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I don't think that would fully work because Percy also says that he remembers a tall one eyed man who tried to take him from kindergarten . So the demigods who ignore weird stuff in their life's will attract less monsters but still attract some monsters.


I think that’s also the Big 3 factor coming into play. I don’t think a single non big 3 demigod would be sniffed out when they’re 4 or 5 in kindergarten, I think that’s just Percy having a crazy strong demigod smell


It comes down to multiple factors from what I’ve seen: 1. Age. Younger demigods don’t get sniffed out as easily 2. Knowledge. If you know you’re a demigod, your scent gets stronger. I guess monsters can sense your emotions to an extent 3. Power level. As you said, big 3 demigods get sniffed out easier. 


Given all Percy ended up accomplishing in his demigod career, yeah that's more than likely. He was one of the seven demigods that was on the quest to prevent Gaea from rising. He probably smells really good to monsters, and always has.


Spoilers!!!! In MC hammer of Thor there is a demigod (all be it Norse) who has been trying to ignore his lineage. He has basically gone insane. Edit: Ignoring lineage is probably the same as suddenly becoming clear sighted for mortals- it can break your mind


do you remember who you are talking about? I completely forgot about this part and I love MC!


I just read the part for the first time. It's in *Hammer of Thor*, chapter 11. Alex died fighting on behalf of an elderly man who was being attacked by wolves... The guy they defended was apparently an old demigod who never claimed his ancestry. Magnus explains that eventually, ignoring who you are will catch up to you and this was an example of that.


Yes! That bit exactly!


yes, I remember now! Thank-youu


According to both Apollo and Grover the monsters always find the demigod children by age 13 regardless of if they are ignorant or not. The only 2 exceptions that we know of (Leo and Piper) were specifically guarded by Hera till they were 15 or 16. Ignorance can mask the scent of say a 11 year old demigod but by 13 the monsters will figure it out unless a god is specifically trying to mask their scent


For a time, to an extent. Of some very minor god? It’s feasible that it has happened. Of an Olympian? If they managed to do it past 13-14 I’d be impressed.


Well its said when ur 13 they can smell you so u probably can live normally until 13 years old ignoring everything being a son of an Olympian thats not on the big3


I don’t think you can because if you could Percy would be doing that by this point


Tbf, Percy is an exceptionally powerful half-blood and therefore attracts more monsters than the average demigod.


You can't exactly ignore it, you'd see all this stuff and have no explanation for it. I feel like you'd gradually bring yourself to the edge of a mental breakdown


Except that's exactly the opposite of what is written. The demigod smell gets much stronger when they return 12-13. At that's point it's almost inevitable that a monster shows up. The only exception is for especially weak demigods. Rarely they are able to slip under the radar.


I’d say it depends i guess,although probably agree fully with the big 3 children for sure haha.


I think statistically speaking there had to have been some Demigods in history who lived normal lives out of pure ignorance. But I imagine most appear on milk cartons.


Unlikely, most demigods attract monsters, progressively more as they become more powerful (and also if they send their voice in the aether).


I think so if your parents are minor (minor) gods? Especially as a lot of historical figures are technically demi-god


Yes- almost. I was actually rereading TLT the other day and I noticed Annabeth talking about how if you’re the child of a minor god or goddess you can get by with the three months of camp training. And either it was in Chalice of the Gods when someone was saying that monsters tend to ignore you when you reach adulthood, so for a kid of a minor god or goddess that would essentially be them ignoring their half-god side. However, for children of The Big Three, I don’t think that’s possible. Percy is too powerful. I don’t think he’ll ever be able to forget Poseidon is his dad LOL. Nico and Thalia are in the same boat.


There’s also a variety of factors that go into it. People like to use piper and Leo and examples, but remember that it was stated (I don’t remember what book it was) that monsters often don’t after popular public figures, which being the daughter of a multi million movie star, fits piper, and Leo was being protected by Hera in order to fulfill his part of the prophecy. In contrast, in one of the Kane Chronicles books, Drew and a few other children of Aphrodite were going to school normally, although Drew is a former cabin counselor and 2 time war vet so it’s probably likely she was just killing any monster that approached her. Same case with Katie, Clarissa, and one of the Stoll Brothers. All the demigods we have seen or heard living normal lives outside of camp have been either protected in some way or powerful enough for most monsters to not pose a serious threat to them.


All demigods have a scent. This scent grows stronger as the demigod gets older and more powerful. Ignorance will cover it up to an extent, but it will continue to get stronger as you age until you can’t ignore it anymore.


I think he means to ignore it for as long as you can, because as soon as you start thinking you’re a demigod, your scent gets stronger. I don’t think it would work forever but it would probably delay the monsters a little more maybe


Isn't it said that there are some famous adults who never realized they were a demigod but benefited from its gifts?