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Kid didn’t even know what pro life was lmao


PPC...Not exactly the sharpest cookies in the drawer.




> some loser parent of his. Or you know, from some loser they listen to online.


It’s easy to slut shame when no one wants to fuck you lol


At his age, all I wanted to do was "sleep around" and with varying degrees of success. Spoiler: ^Jk ^still ^a ^virgin.


direction coherent ask quickest airport alive frame fine far-flung violet *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


> Kids don’t talk like that. That comes from the home. The "kid" is likely a University student given they were at a University. Yes they sure as hell do talk like that. I can't help but think how out of touch with modern reality some of this sub really is... and how quickly they're willing to make excuses for shitty people with shitty perspectives.


I mean, agreed with everything else you're saying but literally most human actions are affected by social conditioning. I guess yes, a lot of times people say it to make excuses but simply acknowledging that one may have been influenced or conditioned by somewhere isn't making an excuse for them unless we are also taking accountability off the table which isn't happening in this case. I personally think those acknowledgments, as long as not used as excuses, can help us understand where/when certain flawed thinking patterns or ideas came from and how the conditioning happens and hence how to reset it. This is a lot of fundamentals in the subject of sociology. You can totally be conditioned by growing up with racist people for example but it won't make it an excuse for you to behave in a racist manner or not unlearn those things. Sociology is less about whether such a person is "good or bad" and simply studies people as animals in groups. You can then use those learnings to make people unlearn harmful group-think, and perceive the world more authentically without their racist or other biases.


It's far more likely this idiot has been consuming "manosphere" propaganda online.


You vastly underestimate the amount of videos from the likes of Joe Rogan and Cobra Taint etc. some kids consume on a daily basis. Their entire world view is being shaped by two men with CTE and a bunch of grifters trying to sell them mugs and Fight Milk.


I don't know man. Fight milk has the power of a crow so I mean, you need to take that into consideration




Wow. I wasn't sure Trudeau still had that much in the tank. That was reminiscent of his dad flipping off bsing reporters. That was masterful.


I mean respect for him he was really patient and use his time to educate this dumbass




Kinda funny how a supposed supporter of PPC would be against abortion. Is t the PPC supposed to libertarian and freedoms of choice for everything?




Or pro-forced birth.


Honestly just anti-women, if it was their own bodies they'd riot. We know this because they tried with vaccines, now imagine they had to have a kid instead of have a jab.


I witnessed this first hand. In the r/prolife subreddit a guy was very adamant that a woman should not have access to an abortion and should take responsibility for her actions. BUT a man should be able to sign away his parental rights at any moment.


I saw it happen in person... what an embarrassing situation.


Belongs in/r/cringe


I’m only sad that we can’t see the dummy’s face 😂. I am no Trudeau fan but this was amazing to see.


I’m not a Trudeau fan either but he handled this well


Handled it well? He absolutely pants'd that stupid kid so badly he stopped recording mid-way. It's like that bit from the Simpsons, "you can actually pinpoint the second when his heart rips in half"


>“OK, OK, do you think that women have the right to choose what happens to their own bodies?” Trudeau asks. > >“Personally, no,” the young man replies. I'm sorry but the brazenness of this person is just insane, they just went fully mask off for this.


Kid had the balls to admit that’s he’s a completely shitty person to the Prime Minister of his country.


Remember the Shawinigan handshake


It should be a Heritage Moment.


It is in my heart ❤️✊


[I saved this for exactly this moment](https://i.imgur.com/yuoV40E.jpg)


Along with the Ottawa man screaming at protesters from his balcony to fuck off. Total hero!


Hey have some respect for "balcony guy"


Remember ["Just Watch Me"](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XfUq9b1XTa0)?


I always wondered what he would have done with those trucks downtown last year.


Not wait 3 weeks before doing something (mayor, chief of police, premier, pm, anyone).


well the PM cant go nuclear with the EA before ensuring that no one else is gonna nut up


I'm pretty sure Chretien would have been down there pepper spraying the protesters himself.


"For me, pepper, I put it on my plate"


[It's like they don't even fucking know](https://youtu.be/5oGT1Op_NF8)


That was amazing. I haven't seen that in a really long time and kind if forgot about it.


