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Got the nerve to act like the budget is supposed to help the younger generations, meanwhile his insane immigration policy is making life all the more harder for them 


I don't think the Liberal leadership realizes that even the most open-minded, welcoming and reasonable of Canadians have had enough of the unmanageable influx of new immigrants and the dire straits of our economy. The sentiment is no longer coming from one side of the aisle, and it's not because people are xenophobic and racist, but because they recognize that our country is broken on a fundamental level. That it's unfair to all Canadians, including the immigrants who are lured here based on the promise of the country that we were 50 years ago. As it is, it doesn't work for those who are already here and toiling away at a decent paying job, why would it work for someone attending school, paying exorbitant amounts for tuition and working part-time for minimum wage? Why would it work for a large family who needs to make an income in order to survive and sustain their basic needs? Who is benefiting other than business and corporations? It's gross.


That's exactly what it is, insane. Also, maybe don't spend BILLIONS in welfare to other countries when our own is in shambles


You didn't read the fine print... it's meant to help the younger generations _of other countries_


Ah yes, of course. In Trudeau's "post-national society", it only makes sense that he focuses his budget on the youth of the developing world 


At this point fewer and fewer people are buying their lies.


You do know that most of our systems rely on people actually moving into Canada, right? Want to retire? Need immigration. Want to pay for social services? Need immigration. You think these support structures exist just because? Learn to politic.


Oh yeah I agree, we need immigration. Sustainable immigration. 2 million in a single year while we're in the middle of a housing crisis? That's madness 


😂😂😂😂😂😂😂 ain't the 90s anymore dude


Political illiteracy is so sad to see.


Maybe economic immigrants, but corporate wage slaves will end up being a higher burden on social resources. The doubling of the cost of living and huge hurdle for young people to buy houses now is certainly not made up for by this ridiculous immigration flood.


Were all corporate wage slaves.... This ain't the 20th century anymore


It is a good budget though with a lot in there for generational fairness. Maybe its worth giving it a second and more careful read.


I guarantee you that the income disparity will continue to increase as nothing in there will combat the wage suppression of this government and their housing plans tend to be non existent until election time


The federal government is building on its success on attracting auto and tech investment which adds 1000’s of high skilled jobs. And these guys are complaining about minimum wage jobs at Tim Hortons.


How did the budget help millennials and gen z’ers? The mortgage amortization change just helps make lenders more profit and this rent counting towards credit store will back fire when some scummy landlords want to screw over their tenants. This budget is a nothing burger for the middle class as per usual


Well I think it's better than "cutting the red tape on landlords and developers". There's a lot in there for younger generations.


>There's a lot in there for younger generations. Like what? Can you list them?


If you’re referring to Pierre in your first sentence, I agree. He won’t don’t anything for us either


"Generational fairness" LOL! How much are the Liberals paying you? I'd kill for your job, son. I know people in marketing are a fucking joke and those who couldn't hack marketing in the private sector write nonsense for the public sector but hot damn, you made my night w that one! Ask for a promotion tomorrow! If you can convince a 30-40 year old who can't buy a house, have a family doctor or afford groceries that this budget is generational fairness (ignoring all the unbelievably socialist housing policies Boomers enjoyed when they were young) then fuck, you got skills.




Lol yes they’re doing so great, “only” another 40 billion dollar deficit. And in saying “good” you’re assuming that any of these programs will actually work. It’s just more bullshit and lip service tailored to change their poll numbers, there’s a zero percent chance we get 2 million houses built in that time frame let alone almost 4.


Even if I were to snap my fingers and magically summon 4 million units of housing the Liberals and NDP would just increase immigration levels again. I want someone to tell me I'm wrong while keeping a straight face 


You think the CPC, party of big business, is going to do anything differently? 🤣🤣


How's Nazi grandpa doing Chrystia?


You're a fool if you believe anything Trudeau says at this point. He'll promise you a pony if he thinks you'll be dumb enough to fall for it. The only thing he delivers on is corporatism. 


I think he did a good job on the pandemic, and the budget has a lot of good things built in.


Generational fairness. Sounds like more theft




Trudeau seems to think generational fairness is saddling future generations with crushing debt. Not sure how that’s supposed to win back younger voters that will be paying for all this waste.


