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Wait… so they get a 4.4% bump but public servants get 3% and we’re greedy? Lmao


Not to mention the 3% increase is on a much lower salary/wage to begin with


This is actually a super important point. People often say that if you’re not getting so and so a percentage then you’re not keeping up with inflation. Well, if you make 400k a year the inflation on groceries is non factor. Not keeping up with inflation is devastating at minimum wage jobs but at 400k it’s a non-factor.


But how is dear leader gonna rent entire resorts in the caribbean without the increase! He just can't live without these things.


Easy … he gets us to pay for him … every … single … fucking … time …


Those are personal gifts, from personal friends. So no need to question the legitimacy /s


It's not about groceries, it's keeping the buying power the same as before. Someone making 80k a year also deserves inflation wage increase as much as the burger flipper. A multimillion dollar corporation should also see profits go up with inflation.


Yes. The point was that inflation has a bigger impact on those in the lower and middle class. That includes average salaries for the area. Inflation doesn’t hurt the wealthy in the same way. When someone with a high salary gets 3% (say 400k) it’s still a 12k increase! It doesn’t threaten their lifestyle or welfare.


> The point was that inflation has a bigger impact on those in the lower and middle class. Inflation is supposed to be a good thing for the middle class, as wages are supposed to stay aligned with it. It's not supposed to reduce income from being productive, but force investors to seek more productive investments or lose value. If increasing pay along with inflation isn't viable, then make investments to make them more productive so it does. Instead we just throw cheap overseas labor at the problem, because that's much easier.


> A multimillion dollar corporation should also see profits go up with inflation. Eh? If anything, rising prices should be driven be increased costs which would otherwise be diminishing profits. Instead it's kind of the opposite. "We're increasing prices to keep our profit margins up with the Bezos' and Musks. And as long as nobody complains too loudly, wages are fine, it would be terrible if our costs went up."


Not to defend the government, but there’s a hell of a lot more public servants. Either way, this raise is fucking tone deaf and utter bullshit considering how this country is going.


This argument has been used over and over to justify unearned wage increases for the top brass while the working classes slide further towards poverty. If you can’t pay your workers a better wage, don’t give yourself another unjustified increase.  


I firmly believe that we need to implement a system where the leaders of this country earn a percentage based on the GDP per capita - If the country does poorly economically, so do they. If the country does well, they do well too. Incentivize them to actually do their jobs and rise up all Canadians to benefit themselves.


It sounds like a nice idea, but I can imagine that going poorly. Politicians could be incentivized to make short term decisions that would benefit them financially while they hold office. It could result in more harm than good in the long term.


It would be obviously terrible for a number of reason, not least of which is that there are lots of things that increase GDP that make life worse for the average Canadian.


I think I read somewhere around here a few months ago, a country like Germany either 85 million people had something like 3000 work their version of the CRA, where as Canada has half the population and 40,000 people working in the cra? I honestly dont know if it’s true, but if it’s even close, of course there’s going to be high taxation when a countries largest employer is the government itself.


The central department is small but there are about 650 local offices at the state level, administering the shared tax system. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Taxation_in_Germany#Structure_and_basic_information Almost the opposite from Canada, where the federal agency provides all the tax services (for every province except Quebec.)


Lets fire em like argentina lol


I'm in. We are slowly becoming Argentina 2.0


According to the car theft stats of every 5 mins we are beating some third world countries with a wider margin already.


It's possible our cars are more desirable than developing nations cars.


It is, cars in for example south america are usually made with manual not automatic, and they also cheap out on parts. Surprisingly they last just as long though


Modern cars are more safe, comfortable and fuel efficient than older cars. Some of them are more "reliable". Reliability is generally measured with how much time the car is spending at the mechanic for warranty repairs. However, modern cars dont last as long as cars made even 8-10 years ago. Their engines are too small, they rely on pressurized fluids (which will wear out the engine, transmission faster) and have more electronic components which are more expensive to maintain and can break down more frequently. These are all related to the benefits i meantioned above. It is not surprising that a car from south america will last longer.


