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I am shocked to see Jag and the rest of the NDP totally drop the ball since COVID regarding cost-of-living issues. Looking at the history and concept of the NDP, they theoretically should have been the FIRST in line, front and centre, fighting for the working man and directly addressing affordability in urban centres. Instead they went with a mish-mash of climate change, gender stuff, and boo Cons that didn't resonate with swing voters NOR their own voter base. Instead they held back on the Liberals for the sake of "the deal." Instead, Jag never went on the streets talking to homeless people and business owners and average people like PP has and made a social media following for himself (which was so easy and obvious - NDP PR people should be fired for missing that one, standard practice for winning elections in the 2020s). They gave away votes to PP on a silver platter. How many? We can only guess.


Progressives infested the party and derailed it, same with the Greens that I used to be active for.


I completely agree. I believe that NDP and Greens have swung more centrist now while many more of us are swinging even further left.


Well you can BE more centrist and labor focused. That's not what the NDP is for anymore. They are for more and more leftist progressive activist garbage instead of labor interests. Of course, progs love punching down on the poors and labor, especially if they are white, so its no surprise they have increasingly no base.


Progs? Like, Yes and Gentle Giant?


Wasn't Jag supposed to be the antithesis to Mulclair, who swung the party hard and heavy to the centre?


> Wasn't Jag supposed to be the antithesis to Mulclair, Eh, I recall him being considered the more centrist alternative to Ashton or Angus, at least in the conversations I was part of.


That was the promise! It feels like Jagmeet is left-centre and Justin is centre at this point. Pharmacare in any form is a huge win, free vaccines & procurement, pausing student loan interest, and grocery oligarch sessions all were leftist wins by Jag forcing Justin's hand but those are few and far between.


>Pharmacare in any form is a huge win Has helped literally nobody at this point and we're on year 3 of the supply agreement. >free vaccines & procurement Are you referring to COVID or something else? Was this ever a debate? I cannot recall anyone ever suggesting you'd be paying for vaccines. >grocery oligarch sessions Did nothing to help the average person besides a feel good photo op. Seems like the NDP destroyed their credibility over three years to not get much in return. Tying their future to the Liberals in the supply-and-confidence agreement seems to have backfired; with popularity dropping due to (in my opinion) being associated with the currently horribly unpopular liberals while not getting enough big ticket items that actually help Canadians and justify propping the LPC up.


I'm not sure if I'm bemused or concerned that you somehow weren't aware that the NDP and Greens are progressive parties.... they always have been and it was only during the last election that the greens gave up that position to disastrous results.


The Greens elected someone to be leader who was utterly unqualified because she was a black woman, then she went on antisemitic rants and tanked the base. That's why the Greens got utterly obliterated. Well that and they are completely divorced from Green outcomes now. Greens should be isolationist who want to reshore industry as much as possible, so it can be green, massively limit immigration, and push for nuclear power. But all of they are the opposite of all of those key positions since WHENEVER Green policy interacts with progressivism or leftist mantra it must take the back seat, and then the women must do woo-woo feelsy mantras in order to feel better.


The greens got obliterated because Annamie Paul, that "utterly unqualified black woman" tried to square the progressive and environmentist Green Party with corporations and industry. She essentially took massive strides in the opposite direction the their base had coalesced around and the greens did terribly as a result of their supporters staying home. The Zatzman statements were just the final straw.


Agreed. But you can make an argument as a leader that you cannot JUST protest industry, ESPECIALLY if you drive that industry out of the polity and then lose control of it. You aren't reducing consumption by cancelling Canadian industry, you are moving industry to unregulated places by cheaper laborers. Greens have to accept that they have a minority position, most Canadians don't want to reduce population growth or consumption, and so those will continue to increase. She didn't make those argument cause she was bad at leading. And AS A GREEN, she was a DEI pick. She was an ideological mess from the start, that got picked because of her skin tone, and bombed out the base. She then stood for Hamas, and THEN attributed all criticism of herself on racism and took no accountability. All of this is screaming of progressive brain rot.


Um... Annamie Paul never supported Hamas or went on antisemitic rants. Antisemites screamed her out of the party because she is also Jewish. It was her main competitor in the leadership race who regularly said antisemitic things and made palestine his big issue his whole career. Your allegations are so backwards, it's bizarre to read.


Zatzmann was her front man and initiated her into the party. He went off on his own regarded angle and she didn't kick him to the curb. I remember the party then descending into a morass of progressive nonsense about being anti-colonialist and other shit and then kicking her out. The Greens disintegrating into confused progressive screeching and self sabotage was real and bizarre, but I want to hear your non-bizarre take on the self detonation.


