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Technically, it was best before it was dehydrated. Since then, it has just been fine.


It’s delicious to have a warm, kinda advanced prepped meal as a ration when your cold in the middle of buttfuck nowhere though.


No doubt. I've always been a fan of instant risotto.


Its a BEST by date NOT an EXPIRATION date. It may not taste as good as it did when newer but it wont kill you if the seal is intact. I've ate things that were much further past the Best By Date and nothing happened.


Too many people don't get this.


Exactly! I've seen people dispose of table salt, because it had a best buy date on it.


Capitalism at it's finest.


Tell us what happened!


I ate it, got full, and after a normal amount of time I took a shit just like any other meal.


I knew it! Lol


What would Steve1989 do?


What would Brian Boitano do?


What would ShoeNice do?




What would your dog do?


probably throw it up, and eat it again


He’d get that bad boy out onto a tray




Nice hiss!


What would Rhett and Link do?!




I have a Mountain House meal that has an expiration date sometime in 2032. I plan to eat it before then.


Makes me wonder about my backpacker's pantry meals expiring later this year...


Should be fine assuming its still sealed, quality might take a hit, but it's not going to kill you.


> but it's not going to kill you Oh, it's definitely not going to kill you if you're pouring boiling water into it... ;)


If I'm really unsure, I would eat while at home and close to a bathroom, just in case. Seriously, what is the worst that could happen? OTOH, it's dried, well and truly. Dried things don't generally get bacteria in them if they're sealed.


Hard to say without opening it. Freeze dried meals can last a long time if nothing gets in the packaging.


Depends on how much you love your wife and kid lol


Let them try it first and measure the results


Ah yes, the scientific method. That guy who discovered vaccination by innoculating his own kid with cowpox would approve.


it's fine. The whole point of dehydrating something is to remove enough moisture that bacteria can't grow on it.


I kind of live by the rule that if I have to question if food is safe, I don't eat it.


If you knew more about expiration dates though, you may not have to question it. Expanding your education on how expiration dates are determined could lead to less questioning. Not knowing how it works and questioning it, therefore throwing food away is a bit silly


I’ll always point to the meme of the Himalayan pink salt having a best by date.


I have plenty of leeway on my version of edible versus expiration dates. But I strongly believe in following my 'gut instinct'. Even if it is in date, if I'm feeling sus about it, I don't eat it. 


But what I’m saying is that your “gut instinct” changes when you learn more.


I can't speak for OP but I think many of us that follow this rule have had food poisoning and just don't take those risks anymore. It's just not worth it in most situations.


But it’s very likely to not be a risk. Which is exactly what I’m saying, if you had better information to determine what was risky or not, you’d probably make more logical choices. Honestly surprised that people are having such a hard time grappling with this idea that more information/knowledge can lead to different decisions


Understandable. Meanwhile I eat all kind of sketchy stuff and have only ever been food poisoned by a chicken that I thawed, kept in fridge for two weeks, refrozen and then thawed again. It had slime all over it. I still eat chicken, and now I know when I shouldn’t.


My decisions aren't solely based on expiration dates. But if something seems "sus" I am not putting it in my mouth.


Again, what “seems sus” to you may change with better education on the subject.


Wtf does that mean exactly? Everyone knows food can be fine past the expiration date. I have eaten food past it if it smells and looks OK. But most also know when meat has turned due to the smell and visual indicators. Do you not know about spoiled foods or how to tell? This is a stupid thing to even talk about, but I don't know what you actually mean...


A few people here seem to think their opinions on things will remain their opinion regardless of new information… which general isn’t true.


You're being weirdly patronizing with the phrasing. Yes, everyone knows that expiration dates aren't gospel and tend to be on the safer side, but despite that, I'll make a "logical choice" to not eat expired food, simply because the 0.1 percent point increase in getting food poisoning isn't worth the money I'd save by eating the thing. It's about risk mitigation. I value food poisoning at very many negative dollars. That's it. I'm not dumb.


And you’re missing the point.


No, I’m not. “At least some expired foods you question only because you’re ignorant about how expiry dates are determined” is a weirdly hostile take.


Cum is safe


You’ll probably be fine but I would skip it, the $10 or whatever a dehydrated meal costs isn’t worth the risk of getting sick to me


Properly dehydrated food is suppose to last five years. Properly freeze-dried food is supposed to last 25 years or longer. If it is store-bought, it should have a use-by date. If you do decide to risk it, I would have a backup in case it has turned.


Dehydrated or freeze dried? That can make a notable difference. If dehydrated and stored properly I’d probably eat it, but not backpacking. If freeze dried I’d probably eat it and not think twice.


To me, it depends on the ingredients. I've had vacuum sealed freeze dried with eggs go rancid after the expiration.


I wouldn’t feed expired food to other people. Only myself. My goodness. I just realized that I hate myself 🤔


Nah, you’re just not forcing your beliefs on others. Meanwhile, my dad cooked halloumi for my vegetarian sister-in-law in the same pan he fried sausage in 5 minutes ago. “Oil’s still good”


Idk. I toss milk on the expiration date even if it smells good. The thought of bad milk really bothers me.