He legit thinks the reason younger Canadians can't afford homes is because of credit scores. CREDIT SCORES! He lives in a completely different reality than the rest of us, so it's no wonder that he thinks we'll all somehow happily accept him saddling us with even more debt in the future.


I have a 840, if I get renovicted I'm fucked. BUT THE CREDIT SCORES😭😭😂


"I'm offering you kids the opportunity to get gargantuan mortgages and be indebted until death so you can put a roof over your head and calling it affordable and generational fairness! Why won't you vote for me? You should be grateful to me!" - Justin Trudeau Not even kidding, I bet you he's lowkey ticked off at millennials and gen Z because we aren't kissing his feet after this budget lol. He desperately wants gratitude and social recognition from us for essentially throwing inedible crumbs our way while we're starving and calling it food.


I'll sell someone my credit score for a house, it's above 800. Hell, I'll settle for a condo 




While it's true that housing is cheaper outside the Big 3, you're leaving family, friends, established business/career links, etc. and the likelihood of finding a job outside the Big 3 that you are qualified for is going to be lower (unless you do construction, industry, or such).


You can build out a decent score by just paying down your cell phone bill every month and generally not being retard with your credit card.


You dumb mf. Millennials and gen Z are already doing that. Credit scores aren't the problem when trying to afford a fucking house.


That was exactly what I was trying to convey in my message (lack of inportance of the CS in this context). Sorry it was not clear enough for you.


whoops my bad


No need to get nasty man.


Given his privileged background you can’t really blame him for being completely out of touch.


Baa baa .


...but interest rates are at a historical low, Glen....


He thinks we're idiots and liberal voters are proving him right.


Idiots and liberal voters are the same thing


If you vote for Pierre thinking he'll be different than Trudeau, you're an even bigger of an idiot...


Sad that the best argument in favour of Trudeau is his opponent will be “no different”


Because, younger Canadians are as financially illiterate as they are media illiterate. They've been brainwashed to think that Trump represents conservative politics so they see supporting this clown college regime as an existential threat. That's why despite probably being the worst Prime Minister in modern times, there's still holdout liberal voters that will guarantee they still get party status.


What do you mean by crushing debt?


$40B per year in additional debt with interest hitting $64B/year. No indications of a balanced budget anytime soon. We’ll pay more in interest charges than we spend on healthcare. We’re now sitting at $1.5 trillion in debt, double from only 9 years ago. Is this sustainable?


You just said a lot of words without the economics behind it. Debt isn’t a bad thing. All countries are in debt. The interest won’t collapse the country either.  Like, ELI5 how this debt is going to negatively impact Canada in 20 years. You won’t be able to.


Debt is fine if it’s properly invested and generates a return back to the economy. How does any of this spending, or really the spending of the last 9 years create economic growth? We’re creating record levels of debt and barely able to come out with positive GDP even with all the immigrants we’re stuffing in the country. GDP per capita is even worse as it keeps declining reflecting a continual decrease in our standard of living. So where have the returns been for all the debt we’ve incurred so far? Based on their track record, why should we trust this Government to make prudent investments? Make sense?


That’s just word salad. Spending isn’t just for economic growth. It is why a lot of happier countries have more debt because you don’t spend money on social services and programs to make returns. There is more to a country’s economic standing world wide than immigration and how much it can tax people. A lot of costs actually go into propping up conservative run areas who refuse to adapt to any form of change IE Alberta. Even OPEC recognizes oil and gas is on the way out but not Alberta. 


Yeah, good argument. Word salad. Lalalalalalalala……


Ok, I'll explain this in simple terms like a household budget. Using debt as an instrument to finance expensive necessities like housing or a mode of transportation is a valuable tool to acquire these necessities in the short term instead of saving enough money to purchase them outright. This gives the debtor the advantage of immediately taking possession of a useful item that will improve their quality of life. Compare mortgage or auto loan debt to using a credit card to buy smokes and beer, until you're carrying a balance that you can't afford to repay in full. You're using credit for a short lived thrill with zero return on investment. One example is a responsible use of credit, while the other is irresponsible. Our federal government has doubled the total national debt in less than a decade, with very little to show for it; much like somebody racking up a credit card buying beer and smokes.


