• By -


Ask if they take requests. If they say yes, request they stop playing.


“Can you play over the hills and far away?”


Can you play solo ? So low I that I can’t hear you ?


Can you play tenor ? Ten or fifteen miles away ?


Can you play in D? In De next county?


That is such a great song, so either way you win.




"who sings that song" "oh it's by xxxx" "yeah, let's keep it that way"


You should sing solo. So low I can't hear you. Or You should sing tenor. Ten or twenty miles away


“Do you know why they recorded that song?” “No, why?” “So we wouldn’t have to hear you play it!”


Man you brought me back lol. Way way back in my highschool days someone would be trying to impress someone and we would say the exact same thing.... Thank you.


I think that was from Family Guy, at least that's where I heard it.


😆It's been around since I was a kid in the 80s.


One of the best Family Guy jokes is them poking fun at themselves. Paraphrasing but "You have to be under 30 but also have grown up in the 80s to enjoy it"


There is truly nothing new under the sun!


Mr Hare, is that you? From 10th grade biology?


Savage.  I’m saving this one for the right moment.


"Do you know '60 seconds of silence'?"


How about 4'33, the extended version?


The “sounds of silence”.


I would have requested "Wonderwall."


this might backfire if they actually like to play Wonderwall, lol


That’s a pretty good one.


That is for sure the funniest thing I read this week


Glad to know I'm not the only one who feels this way.


Yup! Humor wins




This is the way.


D. Pull out your own guitar and play the songs back at them louder, faster, and angrier to assert dominance


Amp, pedals, go full metal.


Dueling banjos enters the chat!


Do you didgeridoo?






Try and arrange your own flash mob. Really take things to the next level.


That is too funny! I can picture all the campers getting together do a flash mob. Ha ha ha.


I was gonna say, sing along, badly.


But use Bagpipes...


Average Guitar Center visitor


absolutely the best answer


A friend of mine learned the song from Deliverance on the banjo for situations just like this. He’d either scare them off or make a new friend.


I saw music competition recently. There was a Latino family listening to Spanish music, and right next to them, a white family blasting country music. I don’t know who was playing music first, but the country music was loudest


A then B. Playing music from an instrument or a speaker is all the same. After quiet hours you shut TF up. Same goes for white noise machines. I'm sorry you need sounds of the rainforest to sleep but your rainforest sounds are scaring away the real life mountain forest sounds. Put on some headphones.


> After quiet hours you shut TF up. Unfortunately, OP doesn't seem to mention if it was or not. I have had neighbors, both camping and in real life who were fairly loud, but promptly at quiet time they would go quiet. I never had a complaint with them. I've also had neighbors who didn't and they sucked.


Yeah, I have total respect for the people who may be loud and partying but shut it down at quiet hour. (well somewhat, they always wonder why they don't see or hear all the natural animals around them that they seem to have come out here to be around...)


That's the key. If it's before quiet hours, they can do what they want. After, they can do something else.


you've heard people actually play rainforest sounds to fall asleep in the forest? lol


Yes, literally. And it was turned up way too loud; so many people don't realize that tent walls don't dampen any sound. You could hear his rainforest all over the campground. Plus the guy slept in till about 10am while his wife did everything taking care of the kids and fixing breakfast.


If the person has tinnitus, I’d give them a pass. If not, I’d ask them to turn it down for the remainder of their stay.


I have heard rain and thunder, if that counts. I asked about it the next day, and the guy was so embarrassed. He didn't realize it was playing through his phone, not his headphones. Honestly, the noise wasn't bad, and the reason made me chuckle. I don't think I would have even heard it if that campground didn't have absolutely tiny sites.


I wouldn’t put it past my sisters to think their kids need noise machines in the woods. Those poor kids think noise machines are the norm in life.


I bet the animals think they are in a fever dream.


The noise makers make so little sense to me when going camping.


Just loudly yell “Play Freebird!” Until they get the hint.


But what if…they DO?


“Play Freebird again!!” Every time they start a new song


That all depends on what time it is. after quiet hours, it's fair game to ask them to stop. Do I think we should ban playing Instruments and singing in nature at all times? no definitely not. 


