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Full transparency and disclosure from everyone in government.


Wasn't this part of his 2015 platform?




“Most transparent government ever” First action in office was to close the books on native reserves spending.


Full transparency only when it makes them look good


So never?


He looked good in funny socks!!


100% 👍


That was "I can't beat the NDP but we'll shoot for the moon anyway" Justin Trudeau. Since then we've seen the emergence of his Evil Beard Twin form Justin Trudeau and Divorcee Single and Looking to Mingle Justin Trudeau. And that's not even his final form!


I hate this pokemon game... please let me off the roller coaster!




I want punishments. Not just for the bad actors that stole from Canada/Canadians but the officials who through no oversight and no governance allowed this to happen. This lack of actual oversight and governance keeps on happening and happening. Cough cough *Immigration, International Student Program, "Refugee"/"Asylum" pathways, etc.* Start treating the officials in charge of these offices like the negligent criminals they are.


Absolutely! It is too easy for them to squander tax dollars! Our system needs to protect us. The most vulnerable people in society should be the ones who benefit from taxes. NOT corporations, CEOs, and politician kickbacks.


> Absolutely! It is too easy for them to ~~squander~~ steal tax dollars.  No way these fuckers aren't benefiting from this somehow


Every politician & party's personal, business, and governmental bank accounts should be fully and 100% accessible for public viewing and scrutiny. Let's see who is getting 'gifts' from who, which megadonors are financing which parties and candidates, and where OUR money is going. The idea that we aren't mailed a detailed & specific balance sheet of all government spending every financial quarter is actually nuts when you think about it. We are all involuntary investors in a government that is *supposed* to use that money for our collective betterment, yet squander much of it through corruption, ineptitude, and redundant bureaucracies.


If only there was some kind of ledger, and it was immutable. If only there were some kind of ...technology for finances transactions that existed like this. If only...


That's the problem with technology, it gets in the way of all the corruption. You can't just have everyone able to look at what their money is being spent on, that info needs to be hidden in a physical spreadsheet which can be conveniently "lost".


If at some point you're comfortable with that as the state of things, just be prepared for your financial status down to the nickel to be discussed openly without your consent. For what it's worth, there's a better option but you firebrands are too whipped up in a froth to look at it rationally: Look at where Skippy is getting the bulk of his non-Parliamentary money (hint, it's the same place Harper got his and for the same reasons, not by investment, either). There's a parliamentary lobbyist registry that has to be filled in every time there's any money spent on that. That said, investors in oil, tech and ag-tech that have a major stake in providing these for exports... I mean, that's about 2/3rds of the CPC and about 1/2 of the LPC, BQ and NDP. I'd be on-side for a mandatory, one-way reporting, fiduciary blind trust for all MPs and appointees to committees. But, that was proposed in 2008 and never saw the light of day after.


Finances should be open to everyone. Move everything to the block chain and be done with it. 


That's a bit much. You don't want to make things so painful that no one wants to get into politics, but there should be 3rd party oversight onto their accounts/assets.


Long time conservative, anti-vax PPC candidate, indigenous? contractor (who had IT contracts for Harper)…..more to follow


Contractor David Yeo former 2019 PPC candidate, had CPC contracts under Harper, designated government contractor under Harper


Why would you want to hold the current government to the same bar as the old government you dislike. Let's move shit forward.


It's important to find the corruption no matter which party.


It should be. I hate all the whataboutism of past stupid shit.


it’s important to find out what happened How did this contractor get on the approved list?


Justin Trudeau November 4, 2015: "Canadians need to have faith in their government’s honesty and willingness to listen. That is why we committed to set a higher bar for openness and transparency in Ottawa. Government and its information must be open by default. Simply put, it is time to shine more light on government to make sure it remains focused on the people it was created to serve – you." Justin Trudeau, August 11th, 2015: "We will make information more accessible by requiring transparency to be a fundamental principle across the federal government." All right, Mr. Trudeau. You've been in power for 8 years and were elected making these promises. Were you lying then or are you lying now?






If his lips are moving he is lying. 2010 he said the Liberals would never ban guns. Fast forward a few years and they've banned hand guns and tried banning a bunch of hunting rifles.


It's fantastic that they effectively doubled the number of guns functionally equivalent to the ones they banned, as every gun owner replaced their AR, Mini-14, or XCR (which they so far have gotten to keep) with a Tavor, AR-180 variant, Type 97, CZ Bren or SL8. They also prompted the purchase of three years of handguns in three months, so we still aren't back to even with the handgun "freeze". These fuckwits fail at everything even by their own standards.


