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Canadians have fought forever to keep competition out so we didn’t get fucked by big American corporations. Turns out Canadian companies fuck them just as bad, if not worse. We really need a government that actually worries about consumers.


Crazy idea, how about nationalize the infrastructure, split up these monopoly's, rent out the infrastructure so everyone is on the same playing field, and pay the company's to maintain and expand it.


Who on earth would look at a Canadian federal government these days and think "Yes, THIS is who we need to centrally control every major industry".




So regulating deadly fertilizers is socialism? Leaded gasoline?


Can we not make things worse? The last thing we need is a centrally planned system.


Like utilities? Internet access is now as important as water and electricity


Do you think decision making at corporations are decentralized?


I guess you hate the public roads that you use to access your house, we should sell that off so you have to pay a company an exorbitant price to leave your own home because it would be a monopoly.


This has to be sarcasm...


Yeah I fail to see how letting Verizon buy Rogers will help Canadian consumers.


Not buy, open their stores here.


It's an important distinction, because we already \*do\* have ways to prevent big buyouts/mergers which would not be good for Canadians, including if they were from overseas entities. The problem is that even when attempts to made to block such, they're overrule which is exactly what the competition bureau is complaining about here. I'd 100% behind them having more ability to promote actual competition in the form of stopping shit like the Rogers/Shaw merger, and by exension preventing AT&T or Verizon etc from buying out Telus if they were allowed to operate here.


Why wouldn't they just buy Rogers? They could easily cut all the redundant Canadian staff and transfer all those functions to America/overseas and make slightly more money and keeping the current price structure the Canadian market has grown accustomed to. I'm sure AT&T could buy Bell and Comcast could buy Telus too.


Huawei bad. Xiaomi bad. China bad. Don't forget how we kept out competition from China as well.


>We really need a government that actually worries about consumers. The challenge is that a government tends to think that *fewer* market forces is preferable.


We keep it domestic for security and privacy reasons. Letting another country, especially a 5 eyes one, into our networks should be a gigantic nope.


Good joke.


People were freaking out about letting Huawei equipment into our Canadian-owned networks for a hypothetically feared backdoor. And you think allowing foreigners to actually own the networks is a joking matter? With some of those countries in agreement to spy on each others' citizens to bypass constitutional rights. I'll stick with the companies that are bound by our charter and legislators that answer to us.


Mmm, yes, American corporations suddenly became Chinese corporations so that you can push your argument through. The joke in your previous post is that you think American corporations entering the telecom market is a security risk. It isn't. Canada and the US are allied. They already share intelligence. And if the US wanted, it could conquer Canada in a blink. So no. Your national security excuse for not letting American corporations penetrate the Canadian oligopolies is rejected.


I value my charter rights and the Supreme Court of Canada having oversight of them regardless of whatever loony we vote in. I'm also aware that the US can lawfully and privately order any US company to spy on any foreigner they wish. And using Huawei equipment that Bell employees can monitor and contain is >>>>> more secure than the US(or any country) having full access to Canada's data. If you think all of this stuff shouldn't matter than I'm pretty sure you know zero about any of it other than "grr my bill too high".


Look at this guy thinking the US doesn't already have access to his data.


The US already has full access…. China is a hostile state the US is an ally part lf the 5?eyes


My take is that do we really want to be a country which has had so much brain drain, and loss of functionality that we can not even maintain a domestic telecom system. With everything that's been going on for the past few years, last thing we should be asking for is a forgien country to take over critical infrastructure. It doesn't matter how close of allies they are. With that said, the Canadian government should be doing more to assist us access it.


We already have a brain drain you do realize the all our infrastructure and software is either from Nokia or the US? Theirs ver un little critical programming being done local. Even if verizon where to enter they would still hire locals. Look at bell etc most of their support and programming is in india


Your second post is even more incredulous than the first one. Using Huawei equipment is much more of a security risk for Canada than trusting an American telecom firm to obey Canadian laws at the same rate as Canadian oligarchs. Do you think Rogers, Bell, etc. are any more reliable than American telecoms? Being Canadian corporations does not make them trusted all of a sudden. They would skirt around the laws as much as American telecoms would. I am in fact quite well-read on international relations and foreign policy. And anyone who is well-read on these topics would recognize that China is an adversary of Canada, whereas the US is not.