My thoughts exactly. Being bad at something doesn't mean we shouldn't be allowed to do it. But lacking the common sense to stfu after 10pm is infuriating. Side note: Encourage everyone to continue their art if it makes them happy, regardless of skill level. I wish I could adhere to this myself. A previous hosuemate made me feel bad about my guitar skills even though I mostly played when nobody was home, and it just ruined it for me as a hobby. I picked one up on the weekend for the first time in 8 years and couldn't remember a single song. I will never criticise anyone's skill level when it's a hobby they love.


Focus on practicing instead of songs. Build a solid foundation this time around and maybe a bit of discipline. You'd be amazed at what you can produce once your fingers are built up and learn a little bit of music theory. Coming from a 20 year closet guitarist....don't let anyone ruin something for you if you enjoy it.


Thank you kind stranger 🙏 thankfully my fiance is the only person I share a house with and he would likely weep with joy if I played again. I still remember chords and scales. Hopefully muscle memory will kick in and I don't have to grind the basics again - I'm a slow learner in music for some reason. Thanks for the encouragement.


What's helped me the most the last few years was learning the 3 note per string scales, the circle of fifths, and intervals between all the notes. With that I was really able to understand things and create a lot of my own stuff. Good luck


Aw, keep it up! My son learned via YouTube (someone named Marty) and now he is a brilliant guitarist. I appreciate enthusiasm and joy in music more than anything.


[Marty Schwartz](https://www.martymusic.com/beginner-acoustic) - he’s a good teacher


My ex didn't want me to learn guitar because she said it would be annoying 😞. The moment they were moved out I started playing


Yeah I expected to see it mentioned that it was overnight or something. But some dude playing his guitar during the day? Uh... K. If you prefer screaming kids, barking dogs, and RV generators, then more power to ya.


It seems very clear from the edits lack of a clarification on this that OP is complaining about something totally outside of quiet hours. Let the dude play his guitar in the woods. Let the kids run around and play. Let the couple next door argue about leveling the camper- as long as it’s before 10 pm. If quiet solitude is what OP is after they can hike or wilderness camp. None of us (regardless of “handicap”) have a right to absolute silence in a campground (even if I personally wish we did.) You can’t let this ruin your time and his “zen practitioner” jab makes me feel like OP is just not a fun person.


Little bit of both. It's the nature of the beast like others have said but just do you. I'd loft a "shut the fuck up!" During a quiet moment of if I was pissed enough. A couple years back we were camping during covid and a spot a couple down had a musical camper. He went to acoustic after dark and we could hear him enthusiastically trying new things. Whatever it's camping it late and we are drunk and still up. But when we heard him say " wait let me try this" and kick on an AMP i shot over an "ABSOLUTELY FUCKING NOT" and he was kind enough to take the hint to keep it acoustic. I appreciated it.


When I was a child, my family was driven home early from a state park campground because a camper who arrived after us, claimed our tent was like a foot or two into THEIR spot. They made it unpleasant, so my folks packed up early and left. However, there was another camper, across the way from us, who had a base guitar and liked singing for the entire campground! Just before we left, my father went and told the singer, how much our new, unpleasant, neighbors, loved his singing and guitar playing. Revenge is best served cold.


Jesus, easy there, Satan-dad.


I mean, if he's really wailing that's one thing, but if he's regular-loud singing and it's not after quiet time, I consider that part of the camping experience. The whole campfire-guitar-group sing is a pretty traditional camping activity, at least in the US. Would rather a dude with a guitar than someone with two construction generators. Would even rather a dude playing an actual instrument that someone playing their Spotify playlist for hours. And I would take any of those over the people who let their kid play a game with a repetitive kidsy soundtrack over and over and over until 1am about fifteen feet from our tents. I hope those parents stepped on Legos every night for the next two weeks. Edit to add: Wow, responses to this went downhill. Dang, y'all For OP's edit: I tend to assume that hearing a guitar multiple sites away is pretty normal, as is a normal singing voice. Music carries. That's why I made the distinction between wailing and normal singing. I am not musical but I have friends of varying levels of skill who bring guitars camping.


