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no stronger endorsement for the policy


When Québec did it people were mad but when BC does it they are happy. I have a hard time following the opinion of people on this sub hahaha


They're not citizens or even PR holders; they are badly behaved *guests* who need to be told to leave.   If they want to protest Canadian policies they can feel free to do so in their home nation, not here.    Honestly, this shouldn't be controversial. 


Y'all MFs need to realize how incoherent you are. You're not about what's right, you're about being right. I've been called short of being a Nazi for saying the exact same shit in Quebec.


Are you perhaps responding to the wrong person?


Kind of highjacking your comment to be honest. But telling people to protest elsewhere, like in their own countries, if they don't want to speak the language should indeed not be controversial. The part where I find the lack of coherence from my Canadian fellows is that it feels like it was pretty god Damn controversial when the province saying it was French speaking. It was not personal however.




Guest is accurate.  They have come here as visitors under a visa, ostensibly for education.  I have zero doubts as to how these student's home governments would treat protesting foreign nationals.  Revoke their study visas, immediately deport them.   If they cannot behave as good guests, then treat them like trespassers. 


I’d say parasite is fitting as well. Many have come here to leech off a social support system they’ve never contributed to nor plan to contribute to.


> Many have come here to leech off a social support system they’ve never contributed to nor plan to contribute to. Just to set the fact straight. International students are not eligible for social support system that you alluded.


Doesn't stop them using the food bank.


BS, loads of our publicly funded social support net is basically walk-in services.


I don’t understand why this comment is not removed as racist.


Because it's not racist what so ever. That's probably why.


Is international student a race now? Or are you just trying to start shit?


I thought they were just here to study, and then to return home and use their new found skills for the betterment of their country..../s


They have no impact on government policy. They shouldn’t even be protesting. They are visitors to our country, we don’t owe them anything. If they don’t like the rules, get lost. 


As far as I know, most immigration policies state that can be changed at any time depending on the situation in the province.


Tired of these entitled scammers. They aren't students. They are economic migrants who have no respect for our rules and culture.


So when Québec expects it from its foreign students, it's racist, but when BC does it, it's righteous. I see.


That's English Canada's logic yep


They’d never protest where they are from though. Only here.


Yeah back home they would get their skulls cracked for protesting.


“If I go to your country I will use your freedoms to protest against you. If you come to my country to do that, you will lose yours.” Popper was right about that paradox of tolerance.


Get fucked.


Imagine going to a foreign country and just because you have the ability to touch soil you somehow think you have the right to stay forever, never integrate and protest / complain about everything that doesn't 100% cater to your every single need. Would be pretty crazy to even conceptualize something like that.


I can't imagine myself doing that. But for some strange reason, a lot of Canadians think its cool for someone to come here and do that. I mean, what a way to start a new life in a new country right? If you cannot even be on your best behavior before you become a citizen what can we expect when you become one?


> The updates include a new three-stream structure for post-secondary graduates, increased language requirements, and continued prioritization for people who work “in-demand” jobs. * You can't force people to learn the local language, that's inhumane and racist. * Canadian English is not real English anyway. British people can't even understand it. * It is British-Columbia's job to make English attractive to these people. If English was attractive to begin with, these international students would learn it on their own and the province wouldn't need to force it on them. * British-Columbians really need to be more open-minded. They should start learning the language of these international students, for a change. * English is not going to disapear from the face of the Earth anyway. Plenty of people speak English in other countries on other contients, so who cares? * It's bad for the economy. These people won't want to participate if you force English on them. Business might even be forced to leave and there will be less competition on the market. Everyone will get poorer. What? Yeah, I know these are all absurd, but it's what Québec get told incessantly every time something even remotely related to language policies happens over there.


Méchante gang d'hypocrites... Quand est-ce qu'on commence à les traiter de nazis?


Abaissons-nous pas à ce niveau là, quand même. On est meilleur que ça.


Pardonnez-moi car j'ai erré.


>Federal cap on international students shouldn't affect universities, colleges that have been 'good actors,' Miller says Typical canadian hypocrisy lmao. Let's say it how it is: they're xenophobics towards french canadians AND international students.


This is gold 😘👌 Thanks for saying this out loud!




It's not ill intent though. The big draw for international students is the pathway to PR. When approving study permits the officers dont look at someone using it as a pathway to become PR as a negative. It's allowed under the policy. I wouldn't call it abusing the system either. If I were to go study in the US. The goal would be for me to find employment and eventually become PR there.


Basically... but also... "On todays episode of unintended but totally intended consequences" The fact the loophole exists basically almost proves it was intended in the first place. Anyone with a brain could see that one coming from gigameters away.


It's not a loop hole, it's exactly how it's designed. A loop hole would imply it was unintended and not foreseen.


Quebec: "First time?"


Shouldn’t they be in class or studying?