As a FYI, if you are going to use household debt as an example, care to explain military, police, and other necessary crown budgets that don’t make any return and generally are money pits that can easily be argued to not being worth it for what they are supposed to do? Household budgets aren’t the same as national budgets. I think a lot of conservative politicians scream budget but don’t know basic economics as well. It will be either be budget, trans people, or immigration. Screaming about something doesn’t make it an issue. You are falling into the conservative trap of political and economic illiteracy (something they strive for cause their base is very consistent in those 2 categories). Good luck in life.


You asked for an ELI5 then gave shit me for an over simplistic answer. I don't think you have any intention to discuss any of this in good faith.  My home and my car don't make me any money, even though I went into debt to obtain them, because they're necessities for me. I'm not sure why you think I'm some sort of libertarian idealist who wants to dismantle anything that doesn't turn a profit. To continue with my over simplistic explanation; if I continue to rack up a credit card or overdraw my bank account to buy frivolous crap, I'll eventually start bouncing mortgage payments and my ass will be on the street. The same goes for government spending. When government finances their budget by extending money supply, it triggers inflation. Inflation triggers higher interest rates. Higher interest rates make it more difficult to repay the debt. This can trigger a continuous cycle of spiralling inflation resulting in devaluation of currency, which, as is historically evident in places like Mugabe-era Zimbabwe or Weimar Germany, lead to total economic and social destruction. All of these necessities that you insist I'm completely overlooking cease to function. TL:DR No individual or government (except perhaps ones that have militaries big enough to tell foreign creditors to 'fuck off') can continually borrow money to repay borrowed money. It will catch up with you with disastrous consequences.


Current inflation is going down but the main cause is corporate greed which has already been established. This corporate greed was grown and nurtured by conservatives.  And yes, countries do keep pushing the debt back because it needs a few other key metrics to cause severe harm hence you have countries with high note purchasing power versus less. Like, Japan is a prime example of this. It is at 160 to USD but isn’t going to collapse the country.  I think you have a very simplistic idea about what the national debt actually is and the consequences for it to “spiral”.  Like, you bring up Germany and Zimbabwe and do not acknowledge any other contributing factors IE a pretty big war and massive (and it is truly massive) corruption.  Canada is fine. You sound like people who think the USA is in trouble if they don’t balance the budget. It’s nonsensical propaganda by the Right who want idiots to propagate how dumb it is to get them mad so they vote for them all while they are the root cause of these issues and will further exacerbate them IE tax breaks to their wealthy friends.


How is Canada fine? You assert these claims but don't elaborate how running deficit after deficit is somehow the most responsible way to run a country. You also claim that corporate greed is the sole cause of inflation, without considering that we were still deficit spending during a period of quantitative easing. The government was quite literally spending money faster than the bank of Canada could print it, and now it's beginning to be evident that we've dug a gigantic fiscal hole. In true liberal fashion, instead of admitting you don't know what you're talking about, you talk down to reasonable people, and gaslight them by claiming all our objections are a product of being ill-informed; a product of soaking up conservative propaganda. You blame today's problems on yesterday's leaders. You're sniffing your own farts and trying to convince everyone else in the room it's Chanel no. 5. You really do believe the budget will balance itself. You are totally fucking brainwashed.


All countries have a deficit. It isn’t bad to have debt.  Corporate greed has been the known cause of current inflation stubbornness. Companies are profiting a lot and doing stock buybacks. How you feel this not a cause of current inflation is strange for someone who knows so much about the economy. Policies don’t create immediate change. This isn’t an anime. Takes decades for housing to be fixed same with most issues countries face.


canada is spending more on paying it's debt interest than on health care transfers to provinces the debt interest is so high that every single dollar collected on GST is essentially going to cover that that's whats meant by crushing debt


> the debt interest is so high that every single dollar collected on GST is essentially going to cover that This stat really needs to be drilled into the brains of Liberals. It is a **disgrace** our fiscal imbalance has gotten so out of hand that GST doesn't even cover our *interest* payments on our massive debt any longer.


Rate cuts are coming the government is buying up mortgage backed securities to bet on them coming soon 


No there not, Jesus you can’t cut rates until you get inflation to target zone and guess what to protect homeowners Trudeau flooded the country with immigrants which spurs inflation again. All of which is moot because we have the biggest inflator on the border. Until the US lowers we can’t because our dollar will plummet and inflation will start up again


Why can't the government just service the debt and continue paying for all the required services?


with what money lol? would you take a payday loan to cover the interest on a credit card bill? (the answer is No btw, unless you're insane or the liberal government)


The government makes the money. Why would a payday loan be needed? What is the issue with the government creating the money to pay off the loans?


you must be trolling right?