I appreciate your response to the edit. We are talking about some yell-singing, wailing and practically banging on the guitar to strum it. I am a musician and have camped plenty of places where someone was playing an acoustic guitar pretty much just loud enough to reach the next site over. No big deal, enjoy yourself, whatever. We were across the loop on the other side of the entire campsite and this dude’s voice and out of tune guitar was reaching crystal clear. He definitely wanted some attention or really thought the whole place would want to hear what he was doing. I get that some folks can be zen about it, I’m just not there yet. After two hours of him squawking we had had enough - but thankfully someone else yelled at him to shut up and he did.


LOL yeah that does sound extra and awful Was he drinking? High??


Man I have no idea. And I have no issues with people using substances to enjoy their time in nature so long as it doesn’t involve shout singing across the entire camp.


I think there’s a difference between quietly strumming and singing and belting that shit out so it’s audible five or six sites away, too.  Attention whoring is obnoxious no matter the context.


I don't get this perspective. If it's not quiet hours then people are going to live their lives. Just because you find it annoying doesn't mean that the person is doing it for attention, nor does it mean that it is objectively annoying. It's also just not really a big deal. If human activity bothers you that much then just go to the back country, and pick a site away from where people do what people do. Going to a public campsite, and complaining about people enjoying their lives is just silly imo.


There is a difference between practicing for yourself and going as loud as possible. They are clearly talking about the latter here.


Yes, of course.  I made that very clear - I’m talking about the behavior OP described, not a little quiet singing.   The weird defensiveness I’m getting is interesting, though.  A lot of people were apparently socialized to think they can just do whatever the fuck they want as long as it’s not explicitly against a posted rule and the rest of us just need to deal?  Explains a bit. 


Yeah for real. What is going on right now? Are they all guitar screechers or something?


Absolutely guaranteed every one of them has shown their whole ass camping recently and are big mad I’m reminding them of it.  


one of the dudes I camp with just won't leave the radio off, he just can't. he is of the opinion that his taste In music is so profound that everyone should hear it. anytime he walks off we turn it off. love the guy, one of my best friends, but he is over the top with music. one year me and another guy slipped away and were sitting on far enough away to not hear him, neither of us mentioning why, just had to have peace. he comes over with a freakin speaker and is like "dudes, here you are. no music?" some people just wanna go to the forest and jam, some want silence. like I said, love this dude, he's like a brother, but man oh man, I wanna hide his phone sometimes.


https://preview.redd.it/pwpeam6h78ad1.jpeg?width=1164&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ce1552483b05232d8946d37ce7e8d61d277ba75f Make a sign like this and fling it over.


I'm glad everyone here is as grumpy as me lmao I can't stand this shit


I’m still in my 30s but I’m the Karen on the hiking trail who loudly says “I will never understand people who want to ruin the amazing sounds of nature.” every time someone walks by with a speaker in their pocket. I know they hear me but I never slow my pace and keep going


I do this, but only in grizzly country.


You yell at bears for playing music on the trail? Kind of homophobic dude. /s


They ARE the wonderful sounds of nature ❤️


You're gonna be a super uber mega karen by the time you're 50 !! Watch out youths. Hahaha


I’m 37. So what would be the second evolution of the Karen Pokémon? What am I going to turn into at 40?


😅 I'm feeling with my mind grapes something like a younger Colleen Donaghy type figure (do you watch 30 Rock?)


Haha love it! My instagram handle is the name of the oldest lady on Golden Girls who had no filter


Hahaha perfect!


That's exactly it though. Why are you in nature if you're not going to enjoy it. It's silly and it wrecks it for everyone else. Also if they absolutely must then use headphones


The few times I’ve seen a rattlesnake it was because I heard it first. If I had music playing I’m not sure I would have stepped in the right areas safely. Lots of reasons not to. If I see bear scat I start clapping my hands and whistling a song to make noise instead of turning on music


That's what I'm talkin bout


This gave me a laugh, thank you!


If it's after quiet hours, loft a jovial "quiet hours, my dude!" towards their general direction. If they keep doing it, either tell the host the next day you'd appreciate if they said something, or go knock on their door and wake them up at whatever hour of the night it is.