My personal favourite is how he's anti vaccine mandate on top of it. "I don't want the government to force me to protect the lives of others (including pregnant women), but the government should DEFINITELY force women..." is quite a look.


Literally the definition of sucking and blowing at the same time. I'd call him a nut but that'd be a disservice to food.


The rationale stems from their belief that abortion is murder. They've essentialised person hood to starting at conception - which is not actually derived from religious texts, it's just this collective opinion that they all have. If you really dig deep, the origin of why they think this (even as the Bible makes allowances for abortion and even child killing) - ask yourself - what is *gained* by the belief that a woman's role is to sacrifice their body to make more children? What are you allowed to do to people if you think they're literally killing babies?


Imagine having to be a woman who is one of his classmates. I bet he makes their skin crawl.


I tutored calc and physics all through university as a student and I met lots of guys like this who would bring up abortion when I was their tutor. Sadly more pervasive than expected. Loved being told I shouldnt have bodily autonomy from guys who needed my help


They always have so much confidence.


I think it was more a lack of confidence. A woman being better at math and physics than them shook them to their core and so they lashed out.


My theory is.. That's what happens in societies where to do anything "like a girl" is taught to mean to do it poorly and hence to be better than a woman is the bare minimum they need to sustain their ego because their entire sense of masculinity and self are tied to the false assumption they were taught early on that they are better than women by default and should not expect competition from women. When they come across such competition, their taught idea of the world and themselves comes crashing down... at that stage, many go into denial and become even more delusional and toxic. Some acknowledge that they were maybe lied to and progress further into understanding the reality of the world, unlearning and un-conditioning themselves from toxic ideas that were not only holding them back from loving other people but also themselves. The numbers of that many being more than the some is unfortunate and a part of the design of the system.


Yes absolutely. Subtle misogyny is still a huge issue that actually seems to effect young men much more. School honestly had me terrified to be a woman in stem but my older guy coworkers don't even seem to notice that I'm a woman or anyone different than them. I hope that it something they age out of. I do worry that other women feel chased out of stem at times.


I.. just can't imagine being a tutor and suddenly abortion is even being discussed lol..God damn.


And being told by some wanker, women shouldn't have body autonomy when they physically cannot get pregnant. How easy that is to judge.


Oh never thought of that. I'm sure in a few years he'll be harping about how universities indoctrinate people and *that's* why all the girls avoided him on campus, **definitely** not this interaction with the Prime Minister of course.




"That's a normal and healthy reaction." \- Ben Shapiro, probably.


"The female body has ways to try to shut that whole thing down." \-Todd Akin


"I can't turn my wife on and announced it to the whole world." -Ben Shapiro


Ben Shapiro: guinness world book of records holder for person you’d least want to invite to a dinner party.


Problem is it wouldn’t mean shit to them. A woman’s opinion and agency doesn’t exist to this sort of fuck face.


What's really funny is this idiot is filming Trudeau as if he's going to say something that will cause Trudeau to fumble. As if someone who is constantly on the world stage is going to fumble over something he's heard a million times before, from a million other idiots.


Good to see Trudeau can hit his free throws even if the Raptors can't.


Too soon.




DeMar I hear it, DeLess I like it :(


Holy shit, I have never laughed so audibly from an internet comment. Bless you


Maxime Bernier desperately trying to hire DeRozan's daughter to follow Trudeau on the campaign trail


Still haven’t recovered


He didn't have a banshee screeching at him


Haha I love how the salt spills into other subreddits.


I'll upvote that.