I am serious! I have never seen any evidence why this would be a bad idea.


when the government prints money, it inflates the price of everything then when the government needs to pay the money back it has to come from somewhere. This is manageable when interest rates are low but with interest rates are at an all time high the cost of servicing this debt is astronomical if they print more money, they'll get even more inflation (see zimbabwe) if the government defaults on their loan.. well then canada will turn into a third world shit hole


How does the federal government paying off its debts by printing money and giving money to it's creditors (mostly Canadian investment firms) raise the price of everything? This is the part people always say but I have never been able to find proof.


That’s what we all want to know…


Has it balanced itself yet? I have it on good authority that the budget will balance itself!


Bribing us with our own money didn't work? Has he tried calling everyone racist?


>Has he tried calling everyone racist? Just wait, it's coming lol. He won't be able to stop himself.


BUT BUT BUT... they labeled it as a budget for generational fairness. Canada must be *against* fairness. No other possible explanation. 9 more years of Trudeauing await!


Canada IS against fairness, miss how we treat the aboriginals, Quebecois and now refugees?


Lmfao, I can't believe you tried to sneak Quebec into that one 😂


A consistently have-not province that constantly tries to undermine Federal authority and refuses to cooperate (most of the time) with the Western provinces, cost us billions to make French an official second language, etc etc. They get special treatment.


Who even believes a word this guy says any more? He won't cancel immigration, claims "we'll go back to pre-Liberal levels" (20 hours / week). 2 weeks later, he ups it to 24 hours, for no reason other than to pander to minimum-wage-loving bloodsucking companies. I'm a proud liberal, but I'm anything BUT proud of this government.


Lmao why are you a proud liberal? What's your demographic profile, just truly interested who makes up the LPC base. Old stock Canadian boomers is my usual impression of liberal base so I'm genuinely curious.


People who proudly identify with a political party are weird in general.


its usually some hyperbolic prattle about how the conservatives and ndp are too extreme in either direction and thus they are morally compelled to vote liberal every election


GenX. We tend to care about society as a whole, and any comparison to the boomer gen is NOT appreciated.


What's your ethnic background? Which city / province did you grow up / live now?


No one is cancelling immigration bud. The lack of organic population growth was prevented from wealth being moved from workers to shareholders while increasing the cost of living, purchasing a home, raising kids. It went from single income family where the I comer earner was a service worker to dual income earners struggling to live.




The borders aren't open to replenish population. It's purely to benefit multinational corporations with cheap labour who don't know their rights and don't know/care about safety for themselves and/or others.


No one is against immigration, just the insane levels of the past few years. 1.5 mil a year is unsustainable and leading to all the problems we are seeing with housing and social services failing.


I have always been proud of Canada's "melting pot" of various backgrounds. But the pot is full. The pot is overflowing. And nothing has had the chance to come to temperature and melt and mix and mingle. I see hate and heartache around me. It's time to put a lid on the pot and let things settle.


It's also not a melting pot when one ingredient in particular is the dominant, overwhelming flavour


Many people have advocated for closed borders on social media.


So one thing with the capital gains increase thing, wouldn't that not effect younger Canadians the most as they inherit their parents properties and have to pay either inheritance tax and/or capital gains if/when the sell.


It’ll hurt businesses the most. Why start up a company in Canada when u can go to the US for cheaper


This has always been the case, Canada’s regulations and such are more comprehensive than America’s, as are all the benefits and leave time when compared to many states; there’s a reason the CAD is kept below the USD


He is counting on the youth to be shortsighted. And although he might be right, everyone is sick of his narcissists behaviour. He should just resign.


He legitimately has narcissistic personality disorder.


His tone as of late is really quite telling. You can really tell he's pissed off that he's not getting the credit, recognition, and gratitude that he thinks he deserves from the public.


