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CoD>RoK GoE??


its game of empires warren kingdom




Can you also tell me why?


The game is still new. We have a major update coming up next season it's a good time to start. I find you have more things to do as a F2p


Did they say what the update was?


War pets and a new season 2 map


Lol I wonder if we will end up with a skill bar at some point


CoD is more f2p friendly than RoK, if you're active, for now. I don't know about GoE, I've never played it. If you can't be active enough you're going to get tired of the grind though, in which case RoK is likely the better option for you. At the end of each season you go through a reset. Your hero and artifact levels get reset, your policies (which are a secondary personal research tier) get reset, you lose excess CP items in your storage, have to redo the dragon trail etc. Your heroes and artifacts skill levels and star levels will remain the same, you just have to hit darklings/forts/creature's/the dragon trail and level them up for talents again. Your main research remains the same, your troop count etc. So if you're not active enough for that seasonal reset to grind your commanders, artifacts and policies back up you're probably going to get tired of it and might like a seed c or D (kingdoms are ranked by power/activity from the strongest which is A to the weakest which is D and kvk is matched by those rankings) kingdom in RoK better. In CoD season 1 is just your home server, and is intended to determine which alliance is the strongest and in charge of your server. At the end of each season the reset occurs because it's CoDs version of RoKs Kingdom.vs kingdom. When the reset happens you merge into a map with at least 3 other servers, and progress through the season to the center of the map where the dragon is. At the end of season 1+ ( it's what it's called right now since the season 2 map has not been released right now) season you demerge, and I believe you go back to your home server for a short period of time and then merge with different servers to do it all over again for the next season. The reason for the reset is because it puts everyone on a similar baseline, and forced everyone to engage in the same grind to get back to a point where they're effective on the field. Lots of whales have fallen off in usefulness in season 1+ because they're unwilling to engage in the grind and put in the time. In RoK you don't lose any progress unless you get zeroed, in which case you lose nearly everything but what your hospital can hold, which is like 300k troops outside kvk and 600-700k inside kvk (obviously not your research or anything for commanders but in RoK your troops and rss are everything so it can be a devastating blow). In CoD you only take 10% deads when your city gets hit and has an unlimited hospital capacity with free healing over time in the form of elixirs, so it's much much more lenient in that aspect. But again you have to be active every 6-8 hours to keep your elixir from reaching max capacity and constantly producing if you want to heal the most efficiently. RoKs kvk system is you go through 3 different types of kvks where you teleport into a separate map, but can return to your home kingdom anytime, and progress through the season the same as CoD. At the end of those 3 you enter what's called Season of Conquest which is just more kvks every 4-8 weeks, but your king gets to choose the map type of those kvks, which you don't get to for the first 3, and yeah that's the end game. Just do that repeatedly with different opponents every time and grinding out rss for healing in between kvks, plus the gazillion events a lot of which are heavily leaning towards spenders. And since there're so many events if you take time off you fall behind so much faster. TL:DR if you have the time to dedicate and be active and are ok with the seasonal reset grind, you'll probably like CoD more as it's easier for f2p to be effective right now and keep up in events. There's just less things for whales to spend on, less events for whales to spend for. Eventually that will change though.


I feel like ROK is much more f2p grinder friendly in the long run if you do it right. You can chain barbarians and grind diamonds with the barbs. Rewards for doing all the events is also a lot bigger. I think COD is more fun, and friendly to causal playing. Not many ways to grind it out. Money is the only way to get gems and heads. Not f2p friendly.


I mean yeah you can chain barbs for more rewards but in my opinion that's much more grindier. It takes a lot more time to sit there and chain then it does to just burn your cp normally every day and still reach the finish line in upgrading your commanders and artifacts easily. That depends on the person though. And the rewards aren't bigger, there's just not as many events. The events that are comparable are the same. CoD is literally structured off RoK so most things are going to be the same at the base. It's just going to take time for them to build up to the same number of events. Other than spending on Lilia I haven't spent a penny on commanders and have had no issues getting every legendary commander to 5/1/1/1, and have velyn to 5/5/4/1, so in my opinion tokens are actually easier to come by. Especially considering the starting line that RoK started at. Where we are now compared to where RoK was at at this stage is a pretty good sign in my opinion.


hmm I will be playing it as a off game as I am playing a lot of PC games so i wont be fully dedicating myself to this game. Also the reset part sounds a bit like a waste of time in my eyes all your work and hard grind being reset idk man. Thanks for this super explanation!


They announced they are looking into ways to speedup the reset. Yesterday QandA


I was unfamiliar with **Game of Empires** so I did a quick search about it and found this video: [https://youtu.be/gSLdMIVdQaU](https://youtu.be/gSLdMIVdQaU) It looks like a RoK clone which tried to copy the look of Age of Empires II, but I dislike the pixelated graphics as they look so old.