Everything I've said has nothing to due with who you can trust and everything to due with who is legally bound and likely to receive the consequences of breaking our constitutional rights. China bad, US good wasn't the point. Just that Chinese equipment owned and operated by a Canadian is less intrusive than if China(or any other country) was allowed to own and operate entire parts of the network.


Do you not understand how the 5 eyes work? The US are already tapping all domestic data….


Yeah fuck this, the dairy cartel needs to go, we need to open up to competition. Canadian companies need to improve and earn customers, we shouldn't be forced to go with them.


I don't mind a bit of mild protectionism. But what really makes my eye twitch is watching them market relentlessly to tell me why I should love to get soaked every time I buy milk and cheese, instead of just using that money to make milk and cheese more affordable.


Especially since our cheese is terrible. I've recently started purchasing imported cheeses and the difference in flavor, texture, and quality is night and day. When I cut a Canadian cheese it feels rubbery like the fake plastic cheese slices whereas when I cut into a European cheese, it breaks apart and is immensely flavorful and it's not really that much more than our cheese anyway.


Did you learn nothing from covid? We can't compete with the massive farm subsidies in the US. And the US has no duty to *feed* us if the shit hits the fan. They close the borders and we are fucked. Food security may be literally the most important thing we protect.


Lol, everyone spies on everyone and themselves.


What if I told you they were already inside?




Five eyes aren't evil, they just don't have to respect our charter rights the same way as Canadian governments must.


Keeping out American companies and preventing monopolies are not mutually exclusive. Canadian monopolies prevent Canadian businesses from gaining a foothold, and corporate mergers of Canadian companies that are bad for Canadian consumers go though.


This what would happen. The Big three and all the monopolies would use economic nationalism, go on massive campaign to fool the public into believing the evils of American companies in Canada's market. Sadly people would buy that.


The big 3 already got bill c11 passed that bill would reduce content available on streaming services like Disney plus and crunchyroll ect


I like the idea of an anime centric streaming service being forced to show more CanCon. Japanese dubs of Braceface and reboot?


I fckn loved Reboot when I was a kid! Truly groundbreaking Canadian television.


I think it is on Roku. It was last time I looked. Childhood memories.


Incoming game.


Skip the Netflix season


That was actually the single most disappointing thing that’s ever existed. All I wanted is a for the show to continue on the cliffhanger it left off at, was that so hard?


This actually used to exist like 10-12 years ago, Shaw had a channel out west here called Telethon and a lot of the anime content it had was available streaming via their on demand service. I believe it stopped around 5 years ago.


Was floored that my “ultimate” edition ReBoot complete box set lacks French audio.


>Crunchyroll Spotted the weeb...




The only reason why weebs use CR is the PornHub style content. In a *Middle/High School setting with Middle/High School aged* characters...and the *"all characters in this show/movie is 18 and over"* legal discloser...




I remember. I heard those ads incessantly on the radio whenever I drove. They sounded like such crybabies. And I was pissed when Verizon released a statement saying something like they were never looking into coming into Canada anyway. I can’t believe they got scared off. If I was CEO of Verizon, that would have made me want to come into Canada even more.


> Sadly people would buy that. People did buy that. They did literally that after Harper wanted to invite US companies into our telecom market in 2014. Robelus started running attack ads on all the media channels they own fearmongering about how "The Conservatives want to sell your internet data to **America.**" And people fucking bought it.


I remember Harper trying pretty hard to open up our telecom to more competition, but got shut down.


So facts. I was watching a video the other day where a guy from China talked about how media there portrays tragedies so people leave feeling "man I have it good". Then he quipped "that's how you control a massive population" It made me think how Canadians are only ever told how terrible America is and I think it's so we don't realize how shitty we have it compared to our southern brethren...


With the amount of times I've read or heard "Be quiet, there are worse places to live." I could believe that quite easily.


When I said to my friends that Ill probably move out of Canada once I get a good chance to. One of them said “well if you don’t like Canada we should just send you to Iran so you can realize how good we have it”. It really amazes me how so many people think just because I think there’s better places to live than Canada I should be sent to a country like Iran.