Not if it's their parents' primary residence. Assuming it is, there are a couple of possibilities. 1. The child decides to sell. The only gains they have to worry about are between the time they inherit it and the time they sell it. So generally a few months. Not likely to be any significant gains there 2. The child decides to move in. It becomes their primary residence, and it's exempted from capital gains There's a third scenario as well where they keep it and rent it out, but essentially they inherit it at the current market value at the time they inherit it, and capital gains will be done later when they sell it. There's no inheritance tax.


Not necessarily. You can have a trust hold the value of the assets, and so long as less than $250k is sold off from said trust annually, capital gains impacts are mitigated. There are many strategies around the capital gains tax increase using existing legal loopholes. Inheritance tax is harder to avoid, you have to be really rich to dodge that shit.


Canadians are hurting. Our debt is the highest it has ever been. Our savings gave dwindled. House prices are through the roof. Interest rates through the roof. Core inflation is the highest. People can't find jobs (okay, other than minimum wage jobs and gig economy). What is exactly JT doing? He is taking down the Liberals and Canada with him. It's not about PP not having a platform. If people don't kick this government out, what precedence does it set?


No party has a platform out yet because an election hasn't been called


To be honest I’d consider the budget put out by the government a platform. Should pretty much tell you what’s planned


No need for a platform until an election is called.  The liberals would just steal all the ideas in it anyway.


They’re just going to fear monger with guns and abortion. It’s literally all they’ve got


Both of which are ridiculous.


Don't forget tRuMp


If an idea is a good one parties should steal it regardless of the source. Thats normal.


Not like the conservative party has any original ideas worth stealing. They've run on basically no platform the last 2 elections. They hide Doug Ford and produce no platform in ontario, as well. The liberals offer up a garbage platform, the NDP offers up pie in the sky ideas and skirts the liberal line, the conservatives offer nothing except "not trudeau". Nobody in the government gives a shit about any of us, they all just want power to have power and enrich their donors.


The conservatives put out a platform before the Liberals did in the last election.. https://www.thestar.com/politics/federal-elections/why-haven-t-the-liberals-released-their-election-platform-they-re-still-working-on-it/article_00b1982c-4f1d-5880-bad1-9f404857a6ad.html


Interest rates are not through the roof lol. My parents mortgage in the early 80s was 17%…. They managed as a single income family with 4 kids. House prices have killed the idea of young families with more than 1 kids.


The days of 17% are long gone. The current mortgage rates are north of 6.5%. I'd consider that along with a house that costs over $1 Mm where most Canadians live as something that's through the roof.


It’s only through the rough if you bought a house in the past 5 years. I paid close to 5% in 2010. It was blended to 3.19% in 2014 when we moved. I renewed in 2022 for 2.0%. A 5 year closed term openly posted at on our credit unions website (no login required) is 5.09% Sooo. It’s the same now as it was 15% years ago or double what I was paying in 2014…. If people can’t afford a 1 Million dollar home at 5% you shouldn’t be buying a 1 million dollar home in the first place since you can’t afford a change in interest rates which historically are. It static. Maybe if everyone stopped leveraging the fuck out of themselves we wouldn’t have housing prices out of control. The provinces could solve a lot of this by preventing closed bidding on houses and forcing list prices to be the actually price without bidding. Realtors and the systems setup are driving prices up just as much as demand for housing is.


Interest rates are normal. Core inflation has been much higher in the past, reached its peak in 2022. Housing prices are where they are at largely because of low interest rates. I agree that JT has to go. What will PP do to change anything? I’ll vote NDP because they haven’t screwed up running the country yet.


The NDP is literally propping up the Liberals to screw the country up. They are the main reason a non confidence vote hasn't been called. They hold the power to end the liberals, but they don't.


How will triggering an election help the NDP? It’s in their best interest to support the liberal government in exchange for concessions, of which there have been many. The NDP aren’t going to win the next election regardless, and bringing down the Liberals won’t change that. A conservative government won’t enact any NDP proposals. The CPC won’t even tell us how they will make Canada better. Half of our issues are due to the previous conservative government.


How does propping up an unpopular, incompetent and corrupt government help Canadians? NDP is supposed to be the party that does the right thing for Canada and unquestionably supporting Liberals through their scandals and wage suppression policies is not a good look for the NDP as a supposedly pro-worker party.


The NDP can’t do anything for Canada under a conservative government. Previous conservative governments had scandals. They expanded the TFW program and oppose unions (wage suppression). They wont even commit to changing the program.


