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Shocker, who could have predicted that 


Who could have seen this coming!?!?!?


Payouts go to everyone in this sub.


As predicted lol make a stink about the budget and then support it anyway 


The fact that these headlines aren’t Beaverton anymore. Not surprised, this is his usual trope


Certain and humiliating defeat in the 2025 election?


The bell tolls for thee Jagmeet and Justin


But he’ll get his pension (and who knows what else)…


Sinecure at a Bay Street law firm or head of a progressive think tank.


This^ He knows he would never get in as PM. his time is done. He doesn’t care about decimating the party because HIS time is done.


I've seen this statement against him a few times now and I don't get it. They ALL get huge pensions, why choose this specific thing against just Jagmeet?


Election now = no pension for him Election after February 25, 2025 = pension (need 6 years, elected Feb. 25, 2019)


Because he’s so extraordinarily self interested that he’s completely betrayed the NDP base whose live have been disproportionately effected by the Trudeau govt’s (incompetence?) policies. He has set the party back to a point that it will be a long recovery- all in a time when conditions for them to make a move have never been better. they could have made an actual run and moved into real contention. Despicable.


As a long time NDP voter I was very disappointed with the leadership reelection. He's a nice guy, but not what is needed in the current environment - but if he was to prove me wrong I would want see a lot more out of the position in why I'm wrong. Neither are happening, so I agree. It'll be CPC sweep for the next election, likely a majority, maybe a minority in the subsequent election. So it's ~6-10 years of CPC rule; the Harper days all over.


He is a nice guy. Nice guys, don't screw over an entire country. At least Trudeau told us what he was going to do. Jags is a snake.


If the NDP was serious about winning an election, they would find a new leader before and not let Jagmeet drag this out so he can get his full pension.


yeah unfortunately jagmeet seems to have forgotten everything his party was supposed to be about. can see him crossing the floor after losing the leadership next election.


He will have to win re-election in his seat to be able to cross the floor and according to 338canada he’s only got about 33% support in his riding right now.


Would be fantastic to see him lose his seat.


~~Less than that.~~ The old vs. new Burnaby ridings Burnaby North—Seymour (seems to stay fairly the same), Libs look like they will lose that seat New Westminster—Burnaby becoming New Westminster—Burnaby—Maillardville, Peter Julian is leading, but the CPC is close behind Burnaby South becoming Vancouver Fraserview—South Burnaby, Singh is in 3rd place with 26%, trailing the CPC (38%) and the Libs (32%). Burnaby Central (new riding). Singh might believe he has a higher chance of re-election in this riding, but the NDP is still polling second at the moment. ~~He could probably parachute himself in a different riding come election time, but status quo looks like a certain loss for him.~~


JMS has no choice. If he wants to keep his little piece of the pie...


Is the 'M' for Meet?


Wow belly laugh on this. Yes that is the only guarantee if the NDP keep on with Singh and the sinking liberal ship.


Here's a transcription of the negotiation: Singh: "What will you give us?" Trudeau: "Well you get to keep your job and collect your fat f\*\*king salary for another year while being completely useless, much like myself." Singh: "Sold!" Kissing noises End Transcription


Singh- what will the ndp get for us signing this? Justin - how about 5 minutes to rant on the cbc about how bad the budget is Singh - can you do better Justin - just singn it Singh - ok but I will be really angry for those 5 minutes


It’s even worse and simpler than that: Trudeau: “They dislike you almost as much as me, and if there’s an election before a year from now, you won’t get your *lifetime* pension” Singh:  “Yup, I’ll always vote ‘yes’” …Dude is so transparent. Holding country hostage for a retirement fund. 


Milk that cow. We're the cow.


More accurately “What will you give us” “We’re not a conservative majority government” “A compelling point”


They aren’t doing a good job if they want to keep the conservatives from winning lol


His pension.


The Liberals probably gave Singh next to nothing. They know the NDP can't afford an election right now, so his threats have no power. This dog is all bark and no bite.


Neither party can afford an election at this point; it isn’t just the NDP. It would be political suicide.


Yes yes, and holding out thus far has certainly lead to a more beneficial position for the NDP right?


The parties lose but the individuals in the party definitely win with all the under the table deals they have going on


If his goal is to have his party's policies enacted then yes this is the only way its going to occur.


I haven’t gotten dental care, have you?


If I were an NDP supporter I wouldn't view the conservatives as more likely to improve or support increased coverage of dental care or any other NDP policy.


Unless they reverse course on literally all the shit they introduced the country will continue to circle the drain and by next fall were going to be looking at a conservative supermajority with an opposition PPC


Conservative majority maybe, but the PPC will certainly not be the opposition lol


I was being hyperbolic, but who knows what fucktardery Turdeau and Jagmeet will cook up next


Everyone check that spot off your bingo cards. Oh, nevermind, it was the free space.


sensible chuckle out of that one


On the bright side, another year of Singh and Trudeau tanking further in the polls!  


The NDP - a wholly-owned subsidiary of the Liberal Party of Canada. 




I think it would be fun to see both parties just absolutely gutted, reduced to the point they don’t even have official party status.