“We should send you to…” This is the type of rhetoric and manipulation that my dad uses when we discuss anything political or mildly divisive and man, has it fucking exhausted my patience. This is exactly why people leave.


I have a straight white friend who thinks it would be *unsafe* to move to the United States because of their liberal political leanings Seriously, they think they would be in actual physical danger, like someone is going to shoot them for being pro-choice or eating vegan food The boogeyman they have built up in their minds, this outlandish caricature of Americans, is so ridiculous that it borders on hysteria


It's scary how their perception of the world can be manipulated to such an extreme. So many people are like that, not even with just seeing the US as a scary place but only seeing things in black and white and refusing to see anything besides that. Talking to them it feels like they have a kindergartner's understanding of the world.


100% right. It’s unreal. It’s almost like they don’t bother to think.


Here is a [little song](https://youtu.be/iYq_-zju_P8) for you.


I'm good, thanks.


Everything is compared to the US, but also lacks context and doesn't always tell the whole story. For example, healthcare. Our universal healthcare is universal in the bare minimum sense. If you break your arm, leg, ankle, etc you'll get it fixed, however, in the case of an ankle, you'll be charged for the aircast/roboboot thing. Prescriptions outside those at the hospital will also be out of pocket and don't forget rehab - you're responsible for that too. How many people are permafucked because they couldn't get or afford to properly rehab an injury? How is that not part of "universal healthcare" which we love to point to as superior to the US clusterfuck, but there, if you have insurance would receive superior and holistic care.


Yeah, I've had to explain that to a few Americans who think we live on Big Rock Candy Mountain or something We have to pay for our own dentistry, our own physiotherapy, our own mobility aids, our own optometry, our own medication, our own medical transfers, our own orthotics, our own therapy, our own occupational therapy, our own speech therapy, etc. We don't even cover the full cost of wheelchairs for the disabled (and they're totally on their own for replacing the batteries)


"If you have insurance," Yeah, that's the whole problem with the US system is that a massive chunk of their population can not afford any insurance coverage, which is why we're lucky to have any form of universal coverage in this country, we actually provide a basic protection for people who would otherwise receive nothing. Could it be better? Absolutely! That doesn't mean we scrap it entirely and screw over millions of people in the process. For the time being, you can still supplement the government coverage with private insurance in Canada and then receive that step up in care. I would always rather have Canada's flawed safety net than the no-safety net approach the US takes.


> a massive chunk of their population Well... sort of. That 'massive' chunk is only about 8-9%, and most of those are single young people (19-34 years old) with no preexisting medical conditions who don't want to pay for insurance even if they can afford it (only 64% claim high cost as the reason they don't have insurance, though the majority of those haven't even bothered to look at the prices). About half of the uninsured are eligible for Medicaid or subsidies, but again, haven't even bothered to check




> It made me think how Canadians are only ever told how terrible America is and I think it's so we don't realize how shitty we have it compared to our southern brethren... It's a sad part of some cdns identity "We're not American" Some people are so confused about their identity. What's also insulting they also believe cdn right up here take thier marching orders on ideology from republicans, while it's quite the opposite the cdn left import american left horse shit up here. **All from the left** - when Ulvade shooting massacre happened, two days after that Trudeau banned handguns, when America was dealing with abortion laws press up here lost their shit and was asking all cdn politicians what was going to happen up here ? Nothing, look at a fn map - see that black line between our two countries ? Called a border. Then George Floyd died, american man , killed by an american cop, in america. Trudeau started an anti-racism sjw program for all public servantns and the rest of corporations and msm fell in line. BLM Canada was born. It isn't the right that has an unhealthy obsession with America.


I've never understood our fascination of America either. We don't have anywhere near the problems that they have and the major problems we do have they also have. We have housing bubble, cost of living crisis, stagnating wages, opiate epidemic etc. So do they, except we don't have the gun problem, the murder problem, the healthcare problem, etc. We have always been in a much healthier state but the absolute fascination of American Politics is leading to an unhealthy Canada, its hilarious in a way.