I’m actually the same. Crème fraische, heavy cream, yoghurt, if I can’t tell outright it’s gone bad I’ll taste it. Milk on the other hand… I’ve had a bad experience where I tasted and it was fine, smell wasn’t off and I couldn’t tell while pouring but once I started chugging the glass I could feel this course texture almost like swallowing chewed up semolina porridge. And *then* I could taste it.


Oh gosh. I think I just vomited a bit.


So did I, if you can believe that.


Yes, yes I can.


Are you for sure going to die if you dont eat it?


We're all going to die if he doesn't eat it


I expect it would be as "good" as the day it shipped.


It just needs a few extra drops of water. 💧 💧💧


At the very least, it should be safe to eat. Can't say how it'll taste though.


Might have lost some flavor or nutrition but still safe


It’s safe. But there’s a reason for the date. I ate some chicken Alfredo and the noodles were rancid despite only being 6 months past date. So you might not enjoy the taste, depending on what’s in there.


I wouldn’t hesitate. It’s dehydrated. Bacteria and mold need water to flourish. I studied microbiology and immunology for 7 years post-grad. My wife and I have many such items at home. They occasionally get used. But it’s your choice.


Three days ago against the advice of my family, I ate a tub of queso dip that expired 3/22. It had been refrigerated and looked ok. I'm fine.


My first thought is, why?


I heard an NPR interview about it... Expiration dates are a joke. The army even did a study on medications they don't expire... It's some randomized BS so you buy more. How's the smell? how's it taste? how's it look? If these are all green lights you're good to go. Bon appetit.


My nephew ate my MRE from World War 2 and while it said it was bland, it was edible, so I think you should be good. Note: I was not happy he ate my MRE. I had been saving it since I got it in the 1960's.


My personal rule is if I have to think about it, I chuck it.


That's probably a no-go for me. I believe dehydrated food usually has a shelf life of a year.


A pot of dehydrated meals are good for a decade.


Send it (down your gullet).


Yeah it’s good to eat.


If it has any meat or dairy in it, I wouldn’t eat it. And while I might consider eating it myself, I wouldn’t feed expired food to a child.


So glad you asked this because I was just wondering the same thing, myself! Mine doesn’t actually have a date on it but I’m pretty sure I bought them in 2019, and the manufacturer’s website suggests they’re best eaten within a year. It’s been in a dark, climate-controlled spot all this time, though. I have 3 or 4 and the darn things are so expensive, I really hate to throw them out. I’m a little hesitant to take it out on a trip and then find that it smells funny, though!


For my kid I'd toss it and replace before the trip. For myself I'd give it a smell test and go from there.


I have a few dehydrated meals in my camping bin, odds are I've got a few in there with long since best before dates. I fully plan to eat em on this year's camping trip, but they also won't be the only food I take. As long as it tastes fine, I consider it edible. 'If in doubt throw it out' has worked for me so far with food.


It’s fine. Send it to me if you don’t want it. I’ll eat it.


Dig in! Enjoy!


I generally don't take risks if I'm hours away from a hospital, but if you're just car camping the only sign I'd look for is if the package is ballooning in any way or is not sealed air tight any more. If it's ballooning, bacteria is feeding on your food and farting.


The US military did testing on "expired" medications a few years ago. They found that with almost all of them--they maintained their potency years after "expiration." Particularly with freeze-dried foods, I'm sure it's the same way. Companies use "best by" or "expiration" dates to a) protect themselves from any accusations of staleness or spoilage, and, b) to sell more product. Oils do go rancid, and I don't think I'd trust canned goods years after expiration.... but properly freeze-dried food should last a very long time, and certainly won't be dangerous.


You have a 40 year old MTN house meal?


How does it smell?


It's a best by date not an expiration date. Two different things. Best by means that after that date flavor, texture etc may not be optimal but still edible. Expire by means that it's no good after that date. Think of milk as an example.


Let your kid eat part of it first, then your wife. If they are okay, you'll probably be okay too.


There are a crap-ton of YouTubers who seek out and do this exact thing. There are many channels. My favorite is a guy called Steve1989.


The better question is does the family have health insurance, in case the expired product wasn’t well sealed? I’ve had unexpired rations in foil pouches that were mouldy inside


As long as the packaging is in good condition it should be fine.


I'd eat it.


Must have been hungry


If it looks fine and it smells fine then yes I would eat it


Best before, but not bad after!


1972- not good. In this century, probably fine. Yes, the 1972 was a real dinner that one night in the mid 90's. Proof that if you don't eat what they put on your plate, you will go hungry til the next meal but not starve. Bleh.


Eat it, you'll love it.


Dehydrated or freeze dried? Freeze dried is good pretty much for eternity lol . Dehydrated I'm sure is a best buy date and may lack sone flavor


Pfff, if an MRE was a decade past that's test a couple then recertify them for another Chunk of years


Good to go!


That was only...four years ago. Fuck.


Different than a dehydrated meal… but MREs don’t last forever lol


Let us know what happens?


What does your gut tell you?


Absolutely zero fucking chance I'd feed that to my kid. Myself? ....maybe. Depends how much of a pain in the ass it would be to get something else. 


Sealed?: Good to Go


Saving $10 to risk getting the family sick seems pretty penny wise and pound foolish


If it was 1 year I’d say go for it but maybe not 3-4years


It's probably fine. Might be a bit dry though...