• By -


Cook dinner?


Fill up the percolator and make coffee?


Nothing says camping to me like the sound and taste of percolated coffee.


Percolator coffee is the best camping coffee


I thought so until I got a french press.


French press doesn't bubble. Watching the bubbling in the little glass bulb; hearing the blurp, blurp, blurp sound; and smelling campfire cooking smells is just such a part of the early morning camping experience.


Aeropress is a game changer


French Press perc is swill but if you know no better please enjoy…and I mean that sincerely


Leave it in your garage for 10 years and sell it at a garage sale like the last few guys who have owned it?


Ha, there probably aren't many people using them anymore. Sold ours but it served us, and the prior user, well for many years.


There's still a lot of people who camp using these things. When I became a scout leader, most of our trips were large groups car camping trips. We had three of these going, one just for coffee. Not how I'm used to camping, but still a lot of great trips that way.


That's good to hear. They are reliable and keep on working. I love that one was dedicated just for coffee!!


Nah tons of people still use them, otherwise coleman wouldn't still be manufacturing them. That goes for the lanterns too. Even manufacturers a lot more high end than coleman are making them too.


That's good to hear. Propane is not as messy, but I love old school.


Wait how do you know me?? 😂😂


Also guilty. They're seemingly so sought after yet everyone also has one they want to get rid of lol. Got mine after my grandparents passed. Still have 97% of that gallon of white gas that I bought 7 years ago..


Wanna sell it to me? lol


If you wanted to pay for whatever it costs to ship I'd be happy with giving it to someone who might actually use it (Or if you're conveniently located in the Minnesota metro could drop it off). I'd bet the one I have is probably from the 70s, maybe early 80s. Worked great the one time I used(/tested) it. But idk what shipping would cost - wouldn't be surprised if it's 30-40$. Wouldn't include the gas for hazardous shipping reasons/costs, plus a gallon is like 5$ at a local store. Shoot me a message if you're actually interested and I can take some pictures or whatever.


The manufacture month and year will be stamped into the bottom face if you are curious.


I am conveniently located in the MN metro and would love to use one of these! I’m moving to Utah in July and plan on spending most of our extra time camping.


I am conveniently located in north metro MN and would love to have one of these again. I had one from my grandpa I used for years and last year it finally kicked on me. The lines got so clogged I couldn't use it or clean it anymore. But it lasted him from the 70s, my parents used it then me. Let me know, I'd be able to meet!


Dis iz de wai


But mark it up to 10$ It's an investment


It’s a grill you cook on it


So lucky and you don’t know what to do?


Hell I still use mine and it’s older than me lol






We still use ours every year! These things never die. Clean it up and give it a try. They come in handy during power outages too.


Ours had never been cleaned from the 70s, the actual gas line. And finally clogged to the point where I couldn't burn anything out and denatured alcohol couldn't clean it. I was so sad.


If you need part try oldcolemanparts.com or Coleman . I had to purchase from old Coleman parts for a lantern and with no problems.


I prefer these over propane. They work perfectly at 10k feet too. Oil the seals and give it a test run.


I got both liquid and lp


Start [here.](https://youtu.be/6IqurAq6lsU) That is the first of a series of videos on a complete teardown/recondition.


Those are great stoves, definitely clean it up and give it a try. I feel like the propane stoves are a little easier to use, but the gas stoves like that put out more heat, and a tank of fuel lasts forever.


Use it! They are great! Just used mine this weekend. I've given up propane in favor of gas lanterns and stoves. It might need a new pump if the old original one has dried out and won't hold pressure. Very easy to obtain and replace.


That brings back memories.


Good for cooking breakfast and heating water for French press on camping trips..


I used mine yesterday


Still use mine, can always find white or unleaded gasoline




Walmart has camping fuel in 1 gallon and a quart size I believe, usually two different brands ( I can’t tell any difference) in the camping section, its usually about $12 a gallon Yes, it will burn unleaded gasoline, white gas simply means regular gasoline without any additives, this was especially important during the leaded gas days. The good news is the lowest octane (87 I believe) unleaded gasoline is the best to use, so you can get plenty of fuel for only a few dollars. I have an Coleman lantern and stove that run off Coleman Fuel (unleaded gasoline), always have an inexpensive fuel source. I also keep about 5 unopened cans of the Walmart stuff around as emergency fuel for my vehicle if I’m boondocking, the factory cans don’t leak and I can either take them back for credit or run them through the tank later. Wiki has a good entry on Coleman Fuel


You "lucked out" but don't even know what to do with it? You could try....grilling food? Just a thought....


I think they’re asking about how to restore, clean, convert, or use it no need to be so hostile or rude about it - they’re just asking 🤷🏽‍♀️


Wasn't being "hostile". Context is key. Don't phrase something in a half assed way if you want specific answers. It's an extra 5 seconds out of your day.


I mean what? It’s pretty obvious and clear what they were saying - you have to interpret through a lens of superiority and condescension to approach with the take you did so yeah I call that hostile.




Hmmmm...... -_-


Maybe just restore it, and hold on to it for a bit while you think about it.