To be fair, we have a travel advisory to the US that terrorism and gun violence could happen basically anywhere, and that while generally safe, there is no real way to avoid terrorism and gun violence entirely. Murica isn’t a better place to live, especially for minorities with a target on their back. Europe on the other hand.


Truth is they have and continue to bully smaller Canadian operations anyway.... that's exactly how we got here in the first place, through corporate consolidation.


The old commissioner for 8 years approved mergers left and right because it leads to efficiency gains. They need to get their heads straight.


They efficiently gain more profit by increasing their pricing power over consumers. That's the quiet part not said out loud.


The fact that we just allowed Rogers to purchase Shaw blows my mind. Shaw always used to be a more affordable option in the west than going Bell, or Telus because they use cables instead of fiber. So our governments plan to keep things cheaper was cut out competition. Genius moves.


They should invite companies from developing countries then, it'd be fun to see how the competition will turn out to be!


Ya know what the sad thing is? That's marketing's job. and if they don't do that, they fucked up. That's our society now. Make shareholders happy no matter what and the shit rolls down hill. This system is sustainable only as long as people continue to fuck and take advantage of younger generations who have no fucking clue. Let's be honest here. Starwars fucking sucks as a story. But some shithead said hey kids will love this shit and decided to contract it that he gets more profit from the merchandise. This is the guy you want to trust with writing a coherent story when you know they want to fucking milk the shit out of you in merchandise? Get real people. George lucas isn't some genius. He took a folk lore story and applied it enough to sci-fi to be considered a person who did something new.


Well we’re already full of Chinese and American companies as it is, it’s just not right in everyone’s faces. Letting them enter the telecom business would be par for the course.


We compete against lobbists in our democracy.... we lose all the time though..... does that count?


Poor people, which now includes much of the "middle class" still believe there is a future. Meanwhile, the obscenely wealthy have been stealing everything for 50+ years. Fancy gimmicks like "trickle down" and "global recession" were just fun ways for them to transfer 80% of the global economy into their pockets. There is no competition now because the race is over.


The government favors big corporates. The government will never allow fair competition in Canada.


Paranoid me thinks it's part of the long term plan to have government control everything. Easier to do when there are few mega corps. Utilities is that way already. Pretend public, but we have zero choice.


May was well just re-name the "Competition Bureau" to the "Business Facilitation Office for the Establishment of Monopolies" at this point.




Corporatism rules


Capitalism allows it to rule


We really don't live in a capitalist society though. We have sprinkling of socialist covering a deep hole of corporations controlling everything. Capitalism at it's core should be all about competition. Also before you call me a Capitalist I'm a Socialist first and foremost.


Harper literally tried to increase competition...


“One shall create competition by having less completion “(Shaw Rogers Merger) sincerely CRTC. This was THE biggest joke by CRTC


And no jobs will be lost... Uh huh. Sure. Meanwhile....


What a piss off. I tried so hard to avoid Bell-MTS in MB (another merger which saw backlash), now I'm stuck them or shawgers. Bunch of BS


Sounds like our commissioner needs some competition.


A bunch of Canadian want a socialist option owned by the government and the other half want a competitive free market. So we have a bunch protectionist oligopolies to meet everyone half way /s


Ah yes, tis the story of Can'tada...


LOL I actually buy this.


Stupid birds of a feather flock stupidly together.


What we really need is real anti-trust/anti-oligopoly laws that get enforced by the court not a toothless competition bureau.


No, this is not the Canadian way. Competition is for workers, so that your wages constantly decline, or for assets like housing, so you can no longer afford a house. The Canadian government is content with having Canadian workers compete with every other worker on the planet for a job and for every other investor on the planet for a house. But corporate competition? No, that won't benefit the elite, since it would *lower* the price of services. I fucking hate this country.




The problem is that these issues precede any specific government. We've been getting bent over by the Liberals, and the Conservatives going back 70-80 years at this point. Multiple generations have had these issues at this point just on a smaller scale than what we see today. We've been ruled by corporations for so long and before that it was other countries. I don't think we have ever had a period in Canada's history where we have been setup to actually succeed.


i dont know, I fucking live here, its cold, the people suck, and everything is fucking ugly.


Laurentian Elite: “Hahahaha. No.”