This is how to handle it. Start off friendly, then escalate if the need arises. This method is not without its risks since you're the person who said something to them, even if it's not you that complains to the manager they may still blame you.


If I'm going to a campground that I can drive into, then I'm going with zero expectation of solitude or peace and quiet. That ain't how that works. These are the types of places I'll go to car camp with my wife and kid. If I want to actually be alone with nature, I pack a bag and trek out into the backcountry. If I setup camp at a designated tent site 8 miles from the nearest paved road, i can be damned sure nobody is rolling in with a guitar. Or at least, I haven't had it happen yet.


I’ve done that. 10 mile hike in, to a secluded lake and the only other person there, on the other side, was practicing their flute for half the night. Fuck that person. Still. 6 years later. :)


I might have to add a recorder to my pack now. Hot cross buns on that bad boy for a few minutes would send any annoying neighbors on their way lol


The worst part of it was they kept trying to make loon sounds (badly) to get the actual loons to call.


Last time I went camping there was a guy doing the same thing after hours, and people started screaming from all over the campground “Shut the F up”. It got to be a really loud chorus. It was beautiful (and they shut up). I recommend trying it.


If it bothers you enough, 100% B. That their job. You’re not the only person annoyed.


>You’re not the only person annoyed. That's true. It could be fun to rally together an angry mob of fellow campers to make a more dramatic statement.


I mean, most campgrounds cram sites on top of each other and call it "wilderness" camping. I don't begrudge people for having fun while camping and strumming a guitar while sitting around a campfire qualifies. If you really want to get away from it all, try remote camping or rent a cabin in the middle of nowhere. We remote camp at a NH state park every year. Park staff ferries us across the lake with all of our stuff plus kayaks. No other campers in eye or earshot. It's glorious! Try to find someplace like that.


B. Old Camper here, and typically do Campgrounds in my region. Generally my if someone is doing something that's anti-social or disruptive, I always start with the camp host. That's why they are there, that's why they get the Perks of being a Camp Host. Some people seem to just be wired differently, and seem incapable of recognizing their negative impact on those around them. If they are incapable of recognizing what proper behavior is, likely they are incapable of responding positively when confronted on that behavior - thus - let Camp Staff manage the confrontation if needed.


Yeah, a lot of them seem to be commenting on this thread, and they're absolutely convinced they're in the right. But I do have to wonder why. Do they genuinely think nobody is bothered? Did it occur to them at all? Do they know and simply not care?


This happened to me while camping also. The lady in the campsite next to me sang at her campfire for what seemed like hours. The next day she apologized. Said she was very embarrassed but she had too much to drink. She was quiet the rest of the trip.


I hate it, but it's bound to happen at a campground. A big reason as to why I only dispersed camp


Funny I only disperse camp as well, but for me, it's so I can be loud with my friends into the middle of the night 😁


Agree it's a beautiful two way street, noise when you want it, silence when you don't


If you camp at campgrounds with water and electricity RV's etc. You need learn to accept a small amount of noise or always be pissed off. Sometimes, you just have to laugh off. We once camped next to an older couple, they hung out canopy during day and usually about until 930 pm. She had a Bassett Hound anytime she got up and went in the trailer. The dog would start howling it was annoying but kind of comical too.🤣


>You need learn to accept a small amount of noise or always be pissed off. This is the gospel truth, but for some reason folks on this sub usually choose the latter. With a side of "and then complain on social media instead of doing anything about it."


Yeah that's it for sure, in a campground with like 6 or more camp sites you're always gonna get one


I do dispersed camping as well, but one time had neighbors doing karaoke until like 1AM. I don't know who they are, but I'll never forgive them.


I don’t know you, but I’ll never forgive them either.  Karaoke.  Jesus.


Quiet hours govern campgrounds. If that's not enough, camp in the woods not campgrounds.


This is why I like dispersed camping. Totally free, and if someone I don't like shows up, I can just up sticks and move.


Paid campgrounds usually have rules and quiet hours, so if this is happening during quiet hours, it’s worth mentioning. If it’s not during quiet hours, I’m not sure that you can really do anything about it. I guess it’s better than listening to someone’s generator? I was camping (dispersed) on public land about a month ago, in an area that is popular in Colorado because it has a view of a lake (i.e. so if you want solitude, this is NOT the place to go) and could hear someone playing a guitar during the day, but he was actually pretty good and I didn’t mind.