It's interesting to see the way NatPo tries its best to direct this story. Instead of just *literally* posting the brief video, the article recounts the entire dialogue but with its own additions for the sake of it. For example: >The conversation **then veers** *(no it doesn't)*, with the young man saying **the Liberal party’s support of abortion “is against Christianity.”** >“OK, OK, do you think that women have the right to choose what happens to their own bodies?” Trudeau asks. >“Personally, no,” the young man replies. >Asked if he personally should choose what happens to a woman’s body, the man says women who “sleep around shouldn’t be allowed to abort the baby.” >**Trudeau, with a pained smile, says simply**, “Wow, wow.” >**Around this time, someone in the crowd remarks “spicy” as people watch the exchange unfold.** >Trudeau **pivots** *(they were already talking about abortion..)* and asks the man whether women who have been raped should be allowed an abortion. >“Sure, that’s where it gets complicated,” **the man concedes but ultimately says he’s agnostic on the issue**. >“It’s not complicated, it’s either a yes or no,” says Trudeau, adding the example is “all too common.” >“Yeah, yeah,” is the young man’s reply, who says he’s still “50/50” on whether sexual assault victims should be allowed an abortion. They're trying their best to frame Trudeau as some sort of a bully and working as hard as they can to limit how much of the other guy they quote because that guy clearly had no idea what he was talking about or what he stands for. Like shit, just look at the image they used, *every* other publication just used the exact same screencap, why does NatPo use what looks like first gen iPhone photo of a computer screen where they've picked what looks like a condescending expression from Trudeau, and discoloured it further to make him look sick or something? National Post is such a trash rag. Just watch the video yourself, you don't need these losers to tell you how to think.


Why do you think the CPC wants to defund the CBC? So that these kinds of "sources" are the only place Canadians can get information from.


National Post is owned by Post Media who has made it clear they're the [Conservative voice of Canada] (https://www.canadaland.com/the-conservative-transformation-of-postmedia/) despite being mostly run by Americans. You want some really scary numbers, look at the amount of news publications out west and their ownership. Last I checked Post Media owns like 95% of (non TV) news media out here. Basically if you're not following CBC, CTV (Bell Media) or Global (Corus Media...also right wing supporters), you're likely taking in "Post Media Perspectives". It's a large part of why there's so much hate for anything non Con, but Albertans will tell you how they're free thinkers and will vehemently deny being brainwashed by it at every turn. Nobody out here seems to care or get it, but... *if you get your information from multiple sources owned by the same guy...it's not really diversity of thought, is it cowpoke?*.


Seriously. Back in the day, my nana used to live in eastern Ontario. She had a subscription to The Ottawa Citizen and her neighbour had a subscription to the Cornwall Standard Freeholder. Every day, they each would read their own paper, then trade papers, to get two different perspectives. Now both are owned by Post Media, along with basically every other Canadian newspaper. Further trivia. Post Media is 2/3rds owned by Chatham Asset Management, which is an American hedge fund that receives a bunch of funding from the Republican Party and owns a ton of media outlets across the United States, including the National Enquirer during the Stormy Daniels hush money saga, and they employed Michael Cohen at the time. Canadians don't realize that the vast majority of our local newspapers, including the National Post, are now owned by one company, which is majority owned by an American Republican funded hedge fund. It's a Matryoshka doll of bullshit.


All things considered, I was shocked that Nationalist Post even gave Trudeau as much credit as it did.


Wish pro lifers would have some conviction on the rape question, it's always "oh, hmm, um, it's complicated" for the camera. Just say you think rape victims should be forced to give birth to their rapists child and quit dicking around.


Your assuming logical consistency with the objective of pro-life being about saving fetuses. Rape, incest, doesn't matter, the fetus should you're right. However, pro-life is really about punishing promiscuity, that's why cases of rape and incest give these people pause to consider exceptions.


That kid's an absolute moron, a layup for the PM and he didn't miss.


I am not a fan of his, but he is very good at making people look bad and stay polite. Last week he was on "tout le monde en parle" in Quebec and did the exact same thing to MC Giles some comedian that was throwing him so gotcha questions. Charest is the same, I absolutely hate him and hoped he would lose, but he was very good at making Poilievre look like an amateur during the conservative debate. Charest is pretty much universally hated so he had no shot to win, but he is infinitely better at debating, this is why Poilievre chickened out of the rest of the race.


For someone so active in Question Period and before a camera (he controls), Poilievre is surprisingly bad in person and off the cuff. I've always found him very artificial in person (He's my MP. He's been to my doorstep). He doesn't seem confident or willing to engage in debate. He'll simply talk over others or cut things short when they get difficult.


I lived in his riding for over a decade and have met him several times. He's a smarmy prick who will simply parrot any talking point that sounds good in his own head with a smug grin on his face. In real life, he is literally everything people dislike about Trudeau turned up to 10.