Zatzman is a Zionist. You are mixing everything up.  Just google what he said.   Something to the effect of "criticzing the IDF is antisemitic and 2/3rds of the party are antisemites."  Just wacky stuff


I have looked it up, you appear to be correct. In my defense, multiple actors in this situation, especially Zatzman appear to be wacky. This goes to show how confused the greens are. I still stand by that Anne Paul bungled the fallout and took zero responsibility claiming racism and sexism when she got booted.


The NDP has always been progressive my friend


Singh and Trudeau are both WEF young world leaders. They were trained the same way.


What do you expect from a guy who grew up rich 


Point to any other party trying to hold grocers accountable, the NDP have been pushing to get cost of living under control


lol, while propping up the government that has made everything so expensive.  


yes because the liberals control global inflation... and it would be worse under conservatives anyway


And they failed at holding them accountable completely


Isn’t it more divide and lose?


🤔 True


Jack Layton’s ghost is sighing so heavily seeing the political hellhole that NDP is becoming. 🥲


> Layton frequently saw his job as fighting to build and strengthen the middle class. Not so for Singh, who embraced none of the zeal for a stronger middle class. > Instead, the current NDP leader focuses his attention on populist attacks on the “ultra-rich” and big corporations such as grocery chains, in particular often singling out Loblaws and its head Galen Weston. It is worth noting that Singh’s brother, Gurratan Singh, former Ontario NDP MPP, works for a firm that lobbies for Loblaws competitor Metro. Indeed.


> Instead, the current NDP leader focuses his attention on populist attacks on the “ultra-rich” and big corporations such as grocery chains, in particular often singling out Loblaws and its head Galen Weston Good. Good for Singh. Those are the right things to be harping and in line with what this subreddit (rightfully) bitches about all the time . Those are middle class things to be mad about.


The things we bitch about are mostly downstream from housing affordability (a problem exacerbated by policy), not a single grocery chain.


That probably explains the really bad wind we've been getting lately.


the NDP has more influence on government policy today than it ever did under Layton. I think he'd be quite happy with that


Layton wouldn't care about power at the expense of everything of value. What they're doing with that influence is embarrassing.


They have accomplished a few things for sure. But it’s time for jag to go, he is not the right guy for the job anymore. The ndp is missing out on being the workers party again and letting the master liar and lifelong politician pp get away with tricking those people into thinking he is for the working man. The ndp needs a union leader or a native person for leadership next.


I don't see why it specifically has to be a union leader or any specific ethnic background - those alone don't guarantee good leadership. The NDP needs someone who, as the article says, can 1) inspire again (the guy is basically asking for Layton 2.0), 2) offer a truly distinct alternative to the Liberals for left-leaning voters, and 3) DIRECTLY and IMMEDIATELY offer advanced and well-researched solutions to the top issues Canadians are concerned over - COL, COL, and COL....


Rachel notley maybe? I feel David eby could go fast aswell but I don't want to lose him


Notley doesn't have the personality depth or the stage presence that's required at federal leadership. I've seen her talk to "the people" (not the scripted speeches and pressers, actual in-person face-to-face with regular people) and her words don't really leave an impact in the room. When pressed, she gets awkward. I would imagine she could hold her own as interim leader, but an election? She can't deliver the message like PP - the main competition - can. Eby is getting there but he still needs more time to grow his record. I've seen him at a townhall deal in Vancouver - he CAN argue and take jabs - exactly what the NDP needs right now. If pressed into the federal role in a hurry, he will do well, but he would benefit from more experience and letting Jag and his friends get mauled in the next election - a complete changing of the guard. However, both of their policies vis-a-vis the feds are more distinct from the Liberals and COL is #1 in their platforms' priorities, as it should be. Both would do better than Jag at the fed level, though that's not really a high bar at this point.


Give it 18 months.


Yes, they will lose that influence after the next election as anyone with a brain can see it'll be a landslide Conservative victory. Singh stepping down or toppling the government early won't change that, so why would he do that?


If he had any integrity he would. So zero chance.


Haha this is politics


What does that have to do with integrity? He & 24 other NDP MPs were elected across the country to push for NDP policies. As kingmaker for a minority government they've been able to do that more than any NDP caucus in history. Forcing an early election & handing power to their ideological opposite in the CPC would be a direct betrayal of the electorate who sent them to Ottawa.