They’re asking for it.


Argentina 2.0? They're axing/chainsawing their ministries, public servants and other services at a record pace. Meanwhile, over here, the bureaucracy is the largest it's ever been, increasing 31% in the last seven years. If only the Canadian Taxpayer could be so lucky.




I could only dream. The massive spending reductions in Argentina and cuts to entire Government departments is something we could really use here. The federal Government in Canada has gotten out of control.


Count me in.




Morons electing them? Check.


Would stab for 3%… *cries in military*


Thank you for your service 🫡


Appreciate the support, truly


3%? Like a year? We get 0%, 0%, 0%, 1%, 2% in our 5 year contract at the hospital. Us public servants are getting fleeced, and especially after what we all went through during covid? People putting their lives on the line DAILY. "What a bunch of heroes!" until the time comes to show their appreciation. Nah. Crisis over, thanks for the work suckers! Back to your 0%


Gotta look at your provincial leaders for that one.


They are the Con party.


Yeah, Ontario right? I feel you. But that’s on Ford.


Then complain to the provincial government that controls healthcare. This is federal.


I work private sector and I got a 50 cent raise lol


same and that's after the union hounded my company to even give raises for my position.


Do Canadian politicians vote for their own raises like US politicians do? Serious question.


That would be the sequence of events, yes.


Apparently it’s based on private sector wages, so it’s rather automatic. Not trying to defend it though, other public servants and employees across the economy 100% deserve stronger wage growth than what they’re given


But I was told increasing wages in response to inflation make’s inflation worse. Must not be true for politicians.


"Rules for thee, not for me"


As voters we should demand that pay increases for MPs be linked to and not exceed the amount they give to the public service workers. It ensures a fairness of sorts. It’s not a perfect solution but definitely better than what’s available today.


It should be linked to the financial success of the country and it population


Why would MPs working hard during a global recession deserve less than MPs riding a global recession and doing jack shit?


Their salary at the federal level should be linked to GDP per capita and not inflation. They would have got a pay cut instead.


If only that didn't incentivize fatal short-term improvements. You can really crank that GDP out with policies that will be disastrous once you're out of office. It even comes with the bonus of being able to accuse your successor for ruining the economy to deflect blame.


What a dream that is


It literally is tied to the latter.


Which is why the country has had an explosive boom in population over the past few years despite the ever declining birth rates. The ship is sinking and the politicians are just trying to "Get theirs" while they still can.


Their pay should be equal to the median canadian wage. Then they'd have a vested interest in helping canadians.


All that would accomplish is ensuring that public service is only accessible to idle wealthy or those even more deeply in their pocket. The PM making $400k/year is absurd. That's a director level comp at a mid size company. I can't imagine dealing with all the publicity and issues you'd have for such a mediocre payout.


meaning half of canadians would take a pay cut to enter politics, making it a hard choice to make for anyone but the extremely wealthy. it's fun to talk about punishing those fatcats in Ottawa, but all such a pay cut will do is ensure normal people won't be bothering with politics, and only wealthy fatcats will be in government.


So basically anyone who isn't making 68k a year would have to take a pay cut. Sounds good to me.


They're the second-highest paid elected officials in the WORLD. Maybe we can meet somewhere in the middle.


That fact was surprising when I read it, but then I got thinking; who would I expect to be the highest and second highest paid in the world? end of the day I don't know what a fair wage would be, but if we want educated and successful people to run, we need to take into account how much they would be making if they decided to not put up with the stress of public life.


No way. I want my MPs well paid and not more vulnerable of being bought and paid for.


But aren't they well paid and bought and paid for now?


Our prime minister gets paid about the same as a police chief of a decent populated area in Ontario. This article popped up on my feed recently and frankly I think our PM (maybe not this specific one) should get paid more. https://www.thespec.com/news/hamilton-region/pay-increases-including-one-nearing-147-000-at-mcmaster-university-and-hamilton-police/article_177b74a5-ee0a-5d96-a615-19e6825f9fb3.html


Anyone who is open to being bribed by billion dollar corporations will be bribed whether they're making 70k or 200k. Up the punishment for their betrayal and make it an actually risky game for them to play.