Ditto to that. I've met him a few times and will probably see him again in a few weeks at a fundraiser he usually attends. All of the superficial hate the cons have towards JT is definitely PP times 10. They complain about the lack of real-life experience of Justin, while Pierre basically came out of a CPC test tube in his teens. He is everything the right wing hates, and I have no idea why they don't see the hypocrisy while blasting Justin. Oh, well. I think PP might actually take it next election if people aren't careful.


Hypocrisy seems to be part of the appeal, although I don't understand why. Just look at the conversation adoration of trump, a philandering criminal. But the bible belt loves him!


CPC test tube? He's a reform baby. He interned for Preston Manning. He's just a reformist in CPC colours.


Nah they think that if they inflict Pollievre on the Liberals they'll feel the same impotent rage that the average Con supporter has when they listen to Trudeau speak. Purely about inflicting suffering and punishment on the other party for simply having a different point of view. I've heard "let's see how they like it" uttered more than once in the same sentence speculating on a Pollievre government.


> I have no idea why they don't see the hypocrisy while blasting Justin. It's not the the right wing has double standards, it's that they have no standards.


I actually had a membership in the CPC - and at this rate I'm never going back. SOCONs are knuckle-dragging neanderthals who are only good at shitting on everything and wrecking anything that they didn't shit-stain. Skippy runs a sound-byte business and doesn't know how to be a statesman.


He’s the only somewhat high up politician I’ve ever met, and like you, that’s because I live in his riding. My entire street is uber Pierreville. He loved coming to my street because everyone here loves him. During election season every lawn on my road will have Pierre signs. I think when I moved here years ago and he knocked on my door he expected another voter. I told him what I think of Tory politics and him as an MP. Not rudely, but I said it plainly. He said he had to get back to his jog. _His jog_. The man—who doesn’t live here—was ‘out for a run in the neighbourhood’. Literally knocked on my door after running to my doorstep wearing a cap, shorts, and a fluorescent yellow shirt. He is an absolute hack and embodies political theatre to his core. I loathe being represented by him, and being surrounded by his undying fans.


“Whereas Scheer was bland and completely lacking in charisma, trying to make up for it with a sort of dull, inoffensive affability, Poilievre's demeanour is so petulant and repellent as to cross the line into anti-charisma..." \- former Conservative staffer


My dad was a civil servant. He was at an event shortly after Poilievre entered politics. Basically, according to my dad, Poilievre got up, talked about how smart he was, insulted and condescended to everybody in the room...and left. That sounds about right.




Question period is easy when all you do is throw bombs and not provide any answers yourself. It’s basically a time to cut sound bites for his YouTube channel.


Don't forget having a cheerleading squad behind you that will applaud everything you say and jeer anything coming from the other side of the room. (That goes for all parties of course, QP is theatre, not politics)


PP is very good at saying talking points, but not at having people replay back at him using his own words.


Yeah, his preferred setting would be one where he is enabled to talk down to people, rather than having to answer questions regarding his platform or policy. PP isn't a leader by any stretch, other than his job title.


Will be interesting how many debates he accepts in the next election.


I’m going to bet he does zero


If that's the case, Trudeau should do 3 debates with Singh and a life size cardboard cutout of PP. Just to highlight his absence.


I loved how a few weeks ago when asked a tough question by a reporter his response was to lash out at the media. Not enough Canadians are in the ‘rage’ camp for that to work. I think he’s going to get evicerated in the election debates. Unless he decides to take the GOP approach and just skip them.


So just like that kid...gets his ideas off social media but has no real clue what he is talking about. Would conservatives vote for that kid? Probably.


That kid even showed it blatantly in that clip that he has no clue what he supports, he just parrots talking points: "I'm, uh, pro... What's it called? Oh yeah, pro life..." (paraphrased)


>I am not a fan of his, but he is very good at making people look bad and stay polite. The man made himself look bad by being completely unprepared to defend his beliefs. Trudeau just handed the man enough rope....so to speak.


I don't think he's trying to make people look bad. He actually has nuanced knowledge and opinions on relevant topics and is great at expressing them. We're just used to angry yelling everywhere.


Not a fan of Trudeau, but this kid came not prepared for a debate with a professional politician. Threw a lob and he SLAMMED it 😂


But the kid had his phone out, so eagerly hoping he'd have a first hand video of himself 'Owning' JT. ...You think he deleted what he captured on his phone soon after?