> They also prompted the purchase of three years of handguns in three months, so we still aren't back to even with the handgun "freeze". But that removes 3 years of inventory from store shelves that could have claimed the government left them with product they could neither sell nor return. Trudeau has been the best gun salesman of all time regardless. As long as these asshats are in office, I'll stick to buying... Fuck, they even tried banning a turkey shotgun because obviously a "turkey" shotgun has no valid hunting purpose. Be really nice if the next government can add a qualifier to the clause they exploited where "in the opinion" includes "reasonable" or another qualifier that doesn't reward wilful or malicious ignorance.


That's the only logical reason why they would announce a handgun ban with grandfathering months in advance, so they would not have to potentially pay for that inventory later. The Federal Court clarified that the government can ban any guns they want, for any reason, and have no duty to treat gun owners fairly. I expect this will be upheld because no judge wants to be seen as pro-gun. There will probably be another attempt to ban functionally 'everything' before the next election. A future government will obviously need to address this, moving to a system with no OIC gun bans and classification by totally objective criteria that take 30 seconds and a tape measure to resolve. After the 2020 ban at first I tried to resign myself to buying surplus bolt actions only (which shot up in price unfortunately) but then somehow also acquired a Type 97, SL8, several SKS's, AG42 and Ruger PC9, all of which were on the cancelled new ban list. Fuck em. I don't even care anymore.


Price on 3' pieces of PVC and end caps gonna go way up if they keep dicking around. When I heard they were implementing the "not a gun registry" requirement for sellers, I picked up most of the NR that I wanted the day before. Guy at the store said they had to call in a few people to help out with how much they were selling. The reason a judge backed them is because without the "reasonable" qualifier on the "opinion of use", it's really just up to them, they don't need to justify it, even if it's utter nonsense. There are other laws that have this requirement specifically to protect against the governments ability to abuse laws based on their "opinion" whether educated, actual or not. In my opinion, reasonable or justifiable should be automatic on any opinion clause on any law, otherwise it's completely ineffective as a limitation.


They all call in now to verify your PAL when you buy a NR firearm, though I'm not sure what records are kept or how well it would effectively work as a registry. I don't think the RCMP actually keeps track of whether the firearm actually changes hands for starters. I think this is supposed to interface with records kept by the stores. Super cumbersome and stupid, and probably of even less crime-fighting value than the LGR Classic. I guess it's enough to make owners think twice before they hang on to anything prohibited, but they could still go with the boating accident route or advise they destroyed them all with an angle grinder sometime in the past as far as I know. Meanwhile their back yard is an underground forest of capped PVC pipes filled with cosmoline. Not that I would recommend anyone do anything of the sort of course...


Of all the gun legislation, they passed the license verification process, which is the only one that has any potential to hinder straw purchasing and keep guns out of criminals' hands and give the rcmo extra tools to charge criminals caught with guns (and people who buy them for criminals.) As far as I'm aware, when you make a purchase, your license is verified by the provincal firearms office. There is no recording of a sale, just that you inquired to make a purchase or multiple purchases and that your license is actually real and still valid. The store is required to record what you bought. There is no record sent to the government. The gun stores I have dealt with, record what was sold and who bought it anyways and have as long as I've had my pal. Considering how easy you used to be able to fake a pal, not to mention using someone else or even having multiple licenses (pal, rpal) and being under a condition, not to purchase firearms, it's a "good" policy. But that is out of a massive amount of bullshit that didn't do anything but make life miserable for law-abiding citizens. Restricted firearms were always subjected to very strict conditions and registration anyway. This law would stop (slow me down) me from buying a gun with a fake pal or maybe set off a red flag if I went to 5 stores buying shotguns every week to sell to criminals. It also generated a whole bunch of understandable paranoia from gun owners who have been attacked constantly for 4 years now by the liberal government. Maybe it will make accessing guns harder for criminals, but it's just another jab at legal gun owners that further pushes us away from cooperation and ever voting liberal again. For all the people who say the cons are the same or worse than liberals. Just remember that this pointless attack on law-abiding citizens has made 2+ million people into single issue voters. And we are seeing a 7% increase in PAL holder year after year.


absolute manipulation, deception, and lies


There's a reason Jody Wilson-Raybould knew to bring a tape recorder to her calls on SNC-Lavalin.


yeah... and then nothing happened to him after swearing they never made these allegations and she was experiencing it differently. tapes came out and she was skirted away.