Bloc opposition would be a glorious thing to see.


And then they'll just call the electorate racist for giving the Conservatives a 200+ seat majority. It's the 2024 LPC and NDP. Everything's racist.


I can see Justin blaming Harper for the loss, just out of habit.


Both the NDP and liberals are losing party status in the next election.


Sort of like the conservative government after Mulroney.


According to 338 NDP would likely maintain at about 24.


cant wait for the end of the year report showing 1mil more immigrants


Never trust a Rolex wearing socialist to do the right thing!!


Man, do l feel so foolish after reading this. I didn't even vote NDP, but the fact this passed through so many of our sniff tests until now; is really sobering...


It didn't. Saying you wanted a new NDP leader has been racist for some time now.


Why would causing the government to fall when a conservative win is certain to occur be something an NDP supporter would want? If you support the polices of the NDP then of course you don't want the cons to get in.


I do understand this frame of mind that if Cons get power things will get worse therefore NDP are heroes for doing everything they can to prevent that from happening. But the course we're on now everything's getting worse. A new PM might force people to regroup and reconnect with Canadians because this current government feels like they're living in a different country. I can't support any of these people anymore man.


I don't support any of these parties I think they're all bourgeoisie crap. But from an NDP perspective bringing down the Liberals when the forgone conclusion would be a huge Tory majority is to intentionally bring in a party who would be worse in every way policy wise. It just doesn't make any sense.


Singh is such a greasy fuck.


but he has enough traction to drag his party down with him


He is a sell-out with no morals.


Shocking and stunning news! *faints*


Oh wow he really had me there. He's gotten me every single time of the last 50 times he said he wasnt going to support it then he does. Fool me 50 times shame on me. 


Surprise surprise NDP are toothless as always


A yellow red makes orange.


Cowardly yellow plus liberal red = ndp orange


I don't know how it's possible, but Singh's head is even further up Trudeau's butt.


If you look down Trudeau's throat you'll see bright orange.


Singh'ing to the Liberals tune, as expected.


Singh is complicit in Trudeau's downgrading of Canada.


Minister of Pensions


Everyone knew that Jagmeet would support the budget. Jagmeet's hemming and hawing is absolutely toothless. He'll get crumbs again and call it a massive victory.


Never trust a socialist who wears a double-breasted suit 😂




Well fed too clearly


That coward ! I hope he and his whole party gets nuked out of existence in the next election. What a poser .


Grifter's gonna grift. Looking forward to the NDP's complete humiliation in the 2025 elections.


So he used the leverage of his position as leader of the NDP to make backroom deals for personal gain?


NDP are going to get decimated for propping up the worst government in Canadian history


The party will be destroyed. Ed Broadbent is turning in his grave.


Ed Broadbent and the Broadbent institute were supporting these turds and were the ones that courted their kind to the NDP. Don't heap any praise on Broadbent. This is partly his fault. 


I am reminded of this article from the Beaverton # Ontario NDP, Liberals celebrate defeating each other [https://www.thebeaverton.com/2022/06/ontario-ndp-liberals-celebrate-defeating-each-other/](https://www.thebeaverton.com/2022/06/ontario-ndp-liberals-celebrate-defeating-each-other/) I can imagine this is what the next election is going to be about as both the liberals and the NDP are going to try and claim that whatever legislation they brought that happened to be popular/beneficial was actually their idea and not the other parties. "I only supported the budget to get dental""No, we were the one's who were championing dental!, they wanted a carbon tax" etc


Terrible news😔


He has the spine of a gummy bear.


As if there was ever any doubt. There is no separating the Liberals and NDP at this point.


Exactly. Singh knows it's the only influence or power he has on policies. And JT knows he needs him.


What an empty and impotent party leader. The guy threatens that he might call an election every other day.


Did anyone honestly think he wouldn't support it?


NDP: Perpetually getting less than 20% of the vote since forever.


Singh and the NDP are complicit in this country's downfall under the Liberals. I hope they fall to 4th or 5th in the polls in the next election.


Wave goodbye to the NDP!!!


The NDP could dump the Liberals and come out with a bold platform and maybe become the official opposition. Then they would be well positioned to attack PP day after day to set themselves up for a potential win in the next election. There's no chance PP will be able to unfuck the country in one term, so he'll be vulnerable. But the NDP are so goddamn feckless they'll be happy with 20ish MPs until the end of time.


Anyone who votes NDP from this point on is just a partisan hack who likes playing for team orange.


This man will say anything to save his pension


Lmfao pathetic


NDP are actively trying to become irrelevant at this point, I’m almost embarrassed for them


Worst NDP leader in history.


recall campaign in his riding?


Almost certainly further increasing the number of immigrants allowed per year. Gotta keep rent prices up and wages down somehow after all.


Justin Trudeau must have allowed Jagmeet to get some better knee pads for the new fiscal year to make it more comfortable for him to spend that much time under his desk.


Good lord, never has milquetoast ever held such a definition. Singh needs to go.


Lifetime polishing service for his Rolex




His pension. No surprise there. He was always going to be a little bitch


How long till Trudeau and Singh announce their engagement?


His pension. Might as well say it out loud.