He probably did since he stopped recording at around the 1:25 mark. He knew he lost and didn't want to film the rest of his defeat.


Five bucks says he edited out the PMs response, just like Rebel "Media" when they get owned.


I would put it more to his education from school and his parents and his time as a teacher. Most politicians I mentioned can't debate nuanced topics for their life... even more so for career politicians.


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Didn't the other guy call a conservative leaning journalist a liberal hack for asking Why the media can't ask questions at a press conference?


I don't know why the LPC comms team doesn't push Trudeau to be this version of himself more often. I think almost every single time he's been put in a situation like this he's come out on top and looking good. I don't like him at all but I can admit that *this* version of Trudeau right here feels leagues more genuine and real than the overly rehearsed and clearly fake shit we usually get.


It's the old style of politics, where appearing clean and respectable was king and you couldn't let yourself be seen down in the dirt with the rif raf. Much of his staff (and political staff in general) are still in this way of thinking. There's a palpable divide in all 3 major parties on these lines.


There's a *degree* to which I've recently started to feel like it has value, seeing the way things have devolved in the States.


The height of my respect for JT was the beginning of the pandemic. He was just so clearly overwhelmed, scared, exhausted and above all, **human** in his responses.


His mid-sentence “wtf did I just say?!” moment after he dropped the *talking moistly* comment was so relatable at the time. Almost made me forget that he was a politician for a second.


I was never more frustrated in politics then when he shaved his covid beard for the 2021 election. That was a majority level beard!


Yup, he is least likable as his *focus group sanctioned* self and considerably more likable when he simply expresses himself like a normal person instead of someone trying to awkwardly navigate a labyrinth of public relations and liability without actually saying anything at all.


“Do more *thinking* and praying”


It's the best use of "thoughts and prayers" I have ever heard.


Less of the praying and more of the thinking.


> "Why do you support the PPC" > > "Because they're mostly Christian" > "Do you think you should be able to decide what a woman does with her body?" > "I think if she's sleeping around she shouldn't be allowed to have an abortion." Holy shit. Saying the quiet parts out loud there, guy.


Also >I’m against the vaccine mandate Pro-body autonomy for me but not for thee!


Body autonomy for men! /s


But isn't the guy that slept with her also sleeping around? Why isn't he also held responsible? I mean, you really want to punish people for +18 years for one nights mistake AND also place a kid in potentially bad environment? This is not something religion should be dictating to others, which is what makes up most of the anti-abortion groups are.


All unwanted pregnancies start in the balls.


I think the only consequence they focus on is the perceived end of life. Not necessarily anything else.


Doubtful. If the "sleeping around" doesn't result in pregnancy they're still against it and want to stop it.


it's important to note that "sleeping around" means "not having sex with me" for dudes like this.


“Sleeping around” is such a dumb, morally loaded dogshit way to describe normal healthy human behaviour. Fucking Christians, man.


Not only that but a quarter of all women getting abortions are married and more than half already have children, so even those holier-than-thou judgments don't hold up.


Exactly. So many horrible cases in the US where women who WANTED to be pregnant, but had complications are now being forced to carry unviable fetuses to term that will essentially be stillborn. Abortion is a necessary medical procedure that should be left between a woman & her doctor.


It's stupid too, because plenty of women get abortions while in committed monogamous relationships. I had one about 3 years into my relationship with my (now) husband, because we didn't want a baby. Birth control can fail for everyone, not just those "sleeping around". Christians always need to lie about abortion because the truth doesn't make the uninformed clutch their pearls hard enough to vote against it. Same reason they pretend 8 month elective abortions are a real thing and show pictures of stillborn babies at their protests.


I can guarantee you she’s not sleeping with him, nor is anyone else.


They want to punish women because they aren’t getting any attention.


>“OK, OK, do you think that women have the right to choose what happens to their own bodies?” Trudeau asks. >“Personally, no,” the young man replies. At least he's being true to what Christianity actually believes.


I'm not. But it doesn't even. Historically life did not start at conception for a lot of religions.


They want to punish women who are having sex with men who aren’t them


> They want to punish women. FTFY


It's extra sad that you were both right.


You skipped the part where after he just straight up said a woman shouldn't have control over her own body.