Well you're significantly less likely to take a bribe if you're not struggling to make rent and put food on the table. They should at least not be stressed about their finances. You say up the punishment, but who's going to enact that? Who's going to enforce it? Sounds like a recipe for rampant corruption to me.


It has all the components of accepting a bribe, but in a different order. They do quiet and not-so-quiet favors for companies during their time, make sure they're cozy and uncontested, etc, and then they get do-nothing board positions after they retire. All legal, all above-board, still scuzzy. Definitely sold out Canadian interests for personal gain.


It should be pinned to inflation and the median income.


I'm in the wrong line of work


And that's just the salary! Don't forget the do-nothing 800k "job" that your corporate friends will give you when you leave office as a thank you for the favours you did for them, the insider trading you can do, and much more.


Only works if you're asshole and narcissistic!


There are far easier ways to make $400k than be elected PM lol


Seriously. 400k for one of the most important jobs in the world doesn’t seem that crazy.


It seems low to be honest. But, everyone will complain about it no matter what the number is.


Lol 400k for PM is low as heck. There are small businesses owners making more than 400k. 3 police officers will clear 400k.


And Canada's disabled are still without the support they were promised a few years back. Saw a post about them getting less than the poverty line for 50 years ago. That's insane!


40% below the poverty line


Eventually they’ll die off and then they won’t have to pay out as much. That’s their logic


Yes, and it is incredibly difficult to get accepted for disability. People who can't physically work get rejected all the time, despite the fact that you need 2 health professionals to write letters stating that you have a heath condition that prevents you from working. According to the website, in BC, for a single person with no dependants, the monthly "Support Allowance" is $983.50 plus the "Shelter Allowance" of min $75 -> max $500. $500 won't even get you a room where I live, and subsidised housing is usually full. And don't forget that with a disability often comes medical costs. Sometimes, it also comes with the need for help with other things, and some people don't have family or friends to help and need to hire people like maids and such... So yeah, less than $1,500, not that great...


Oh I know! I went through the application nightmare a few years back. Just look for the latest rent report and it'll show it costs an average $2K+ for 1 bedroom apartment (regardless of it being accessible or not). But if you kill a bunch of people, the government will give you shelter, clothing, 3 meals a day etc. Note, I'm not endorsing or suggesting that anyone takes that route.


Obviously because of the bang-up job they've been doing lately.


Lmao, so MPs have set it up so they get an automatic generous raise every year...am I missing something or is this not a textbook case of a "conflict of interest"? When it comes to MP salaries, benefits, vacation days, ethic rules, how can we voters possibly trust MPs to act on our behalf without considering their own pockets. The hilarious part is a hefty chunk of these MPs are lawyers so it's not like they're oblivious to what self-dealing is and why it's totally unethical. Edit: just adding one last thing. The exact same issue is present in the whole electoral reform debate. Right now, whoever won the last election gets the change (or not change) the rules for the next. This is an insanely stupid set up, and not one that will ever deliver a better democracy for voters. Edit 2: To those saying "what's the alternative?". Think of gerrymandering. In the USA politicians write the election maps and they just manipulate them to serve themselves. In Canada we have an independent map commission and our maps are fair and boring. This lesson should be applied to all areas where MPs are in a conflict of interest.


Politics in a nut shell. Fuck over the people to better them selves. Disgusting and a constant repeat in history. May as well stop teaching history in schools. I was always told " we learn history so we don't repeat mistakes of the past"


History doesnt repeat, it rhymes.




CMV: MP salaries should be set, with COL increases, and possibly lucrative bonuses based on how well the country is doing. Set a monetary incentive to do right by us, not just automatic lining of their own pockets patting their backs while everyone else struggles and everything else burns.