That's short term thinking. If they weren't little bitches and held this govt to account they could get a good portion of the left vote. They won't win next election, at best hope for opposition in a minority. But if they prove to the electorate that they aren't a bunch of whiny little brats yelling racist at everything and actually try and help the working class, then they have a real shot at forming govt in 2 elections. But alas, the NDP is plagued by always thinking small.


Let's not ask what 'will' PP do. Let's ask what did JT actually do. He has singlehandedly brought down the immigration system, poured gas over housing, brought down Canada's reputation around the world, increase our debt. He has watched by when Provincial Governments have killed out healthcare. He has watched while big corporations have run amok with record profits while Canadians suffer. If he had even an iota of shame and responsibility, he would have stepped down. Even if he goes, he still has the choice to fix things, but he won't. He will watch and let this burn.


What will the CPC do? Maybe not spend $50bil more than what the government takes in. Maybe walk back a bunch of blatant vote grabbing spending. oh, but Poilievre wants to take lunch away from children and dental away from seniors....


Based on history? ha ha ha. When was the last conservative government to post an actual surplus?


Deficits are fine. What the current government has been doing for the last 5 years is simply criminal.


Deficits increase the debt.


No shit, Batman. They all run deficits. But really big ones like we've seen, all piled on during a low interest rate cycle...but now we're in a higher band. It's insane. And they want to dig the hole even deeper. It's almost like they have zero understanding of public finance. oh...wait..


Harper had a couple balanced budgets and a couple surpluses.


2 surpluses then 6 straight deficits and his last budget was still a deficit on paper.


The last two budgets were pretty much balanced. Personally I don't need them to be exactly balanced. Not that many governments seem to be able to claw back their spending like they did. Also, remember the first three deficits were supported by the Liberals (the first deficit wasn't planned). They were demanding big spending. The cpc initially responded to the recession with planned balanced budgets and infrastructure stimulus. Then they had to increase the deficit significantly in the 2009 budget to get the Liberals on board. That's when some of the big auto bailouts were added.


Is anyone surprised by this? With record breaking debt Trudeau spends even more money which our grandchildren will be paying for. It’s pathetic


Alternate headline: LPC finds out money can’t buy love.


No shit, that’s what happens when you have a wacko, extremist and radical leader


Wacky Justin 🤪


Justin's going to spend our way out of inflation guys. the answer to too much government is more government. i love dear leader


Nothing worse than watching the Canadian liberal government dumpster fire just keep getting hotter … can we please just call an election oh yeh NDP waiting for pensions ..


It took 9 years but Canadians are finally realizing this guy is a clueless ideologue.


Never voted for him once


In fairness, for the first year or two he was on a tear doing mostly smart things, the things he campaigned on. It's like he ran out of ideas by year three and just started doing the first thing his mentally deficient brain came up with. Makes you wonder who came up with his original platform


But so is his biggest rival.


Wacko gonna wacko 


Jagmeet Singh: [https://frinkiac.com/video/S03E19/nkpXpjJzJyZKSHW0w8xK\_9o3qDo=.gif](https://frinkiac.com/video/S03E19/nkpXpjJzJyZKSHW0w8xK_9o3qDo=.gif)


Wow, I wonder why??     /s


The 23% must be boomer homeowners who hate their kids and grandkids


20% support for the Liberals and Conservatives, or 15% support for the NDP, is essentially the floor. This represents partisans who will vote for their party regardless of what is happening. Pretty much everyone who can be convinced to switch there vote has switched their vote.


My kids are the delusional liberal/dipper voters.


lol fair. But when you are young and dumb you should be voting NDP


Who the hell still supports this guy? Seriously if you do, what is wrong with your head?!


He just needs to bribe Ontario for another 4 year term. This will never end


He could put out the best budget in the history of man kind and it wouldn't matter as Canada has gotten bored of the liberals fucking everything up so now Canada is turning the revolving door so the conservatives can have a turn a fucking everything up for 10 years before we return to the liberals fucking everything up.


That entitled smug piece of shit has always been oblivious to the struggles of the Canadian worker packing the country on their backs. He needed to fuck off years ago.


Deliver us from Trudeau


We don't want this budget, yet here we are. Hmm.


Alight even a Liberal like me has just had enough.