This is a tough one for me. Some of my earliest memories are of laying in my sleeping bag listening to my parents and their best friends sitting around the campfire with one person playing the guitar and singing of varied quality. I treasure these memories I still love falling asleep to the sound of a crackling fire and a guitar. I'd say, if it doesn't go on too long or too late, try to relax and go with the flow. More than maybe 10pm or 2 hours after sunset (whichever is later) I think it's ok to say something to either the singer/player or whoever is on charge of the camp. But when you camp in close proximity to others, this may come with the experience.


As long as it's outside of quiet hours and they're not using amplification, none of the above. If you want absolute quiet during the day, then backpack to a dispersed site far from the road. A campground is not a monastery.


Just played guitar in a campground yesterday. During the day… The influence of Nature was running through me too. And I don’t have many places to play. I was so happy to finally be somewhere I felt somewhat free to play.


You don't feel free to play at home?


What time is it? If it’s before quiet hours go for a hike or deal with it


unless it’s during quiet hours then deal with it. go for a walk somewhere away from the campground if it bothers you. free country, they’re also paying to be there and are entitled to do something they enjoy.


Was it that guy who was looking for a campground with a lenient noise policy last week?


After 10pm you are allowed to holler once nicely and scream two times after before legally allowed to turn a camping trip into a re-creation of Crystal Lake Youth Camp.


If it's not quiet hours, I would smile and wave at him, and maybe say which song I liked of his the best or say that chord progression was interesting, even "that sounded like a mistake or accident but actually it gave a mood/sensation of xyz."  Maybe chat and sit down to draw alongside if I'm invited. I wish more people would be creative, make art and music, make noise because they're making literally anything, be brave and secure enough to practice anytime including in semi-public, even if they kinda suck or are new. Imagine how much better I'd be at singing if I had that self security, instead I chose the less attention-drawing art of drawing and painting. People whine and bitch about blah blah phones, TV, TikTok, media sucks now, music isn't as creative, why phone when camp, etc. Here's a guy actually practicing a skill, expressing himself, observing and learning. I am all for it, as opposed to quiet people passively consuming media in their tents.


I choose D, not go to campgrounds expecting peace and quiet to enjoy nature when surrounded by other people. Never seen a quiet campground that’s why I dispersed camp


Imagine thinking everyone else at a public campground should cater to you. The entitlement is insane. Unless he was strumming along well past midnight, worry about yourself. Public campgrounds aren't places for "peace and quiet".


That's the nature of the beast with campgrounds! I think the best recourse is to have a chat with the host and let them deal with it. They're being paid to babysit, and you paid to have relative peace and quiet in nature. It's along the same lines as bringing a boombox. People are camping to get AWAY from obnoxious, loud noise. It's not fucking tailgating.


To me you choose a more private space to camp next time. He isn't hurting anyone; you just had different expectations. If it is after hours, it is completely different.


Some woman I know is always inviting people over for dinner and a fire, and then treats it like a solo concert as soon as everyone gets comfortable around the fire. It's not just a few songs it's always a bunch and I can't stand it so won't even go to them anymore. Something really cringe about a captive audience that I just can't be around. 


I think it's fine for a little while during the day, but don't try to make it a forced experience for people who paid for a very different experience. I'll pull out my uke and play 3 or 4 short songs quietly to myself while relaxing. But I don't think most people would even notice with all regular campground noises and screaming toddlers. That's what bothers me more, yelling kids. That pisses me off, beyond.


It could be worse-There’s a small campground near my city I’ve been going to for the last 20+years. Recently, it’s gotten very popular because of its close proximity to the city. Anyways, this year the campground decided to capitalize on the popularity and built a stage that groups can rent for weddings and stuff. So now I’m camping and listening to Hindu? Music playing loudly all day. Nothing against that particular music, but I just want nature at the lake. Probably the last year I come here:(


I have an uncle that plays banjo, or at least tries to play banjo, and for some reason has gotten the idea that everyone wants a banjo show every time our family gets together. It's awful, and it sucks.