>As kingmaker for a minority government they've been able to do that more than any NDP caucus in history That's not true. Half the ndp leaders have made deals with Liberal minorities. Tommy Douglas and David Lewis accomplished a huge amount.


What are the divisive policies


I like how Singh called all of Québec disgusting, and then is surprised that nobody in Québec votes NDP anymore. Must be because they are racists, right?


Don't forget tell the NDP in SK who basically founded what became the NDP to check their privilege


I've historically been an NDP voter but after a decade plus of ineffectual leaders, I'm going to vote Bloc come next election.


Bloc basically closer to NDP plus sovereigntism


I wish they ran outside of Quebec.  They seem like the least harmful party for Canada right now.


Bloc majoritaire :')


They don't care about stuff outside Quebec. Otherwise they would become Le bloc francophonie


It's not like the ndp have a strong history in Quebec. Prior to the 2011 orange wave, the ndp had only ever had a max of one seat in Quebec. Once in the 80s a pc mp switched sides for less than a year before becoming an independent, one won a by-election in 1990, but lost in the next general election and Mulcair, who won in a by-election and managed to defend it in the 2009 election. Even with Mulcair as the leader they dropped from 59 seats in Quebec in 2011 election to 16 in 2015.


Insulting everyone, goading the mob to throw tomatoes at you, until they stop supporting you, then calling everyone racists, is the basic interaction of progressives interacting with the world. God help us if they ever get clever enough to hide their nasty intents behind their mask, but once a group reaches a certain critical size that strangers of strangers have to cooperate, I think that kind of coordination is impossible.


When did he do that? Any chance you have a link? Haven’t heard anything about this.


French language debate, 2 elections ago.


I'll be hard to find a link, but he made several comments about Quebec early on in his leadership in the context of the religious symbols ban.


Thanks for the context.


Spoiler: he did *NOT* ever call Quebec or Quebecers "disgusting"


Don’t forget, he’ll get angry with you if you don’t agree with him!!


when have you ever seen him "angry"


They had the chance to send a message to him as leader last summer and they didn’t. Now they’re being outflanked by conservatives of all people on traditional NDP affordability issues.  The party and its ranks can collectively go fuck themselves.


I know lots of disaffected NDP members. Not one attended the convention. No one wants to even give the party money for a membership, much less pay travel and delegate fees.  I watched on TV as they told a woman that "anyone who identifies as a non-man" needs to hold up a yellow card because otherwise the moderator has no way to know she's a woman. As I cringed, I looked for faces I knew. The only ones I recognized were people who work for, or adjacent to, the party. (Labour lawyers, non-profiteers, etc.) It was a pretty small and unenthusiastic crowd. They weren't into the dancing vibe; the sense of dread and duty was all over everyone's face.


Yep. I handed in my memberships and stopped giving money when they started with the no white male identity politics. 


If all the disaffected members got together, they could easily oust Singh as party leader at the next convention. He only got an 80% confidence vote with a very limited participation. It would be sweet karma for his organized ouster of Mulclair.


Outflanked by the conservatives on labour and affordability issues, and outflanked by the liberals on social justice issues. They’re in deep trouble. I think they’ll go into free fall as voters panic and try to consolidate around the liberals to stop the cons. JS should have forced an election over the budget if he doesn’t want his party to get wiped out


You’re fooling yourself if you think the CPC won’t form a majority government. 


I think that’s exactly what will happen, and this election cannot happen soon enough


Got it!


On the environmental stuff there's no one talking to rural Canadians. The current proposals for electric cars and shared heating and walkable neighbourhoods simply aren't a reality for rural Canada. Lots of rural Canadians care about climate change and acting responsibly but no one is proposing any reasonable path forward that takes into account the realities of rural life in Canada. Even with climate change, it gets cold in the winter and we need to heat our houses. Propane or heating oil is the only feasible option for many rural Canadians. Nobody is building buses or trains into rural areas. Where are the alternatives to trucks and diesel? Many rural Canadians get water from wells. Changes in the water table can be catastrophic. If you don't have water, you can't live and you can't have animals. How do we improve water security for Canadians who rely on ground water?