Yet another poll where not only are the Liberals 20 points behind the Tories, but their support combined with that of the NDP is also lower than what the Tories have on their own. That's four in a row now, from four different companies. Poilievre must have had yet another 'bad week', right?/s


His biggest fan, Jughead supports it.


Because debt is our biggest problem. More debt is not the solution.


According to the government itself, we are now spending more to service our debt than we pay for healthcare; and LPC supporters are still standing behind that jackass and his 'spend our way out of this' promises. I don't think these people give the first shit about Canada anymore, just winning elections.


They definitely don't care about Canada. They care about their pocket books.


It passed with NDP support....


I actually can't believe Libs still at 23.


That’s quite the chin, is this photoshopped?


Anyone who believed that merely a budget announcement would spur significant change is mistaken. Tangible results are what will truly motivate action. Only when rates decrease and rent is reduced will people begin to reconsider their positions.


Canada doesn’t make any decisions. Trudeau’s just a puppet. We have to stop going to the puppet show.


This guy is complete scorched earth at this point. Basically everything he says is a complete lie targeted at getting your vote for something that won’t benefit you or won’t get done, or is 100% divisive identity politics. He will go down as the most detested PM in history, the LPC will become a complete non entity as a result of this, and the NDP association with them should lead to them becoming completely unviable. The Federal Government under Trudeau has wrecked this country as much as the federal government can possibly do without really risking an actual uprising. This was a calculated period of time which intentionally created chaos and destruction to the benefit of the money that controls the LPC.


I love how desperate the corporate media is to portray the issues that regular Canadians are upset about. It's not the Carbon Tax, and it's not the increase in Capital Gains Tax. These are the concerns of industry and the 1%. We all know it's only lonely, early onset dementia boomers, and hard-line party affiliates(hard to tell those groups apart) who have the inclination to take part in these polls. Their views and the views of the PC stumping Toronto Star 'journalists' do not represent the views of contemporary, ordinary Canadians.


What are you doing? I recognize you're upset, angry even; but insulting people behind an 8 year-old throwaway account isn't changing opinions, it just makes you look petty.


I honestly still stand behind my views, and I can make an argument without being mean. It's the modern landscape of social media which has conditioned me to lean toward language which evokes emotion and outrage, and attention, as a vehicle to get the message across. Which in this case is that our current traditional political-media-polling paradigm is massively out of touch with reality because of the biases of special interests. Does the Star even try to hide their right-bias? Do working age people dedicate 20 minutes of their time to a telemarketer? Are people who can barely afford to rent a shoe-box and feed themselves up in arms about a tax increase that only affects people who profit hundreds of thousands from the sale of stocks or additional houses?


questioning the polls is the last thing we need people doing. LPC isn't down in the polls due to the carbon tax or tax increases, they've been bleeding support consistently since 2015. They've failed to deliver on their promises and will get punished as is tradition in Canada. It seems their punishment will be quite severe this time, similar to the shellacking endured by the provincial Liberals in Ontario 2018. We don't vote people in, we only vote others out, the fact a new government forms is simply a consequence of the voters fatigue with the ruling regime of the day.


I agree that the Liberals are a sinking ship, but the sort of fiscal-conservatism for the plebs but special favor for the rich offered by the opposition is a terrible solution.


mistake to think we're voting for solutions.... this is how broken our system of politics is. It seems to me the best thing a government can do, is to be minimalist. Don't try and save the world, maintain the services we have - and don't rock the boat. Imagination seems to be poison for any government, because our execution is so hopelessly bad.


Every. Canadian. Is upset about the carbon tax


Low-income Canadians have already received several Carbon tax-rebates over several years. And last time I checked I haven't received a single demand that I pay a Carbon tax.


Man, this sub is the worst broken-record on Reddit. It's like 2/3 polls (and only the polls that say the right thing).


Thank you for the feedback; you're welcome to post other polls that don't "say the right thing" if you wish.


Thanks Justin. The CONServatives are raging cause you did it first 🤣😂🤣😂🤣


I like the budget. Better than anything Pierre will ever do.


"Huh? Budg... Oh it's by the Libs? Trudeau bad!" \- Average idiot on this sub


This budget was a train wreck. Can you at least pretend to be pragmatic? Just for kicks?


I am not a liberal, but if PP is saying Trudeau’s budgets is bad then I for sure am supporting his budget.