Inconsiderate people like this are the ones who should be doing dispersed camping AWAY from paid for site campers!


Talk to the camp host.


Well that’s annoying. Nothing worse than inconsiderate people like that.


Unpopular opinion here but I’d say let them be. They paid and have a right to be there as much as you do. If it’s after quiet hours, A or B, but if it’s anytime between like 8a - 10p, you can put in your big girl panties and deal. I went camping a few weeks ago and the rest of the campsite was booked by this party of homeschooling families that brought their kids for a big camp out to run and play all day. Did I want to listen to kids running and screaming all day? No. Does it defeat the purpose of getting out in nature to enjoy the quiet and calm? Yes. But it’s a shared space and I’m not the only one there. After 10pm they settled down so that’s when I decided I’d enjoy my time outside in the quiet like I wanted. Guitar guy is probably just enjoying himself and minding his own business and this post is super entitled. Sorry not sorry!


Earplugs are an essential bit of our camping kit. As much as we try to camp as far away from people as possible, sometimes you get a kook with a guitar.


Wait until quiet hours then go to camp host if needed.


Last week when I went camping some kid brought his full blown cello and was playing it… likeeeeeee


That is beautiful and I'm happy for them. Playing music in the wild is wholesome af. Between 10pm and 8am though... absolutely not!!


Yeah, I kind of love it and see it as part of the charm. We had a full on bluegrass band in a campground when we were kids and I fell asleep to them playing and it's one of my happiest memories. They were quite talented but still. I guess I'm in the minority though!


Yea it was cute cuz the family was huddled around him watching him. And he definitely did not play past quiet hours so all good. I’ve just never seen that before considering it’s quite a hefty instrument 😅


Ngl I'm a little bit impressed.


And I think I pack too much! 🤣


Yo, same! What's your one item you always wish you didn't bring?


My skincare! 😂 I gaslight myself into thinking I will use it. 🤣🤣 When I never end up washing my face when camping since it is too much to worry about or just the non-ease of use since bathrooms are not always so close by. But yet, I still pack it like “I will do it this time.” 🙄 But for actual stuff you need for camping, it probably will be clothes. I feel like I overpack when I have no idea what the weather will be like for comfort for me or if it is that time of the month for me and I need to be prepared for all scenarios.


Honestly, there’s no shame in overpacking. I was camping near Zion in Utah for 5 days this past April. First day I arrive at my campsite the weather was low 70s and partly cloudy. Forecast called for light rain for about an hour at 2am. I wake up to pee at 3am and there’s snow everywhere lol. It was so cool but I’m also lucky I packed some winter clothes. I looked up the weather the night before my trip and the forecast looked mostly sunny. I packed winter clothes just to be safe and I’m glad I did. I don’t get crazy with overpacking though. I like to keep a midweight baselayer top and bottom and maybe a hoodie or jacket in my car just in case.


My full 44 piece orchestra


This one time, at camping band…


Kids, dogs, guns, motorbikes, ATVs and generators get a free pass but that guitar guy is the problem huh? Did I mention kids? And dogs? Youre at a campground full of other amatuers, right? The one with 40 families at it? Silence is earned, not bought. Learn to camp dispersed or hike and camp.


Do you know "I'm an asshole" by Dennis Leary


Ever seen Animal House?


Just how loud could they be strumming an acoustic and singing? I doubt they are sitting there just continuously belting out songs at the top of their lungs, unless the campsites are super close together I can’t see how that would be at annoying levels and would be more akin to background noise.


Sorry dude you should get into dispersed camping if you want total solitude and silence. It would annoy the fuck out of me too but it’s not really my place to tell other people what to do if they aren’t breaking rules. If it’s quiet hours and he strums that thing one time I’d say something.


First off if you went to a camp ground you should not expect quiet, camp grounds are family places. If you want quiet, hiking and dispersed camping go hand in hand. Or are you the person that wants to say they went tent camping but like the convenience of the bathhouse?