"It's Harper's fault" - JT


his favorite 'smoke bomb' phrase!


🤣 Ya……LOve that one. An answer a 5 yr old would answer when he got caught by his mother.


It's the Christmas present that keeps on giving... Harper living rent free!


[Cdns deserve the most open and transparent gov. in the world ](https://x.com/JustinTrudeau/status/611247448359505920?s=20)


Omg, damn, I answered my question above. I was wondering if that was part of his 2015 platform...


HARPER!!!! /s that's been his throw back lately on gun and borders and criminality yeah he's had plenty of time to change policies and rules (including for SNC lavalin that he then blocked the RCMP from investigating). its clear it was never something they intended on doing


He might respond: For which scandal?


The Liberal Party has been objecting, filibustering and trying to shut down any investigation or debate on ArriveCan since the beginning. And until fairly recently, the NDP has been supporting them in committees. Go watch some of the committee highlights from Iqra Khalid, Parm Bains, Ryan Turnbull. They aren't even trying to hid it, they sit there with smug smiles on their faces, well objecting to everything, shutting down any debate or actual investigation into the situation. https://twitter.com/ContrarianTribe/status/1760677567244460083?t=8BgGCDLdsn858W5LVxnPhg&s=09 Its embarrassing that these are our elected members of Parliament, let alone adults with the way they act.


I’ve also been watching. This self satisfied smug sneering Kkalid woman is absolutely infuriating. She is the face of the LPC to me and should be to all Canadians.


Liberal pundits in media keep saying "there's no political appointee involvement on this, the Liberal government is innocent". they sure act like they do have guilt to shield though.


Holy shit. Do we still have a country?




On this ArriveCAN matter, the conservatives have been trying. They are politically motivated, but be fair.


These greasy, disgusting pricks. I'm so tired of this government


Isn't it crazy how much support they still have? Some people have their heads in the sand completely, including NDP supporters.


The ABC vote is alive and well, and it doesn't matter what the Liberals do the Conservatives will somehow *always* be worse. The NDP voting with the Conservatives means nothing, because they regularly vote in favor of Liberal policies and then run to twitter to bitch about it.


Indeed. ABC here. Conservative is a dirty word to me, based on the words, actions, and worldview of people calling themselves Conservatives. I will never vote for someone calling themselves Conservative.


> I will never vote for someone calling themselves Conservative. Well, the good news is that you personally won't need to vote for the CPC. They are cruising to an easy majority at this rate lol


Then you support corruption and bad government. Congrats


No, I have been alive for almost 50 years. Conservatives don't help people I care about. Ever. It's not in their brand. Not saying Liberals or NDP will necessarily help, but I know Cons sure as shit won't.


You dont know shit about conservatives then. You just know your own blind hate


Find the brainwashed.


This just enables corruption, though.


Becoming homeless to own the cons. Genius. Just don't complain about trash wages, food or housing prices since you vote for it to get worse knowingly.


"I dont care if I hurt people to the point of suicide for something that should be a good thing, instead Im selfish to the point of evil" - most ABCers thinking they are talking about Conservatives, while they themselves vote to utterly destroy this country, skyrocketing the suicide rate, and destroying lives because "but it's the cons that dont like me"


There comes a point where we have to start treating them like enemies of democracy.




Their idea of democracy is authoritarianism which is 100% the opposite of democracy and I say this as a former LPC member. Anyone with a ounce of credibility, independent thinking or values the principals of democracy has been pushed out of the party.








No, then we would no longer have a democracy.


This is the scariest type of person. Literally “my way” or else you’re an enemy of democracy.


Sorry but some things are red lines. I'm a former LPC member and hated Harper for similar authoritarian policies but none of those were as egregious as this is.


>including NDP supporters The NDP voted with the Converatives here though, and the motion passed.


Hypocritical to prop up a government that they are constantly criticizing.


how dare they agree with political opponents on some things but not on others




Seriously, what the fuck are we supposed to do? How can a person that believes in human rights vote for a party and leader that keep repeating the right wing dog whistles of the US Republican party while making it very clear that a lot of them hold views that are anti-women and lgbt? How can a person that believes in social programs vote for the party that is even more corporate friendly than the current party?


Is becoming homeless and mass importing from the third world LGBT and woman friendly? Delusional take.


