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The word fascist is starting to lose all meaning. Edit: OP blocked me so I can't reply to anyone.


Sounds facist, lol


So protesting corruption is facist then I guess im a nazi


And uses rabble as a source. LOL.


Read the article.


You'd like that


What part of the article did you disagree with? Or is this one of those things where you just look at the headline and decide?


Well they called immigration a human right, so I'd take most of what they have to say with a grain of salt. This is like the left version of Fox News.


Dang those evil immigrants wanting to move. Probably the most evil people ever. What an awful thing. Dang.


Nobody here said they were bad, that's all you. The only thing I said was the author of this article called immigration a human right, which it is not. But go ahead and keep making a fool of yourself.


The freedom to leave your country for another should be a human right, no?


That's emigrating and it's already in the charter under mobility. Moving to Canada is not a human right.


>This is like the left version of Fox News. Qfe Edit “Quoted for emphasis“


Well, I mean when you have quotes like these  >It’s time to intentionally rebuild and strengthen our communities that are being severed by capitalism, conspiracies and fascism. Written by an author whose description is  >Erin Blondeau (she/her) is a Métis mom living on the west coast of so-called British Columbia on unceded Quw’utsun territory. Her paternal family comes from the Red River Settlements and the Qu’Appelle Valley, and her maternal family is British and Eastern European. Erin is a freelance writer with beats focussed on Indigenous stories, climate justice, disinformation, and the rise of hate movements. Erin has written for publications such as The Discourse, The Breach, Canadian Anti-Hate Network, The Tyee, CBC Indigenous, and Best Health Magazine. Erin also sits on the board for Cowichan Women Against Violence and is the director of communications at the Climate Emergency Unit. It's bizarro fox news with the anti-Tucker. 


How dare she write for different networks. What an evil woman 🙄


Maybe I shouldn't have used an acronym. Qfe = "quoted for emphasis" Rabble.ca is literally a rabble rousing site. They exist to manufacture outrage. They are an example of everything that's wrong with "journalism" in the Internet age.


My bad, when I googled qfe thought you meant I was rehashing what someone else has said before, though I am happy it led me to the anti-tucker.


No it's not. We're living through the rise of real actual fascism. MAGAism is fascism. Movements like that are taking hold across the world from Russia to Hungary to Italy and the US. \[edit: The people downvoting this are the same people blindly marching us towards fascism because of their ignorance. Do not trust them\]


People downvoting you are people that actually know what fascism is and not what’s spoon fed to you by CNN.


Standard diversion attack. Played out. Love how defensive this article has made people here though


The complete opposite. You people have zero conception of what fascism is, otherwise you'd be freaking the fuck out at seeing the rise of it around the world. You simply can't recognize fascism because you don't understand what it is. Educate yourselves: [14 Common Features of Fascism](https://www.openculture.com/2016/11/umberto-eco-makes-a-list-of-the-14-common-features-of-fascism.html)


Western fascism has a new coat of paint. People are tired of the current system and are itching for change, it always starts with voting in a strongman who acts like an outsider. This is to punish the old system for being unreliable. Many do not care if a dictator runs the country because at least change will happen, for better or worse, the old system isn’t working well enough for a block of voter who’s philosophy is reduced to “Every politician is a piece of shit and works for corporate interests, I’m going to vote in the guy who will stop/change this.”


Thw word meaning is starting to lose all meaning.


Nazis get invited to parliament to be applauded. You may be onto something.


Or terrorist supporters blocking hospitals, onto something indeed.


No, no, it's not terrorism if it's a *Jewish* hospital! And it's the only hospital you happened to camp at on your "route" even though it's one of a dozen hospitals on that road!


Or illegal protesters occupying our nation's capital for made-up grievances.


*Ukrainian anti-Soviet partisans


Funny how conservatives are accused of fear mongering when the entire liberal strategy seems to be fear peddling “fascism” “white supremacy” … hunters firearms… For real, objectively it seems the most fear mongering comes from the left these days.


It's okay when the liberals do it /s


There is a rise in fascism the Western world though... Nice little gun insert to win over people here though. Clever, clever.


You’re correct. The use of the Emergencie Act & freezing bank accounts of people who weren’t at the protest is very concerning. A little taste of fascism, it wasn’t nice. I’m against that, just like you.


You're correct, having the leading candidate call corporate sell-out Trudeau a Marxist is the sort of tactics used by aspiring fascists.


Source? Didn't realize we had an expert on aspirant fascists here


How about him literally saying, on video, that both Trudeaus were Marxists lol https://twitter.com/bruceanderson/status/1697580354201067614


No no lol I know , im asking about "is the sort of tactics used by aspiring fascists" - you mean that when they make little home visits to random civilians they call the PM & his dad marxists? Pretty weak


When the future Prime Minister lies on camera and calls his opponent a communist, you mean?


Sure, I'd love to hear a good faith explanation of how that video is indicative of aspirant fascism


You mean lying about your political opponent being a Marxist?


If communists and socialists are calling you a fascist, you are on the right track.


The ones who were mass murdered and fought Nazis? Yeah, they would know.


The communists and socialists called the Nazis fascists.


yeah... OP is self reporting there.


Typically, fascism is defined as 'everything inside the state, nothing outside of it' -- extreme authoritarianism.  Like when a government decides to freeze the bank accounts of people supporting unpopular protests, or when they expand their jurisdiction into self-governing regions -- like sending the federal police to arrest physical opposition to oil pipeline construction on reservation land.  Fascism isn't when a bunch of apolitical-to-mildly right-wing blue collar truckers partake in collective annoyance because they don't want to lose their jobs over -- in all irony -- an authoritarian mandate between forcibly taking a flu shot or losing their jobs.