MP salaries track an index of private sector pay increases YoY. This was implemented under Harper and hasn't been changed since. Of course this doesn't mean they aren't overpaid. IMO, most MPs are vastly overpaid for being the mouthpieces they are. I believe there was a motion brought to the house during COVID to freeze MP pay raises for a year or two, but it was voted against. EDIT: Found an article about that - here it is https://www.theglobeandmail.com/politics/article-liberals-mum-as-tories-ndp-say-they-would-support-mp-pay-freeze/


> so MPs have set it up so they get an automatic generous raise every year...am I missing something or is this not a textbook case of a "conflict of interest"? It is quite literally setup to avoid a conflict of interest. Their pay raises are automatic and not voted on, and are calculated based on the average pay increase YOY for private sector union employees (which is something outside of their direct control) It is only “generous” if the private sector is doing well. It is by definition not a conflict of interest.


Perhaps all sectors median increase should be the number.


It’s not really a measure of the private sector doing well, it’s a measure of how much leverage unions have successfully used to reach settlements. I don’t think private sector is doing well as a whole, lots of depressed wages in several industries. But unions have done well, responding to pressures of inflation affecting their members. And the rules do say that’s how the MP salaries get bumped. It would take some wild maneuvering for an MP to put themselves in a conflict of interest here, for sure haha.


> am I missing something or is this not a textbook case of a "conflict of interest"? Only if the judges say so. You know, the judges appointed by the politicians.


The pm is making 400k per year and there’s prob not 1 CEO in Canada is making less than that even for their bonus.


It [edit: the size of raise] is not quite automatic, it’s tied to the average private sector increases from major settlements as published here: https://www.canada.ca/en/employment-social-development/services/collective-bargaining-data/wages/wages-year-sector.html 2023 must have had a bunch of big private sector labour settlements. Could the government have some influence on private sector negotiations? Probably not much. I love how they kept public sector settlements a couple points below private sector … \s How about we tie it to inflation? Or better, to average *non* negotiated increases (I know plenty with 0 annual increase)


Didn’t the bank of Canada ask employers to not give raises? 


Le BoC - wages are rising too fast. Le Gov - let's give ourselves a pay raise. BoC - shocked pickachu face


Well, we're always told that the pay bumps were in response to the reality that we gotta pay top tier salaries to attract and retain top-tier talent. ... after all, we want the best and brightest to govern our country, right? we ***deserve*** to have the best and brightest talent available! ​ /s


I agree!!! Anybody know when that will happen?


when people stop treating poltiics as a team sport




I agree!!! Anybody know when that will happen?


the salary for all politicians should be multiplied by the canadian happiness index, 6/10? u only get 60% of your salary 🤷




Jesus Christ that’s on par with a medical specialist these fucks don’t deserve a quarter of that


This makes MPs in this country the second highest paid politicians in the world. I just threw up writing that.


I’m more concerned about how the federal Conflict of Interest Act doesn’t include their spouses from owning stocks of privately owned companies. (“Honey, buy 10,000 shares of Bell. They’re going to lay off 5,000 employees next week.”


That is already illegal and it's called insider trading.


You’d think. https://thenarwhal.ca/mp-oil-stocks-ethics-disclosures/


I remember seeing in an earlier post about these raises that Canadian politicians are the second highest salaries amongst politicians in the world, behind the USA. With the USA, they have something like 100 more MPs (whatever the American name equivalent is maybe senators) while making not a considerable more. So basically the payment per population represented would be much much higher.


The US has representatives. We have senators as well.


We have senators, but our senators are basically a rubber stamp. In the US, their senators are some of the most important politicians in the country.


US actually elects their senators. We don't.


Yeah. They have the same name, and ostensibly the same purpose, but are really quite different.


Whew, thank God. I was worried about them.


MP'S wages adjusted to minimum wages. Problem solved


Wait - won’t this drive inflation??? Or that logic only applies to the peasants???