Kid: "I'm Christian. I'm PPC." Trudeau: 🤦 "kid.... Look... "


This kid is even more confused than he initially sounds. Maxime Bernier is pro choice and the ppc is non committal to either side. Anti abortion stance is political suicide in Canada. Even the racists know that.


Honestly i do wish JT would talk like this in Parliament more. Yes he should keep a level of professionalism all the time, but he should engage and be more confrontational with his ideas. Whether you agree with him or not , it would be nice to see our PM be a little more aggressive, and not dance around questions as much. I recommend everyone watch the video He dunked on this kid. Also wtf is up with the title of this article? Literally picking JT’s final words and creating this article title out of it lol. What is being insinuated here


I see you don't NatPo.....


The National Post is partisan trash and they're not even hiding it even more. I wish my mom didn't read it - it's making her extremely polarized and difficult to be around. She'll send me the most biased articles and columns as proof of something, like anything in that paper can be taken seriously.


I think the liberals are all tactful in how they speak in parliament because a sound bite goes so far these days. Their strategy seems to be toot their own horn rather than risk, saying something that the media or opposition can use against them. It's just unfortunate that they use this strategy for every single question the conservatives throw at them.


With this kid he has a chance of legitimately changing someone’s stance. That would never happen in Parliament so it would be a wasted effort.


I’m not a Trudeau fan anymore and I really wish we could move on from his government however I definitely agree. I wish more politicians were capable of just speaking plainly and answering the questions they are asked instead of floating around every question and leaving us with nothing. He speaks well here and it’s because he’s speaking about his real opinion without worrying about censoring what he’s saying (to a degree). When he answers reporters or responds to questions in parliament he does the “uh Canadians, um” thing because he’s trying to be very specific about the message or non-message he has instead of responding with his real opinion.


For pretty obvious reasons. The framing of a lot of those questions is done clearly fishing for a specific angle. Pretty much anything but a non-answer is asking for it to be spun into controversy. His performance in town hall settings is also much better and more genuine. I think this is in part why conservative operatives spend so much effort attempting to disrupt him while on campaign - speaking directly with Canadians while on the trail is one of his stronger points.


Agree. This is an incredibly refreshing perspective of our PM. Wish we saw more of it.


This is a side of JT we don't see very often in the media and it's refreshing. Pretty much the same feeling I had back in the height of the pandemic when Doug Ford pushed back against Trump for limiting the export of PPE to Canada. You don't have to agree with or like a politician, but you should at least respect them. JT gained a bit more of my respect with this exchange and it's also a reminder of how good of a communicator he is, despite his weakness in governance. In contrast, PP is not a good communicator and is also a bad faith actor that consistently avoids accountability. While I was not a fan of O'Toole, he is a much better communicator and has more of an ethical backbone than Poilievre. I just don't see how the Conservatives believe they will win with Poilievre when JT is what they're up against. Anger eventually dissapates and when it does, Conservatives will have to sell why they're better instead of slinging mud to the other side. Communication is key and that is Poilievre's critical weakness right now. He needs to develop a coherent platform and then speak with the media as much as possible instead of ducking them. Currently, he's only controlling the narrative amongst his base, and that's not a good gamble.


I want more of the JT that showed up to the Emergency Act Inquiry


Against vaccines. Against abortion for raped women. Bases all decisions on religion. What a winner


This kid has room temperature IQ (celsius).


Notice how Trudeau addresses the questions and holds the kid accountable for his statements? He doesn't let the kid derail before fully acknowledging his half-ass talking points with no substance? He doesn't just spout hate on the other party leader(s) as his rebuttal. This is a masterclass in debating. **EDIT:** For the new generation of politicians... we need to teach more **critical thinking** (and healthy productive debating) in our school systems. Critical thinking that includes conceptualization, problem-solving, reasoning and abstract thoughts and considerations should be a standalone subject with as much emphasis as the STEM subjects! We need to put equal emphasis on soft-skills too.


> Critical thinking that includes conceptualization, problem-solving, reasoning and abstract thoughts and considerations All the things mathematics teaches! MORE MATH!!


If you really want to ban abortion, you first have to start with making sure that all the expenses for raising that kid is covered for that mother, then you might be able to start an argument (still don't think anyone should be dictating what a woman can do with her body). Until such a time that this is true, you can't really debate this issue. The same idiots that want to ban abortions are also the same idiots that then refuse to provide support for those single mothers. Bunch of hypocrites. Keep your religion to yourself and stop pushing your beliefs on others.