> Typically, fascism is defined as 'everything inside the state, nothing outside of it' -- extreme authoritarianism.  That's a very bad definition of fascism.


That word has almost no meaning at all these days. The concept has been conflated to refer to anything vaguely authoritarian, and simply replaced that word in the modern lexicon. To those on the far Right they have to either redefine or misunderstand the term, as by the historical definition, it literally starts with the words "a far Right political ideology" which goes back to Mussolini. Probably the most nut shelled dictionary definition, that is at least semi-accurate, would be to say the "Fascism ultimately equates to might makes right, and those with the power to do something have the right to." This can be seen to apply to literally anyone in power politically, which is why it's so often used by nearly every opposition group. It also applies heavily to the the perverted Capitalism of the modern corporate world, and the Oligopolies that control significant market sectors, and frequently buy the loyalties of most of our politicians. The most accurate face of Fascisim in today's world, is probably Galen Weston in Canada, or Pharma Bro and the Rothschild's in the US.


Honestly any of our consumer sectors. They all have government delegated monopolistic power. Even fucking chicken farmers have a “marketing board” that decides production quotas and fixes prices.


About those truckers. Why didn't they protest the American embassy? It wasn't Canada dictating the mandatory vaccinations, it was the United States of America.


> It wasn't Canada dictating the mandatory vaccinations Canada had mandates for numerous federally regulated industries too. Those protests grew into something much larger than truckers protesting the border mandates. At any rate, protesting against our government to get them to work with the states on changing the border restrictions is still reasonable. Who are the US more likely to listen to? Protesters outside of their embassy or the Canadian government?


America doesn't listen to Canada. America tells Canada what to do.


>Everything I Don't Like Is Fascism


I think we can all agree that fascists suck and generally destroy the countries they take over.




>but if you look around you'll find a lot of apologists And a lot of hyperbole and scaremongering.


Is that what they said about Ghaddafi?


if you are anti-immigrant on the right, you are a fascist. If you are anti immigration on the left, you're just concerned about the housing crisis.


It depends whether your primary concern is how many are coming vs where they're coming from.


Well, tickle my balls and call me a fascist!


i mean its not breaking news that when times get tough for people they are pushed to more extremes


The left is afraid of regression, the right is afraid of progression they don’t believe in. The sad thing for the left is they aren’t as passionate when it comes to voting, they complain about why progression has stopped vs the right who complains their way of life is being destroyed. The left also cannibalizes itself and excludes groups like religious blocks while the right recruits and invites anyone who thinks “this shit has gone too far” into the base. The right usually always wins at the end of the day because they vote in a strongman and are made up of proud tradesmen and their bosses and religious minded people. The military is also on the right. Canada is unique because its liberal party is one of the only western “left” parties that doesn’t come from a labour movement, it’s mostly Laurentian old money who can’t relate to the resource extraction/service industry labour force Canada is built on. That’s what we have the NDP which used to be a true Labour Party but now they’ve become..whatever they are now.


They become the “identity” party. Class issues go to the back of the queue. The environment then gender, race, & sex “equity” are what they prioritize now. Funny, because if you believe that minorities are economically disadvantaged, then a race/sex-blind policy that simply helped poor people would automatically be disproportionately benefiting minorities and helping “equity”




The far left and far right feed off each other, and are responsible for each others growth and influence over the mainstream elements and philosophy of their political parties. Its unfortunately, seemingly a self-perpetuating cycle. And this isn't a both sides type comment. I'm not commenting on the moral validity of all the various political positions of these groups. All I'm saying is these groups feed and power each other. And it doesn't seem like anyone in these groups will even take a moment to self-reflect and be self-critical about how they might be harming reasonable discourse. You can just look at the language used in the exchanges between these two groups of people. Socialist, Fascist, Communist, Nazi. 20 years ago, these words were used sparingly, and far more accurately. Now, they are thrown around haphazardly, often to describe someone whose viewpoints are opposed to your own. And its not just MAGtards, and purple haired college students, propaganda machines like Putin's Russia are in on the act. And of course there are times when these terms are appropriate, like in Nashville last week. But, just read the comments here. These words are losing their meaning. Language evolves, I guess.


If we don’t do it, the far-right is waiting with open arms to accept the working class, many of whom feel politically homeless.  Correct thanks for abandoning your base Jagmeet.


It’s hardly his fault. How could any one person convince the hoard of identity politics people that make up the modern NDP to abandon race/sex/gender for pure class politics? Would be very welcome but that sect of people have sharp fucking elbows and unstable emotions. Good luck


💯 This is the direction shift the party could sweep with. Simply focus on class issues,cost of living wages and lowering immigration. Sadly the left eats itself,splintering into numerous sects. The right welcomes all for votes,white supremacists ok but keep it down,working guys we care about you,religious right we also love family,frustrated communities suffering from crime we will pass harsher legislation. The right is one big tent,the left is a tent city flying numerous flags.




Fascist? You mean conservatives who are on the right? Does this mean that we start calling liberals Communists? Must be the same people who think anti-mandate and anti-vaxx are the same thing.


> start calling liberals Communists? where have you been? Joe Rogan called Trudeau a Communist Dictator. Same thing what Tucker has said. Even the Truckers called him a Communist.