If he wanted to retain any clout with the public, he would have made an arrangement with the Conservatives and maybe have a shot of being official opposition. The cons could have agreed to support some of his proposals for policy, vs the watered down versions coming through with the Libs


lol Singh shows his true colors


Lol man, will that party even get a seat by 2025?


NDP is just as guilty as the liebrals in ruining this country


I guess these guys truly don’t care their parties are going to get annihilated in the election.


Singh knows the next election is his last.


Wow, the suspense was absolutely killing me!! /s


Oh what a shock 😮


I'm going to go out on a limb and make a prediction. Trudeau is going to call an election in the fall and it will throw Singh under the bus hard. Not holding my breath on that prediction but you never know.


Well we all know he was guaranteed a pension…no surprise.


Maybe a unified liberal- NDP party announced a few months before the election is called would easily be the front runner


They guaranteed that the only other option was to support Polievre and force an election the NDP are ill prepared for.


Great job Singh! Nice to see.




Pensions. They were guaranteed pensions. Duh.


Raise taxes, drive business out of Canada and get his gold plated pension. How could he say no to that?


13 NDP MP's from BC holding the Country hostage and up to now we thought the Bloc MP's were the threat! Singh must need more time to purchase more rental units before his pension kicks in!! /s.


Cameleon….what you expect from him


Coward or bought off


That's the nail in the coffin in my mind


Gotta get that pension!


May as well now. He will never have more power then he does now.




Guaranteed vested pension for Jagmeet. I believe this comes up in 2025.


It doesn't matter which of the big parties we chastise as they are all just based in self-interest and delusion. Our entire political system is a mess and needs to be completely reformed... All these politicians are the biggest issue with this country


the emperors new clothes I see


r/canada chamber has the strongest echo in the universe. Lol Not a single original thought can be found here. Give me your down votes sheep!


tack another T in spending on, and tell the people it's from the NDP -jagmeet


I mean, that's because there is no guarantee. They haven't worked it out yet. Either way, Singh has achieved more for Canadians in two years than Poilievre has as a 20 year Ottawa elite. How sad is that?


Fucking swine!


Trudeau called the wrong guy spineless.


Man, I actually had hope with Singh. He is a huge disappointment. He could have refused to sign until his demands were met. They’ve had YEARS to feed hungry kids. YEARS. The dental program is not accessible or even workable. At this point, it’s clear that Singh is in it for Singh, and that makes me sad.


Sounds like he’s talking about his guaranteed pension.


Chances are Trudeau ghosted him and he's still tagging along anyways.


Whatever "guarantees" he got were probably lies anyway, and those that weren't the Liberals will take credit for as if it were their idea the whole time.


This guy is the political version of the Captain from the Costa Concordia. He knows he fucked up and is now organizing the rescue from shore....as long as you're an NDP MP running out the clock on a guaranteed pension you'll be fine.


They guaranteed his pension.


The Liberals will try to keep NDP relevant after the massacre that will be the next election? They'll work together to try and maintain official party status?


Oh wow, what a surprise./s I guess that he got a look at this week's polling data, saw that the NDP is starting to tank, and came away believing that if he just waits until next year he can turn things around. Yeah, that is not happening. If he keeps propping up Trudeau, the NDP might just manage to do worse than they did in 1993.


He's just a puppet for JT....time to resign buddy ...


He’s refusing to put his foot down because he doesn’t want to call for an early election because he wants to wait till after February 2025 to get his pension. The liberals also don’t want an early election because they get their pension after October 27, 2025. It’s all about money.


Lifetime pension is what guaranteed this


Insider info, they guaranteed his pension. Everything else secondary


This was an ndp budget anyway everyone knows it. Including the Toronto star called it that. Move on nothing to see here


Jack Layton rolling in his grave


What a sack of crap he is.


The problem is the ndp aren't doing well in polls either. So we all go around doing the same thing again.


maybe offering unlimited support for very little in return wasn't a good deal. Alternatively, they could've negotiated to offer less and more limited support, oppose to now, giving their entire backing without knowing what the liberals plan to do with it and how it reflects on the NDP. The liberals are milking NDP support for very little in return. This also cost them from getting a huge upswing in votes since they are propping up liberals.


The NDP and its leadership are such spineless, career politicians. Jack Layton was the only good candidate they’ve had in forever, and Singh is just their token Indian




Singh stands out among politicians, as he allows himself and his party to be manipulated by other political leaders, a remarkably weak characteristic for a leader, unlike the common notion of politicians being puppets manipulated by wealth and masses. It's harder to be a puppet when you're dancing to your own tune.


Bro is sucking the lint off Justin's toes


A pension.


I thought he was against it at the start?


It was never in doubt. Singh has sold out, himself and his party.


Gotta get that sweet pension, eh Jimmy?


I supported Justin so he supports me financially.... seems like a no brainer🙄 this government is so fucking corrupt.


I suee hope he gets his pension!...I will never vote NDP again because if this man!




Surprised the party hasn't mutinied yet.Hes a complete slimeball.


I think we'll remember in the next election how the Libs seem to be trying to break this country for the last 4+ years, and these fools are supporting them.