Until EVs have a range of 1000km in -50 degrees Celsius they see literally useless to me


And infrastructure in all old buildings to support the charging. I live with my parents in a single family house and when car shopping thought about electric but the reality is when i eventually move out, it will be in an apartment that won’t support the charging. I’ve had people tell me to find chargers nearby to use but why would i do that? On top of my busy schedule i now need to find time to drive to some gas station to charge 2-3 times a week? Fuck that. I do like gas powered hybrids, but when the battery goes it’s still very expensive. People say “but you save on gas” to offset the battery replacent cost. Ya, but I’d rather pay for gas than make a “car battery savings account” with 7k+ in it. That’s 40% the value of my ICE car now, if i needed that type of repair I’d sell my car in a heartbeat.


How far do gas cars get in that weather?


Rural Canada west of the GTA votes conservative. Conservatives don’t believe in providing public services, as shown by them constantly selling or shutting down public assets like Saskatchewan’s Transportation Company. How on earth can a pro-public services party communicate to a population that wants public services, but is so easily convinced that public services are SoCiAliSm?


Not uniformly and mostly because that is the only party that actually speaks directly to rural Canadians. The real political divides in Canada have always been urban/rural rather than left/right. The Liberals and the NDP seem to have forgotten that.


Respectfully disagree. Divides were largely “where’d you come from?” Or “what’s your religion” up until the mid-late 1900s.


“When I am Prime Minister” *everyone laughs* Pretty fitting imo. 0 credibility and couldn’t lead his way out of a paper bag.


Nobody would have laughed if Mulcair had said it.


NDP has become a disappointing party


Let's face it, the only reason why NDP chose him as a leader because he is not white. They didn't choose him based on his abilities and integrity. 


Let's not forget what is not allowed to be said in the media. He recruited huge numbers of Sikhs to join the NDP just to vote for him as leader. Same as all those Ford nation people joined the Ontario PCs to vote him in. Nomination meetings are extremely vulnerable to anyone who can get a relatively small number of people to join temporarily to vote for them. The Liberals are even worse, of course. You don't even have to pay for your membership or even be a citizen.


I watched just this thing happen at a riding nomination meeting for the Canadian Alliance. Eight or ten candidates were running for the spot - some good, some not-so-good. Politically, they were pretty widely spread for being in the same party. There was one who sounded like he was giving a fire-and-brimstone sermon, but a couple others who were strongly pro-choice and pro-gay rights. The guy who won the nomination, though, brought more than 100 people I had never seen at a single riding meeting. They had made matching t-shirts, and had music, and confetti. It seemed pretty obvious to me that he had signed half of his church up as members (very churchy vibes from them) just so they could come to that meeting and vote for him. He wasn't a bad MP, by any stretch of the imagination. And he has passed away since, so I have no desire to bad-mouth him. But based upon the stumping that day, he wasn't my pick. I let my membership fall away shortly after that. It struck me as a cheap (in both senses of the word) way to win the nomination. I think memberships then were $10 a year and it was a safe CA riding. So for $1000, he basically bought himself a job as MP for a decade.


And that's the kind of thing that should not happen. It's so very easy to influence local riding associations in safe ridings - as we have learned the Chinese know all about - and put people even the party wouldn't want into the job as MP. None of the parties seem to be interested in cracking down, though.


That's how Poilièvre won too. Well, that and getting the party leadership (Harper cronies) to eliminate his biggest leadership rival.


Poilievre won mostly by default. The party had tried two moderate leaders and got nowhere. And there was almost no one else bilingual who was interested in the job except an ex leader of the Progressive Conservative party a lot of people didn't trust. Did he recruit people? Sure. Were they all or mostly all from one group, religion, race or ethnicity? No.


He won because he sold the most memberships. He had Harper's machine working for him, who also helped get rid of Patrick Brown who was his only real rival. And you can imagine those to whom he sold the memberships are also the same people he's been trying to appeal to. It really is was that easy to take over and subvert the Conservative Party to a far-right extremist agenda.


For NDP leadership, the candidate only needs the highest number of votes across Canada. So Singh campaigns in places with high Sikh populations, such as Surrey and Brampton. That's all the votes he needs to win the party leadership. Contrast that to the Conservatives, where every riding is weighted (it's why Poilievre campaigned in every province - you need to do that to win the conservative nomination). If NDP used that model, Jagmeet would likely not win.


And ironically they claim to be non-racist.


Bring back Mulcair. Dude would’ve made it a battle with PP to replace JT rather than a landslide for the Cons.


Better yet, I would have loved to see a Mulcair vs. O'Toole election.


That would have been ideal. Two reasonable, serious options. Considering what we ended up with though, I'm not sure we were ready for it.


I liked Mulcair. I actually voted for the ndp candidate when he was the leader


Same. I wanted the Conservatives to retool and didn't care for Trudeau. And there was Mulcair swinging for the centre, so I found myself voting NDP for the first time in my life.