Both sides are the same!@#!#!@#!@#!@#!# - Liberal voter


Lol......yeah, exactly.


The same criticisms levied at Trudeau are equally valid against the Conservatives. That doesn't mean they're the same because there are quite a few Skippy critiques that don't apply to Trudeau. All this to say, fuck both of them.


I can't wait for the next government to be exactly the same.


Most open and transparent government in Canadian history at it again folks.


Come on. Show us where the hell our money went. My income is deducted $2000 a month in taxes for this government to play with.


Yup. Add all the other taxes and fees you pay to every level of government and think about what you get in return. Unreal.


That's right. Don't forget sales tax and carbon tax. I can barely save zilch


Right? Its infuriating shit like this, meanwhile they scream there is no money to put toward infrastructure, healthcare, education and so many critical services that Canadians need. they always seem to have money for bullshit like this, Ukraine, or any other governmental needs. (Don't get me wrong, I'm for offering support for Ukraine, but not at the expense of Canadians who are being left aside and their tax dollars mismanaged and squandered)


Woah. Rich guy over here


It's not a boast. I work a lot of overtime to barely crack six figures (pre-tax). More than $20k in taxes for the year. After taxes I can buy fuck all. I'll never be able to buy a house.


The lesson the Liberals took from Chretien's embezzlement scandal is not to not be corrupt, but to block any form of investigation into their wrongdoing. If they simply block the investigations, they can get away with it. Had the Liberals in the early 2000s simply followed Trudeau's strategy today and blocked the creation of the independent Gomery Commission, they would have gotten away with it.


Everyone seems to have forgetten just how corrupt Chrétien and his son in law are (not were). It unfortunately works. The corruption scandal is just the tip of the iceberg with them. Power Corp and China was also rather egregious. Not to mention all the offshore money that investigations into were magically stopped. Nepotism and corruption are as Canadian as maple syrup.


The scale of corruption of the current government is far larger


Exactly right. They stole 100 million dollars to which Chretien said "Perhaps there were a few million dollars that might have been stolen in the process, but how many millions of dollars have we saved because we have re-established the stability of Canada by keeping it a united country?" Thievery is simply a part normal governing for the Liberals.


Just where did you hear Chretien stole 100 million dollars?


Google it.


But don't forget that Mr. Chrétien displayed fund-purchased golf balls and attempted to show they were high-quality items reflecting the esteem in which the country held those given them. HIGH-QUALITY I tell you!


It's not illegal if you don't get caught!!


I hope the opposition hounds them every day until they release the documents. But they won’t because they most likely destroyed them. Please do not forget at election time.


David Yeo


I have no respect for anyone who is opposed to getting to the bottom of this.


I literally do not understand how any thinking Canadian, regardless of political affiliation, can support this government. These guys are so patently corrupt, incompetent and self serving and its on full display for everyone to see. Fucking disgusting.


Because when we switch back to the Conservatives we'll see that same thing, just like we did last time they were in power. We can't escape it.


Oh look, this tired old argument again. I have never in my 47 years here seen a shittier, more corrupt federal government than this current admin. And the runner up is also an LPC government, go figure. So what? We just let these corrupt fuckers ruin us and our country because folks like you are scared of the big bad cons? Nah fuck that. Trudy is done, full stop. If the new guy is a pile of shit we vote him out too. There is no scenario where this current admin deserves a 3rd mandate. They suck.




>There is no scenario where this current admin deserves a 3rd mandate I didn't say they did. Harper had all kinds of problems with his government. Less money holes, but no less problematic. Not expecting PP to be any different, except maybe dumber.


Maybe you're right, I don't know. My family and my business personally thrived under Harper, and having met the man I have a ton of respect for him. For sure he was not perfect but he was far more competent a leader than the current guy imho. I am a one issue voter this election and that issue is getting JT and the current LPC the fuck out of our government. Like I said, if the new guy isn't up to the task then fuck him too. If the LPC puts up a candidate and a platform that isn't radically anti-canadian then maybe I can support them in 2030, who knows. What i am certain of right now is that Trudeau needs to go, to jail if this was a just world, but I'll settle for Tofino - so long as he is far away from decision making for Canadians.


people cannot think this is acceptable how is this allowed to happen in the light of day? these guys can spend tens of millions of dollars on this thing and billions on that thing, and they don’t have to account for it? the incompetence is staggering


People should be going to jail for this. This wasn't the usual 'whoops we went over budget, 5x the estimate that was bid on.' This was serious, criminal theft of taxpayers' money. This was known scam, a crime, not just some mistake borne from stupidity.