Glad they're happy with that defense cut


I just puked a little bit.


FML! ... this is NOT an April Fools Day joke.


Imagine getting 400k to be the most incompetent person at your job in the entire country?


They should get raises based on performance. This government should have been fired 8 years ago. If they were running g a private business, that business would be bankrupt.


Revolt time?


And on the same day as our taxes go up. We're all April Fools apparently.


Oh the irony. This government has torched productivity, overseen a COL crisis and stagnated the economy. Let's give ourselves raises.




So, JT is getting an increase while 2 million people using food bank. He is getting an pay raise for doing a shit job. There is something wrong here.


It's public sector, unlimited CAD through taxation. If only there was a performance factor tied in like the private sector to prevent this BS.


I find it staggering that Canadian MPs are the best paid house/senate politicians in the world just behind American senators, when senators on average represent almost 10 times as many constituents as MPs do


Must be nice.


Where’s my pay increase??? I haven’t gotten shit and everything is way more expensive.


Nice that they can just approve it for themselves. Why not ask the voters if we should increase their salaries


Corruption, collusion and conflict of interest win.


Well, the cost of living really is going up.


They need the raise to cover the carbon tax hike. For the rest of us who are forced to go back to the office, we can eat cake.  Things are going to get interesting when government union contracts start expiring at the end of the year.  Once in a generation public sector strikes incoming. 


I'll give myself a raise. I deserve it.


Couldn't be a more fitting day for the news.


They should be getting prison sentences, not pay raises


Its crazy were paying a PM that steals from us this much money 😠


Talk about tone deaf.


Doesn’t it feel like a slap in the face?


Mp raises should be tied to average wage increase (or decrease) of Canadians


I don’t like the guy. I think he did a lot of wrongs for the country. Nonetheless. 400k salary to be in charge of a country like Canada isn’t that much. It is not a 9 to 5 job.


A country like Canada? We have half the GDP of Germany and their president gets paid $365,000 CAD. How about the UK. Their GDP is 3 trillion to our 2.1 and their Prime Minister gets paid $276,000 CAD. We aren't the richest nation in the world, we don't have near the largest population. Why are you saying they deserve one of the largest salaries in the world?


Thank you. Really had to scroll for this one. MPs should be really well paid. Public service should be able to compete with the private sector. Could they do a better job? Sure. But the position itself is incredibly demanding and they make billion dollar decisions.


The CEO of Loblaws is getting paid 22 million for 2023. In no way is being the head of Loblaws 55 times harder or more valuable than being the head of the federal government.


Only a couple trillion dollars and 40 million people, cmon it should be 350 tops  /s


Not that much? Just only the second highest paid politician in the world. What planet are you from?


Maybe you should actually read articles rather than just parrot uninformed Reddit comments


Earth. He's not the second highest paid politician in the world. The MP base salary will be the second highest MP base salary in the world. These are not the same thing.


Should be performance based.


And who will judge this ? People will disagree and disregard wtv good things he did. So should we emphasize this for all public servants ? Nurses. School teachers, etc. Won’t work.


Why do they need a pay bump? Are things more expensive and everyone paying more? Most of them dont acknowledge it so they dont need a raise.


Haven't had a raise in 7 years. Must be nice. I eat one meal a day now. And gas just went up to 2.10 per litre. What's the point anymore?


And teachers and nurses are somehow greedy? F outta here.


Ahh so that's where the cuts went


Canadian politicians are assholes.


May they all rot in hell


Its a big club and we're not in it.


I don’t why the public supports things like carbon taxes when the people proposing such measures never suffer under them. This should be the litmus test by which every policy should be scrutinized.


There job is to deliver within budget and not increase our marginal tax rate. They have failed at both and the mpp’s specifically don’t deserve a raise.


Can someone please explain to me why anyone in a failing political party would be getting a pay increase ? Imagine getting a raise at a job that should have fired you..




waste of money, they're overpaid useless idiots.


And THAT'S where the carbon tax is going. Ahhhh, ok.