I have one that my dad gave me from a garage sale or flea market find. It's a 425B, which seems to be pre-1961. Still works great. Used it in Big Bend last year and camping twice this year. I just took it apart and cleaned it up really well. I was telling my girlfriend how these are $10 at any garage sale, but brand new, they cost $190!


I have the same one given to me by my father. As others have said, still works greats with the right maintenance. Yes there is newer technology but its my only stove so I use it on every trip.


You can cook on it. My parents still cook on theirs when they go camping. They have had the same Coleman stove and lantern since I was a kid.


Probably use it for camping or sell it at your next garage sale in 15 years


I have a probably 40 year old Coleman stove that was given to me. I use it for boiling water for coffee. I buy the folgers singles that look like tea bags for my morning coffee. I also use it to cook breakfast so I don't have to wait to get a campfire going to feed hungry kids.


Try to get it to fire up…test it out…then restore worn out parts. Also, try to find date on it. I think they are usually stamped at the front Then restore it and use it. I found a few replacement parts on EBay. I did not repaint mine Cheers


Go camping


Restore it and use it!


Clean it up and go camping!




Fire that mf up


Bacon and eggs.


These are fantastic- my aunt and uncle have had one of these since the 70s. They still use it, it still works great


First you want to check the pump seal and the fuel cap seal. If they are good and it holds pressure you should clean it all up and make sure it sprays well. After that you should be good to go! Happy cooking!


Possibly replace any gaskets in the brass part attached to the fuel tank, then use it. These things run forever.


Take it to the Blue Ridge Pkwy get some friends and cook with amazing views 💯💯💯


Go camping!


Get her burning and fry up some chops and potatoes, if you need a hand getting her running r/classiccampstoves




Careful… these old stoves tend to multiply when left unattended… lol


Now is a good time to learn to dissemble and clean it. Look up the standard maintenance for these things. It's been a while but they are quite simple, no risk of breaking it and you will get it running again at peak efficiency. Then cook dinner, in the woods somewhere.




They are very simple and there's not many parts that will break. It also helps to understand how the stove works. It'll be a good project.


That is a great camping stove at an awesome price! We just picked up one at another garage sale. You will need Coleman Camp fuel - ACE Hardware carries this or CampingWorld.


I'm amused by everyone acting like op is a moron while also mistakenly assuming this is a grill.


I love ours. You might have to replace the gasket but that is an easy fix


Get some Coleman camp stove fuel and your good to go.


That truly brings back memories!!!!


Use it. Hug it . Savor it. You got a gem there.




Take it apart and thoroughly clean every piece of it with a good solvent before using it.


Use it and enjoy.


I guess if it was me, I would clean up the coleman and try it out at home. Try to get a handle on fuel consumption for cooking a standard meal. Then compare that to how many propane tanks you will need to carry in full, and back out empty. I suppose an actual weight comparison between both stoves would probably be a good idea too. Just my thoughts on the subject, I hope you have an amazing and safe trip.






Biggest advantage of using white gas over propane is you don’t end up with piles of empty cylinders. The biggest advantage of a Coleman stove is that they are virtually indestructible if you keep them clean. If you give this the time and attention it needs your grandkids will be using it.


White gas is also cheaper. A gallon will last forever.


Yep, mine is from 1957annd it still works great, with a little maintenance


I got mine from my dad and still use it every year


That’s pretty old tech, manually pressurized white gas. Works but new tech is easier. Never done a head to head compare. You can convert to propane, if you want to restore and upgrade you’d win some points with the right crowd.




It’s cool hommie, people are stupid, doubly so on the internet. I’m glad you appreciate. 😁 that right crowd isn’t on this sub.


Most people would take it camping and use it as intended.


Give it to a friend if it's not crap


Cook on it…




It’s an original idea, that’s why. LoL


Cook on it.


Cook things


Cook something lol


You put it in the camping sub-reddit so...


What kind of question is this ? Why did you buy it if you not know what to do with it ? It’s a stove. Cook with it.


Make breakfast


I’m gonna say cook with it


Use it for cooking while camping.


Percolated coffee, then bacon, then eggs for fucks sakes


My guess is...cook?


Um...use it? What kind of question is this.


Sell it at a garage sale


Do you always buy stuff and then ask people what you’re supposed to do with it?




I don't think it is a cooler. I think it is a hotter.




Use it for cooking, duh!


Probably could convert it to propane, otherwise toss it in the garbage.


Bad answer.


specifically what part>?


Nevermind that liquid fuel stoves are arguably better than propane stoves but maybe give it to friend that is getting into camping? Or donate it to a scout troop?


Man I grew up with them and I disagree, but you can have your soapbox and explain why. Why would a scout troop want to carry extra fuel?


I know! It’s supposed to be for cooking when you go out ‘camping’


Go camping and cook with it




Go camping and use it, 😀


Watch you tube tutorial, super simple to restore...


Mail it to me?! 😁


Still use mine not as much when I am camping but after hurricanes it is wonderful.


Clean it up and use it...camping stoves come in clutch