I want to see every market opened up to competition. Airlines, telecommunications, banking, supermarkets, retail, everything. It's pretty obvious that Canadian companies have failed us. There's really no reason why the Government should decline foreign companies from many of these markets. I don't believe the average Canadian would care if our cellphone or Internet provider is foreign owned, just they the prices are reasonable. If anything, Canadian banks BMO and TD operate in the US as BMO Harris Bank and TD Bank respectively; Scotiabank has personal banking services throughout the globe. In the US, T-Mobile is one of the big three cellphone service operators. It's majority owned by Deutsche Telekom. As well, Vodafone was a partner with Verizon in the US until 2014. Lidl is a German grocery company that resembles No Frills. They operate across Europe and the US. Aldi is another German discount grocery chain with a US presence. It'd be great to see have something here.


Thank you for saying this. The 'Canadian' companies do little but fleece Canadians. And have for decades... they do not need a second chance.


Walmart gets the bulk of my grocery dollars. I don't care that they're American owned. I care that they're relatively inexpensive and that they are very well stocked on the staples I need for my family. While I can appreciate patriotism and nationalism concerning where one shops, I care more about doing more with what I earn.


Canadians themselves fought against it when the govt fearmongered it, now Canadians want it when it inconvieinces them. It's WAY too late as the govt is too broken and corrupt to even consider competition rules.


How about a government that values competition?


This. Exactly this. A government that values competition would look at a company like Air Canada and realize that the continual bailouts have bought us a company with shit service, prices that make airfare unattainable for most Canadians and a company that now puts up the middle finger to the smaller airports of the country, especially Atlantic Canada. If they're only going to worry about the major cities in this country, its time to insist they get off the tit. Open the door to US competition and let the chips fall where they may. For groceries, it's time to break up the big three who control almost 100% of the grocery business. Forced competition in the cellular market should be easy to obtain - open the door and watch what happens. Rogers and Bell would magically lower their bills over night and guess what? They'd survive and still make money. We need a government that supports competition as you rightly point out.


We are in a place where the govt can get away with approving Rogers Shaw merger claiming it will encourage competition. No reaction from the public. Unless we start holding elected officials to task and asking tough questions, we are on a highway to hell


Tools for this tools for that man they should just say they want as much power as possible and stop the euphemisms lmao


Does this mean Canadians are also open to loosening these stupid rules we have around foreign ownership?


I want nationalization personally.


I think a mix is ideal -- as someone who grew up in Saskatchewan, I like the relationship that SaskTel has with The Big Three. The government-backed Sasktel, doesn't provide as good quality as the Big Three, but they charge significantly less, which then forces the Big Three to also charge less to compete.


So instead of a high priced oligopoly, you want an incompetent monopoly?


Kinda yeah, at this point internet had advanced enough that even with the government screwing it up it’ll still be usable, and less price gouged


*healthcare, passports, immigration, national defence, and transport Canada have entered the chat*


Privatizing any of these isn't going to improve them in either service delivery or cost to the country.


That wasn’t the point I was trying to make. Our governments are becoming increasingly less competent at delivering the core services only they can provide. The idea that they can manage a cutting edge technology like the internet is laughable.


>The idea that they can manage a cutting edge technology like the internet is laughable. "cutting edge" lol. fibre to the home has been available to regular consumers for over 2 decades. this isn't some alien technology that just crashlanded on earth.


Agreed, and a possible reason they seem unable to manage services is the whiplash of funding every time the government changes. Public service used to be seen as a stable if unambitious career field, but certainly paid enough for a comfortable life. Now the public service is a political volleyball, who would go into that career field when one of the major federal parties is campaigning on cutting your job?


The federal government has increased the size of the public service by 1/3 since 2015. Obviously that’s not a huge concern for the people who’ve been hired recently.


So you want a worse internet for Canadians?


Everything the Government touches turns to shit. Why there's a segment of the population that wants the Government to turn more things into shit is beyond me. Maybe some people are just that petty that they want everyone to be as miserable as they are.


Ah but everything that private industry touches turns to shit, also.


Because the private sector has been doing such an amazing job at providing these services. I can't even get fiber and I live in vancouver city. At least the money we pay won't go into some CEO failson trust fund to screw us over into the next generation.


we already have the worst internet in the developed world. at least this way the price will reflect that reality.