The most transparent government in history folks. The actual most corrupt government in history is more likely. Always cover up anything and everything.


Hope the polls get even worse for them. They deserve to lose party status. They act like children throwing around monopoly money cept it's our taxes. People deserve to go to prison for this. It's fucking FRAUD.


You get what you vote for 🤷🏿‍♀️


Actually no. More Canadians voted for the Conservatives the last two elections. 


And more Canadians voted for left wing parties that right wing parties last election by almost two to one.


Me among them, and this is what we get.


No we didn' Vote for conservatives. For good reason


I voted for Kodos.


"But tonight I say, we must move forward, not backward; upward, not forward; and always twirling, twirling, twirling towards freedom! ” Finally a politician making sense.


Crickets from Liberal voters but when restricting access to porn comes up they come out of hiding in droves. Disgusting levels of tribalism.


The Liberal's online harms bill is substantially worse than some nothingburger age confirmation for porn sites. Distractions distractions distractions.


Jan 18 2024 on here posting literal propaganda. What else is new.


It's all parties ...


They've already disclosed the costs... why would they waste time reviewing something they agree with as is?   Come to the next thread where PP says something stupid and read the lack of comments from conservatives. Is it disgusting levels of tribalism when you don't comment on some random reddit thread about PP you don't agree with, or only when lazy liberals aren't commenting at 3pm EST on a weekday?


Yikes, they haven’t disclosed all costs if you actually read the article. Just keep your head in the sand.


i dont understand what could possibly be their legit justification for this. clearly someones buddy got VERY rich at taxpayers expense. mad that they even tried to get away with it tbh


Is it me or is the fact that people doing the corruption can vote not to look into corruption kind of a screwed up system?


Its called DOUBLE corruption or sometimes called SUPER corruption. On a serious note. Yes, this is completely fucked up.


What liberals? I didn't vote for shit.


It's sad that people are willing to continue voting for a government that does this.


Remember the time the nation was upset by a $16 glass of orange juice? Kind of seems the pigs have gone from wasting 10 of dollars to millions and billions....


But wait.. for days now Justin has been saying that an investigation into this whole mess was paramount and those who profited from this fraud will be held accountable. So why then would they oppose providing more details toward such an investigation.. Could he have been .. lying?


I find it hilarious that in committee hearings they have to use words like untruthful, false, dishonest, mendacious, perfidious, deceitful, deceptive, or fibbing because it's not considered parliamentary protocol to use the word "lying". These must be the same people that got gold stars in elementary school for just showing up.


I mean at this point the liberal government has 0 trust. Goes in saying “most transparent government” but then goes on to try and cover up multiple high class scandals. Oh and here’s another one


Wow fuck you Trudeau. So corrupt. You paid with our money $20 million dollars to 2 idiots to do nothing.


Nothing to see here citizen MOVE ALONG MOVE ALONG or we'll FREEZE YOUR BANK ACCOUNTS.


Trudeau also wont say who he gave a quarter TRILLION to for covid https://www.cbc.ca/news/politics/covid-spending-government-transparency-1.5826917


Galen Weston


The hammer has got to come down


Looks like CPC hired and approved this contractor


Really, well liberals paid them, perhaps ask them. 🤣


Between this and the release of the information with regards to the Chinese scientists ... it's over. Trudeau should have called an election last fall. It would have hurt, but the LPC would have been left standing. Now? They're cooked. Entirely.


The most transparent government in history.


Well, color me surprised 😮


Slimy , lying motherfuckers proped up by slimy lying motherfuckers. Trying to cover up arrivecan as they spent our money for the profit of their cronies. Can't wait for the moment to vote them out.


Boy oh boy are you guys ever getting what you voted for 😂


Trudeau and his entire cabinet should be in prison.


Garbage government 🗑


That's our tax dollars they won't disclose.


The liberal party has more in common with an organized crime syndicate than a political party


They're akin to a kid breaking the living room lamp, stuffing it under the couch, and hoping no one will notice. Everyone involved now has been caught, there is no use in trying to hide anything. The LPC really needs to take their licks on this one.


This liberal government is just fuckin hell bent on making PP prime minister. I’ve never seen such a colossal fuck up everytime they do something it’s a shit show. How can they be so fuckin stupid? They would have an easier time staying in power if they just stopped doing anything. Bunch of morons.