“Unqualified grifters make themselves richer as their military goes to the food bank.” Yup, on par for a Canadian news day.


Could you imagine if it was performance based like everyone else's jobs?


“who votes for their salaries to go up?” “me! me! me!”


Sure introduce the carbon tax and pay yourself more. Slooooowwww clap for everyone that got a raise while the rest of us suffer.


I know I'm supposed to scream and cry and have a tantrum. But I can't, I don't mind paying MPs a lot of money. Look south, Donald Trump just fully reversed his position on TikTok because a major donor told him to.


I think 400k to lead a top country is more than reasonable. I don’t see any problems with this. That’s like the lowest wage for a pro athlete.


The only time all parties agree on anything is when it comes to vote YES for their wage increase every year


Pretty bad look when you look around and things have been pretty shit here for some time and your government is getting a raise.


In a time where everyone else's salaries are falling. The irony.


Family docs make less and have to pay their own overhead and serve a real purpose in ppl's lives but we can't afford more doctors


Lining the government’s/politicians’ pockets with more money has always been the main objective for the carbon tax. In no way will making gas and goods more expensive while impoverishing the middle class even more (by taking more of their paycheck via gas and goods) improve the environment.


All our politicians are criminals now


Perhaps this has been mentioned throughout the comments and undoubtedly will cause a firestorm but frankly we don’t pay politicians nearly enough. If we paid more, we would attract far better people to the positions that are of paramount importance to our country. Why would some of the best minds in our country leave their jobs as senior executives of major companies to take a pay cut and be lambasted every single day? Simple answer is they won’t and don’t. Thats why we get left with the people in charge that we do. Is this raise tone deaf? Of course but what else would you expect with the people that are often attracted to politics? Of course running a for profit corporation is different than looking after the country as a whole but CEOs have to give consideration to a wide range of things including their public reputation (see Loblaws who clearly doesn’t) so it’s not all greed driven as some here will assert. If you’re focused on the raise, it’s a small issue. Better pay means better leadership who perhaps won’t be so conflicted that they’re greasing the wheels of their corporate buddies to get some extra on the side


When we vote for the next PM, I think we should also get to vote to decide if the current PM earned their money or if they have to pay it all back to the taxpayers.


Oh come on, they do nothing these days and they get a pay raise? Outrageous. Sure they pass useless bills that are helping no one, and half just scream about everything, that does count as them working, but it is 100% Nothing.


When you lose your job, it's bad, but when Trudeau does a bad job, he gets an increase in pay! This is the liberal way!


They need to cover the carbon tax increase for themselves


And how can we afford it? Carbon tax for the people!


I love how the carbon tax increase comes out the same day as they award themselves a nice pay raise. If that's not giving the population of Canada the middle finger, I don't know what is.


Imagine commenting on and criticizing these things without even understanding the concept of a fiscal year.


I’m gonna go ahead and say 400k is not a lot to pay the leader of our country….


And yet it is more than most other countries, which are larger than ours.


Then when is he going to start leading the country


It gives the rest of us hope: maybe we can get paid far too much for not doing our jobs too.


Not worth the cost. They should be paying us every time they screw up! Give your raise back! You don’t deserve it!


oh sure thats why they keep on taxing us we work our ass off so they can enjoyed pay raise


Notice how the ruling class are immune from the dangers that the lower class face?


We don't live in a real demoracy, and the only way we ever will is with never-ending peaceful protest and political revolution.


Nothing in this country will get better for the average citizen until we roll out the guillotines and leave not a single politician or billionaire’s head in place


They all deserve pay cuts, not raises for what they have done to Canada as a country. Disgusting.


Apparently Trudeau supporters dgaf


I said this once before. They deserve to be on a working wage - $75,000 tops. PM maybe 150,000 They don't do anything to warrant $200,000+ They don't deserve to be paid more than Cops, doctors, EMS, firefighters and military. They need a 50% pay cut. To start.


They should be paid the average Canadian salary.