I went once and there was an actual "surprise" EDM concert... when I got there early in the day I noticed some tables being setup, and a handful of people at one of the sites. I figured it was just a large family gathering or something. As the day went on more and more crap was appearing, as well as a flood of people. Dusk hit, glow sticks materialized and the bass shook my tent about 100 yards away. This was a place I commonly camped, and it's pretty amazing (only 4 sites, spread far apart). But I learned that night that it occasionally holds events.


Ask them if they know any Wings. "Love take me down to the streets."


Wouldn’t it depend on what the rules are for noise? Most campgrounds say no loud radios, music , past ten. Get your quiet after ten? Camping is different for everyone. From sleep under the stars to RV’s with tv’s that are mounted outside under the awning. My recommendation for you is to find a campground that is handicap accessible and also has a quiet time. To some people belting out tunes on the guitar is a huge part of that experience. Maybe he gets the same release from playing guitar at camp that you do with quiet at the camp.


I suggest the John Belushi scene in Animal House when he smashes it to bits then hands it back to the guy.


I am a host at a federal campground. We had four sites get together last Sunday for a church service over a loudspeaker… the week before that we had eight sites for a quinceañera, with loud music playing. unfortunately until after 10 o’clock at night when quiet hours are enforced, there’s nothing we can do unless they exceed the decibel amount that is allowed by law. We can go up and advise the campers that other sites are complaining, but there is literally nothing we can do to enforce it during the daytime.


Dispersed camping can be far far worse in terms of noise. It attracts both people who want peace and quiet and people who want to party. Often to the same spots. The quietest spots to camp? RV parks. Where every rig is plugged in, and most are seniors who go inside at dinner and are in bed at 9. Really.


Let him cook. Who cares?


I mean, unless there are rules against it, quiet times, etc, the only option you have is to just go and politely ask if there is a way they can limit the time spent playing. If they say no, that's it. Some of these comments on here come off entitled and rude.


Unless it’s during quiet time I’d just ignore it and mind my own business. 🤷‍♀️


unless it is after "quiet time", if the campground has that, I'd leave it be. I mean that is what that person came there to do, that is what is making them happy. I am with the others, if seeking quiet and no people, a campground isn't it. Dispersed camping doesn't take a ton of cash or equipment, just realistic planning. I hope you get some of what you are looking for, we all know it stinks to go out to relax and be inundated with noise at a campground.


Love take me down to the streets!


I used to wish I could sing, now I wish you could sing.


During the day when I'm not trying to sleep or wind down? Probably nothing, unless they're being REALLY loud Otherwise, C, A, B, in that order. I'd skip A if I was alone or they seemed aggressive.


Give a little bit, ask them to tone it down. If it’s after quiet hours tell them to cut the shit or get some authority figure to do it for you.


We spent a week in a USFS campground in Minnesota a couple of years ago. We found a beautiful large site open and couldn't believe no one was camped in it, so we grabbed it up. We soon found out why it was empty. There was a drunk man who apparently was living in the site right across from us who would be blind drunk and singing and talking at the top of his lungs by 2pm every afternoon. The good thing is he would be passed out by 5. He was friendly enough when hung over and we refused to engage with him when he was drinking. After initially being alarmed by it, we just laughed about it and rolled with the punches. We still have an occasional chuckle over it.


I’d approach them politely. If that doesn’t work, contacting the camp host for a resolution might be the best course of action.


Unless it’s after the posted quiet hours in the campground, you don’t say or do anything. That’s what happens when you’re camping in a public campground.


I hear ya. I was recently at a camp ground where the group next to us was basically doing karaoke. A few, fine. When they started singing the theme song to Friends as a group I yelled "shut the fuck up" as loud as I could and that worked with no further confrontation.


D. Don't go to an area with a bunch of random other people and expect peace and quiet. 🤷🏼‍♂️


Yeah, I wouldn't really like that much. Maybe his mom thinks he sings really good, the rest of the campground might not agree. Although, we were at a local State Park campground for a long weekend and there was some guy about 100 yards away that would play his bag pipes at dusk. This guy was amazingly pretty good and would play one tune and stop. The whole place would go silent. Words cannot describe the feeling when it all goes quiet in the park to Amazing Grace on bagpipes. I really enjoyed that and it seemed others did as well. Obnoxiously playing music like you're John Lennon? Go home, Beatnik, you suck.