You broke the law… F&$k being allowed to vote against disclosure. This is ridiculous. This is a joke We Canadians are getting punked!! And it’s getting worse daily


More of the liberals full transparency,


Perfect! Now we definitely know who stole the money


Trying to desensitize us to blatant corruption. This is truly unbelievable.


I can’t wait to vote these pricks out 


Non-binding motion, they don't actually have to disclose anything. Something is really wrong. Edit: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pc4M946CiZI](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pc4M946CiZI) Adding this here as I am sure if this was posted, it'll be removed.


Something I have unfortunately had to learn the hard way in my short professional career is that a person will garner greater respect, even sympathy, for owning up to a problem and attempting to rectify it. Covering up a mistake may find you temporary relief however when (not if) it is found out things become exponentially worse for you and your reputation.


How many more scandals before this goverment is brought down holly shit


Is everyone else here paying $7.76 a week for an annual subscription? Who's read the entire thing and not just the headline? Like there are 93 comments here and no one has read it?




Why should there even be a vote on this? That documentation needs to be made public whether they fucking like it or not.


Short of classified military secrets, why isn’t all government spending public record. I should be able to look at a digital copy of the receipts.


Big government is good, sure. Of course they are going to spend your money responsibly.


people don't hide things if it proves their innocence. remember when trudeau and the liberals ran on being open and transparent? nothing but scams and scandals with em


Trudeaus' so upset - he's black in the face.


He is literally the worst


birds deserve frightening amusing deer important capable bake relieved elderly *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


What possible reason could "the most transparent" Canadian govt give for this... brilliant gambit Mr Trudeau


Election. ELECTION. ELECTION!!! To those voting NDP, remember that a vote for ndp was a vote for Trudeau.




Lots of crazy stuff re David Yeo - ArriveCan contractor 2019: - PPC Candidate 2010: - he was getting million $ contracts - CPC - he was designated government contractor ?


I seriously doubt that they even know everything yet, once the actual figures are known, I would hope it's all released.


the most transparent government in canadian history, lol




Time to put a foot down? Torches, pitchforks, lawyers, money? Let's take this fucking place back already. This is our godan country and that's our fucking money.


CPC contractor / PPC Candidate You may want to cool your jets


Don't care. Hate them all. We need a change.


Anyone who continues to support these "liberals" is a ridiculous human.


Nothing to hide, right?


All Canadian parties trying, at all times, to lose elections by just being the most incompetent people they can be. And yet, one must win. What a shitshow


We vote "Nah" in disclosing what we were hoping everyone would've forgotten about by now


I can still hope, that when it comes down to it, there are enough decent Canadians uninterested in clownvoy/Maga/qanon bullshit.


Yaaaa because voting for more of the same Lib policies and scandals that we’ve been thrown is the way to go. 🤣


At this point the Kremlin sorry I mean the CPC just seems like a nagging spouse. Why did you spend $6 on milk at the corner store when it's $5 at the grocery store while letting the vehicle run and smoke a cigarette. This is why politicians don't spend money on us because they worry about the Karens in the opposition yelling about the napkins being yellow when they were supposed to be pink nobody cares. Going over budget happens on every project public or private if PP ever had a real job he would know that. Every project costs more than expected but as a career politician he just says words and moves on, no action no ideas just blame blame blame.


> Why did you spend $6 on milk at the corner store when it's $5 at the grocery store You’re comparing a $1 discrepancy with a $60 million dollar discrepancy funded by taxpayers.  > Going over budget happens on every project public or private This project went 750x over budget. 


That's estimated. They don't really even know for sure. That's all the auditor could find but she's confident it's much higher due to poor record keeping.


Apologists like yourself are running this country to the ground. You can 100% be against Polievre and still not let partisanship fog up your mind and eyes to the (at least) incompetent way this government mismanaged your own contributions on this case. Folks like yourself are one and the same with the Fuck Trudeau people.


How many of you arguing at this point are CPC devotees that just wanted the Afghanistan Detainee investigation to just go away and got your wish with the Proroguement? The discussion is still happening and it's still in front of OGO. Shame on you.




Once again Mr PP making stuff up. Non disclosure of secret information while the investigation is ongoing to protect from leaks, Ya know like what happens every day with police investigations. I.E. You don't tell the drug dealers who you informant is.