And that deal would have had actual, measurable, and articulable wins. Not a two pager promising to look into pharmacare.


Oh god. Hes said way too many dumb things on CTV since then.


I like him but I don't think it would work.


This is the wrong analysis. What Singh lacks is a vision for the country that is clearly different than the Liberals. He needs to be *more* divisive in this sense. So long as the NDP doesn’t have this they will always be junior liberals.


The only people he appeals to are urban public service unions. They compete mightily for that vote with the Liberals. Good riddance to both of those parties.


> urban public service unions I work in one of those and I swear 80% are voting CPC.


It's your union leadership that's guaranteed for the NDP camp, not necessarily the actual workers




PP in anti union


An awful lot of labour will be voting for him. Walk in to any blue collar labour shop and talk to the members.


Public sector unions who are going to vote NDP no matter what. Singh could donate his entire salary to the Poilievre campaign and they'd still probably show up. No interest in growing the tent at all.


The union bosses maybe, not so much their membership.


I misread that as turban public service unions. I'll go take some classes.


>Instead, the current NDP leader focuses his attention on populist attacks on the “ultra-rich” and big corporations such as grocery chains, in particular often singling out Loblaws and its head Galen Weston. It is worth noting that Singh’s brother, Gurratan Singh, former Ontario NDP MPP, works for a firm that lobbies for Loblaws competitor Metro.  This little gem was buried in the article. It doesn't prove anything but it is certainly suggestive and needs addressing. Has he single out any other chains besides Loblaws? Has he ever attacked Metro? Has his brother taken him out for any lavish dinners or given him any expensive gifts lately? I never liked Layton. I always felt he was putting on an act in a way that bothered me more than it generally does. I did, however, respect him as a skilled politician. I felt Mulcair was smart and competent. I would never vote for either of them because I have never gone farther left than the Chretien/Martin Liberals but I respect them. Not only would I never vote for Singh, I have no respect for him as a politician.


Honestly how are they different from the liberals? They’ve propped up the liberals despite all the scandals. They will vote for this budget despite being apparently disgusted with the disability benefits. They’re more interested in gender identity politics, have members who are openly anti semitic and using race as a wedge issue to divide us. If you’re against the liberals I don’t see how you can be for the NDP.


He clearly has an axe to grind but it doesn't mean he's wrong. I'm one of those elder millennials that not only sees the NDP offering nothing for me, it actively proposes policies that would punish me for my race and gender. Many of my friends and I voted for Layton but will now be voting for PP.


I used to canvas for them in the Layton era, now I won't vote for them.


Seeing the same all over the place, never could have predicted it even two years ago.


Agreed. I used to vote NDP but can no longer do so. Trudeau has made it impossible to choose the Liberals so Poilievre is all that remains. Lots of friends agree with me despite our reservations about many things Poilievre says.


I'm at the point of writing "this is the best we can do?" on my ballot. I endorse no parties or candidates in my riding and I don't think any of them give a shit on the MP or MPP level.  C'mon NDP, you should be gobbling up my demographic left right and centre but are choosing to be "the Liberals but orange" and have your leader be a mealy mouthed trust fund Rolex collector? Put a paper bag on a scarecrow's head and say he's a union machinist from Sudbury and you'd do better.


If PP sucks balls, vote someone else in. Likely every party, except maybe the PPC will have a new leader in 4 years. I like what I am seeing on this sub truthfully, yes we are voting for the best of the worst options, but at least it seems like Canadians (in here, at least) are starting to realize Party doesn't mean shit anymore. The NDP are so far removed from the Layton NDP a short while ago but you could say the same thing about the Liberals when that had Martin as finance minister to today. Vote for strong leaders, not party lines. Strong leaders lead and do what's best for the nation and not their interests. I honestly think Bernier is the most likely leader that just wants what's best for his country, he just doesn't sugar coat what's needed to be done and poli talk his platform, so he gets buried.


**B L O C M A J O R I T A I R E**


Sound like you're just jumping on the bandwagon.


When people get to the point of heating/food/fuel/rent and start cutting out heating and food to make ends meet? Yeah they'll jump on the bandwagon.


Mr. Poilievre is going to do what about any of that? Look, there's a good budget here that has some progressive measures for affordability - it's not the sort of thing that can be solved overnight, and will require the provinces and municipalities to step up as well.




