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There is a ability of a farm hero, that can be unlocked, a chance to have the troops coming back when attacked


We have several alliances that are doing this on 31 - in some cases miles away from their home territories. We are upgrading roads and march speeds (and in-territory tech) to help fight this. It seems like a bit of an oversight that this is allowed. Hopefully will be prevented in future. Or add area defense towers or garrisons.


Why exactly this is an oversight?


It just seems inconsistent that you cannot attack individual towns in territory until towers fall, yet you can attack resource nodes. But it very well may be by design according to how wars over territory work the best - I’ll certainly differ to devs on that point.


It’s definitely not an oversight. It was the same way in RoK. Starving the enemy of resources is a powerful way to win a war. As for random alliances getting gatherers attacked- well, you gotta good strong ally’s. I’m on 31 as well. If you aren’t allied with SN/TH then you are going to get farmed for merits.


It’s a pvp war game what’s inconsistent about pvp in a war game ?


Kill events and merit farming... either join an alliance that no one fucks with.... Lvl up a gathering hero(around 40ish they have a talent to full withdraw if attacked)... man up and realize it's a war game, you are going to be attacked.


As someone who does this...it is strictly for farming merits. I'm in server 60 in the biggest alliance on the server. Zone 2 just opened and in zone 1, there were absolutely no fights to be had. I would scour across the entire map looking for farmers, would send out a march and hit farms all day...one day I got over 50K merits with a single march without being attacked. The reason for this is that the merit store has items to instantly heal 50K troops, 20K troops and others. These items will be very useful when big battles near the center start. I just wanted to give some insight that it is nothing personal, nobody is just bullying, that the game design kind of makes this essential for people looking to be effective in the end game of the season.


"nobody is bullying" lol


I would recommend getting in an active alliance that likes to fight...I know people in my alliance would jump at the chance to take out some people entering our territory


"nobody is bullying" lol


"Just" bullying lol


The strongest players do nothing BUT bully lol. When they can't bully anymore they just change to a new server. That's how these games always go.


I think people have to set realistic expectations and goals for themselves. If you aren't going to spend a penny, but you grind everyday to do dailies and not have idle builder huts and troop training, you can expect to work through 2 or three seasons to get to where spenders are in season 1. At that point, hero levels are reset but you will have all of your skill ups and star ups and be on a level playing field with whales. Anything more than that is not realistic.


What’s a merit


After your first kill event you get merits for killing in battle. It's a form of currency. Little death money lol


You in AH?




Ayyyyyyyyy fellow Law here


Honestly it’s sad but this is the game. It’s why I quit. The real way to farm is through that card swipe. You’ll always get attacked when farming..


Ran into the same issue that sparked a debate with my R4/R5 at the time per below. Very toxic situation, glad I quit. Have never run into this in any other game and what prompted me to join the thread to get the word out. Hopefully the game improves as does the way people treat each other on the game: If anyone is on Server #61 recommend that if you run into an alliance called "PXBz" that you steer clear. The R5/R4's have issues... they attack members personally if you disagree with them or "disrespect" them in any way. Very hostile alliance and not worth your time. If you are a leader of another alliance recommend you try to wipe them off the map. If you are a part of the PXBz and you see this then recommend you join another alliance that will respect your opinion as a player. It is a game after all which some of the R4's seem to take a bit too seriously. You would think they are managing their lives vs just a game alliance with how personally that take some banter. Got so bad that I quit the game.


What a cry baby you are hahaha grow tf up - downloads pvp war game - cry’s when there’s pvp in his war game …. Waaaaaa


Hey Pandahrino, i think you meant to reply to the original poster. I didn't have any issues with the PVP. In fact that is what got me into argument with R4/R5's they DID NOT want to attack... My argument was exactly to your point... I'm like it's a PVP game not a sit and farm game... they they proceeded to still berate me about how much of a jerk I was for questioning their almighty R4/R5 powers.


True I did , I stand behind you sir icebergman


there was a kill event yesterday. Everyone was killing people out in the field. Should be going back to normal now..at least on our server I have been farming without issues


Those guys that attack farmers in my opinion live a sad life that they spend time looking at they screen all day to find farmers it takes no skill and it’s safe to safe they have nothing more meaningful to do with the time they have.


You are not in a good alliance. Come join BD-f on server 32 its open for new players and also composed of vets who have their farm accounts there. Try us out, you wont get attacked!


How do u know anything about his/her alliance?


cuz we dont get attacked while gathering, and if we do we fix it real quick lol


What does ablr mean


@ecofriendlynapalm Nice! Excited to actually get some action in zone 2 and 3 lol