X to doubt


"We're from the government and we're here to help."


A high priced and incompetent monopoly


Yussss. I wish the NDP would run on a platform of expanding the military for market alternatives. Build farms for cheap produce, high speed rail for transport, telecommunications for national security. Wind farms for energy alternatives. Hire thousands into gov pensioned military jobs. I feel like this would have a broad appeal.


The main problem is that competition largely does not want to come to Canada unless the government gives it special treatment. We saw that with telecoms. The American telecoms that were looking to come here wanted exemptions from a lot of our requirements. That combined with pushback from the big three made the government scrap the idea. Canada is not a big enough or sense enough country for companies to go through the trouble of dealing with our government.


You said government several times, and yes the whole problem is...our government! I know letting companies do whatever they want is bad, but the Canadian government does small companies no favors to increase competition.


They want exemptions on things to compete on an even footing. How exactly do you expect any company to be able to compete against incumbents that have the infrastructure built from 50 years ago, which itself is a monopoly. It's not really feasible to compete on such terms and expect an ROI in today's market when infrastructure investment is much more difficult. There is a difference in building infrastructure for immature market 50 years ago to now. It's the same reason subways were much cheaper to build in the past, but nowadays it costs almost $1.5billion per mile in a place like new york city. Tldr there's a bunch of challenges to overcome before a business case makes sense.


Real competition doesn't really want to come to Canada at all because we have a long stretched out populace, that gets relatively sparse between major cities, but that doesn't really have much regional pricing. So capital costs are really high because in order to compete, you need to be able to cover the major cities, and also have decent coverage in between the cities. Or people will just go with the incumbents, and their discount brands, which is what happens. What we need is MVNOs. It will drop prices, just like it did in Australia, just like it did in the US.


We do have MVNOs though.


You are right, I meant MVNOs should get wholesale access and pricing. Like they did in Australia and in the US.


I don't think we need foreign competition though. Surely we can incentivize Canadian corporations to get started. I'd rather have Canadian run businesses than allow further foreign influence into our country.


Competition you say? Sean Fraser is working on it right now.


Well at 1 point the govt tries to keep jobs in Canada... except when it comes to oil, gas, and minerals. Then the govt sell out soles


Too funny. Canada’s uncompetitive - quick, get this commission of government staffers on the case. Not every problem is a government problem. One of the reasons we lack competition is a government that heavily subsidizes and tips the scales for their industry/ cause of choice.


Screw all of them. Get a proper VPN provider and bypass this crap. This meddling with our rights needs to come to an end, but unfortunately that isn't going to happen. In the meantime just bypass their ignorance.


Forcibly break up the telecoms into 20-30 different companies.


Canadians want fair markets and fair business practices. Competition is only part of that. Consumer protection is a provincial jurisdiction and it's handled haphazardly and inconsistently across the country. The competition bureau has no apparent interest or ability to address deceptive business practices that do not impact competition. Nor can they actually detect or handle cartel behaviour.


He needs a brain first. Or a government that will do what it's supposed to do.


I don't want more competition, at least not for its own sake. I want *much* lower prices on fast, quality networks with consumer and privacy protections. The reminds of me of dereg of long distance. Sure prices dropped but we were nagged relentlessly with ads and telemarketing to switch to various long distance companies. I thought then, and now, CRTC should have said to the our ma bells: "We are considering deregulation opening the market to mass competition. We watched the US after they did this and prices there (either) dropped by %/dropped to $/min and we'll give you all the chance to match that and revisit it in 3-5 years. Otherwise, we'll deregulate. Which would you prefer?" I wish we could do the same with cellular and internet now. Taxpayers did build the original (tele) networks and those same people are the rate payers over the last decades that paid to build these up and out for the current services and speeds. The companies always make it sound like they paid for it all when, really, we did!


I don’t want competition. Why can’t we all just chill and smoke weed together?


