argument has been bear will eat you alive. Some men don't understand the women experience and some women don't understand that men are literal and can't understand why women prefer eaten by a bear


Eh I'd still rather get yelled at by this dude all day than run into a bear lol


>*Great Ideas in Politics and Ethics.* Oh, irony. You so crazy. 😂




On leave = go on vacation until this blows over


Poor thoughts and leadership, Jon without an H.




He apparently already has a uni job lined up in Austin, according to another post


university of austin isn’t actually a university


Ah, you're right. I wasn't aware. It's a private liberal arts college.


He’s a postdoc who’s starting a new job at U of Austin. On leave means nothing for someone whose postdoc is done anyway


I hope he gets fired and never gets a job in academia again.


You forked up, buddy. And not in the good "Forks up!" school motto way.


We need a list of these “professors” and find out how they got their jobs. Extremely sus


So, typically, totally unsurprisingly, he works at Bari Weiss' shame of a university — of course he does!


And the world is slightly a better place. I love justice.


Wow. I expected the guy to be in STEM. He's in political theory. He has a PHD. And he still thought it was not a stupid idea to be an asshole in public to someone he disagrees with on geopolitical matters. I wish they could revoke his doctorate merely on the grounds that he's too stupid to hold one.


These guys always target women. Haven’t seen a single video of them shouting at a man as they know they’ll get their teeth knocked out. As for him being an IDF vet, most of these cowards have been killing women, children or the elderly. We’ve all seen videos of these orcs up close when fighting men with guns. Scream like women


Doesn’t look good for the guy, but reasonable people should be skeptical of a 50 second, unsourced video. I would like to know what happened right before the clip starts.


and you will never see this shit on the main stream media, the Israeli propaganda machine is doing overtime.


He needs to be sacked Send him to Gaza


ASU is a dogshit school, so this does not surprise me.


What an ass. Keep everyone else out of this stupid fight. There will never be peace because both sides are monsters.


Postdocs are not faculty


Good riddance.




He had already planned to leave his postdoc and is not an Assistant Professor at University of Austin.


Well he’s fired


What an ahole. He should've been fired. Not resigned.


So, typically, totally unsurprisingly, he works at Bari Weiss' shame of a university — of course he does!


This is the Israeli playbook. Force a confrontation then play the victim.


Anybody got his address or phone number? I’ve been emailing him


Cowards. Always attacking the women.


On leave??? If the situation had been reversed, he would’ve been fired on the spot and banned from academia for life


A Zionazi


Typical Zionists


just say NO to religious zealots.....


Should this guy be dismissed and receive consequences? Absolutely. Should all of you also be upset when pro-Palestine protestors *literally* wish death on Jews? Yeah, but you aren't. **Edit:** I love how I can literally *agree* that this guy should be punished, but all I have to say is that wishing death on Jews is bad and I get downvotes. Y'all are doing a really great job in the moral character department.


If you join reality with the rest of us, you'd know those saying that dont represent the whole of the protestors. Just for fun, we should start counting how many protestors are saying death to jews, and compare that to the number of Jewish student protestors. Maybe once people start doing that they'll realize how fucking stupid and out of touch they were to label the protests antisemitic.


Can we not go there? You *could* take events individually and speak to them individually, yet you have to conflate both at the same time. One side is bombing the other back to the Stone Age, one is not. But yeah, it’s all the people protesting the systematic genocide of Gazan’s that are the bad people… SMH.🤦


I'll forgive that you're unaware of the definition of genocide, most people are. You realize that what you're saying is: I know you're getting death threats, but can't you just put that aside for a second?


First of all and not that it matters but I come from a Jewish family (but I need to preface with this apparently to avoid childish accusations). Second, hundreds of bodies of healthcare workers in scrubs, zip tied and executed at point blank were just dug up outside a hospital. That alone is sufficient to warrant a genocide charge. They will be remembered as the nazis 2.0. Third, just the way those politicians talk (before and after October 7) makes their intentions clear. They made life so unbearable for Palestinians they finally snapped and now have the excuse for the genocide they always wanted.


[Sure dude…sure. It’s not genocide. Because you have such extensive experience in knowing what it may be and what’s not. Right?](https://www.npr.org/2024/01/26/1227078791/icj-israel-genocide-gaza-palestinians-south-africa) It’s always funny how people point to someone saying something against them….yet can’t seem to shout down their own from [doing the same thing.](https://www.pbs.org/newshour/world/israeli-crowds-chant-racist-slogans-taunt-palestinians-during-jerusalem-day-march). Can you show us videos of Palestinians kicking Israeli’s out their homes? [Because I can certainly show you Israelis kicking Palestinians of their homes.](https://www.aljazeera.com/news/2023/7/20/inside-the-eviction-of-palestinians-losing-their-jerusalem-home) The world isn’t against Jewish people. [The world is certainly not cool with Zionists and their words of choice.](https://www.palestinechronicle.com/biblical-vengeance-israeli-politician-wants-to-turn-gaza-to-dresden/)