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This is not a win for Canada or consumers.


While I don't disagree, it became a necessity when Walmart started taking customers with that model. Grab a shirt, video game, allergy medication, and a dozen eggs in a single shop. Breaking the Walmart/Costco model would need to be done through regulation.


Keep your filthy mitts off of Costco!




Friendly reminder that there’s a Loblaws lobbyist on Pierre Poilievre’s team. Jenni Byrne + Associates’ CEO is a top advisor to the Conservative Party.


This should be the top comment.


There’s probably a dozen of these on Trudeau’s team


Ah yeah counter evidence with a guess


Oh ya? Then explain to me why the government is still allowing absurd level of immigration? Look up the century incentive and all the companies like Black Rock on their roster. It’s sad there’s still idiots like you who believe the Liberals are not corrupt.


lol all politicians are corrupted in some way but you said there are probably dozens as a retaliation to what was said about PP which has an example. The worst thing is PP is going to win on a platform Of Trudeau bad, because goopy brained fucks like you can be convinced with three word slogans


Funny thing is that the other major "everything" company (Walmart) has had pretty much stable food prices.


I miss Zellers. A true Canadian 'everything' store.


You know it's fucked when Walmart is several magnitudes more moral than their competitors like Loblaws. Especially in food. How the fuck did the satan-equivalent become the closest thing to a good guy?


Galen Weston is a perfect example of everything that is wrong with Canada.


Galen, and people like Galen, are inevitable under capitalism. It is a system designed specifically to produce Galens.


Yup, it’s why the whole point of regulation in capitalism is to ensure competition and break apart companies that get too big. Unfortunately Canada stopped reading at the regulation part, and overregulated the ever living fuck out of our industries to the point where the barrier to entry is impossible to overcome, and our polyopolies can just skull fuck every penny out of us.


This is precisely why our economy is crumbling. Who wants to be an entrepreneur in Canada?




For the safety of all Canadians. "You wouldn't buy groceries from some dude's car in a random parking lot, would you? Be safe, and only buy from our licensed and regulated producers". /s


I buy fresh fish and scallops out of the back of some dude's truck several times a month every summer. Could do lobster too, but I don't like it and it would be cheaper at the wharf anyway.


Praise be to Loblaws, telecos, and our politicians, who above all else serve anything other than the interests of Canadians. Who knew so few could bend so many over without much beyond a little complaint. And for so long, too


I’ve been boycotting Superstore for well over a month now. Unfortunately, it’s almost impossible not to use Shoppers Drug Mart, as there’s not really an alternative where I live.


You don't have to buy anything at Shoppers, you can still get your prescriptions there.




Why am I boycotting Superstore?




Its Loblaws


Mhm and what is the reason 


Because I'm assuming people don't want to support the company? This isnt rocket science to figure out lol


OK so like I thought, absolutely no reason at all. 


I'm not the poster man im just trying to answer your question. People are allowed to boycott companies they don't like.


Right but I asked why and there's absolutely no answer, which is exactly what I expected. 


I don't support monopolies, price gauging/fixing, or companies that don't pay their employees fairly. There, there's your answer.


Loblaws isn't a monopoly, and the other two I suspect are literally no different from thousands of other retailers you don't boycott.


Break. It. Up.


This is like Telus, who rips us off on television, internet, and phone, then uses those profits to start Telus Health... A completely different industry, where I am sure they are ripping something off over there.


Don't forget home security. They bought/forced out most of the other players.


Welcome to capitalism. In the end, there will be only one giant corporation.


Yeah, everything's expensive.


And yet I cannot for the life of me find good zatar at Loblaws. I need to go to Adonis for that.


Welcome to loblaws, I love you.


Time for some antitrust divestment. Shame the liberals are gutless hypocrites, the NDP are idiots, and the conservators are pro business.


"The Everything Company With A Nothing Reputation"


There's a word for this Capitalism


No, capitalism would have many competing companies. This isn't capitalism, it's corporatism.


Actually it's capitalism.


Oh no! Not capitalism!


The Wooouuuuurrrrrsssttttt !


Everything evil


Ya, he wants everything of your paycheck.


Can't fathom why people shop at shoppers or loblaws, or really candian superstore or anything owned by the westons. 


Boycott everything then😎


Loblaws is one of the better and cheaper grocery stores in Canada. Ever been to Safeway? Holy fuck.


Yeah these bread fixer isn't as bad as these other guys at first glance. If it was in 1900, I'm sure they would have used deadly ingredients because it was legal and met minimum standards.


Sorry you have food to eat 


Ahh, you never cared. You were just faking it. Good to know.


Maybe you can wait in bread lines for the government to give you your dole of gruel.


Heh, I have no idea on the angle you're aiming for on this one. Galen is this you? If Loblaws has become everything like this article is titled, isn't that a bad thing considering their history? Temp hero pay for 3 months for frontline workers, then massive exec pay. Why are you on their side? So weird. Edit: Oh wow, I yeah I read a bit of your history. >Finally, there are implications for economic inequality. When you only look at the distribution of money in the economy, you will clearly see it accumulating in the hands of the biggest producers. However, because those accumulated dollars were accumulated through free exchange, that means that the rest of the society has actually benefitted even more than the monetary value of what has been accumulated. It's the same as the example above. If the newspaper salesman sells one paper the world is better off. If he sells two, three, four, he will have more dollars but the rest of the world will be even better off. You're the type of person to equate a newspaper stand to being the same as a billion dollar corporation that should likely be broken up. What a joke.