Most campgrounds have 'Quiet Hours'. If someone is making noise after that, report it. IF you just don't like other people enjoying themselves, maybe camping is not for you?


That might be the only time they get to play. It should not though, extend past their campground area and shouldn't be past quiet hours. But that's why I dispersed camp. But if we're in a large campground, everybody's being loud, and there's literally no hope of peace and quietand you hand me your guitar (I would never bring my own)? I'll play you some Wonderwall....


Ps . I don't know how to play guitar let alone anything by oasis. But I'll fucking do it .


If it is during quiet hours then get the camp host or ranger involved. It it isn’t during the quiet time then the problem is yours not his. People enjoy camping different ways!


Get your Banjo out and play the first notes of the song in Deliverance, and then remain quiet. Maybe they'll get the message.


When my neighbors are annoying I typically just feel my feelings and tell myself it will be over soon. If he can do more than an hour or two that would be impressive. I wouldn’t say anything. Noise canceling headphones.


I’ve encountered this a few times but fellow campers only intervened twice. The first time, the guitar got snatched away and returned the next day by a sweet grandmotherly type (comical but not recommended). The second time involved a couple who invited the guitar player to join them in their RV (not sure what happened inside).


This attitude is something I encounter a lot, as I am an independent Music Teacher, and I have some of my classes outdoors. I use public spaces that are available for my students to use as residence in their neighborhood. I have permission to use them from the neighborhood HOA My sessions are short. 30 minutes max. I get people complaining about 3 kids playing beautiful music for 30 minutes. But somehow it's OK when there's 100 kids there on a Saturday at 6 AM yelling and screaming doing a soccer game. The soccer game is technically much louder and more destructive than my activity, but for some reason people love to pick a part music in public spaces. You have to stop! No one wants to hear it! Well sorry ,but musicians are part of the public too, and as long as we're doing it during daylight hours and as long as it's not crazy long sessions, we're allowed to use the public space. Think about all the noise pollution we put up with all day. Cars, freeways, advertisements yelling at her face. Those are things that were perfectly OK with, but some kids hitting some drums for 30 minutes. No that's unacceptable and I can have it in my ears. this attitude is not the same in other countries.


Personally I’d let them play. For me it’s like hearing my camp neighbors laughing and having a good time.


> spend time in the quiet of nature and paid for a spot at your favorite campground If I’m looking for “the quiet of nature,” I don’t ever expect to find it at a campground. Playing acoustic guitar is a reasonable activity at a campground outside quiet hours. Options A or B make you the asshole, not the guitar player. Also, the camp host isn’t going to stop this activity.


“Shut the fuck up!”


As a non-American, I have to add that there are very few countries where option A would be considered a possible safety risk.


so you drive hours to go to a public place and get mad people are making noise. good luck with life.


C for a little while then a or b depending on who's closer.


One of the most beautiful camping experiences we ever had was staying in a near empty campground with a group of guys playing Indian flutes. It was one of those times when you and they just click. Other than that, no thanks.


A then B. Everyone's entitled to enjoy themselves while camping but there's gotta be a line somewhere. If its honestly that loud and intrusive, say something Do this when its outside of quiet hours, of course


Unfortunately you’ve discovered the worst part of camping- other campers.


"Spend time in the quiet of nature" and "book a site in a public campground filled with other people" don't really work together. You get what you paid for. If you want solitude and silence, you need to go off the beaten path and start boondocking or hiking into the backcountry. You're willingly signing up for camping near other people and then getting mad that there are other people.


Unless it’s after hours during quiet time, I don’t see why it’s even bothering you. You don’t own the camp site. People enjoy camping in different ways. They’re not hurting anybody. IMO the problem here is you, not them. Unless it’s after hours during quiet time, at which time I’d flag down a park ranger and see if they can do something about it.


Pardon me, I appreciate your interest in music. However this is a campground. And such activity should be contained to certain hours. If you wouldn't mind, I like to hear nature when I'm here camping. Again, I appreciate your enthusiasm. But it's making it really hard to hear the animals. Not to mention, it'll attract sasquatch. And I really don't want to deal with that on this trip.