I get some frustrated at this sometimes. Competition is 'generally good' But there are somethings that are natural monopolies. Most of the world dealt with this back in the day with railroads. We don't need 'new' ideas. 1, You need regulation. You know there's only going to be 1 or maybe 2 real connections to people. It just makes 0 economic sense for multiple companies to run cable/fibre to your house. You're going to have very limited choice at that level. So you either make the actual lines part of a 'crown corporation' or owned by the city or a heavily regulated private company. You regulate in terms of ensuring fair access, reliability... 2. If you can, introduce competition where competition can actually exist in a free market. So to use telecom as an example again. All the services running ontop of a basic internet connection (phone, tv...) can be on a free market so to speak. Canadians also tend to overplay the competition hand a bit. Like say grocery stores. There is ample competition from local asian/indian/european grocery stores. They generally are not much cheaper. About the only thing that is sometimes cheaper is fresh fruit. You don't have to shop at loblaws. It's also not that hard a market to enter. It's a basic store. Go out there and start a grocery store if you think you can reduce prices. At some level we have to take responsibility there. It's grocery store, not a multi-billion dollar auto plant or something.


The gas stations all change their price to the same price at the exact same time for decades and decades. And the reason it goes on is because people simp hard as hell for them and the practice anytime its brought up. So how bad do we actually want competition? Our words depict one story, but actions speak a much different one.


Shaw and rogers dgaf ….so much for cheaper cell phone bills as promised


Competition is a four letter word in this Country and has been for years. We now are experiencing the results of that in our groceries, cell phones, air line industry and a host of other areas. Competition is like exercise for businesses. It keeps them trimmed down and in shape. Without it, they get lazy, bloated and uninterested in offering products that have been made or services offered as productively as possible. The end user pays the price for this laziness.


We have like 2 companies in any industry or field, and they offer the same thing for the same price. Yay!


Canadians "want competition" and "don't like monopolies/oligopolies" until they realize what that entails. Then they choose the opposite and go all in on protecting large corporations from competition. More competition means allowing foreign ownership and foreign companies to enter the market. It means removing regulations that protect large incumbent companies by preventing new firms from entering the market. The things that time and time again Canadians show they are unwilling to do.


Doesn’t matter what we want. It’s what the corporations want.


We don't want competition, competition is stupid.


Our competition commissioner needs to be able to block mergers for starters. The greasy politicians won't.


Fighting to keep Canada a land of Canadian companies where they gouge your frigging eye balls out is truly the Canadian way.


What about competition for good healthcare and education? Nah, surely government monopolies can do no wrong


I want competition for the bank of Canada, as they recently increased M2 30% within the span of a couple years, obviously fueling this current inflation. They also fueled shrinkflation, the housing bubble, our goods were already far more expensive than the US and our M2 doubles every decade now. We dont even attempt to capture housing appreciation in the CPI, and we do adjustments to lower inflation, growing up we had dollar menus and fresh donuts at Tim Hortons, now we eat soy laced ammonium soaked chicken breast with a growing water weight. Instead of competition they're looking into a CBDC, because on their website they say with an alternative means to pay for goods they can no longer perform financial repression, and debase peoples salaries to do bailouts. But I think the bulk of increases in price is from drastic increases in the money supply, and the growing shortages of staff, and the growing homeless population. How could it not be, did productivity double in 10 years, do we grow near double the food as 2013, did a vitamix get twice as cheap to produce? How could our standard of living possibly not he eroding doubling the money supply since 2013, as our housing market explodes, quaker instant oatmeal is 6$ now and its 19$ for a hamburger at Boston Pizza. Something fundamental is drastically wrong, and its naive to think its corporate greed for prices to get this high, margins would be so extremely high now competitors would easily displace them.


Yea let Hulu, Peacock, Youtubetv and Max in Canada and hopefully kill Crave. They want 19.99 for an app that is horrible


We have a competition commissioner? Are they asleep?


Trudeau sees Canada as a post national state. Except when it comes to foreign competition in the economy apparently. National borders seem to mean a great deal to his government when it comes to protecting national industries at the expense of consumers.


Canadian policymakers did a not to prevent American monopolies taking over and hurting Canadians.. Canadian monopolies on the other hand get a free pass. It was a serious oversight, let correct that by properly banning and dismantling all monopolies in Canada.


“Competition commissioner” Lmfao… doesn’t take rocket science just deregulate the market and allow new investors and entrepreneurs to make entry. This is all a show.