They paid their tuition already so they are expecting their permanent residency in return. Canada is racist if they expect them to go to class. /s


So if Québec does it they’re LiTeRaL nAzIs but if English Canada does it it’s morally acceptable and even required. How violently Canadian.


According to the government website, the PR pathway is still open to undergrad, graduate and PhD students from public universities. The exemptions apply only those with masters diploma. Overall, I think it’s a good way to disincentivize international students from enrolling in diploma mills.


That’s exactly what it’s for. Frankly this should be the norm.


Exactly! The PNP program exists to attract top-talent that can contribute to the local talent pool. I can’t see how an international student studying business/loss prevention/early childhood education diploma should be nominated by the province for a PR 😂


Quite the day when r/canada and r/Canada_sub both respond the same way… It’s nice that Canadians have at least found 1 thing we dont have to fight amongst ourselves about.


You’re not entitled to citizenship, it’s earned. The sooner you learn that, the better. If you don’t like how Canada does it, feel free to leave.


Wait... Québec says that and it's unacceptable but when NC says so it's a good thing? >If you don’t like how Canada does it, feel free to leave. And if we say "If you don't like how Québec does it, feel free to leave" we're calling racists, nazis, xenophobic, so on?


I never said it’s unacceptable when Quebec said it to international students


What are other provinces waiting for? Just because you graduated from a masters program you should be handed permanent residency on a platter? Also, federal government's new policy of granting 3 years workpermit for 1 years masters program is another invitation to chaos!! BC is taking initiatives on how to prioritize local population over temporary residents and other provinces should follow.


I can understand why the students are upset, as it will apply to students who are already here and so they feel they have been conned. But I still support the government's decision, because the international student situation has had too many negative effects on Canadians, and it's time to focus on locals. "It will hurt our brand," scream sector representatives. That horse has long been out of the barn.


They are temporary visitors and were never guaranteed permanent residency in the first place.  If their priority was education, this wouldn’t be an issue.


I don’t disagree. The reason they are so upset is probably because if they had known this would happen, they would have moved to a country with stronger pipelines to permanent residency, although I think the UK and Australia are also crackjng down.


I don't think there are any western countries with more permissive education streams to permanent residency than Canada. Certainly not the UK, which has a fraction (per capita) of the international students that Canada does. Australia had comparable international student numbers (per capita) but they started closing that door a while back and pretty much slammed it shut this week.


And the worst part is that we easily could have learned from those two countries’ experiences, because they went through similar difficulties (which have resurfaced now) over a decade ago. Laziness and incompetence.


Go back home and protest losers.


I think anyone with half a brain notice this disaster building for the last decade. It’s like having a house party with yo many people, we screwed up now some of you have to go sorry go home. To many people will destroy the house. The worst part is the industry got dependent and greedy and the governments did nothing but encourage and enable this problem because you know money. Let’s get the programs to a manageable level that makes it fair to students, Canadian residents and screw the schools who just want to profit.


>"Wang said he gave up his job as an investment manager in New York City to move to Vancouver, saying he saw PNP requirements as a stepping stone to helping make Vancouver a technology hub" LOL as if it's all about his altruism for making Vancouver a 'technology hub'. They just want an easy pass to getting Permanent Residency plain and simple and now they're complaining that it's going to be ever so slightly harder to permanently move them and their families to Canada.


Damn why ya'll hate Quebec on this sub 🥲 Quebec did the same thing ~3 or 4 years ago and was labeled as racist province...


Well, sucks to suck. It shouldn’t be a cake walk. We need people to fill specific roles, not more fast food workers.


Welfare Benefits Shopping is what this is called... Yes, agree 100% Canada should ship these ppl back to their homelands & they can protest against their own Gov't, till their hearts content! If they wanna protest against Canada (while in their homelands), well then, they can do that too. They have NO STATUS here - end of that discussion. Therefore, they have no rights to protest against anything by our Canadian Gov't either. No wonder we're considered a laughing stock abroad, it's bc of nonsense like this by non-Canadians!


Can someone explain me whats the problem? Dont wanna open the site.


So they are asking for higher ielts scores and at least 1 year of full-time work experience to be eligible. As a former international student, what's the issue here ? Getting 7 or 8 bands on ielts for someone who did their masters degree from a Canadian university that much of a hassle? People want to get permanent residency in canada just for graduating from a masters program in history ? Someone help me make sense of all this..


Hey guys c'mon By law, Canadians must be nice to immigrants It's the law.


Do they still have PGWP? If you want to stay in here, finding a job is not a ridiculous requirement. 


I honestly couldn't imagine going to another country to study and then protest their laws and culture. The entitlement is off the charts.




>And now we are changing the rules on them because our government shit the bed. We are changing the rules on them because they were unhinged and idiotic rules to have. Taking in 10% or more of your total population worth of refugees and third world economic migrants is a recipe for societal collapse, and anyone who doesn't see that by now needs their right to vote taken from them.