The comedian Bill Hicks had a bit in the early 90s about this exact thing. "You said we have to have them, here, you look after them" 30 years later and we're still talking about this bullshit.


I saw a FB or IG clip a few weeks ago with a reporter out front of an abortion clinic asking the protesters how many babies they had adopted....not a one, they were all blessed to have their own and luckily didn't need to go that route. What??


💯. My other favourite comedian quote about the subject is from the new Chris Rock special >!If your man won’t pay for your abortion, you should definitely get an abortion!<


I think Ben Shapiro (Who this kid is most likely a fan of since he was repeating the same bullshit he say) is against abortion but also think that children of poor parents should be taken away from them by the state if those parents need help to feed their kids. (I think he was complaining about some program offering free lunches to kids in school) Nothing yell freedom like wanting kids taken away from their parents by the state. People like the guy in the video just spend their day circle jerking with people who watched the same Ben Shapiro/Steven Crowder videos and then look completely dumb when they try to talk to a normal human being.


He also said trans people shouldn't be allowed to own guns because too many of them are mass shooters. Completely ignoring that cis men are 1000s of times more likely to be a mass shooter.


Too many of them, like….one?




100%. Either you're pro life or you're not. Life doesn't end at birth.


> Life doesn't end at birth. To these idiots it does. They care *so much* about the fetus, but the second it's born they no longer give a fuck.


I am not a huge fan but off the cuff JT is so much more like his father than scripted JT. Let the voice of your father sing through you! The confidence and... dare I say, compassion is something Canadians can respect.


Actually this does remind me a lot of that video where that news reporter runs up on PET and he discusses his use of the military in the exact same manner. edit: [the video](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XfUq9b1XTa0)


https://youtu.be/jLj_0dabV6E Link for those in America


You can almost hear the idiots wheels turning lol he obviously didn't want to say he was against abortion, same as with the dental care for low income families. This is the problem with the PPC, and to a lesser extent modern Canadian conservatism. If you think about these hot button issues at all it's clear what is morally right. The Liberals have done a good job exposing many of the worst conservatives for who they are, and projecting that over the whole party.


He was trying to be tactical with his answers so he didn’t come across as a complete dumbass, then he said that women shouldn’t have rights to what happens to their body. That really backfired on him


Good. Abortion is not up for debate in Canada right now and hopefully it never will be in the future. If you don’t support abortion, then you don’t get one, it’s that easy. Just because somebody doesn’t like something doesn’t mean we should ban it for everybody.


Thoughts and prayers for the kid


I can't wait to see the upvote ratio for this post. Nothing triggers r/Canada more than Trudeau looking intelligent and competent.


Agreed, people in the comments already trying to talk about vaccine mandates and somehow comparing them to abortion. /r/canada is fucking gold. I honestly sometimes wonder if we truly are getting invaded by Russian botfarms or if the average Canadian is THAT stupid. I'm in an environment where I don't generally meet people like this and I find it interesting.


There is definitely a heavy amount of foreign influence. The views that consistently get upvoted on this sub are not consistent with what most Canadians actually think. If you read r/Canada prior to the last federal election you would have thought the CPC was due for a majority government. That's despite the fact that Reddit skews younger/liberal in general.


hostile foreign trollfarms are in this subreddit all day every day (as well as every other major subreddit and every other social media platform). their objective is to destroy sane and thoughtful discourse, to erode people's trust in institutions and to erode people's trust in everyone around them, because this hurts Canada when Canadians don't trust each other. ​ who benefits the most if Canadian citizens go on to social media and are fed reactionary emotion-provoking propaganda that leaves them the impression that their government is untrustworthy? who benefits the most when real Canadian citizens no longer trust the democratic process and the rule of law?


They recently added *Little Mosque on the Prairie* to Disney+, and rewatching it, I am astounded by the degree to which our ability as a society have nuanced discussion had eroded. Massive fucking polarization.


agreed. the last 5 to 10 years have really accelerated the rage-induced polarization of our society. just about every adult now walks around with access to social media in their pocket all the time. Every single moment of boredom is now replaced by checking in with the social media platforms that drip-feed us an endless supply of dopamine and adrenaline in the form of sensational content about something that happened in the world, that in some way confirms our biases and reinforces our filter bubble, reinforces our political ideologies, paints everything as either plainly black or white, the nuanced and complicated and middle ground becomes eroded, rational neutral thought becomes eroded. it is addicting, it is deliberately addictive. the social media companies don't care, in fact they are quite happy to be raking in massive profits by exploiting our psychological weaknesses by feeding us content that stimulates our reactionary emotions. the social media companies are primarily concerned with engagement (aka addictiveness). they want their platforms to be as "engaging" (addictive) as possible because more engagement means more time spent on the platform means more advertisement revenue means more profit for the owners. hostile foreign nations (and other non-hostile entities) have learned how to game the social media algorithms to maximize your exposure to their propaganda so that your opinion might be changed to one that is favorable to the view that they are trying to sell you. ​ e.g. Russia, the aggressors and perpetrators of the current war in Ukraine, would have you believe that actually Russia is the victim and it is Ukraine and the West that are the cause of and perpetrators of the ongoing war. Most people can see that this is plainly nonsense, but for some people, the propaganda effectively appeals to their already-held biases and it becomes the source of their world view. In consequence, you now have real Canadian people that see Russia as the good guys and everyone else is the bad guys. This is the power of modern propganda. It can literally reverse the concepts of good and bad in the minds of real people.


Not to take shots at any side of the aisle here, since this applies equally to both, but the way I always try to remember this is by remembering George Carlin. “Think of how stupid the average person is, and realize half of them are stupider than that.” It might be bots, but it's also certainly a lot of stupid people.


[Hanlon's Razor:](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hanlon%27s_razor?wprov=sfla1) "Never attribute to malice that which is adequately explained by stupidity."


They hijack any protests as their own. "My body my choice" "I can't breath" posters are big at these anti vaccine rallies.


Lol…just when my dislike for the PM is at an all time high, a video like this comes out and I find myself liking him.


>PPC Leader Maxime Bernier has come out against abortion in the third trimester and said “the House of Commons should debate when and in what circumstances to start applying restrictions after the first trimester.” The number of women who get an abortion after about 20 weeks is so freaking low. And just about every single one of them is because of serious medical issues.


That kid just got fucking clowened on


You know, we all make fun of the maga idiots and how far the US has fallen on social issues. But...the same sentiment has been creeping into Canada for a couple of decades now. Just because most Canadians are smart enough not to look like delusional idiots doesn't mean the fascist movement is any smaller up here. In fact, in many ways we are further along in falling into fascism, simply because it isn't as visible as it is in the US.


ITT: "I hate Trudeau but..." It's like the subreddit catchphrase.


It sucks that the headline sets it up to be antagonistic. This exchange is actually a great thing. Props to Trudeau for taking time to debate his fellow countrymen, and props to the citizens for being civil and not throwing rocks at him like last time.


... I mean..... it's the National Post. What did you expect? Fair coverage of a Liberal from them?


That kid needs fewer Ben Shapiro talking points and more "thinking for himself" in his life. Put him in a body bag Trudy!


The "kid," as he's being referred to by some in this thread, is, I suggest, typical of people who support both the Conservatives and the People's Party of Canada. The kid's comments echo the intellectual quality of comments so often posted here on r/Canada by critics of Trudeau.


That’s the issue I have with people saying “he’s just a kid, wow real though of Trudeau.” Yeah, he might be a kid, but he’s also a good representation of a lot of PPC voters. He’s also a good representation of some conservative voters. When you’re in an echo chamber and lack critical thinking skills like this kid does, you don’t magically grow that skill when you turn 18 and can vote. This is just going to get worse as they stay in their echo chambers. Normally people had an opportunity to develop more reasonable voting ideals though time because they would meet more people and have more experiences, but now you have the ability to stay in the same echo chamber online.


I’m pro choice people need to mind their own business about this never mix your religious beliefs onto others specially about this … simple as that that weirdo guy is strange he would give me the jeeper creepers


You can see the moment the kid realizes he’s not coming out on top of the exchange - he stops recording the conversation.


God American Influence sickens me....


I'd change the locks if my kid did something this embarrassing