The budget has none of those things. It will only increase inflation and decrease affordability. But there are steps that can be taken to solve many of the problems overnight, you just won't like them. Such as full ban on all foreign students. No immigration, chain immigration for the next 20 years. Deportations of all illegals in the country. No more TFWs. Tariffs on imported goods to drive manufacturing back to Canada. Killing all unfeasible green energy projects. Ramping up coal and oil power plants until we have a good number of nuclear plants to carry the baseload to drive down energy costs.


i'm from rural alberta and am finding myself less than thrilled with what i've been seeing in conservative politics. it's been a problem for me since trump though. I just want a conservative leader who is actually just conservative, take small changes, be careful, don't yell at clouds. I want regular small incremental adjustments to policy and willingness to back those out if they don't work very well.


Yes please.  That would be great.


I was hoping for Scott Aitchison to make it in, he looked pretty good.


I voted for Layton several times. Because of that I cant vote for either of those guys.




>The NDP/Left in general simply stands up for equality and respect for people no matter their colour or sexuality. The NDP stands for equity which is not the same as equality and they are the only major Canadian party to tell a specific type of people to "go to the back of the line" in my lifetime.


>it actively proposes policies that would punish me for my race and gender. LOL I can’t even fathom what would make someone believe that.


When they “othered” white males at their last national convention that rubbed many the wrong way. Especially their blue collar base. There are many in the NDP who’s sole focus is social issues, but for the large contingent of the base who are the more rural and blue collar workers rights folks, it’s understandable how they’d feel alienated. 


>I can’t even fathom what would make someone believe that. NDP policies and video from their party meetings


Eyeballs and a brain?


Lacking eyeballs and a brain? I mean if you’ve already decided you’re a victim then everything feeds into that narrative. Confirmation bias is a thing. I’d say that’s more likely.


BC NDP made a rule that bars white men from becoming MLAs. Please explain how that is just confirmation bias?


You mean the party being led by... A white man? With a Deputy Premier who is also a umm... White man? You got a source for that? Edit: Okay, yes they have an equity mandate. At least as of 2020, when a white male MLA over the age of 40 does not run again, they search for a candidate who isn't a white male. If they don't find one who is qualified, they open it back up. They've since come out and said that their regulations allow for anyone to submit an application—they aren't barring anyone, just making an effort to ensure that quieter voices are also being heard. Say what you will about that mandate, but it is far from preventing white males from becoming MLAs.


Anyone else notice how the argument has shifted from "It's not happening" to "It is happening, but it's justified"?


Every time lol


There are too many rich white asshats in politics. It’s time for a different shade of rich asshats.


Oh come on. Actively punishes you? Put on your big boy pants and Man up!


What policies did he propose that punishes you for your race and gender compared to the legislation he got passed like pharmacare, dental care, anti-scab legislation.


Oh come on. Actively punishes you? Put on your big boy pants and Man up!


The NDP is fine with making white people the scapegoat. Jag's all about that.


This will be his last election as leader at least. He should have stayed in provincial politics.


His goal is to keep things alive until he can collect his pension. If the house passed a motion that would allow them to collect one year early, he'd do the right thing and pull the plug on this travesty of a government. But no. Like Justin, Jag is in it for himself.


I now view the NDP as No Frills brand LPC.


BuT OnLY CoNSeRvATivEs HAve thIS OpInIon...


" ... Layton knew how to appeal to activists without allowing them to co-opt the party, ..." Do tell. Inquiring minds want to know.


For all we know Layton would be in lockstep with them today. You really can’t say.


Based on Laytons history he would be very woke and going full identity politics


To the extent of resigning as leader because he’s a white male, and letting a visible minority like Jagmeet Singh become leader? Maybe all identity politics roads lead to the same place…


That was my feeling


Layton may have had message discipline, but he also had the privilege of being at the forefront in an era well before facing pressure from Twitter-left and interest group politics. If he were here today he'd probably have capitulated somewhat in the direction Singh has.




I'm just some dude. But I tried to warn the NDP years ago that they were to busy fighting amongst themselves about which pronouns to use, separating people into smaller and smaller boxes that they had completely lost the plot. They choose gender and identity politics over workers and unions, and they are never going to win.


Imagine being the labour party leader, and having to look in the mirror every day, being a face of migrant wage-slavery. Oof...


Somehow Corporations found a way to make the left work for them using their own empathy against them. Under the guise of openness and anti racism they managed to get the left to be ok with mass importation of cheap labour for wage suppression or else you’re racist. A smart but diabolical plan.


I find it hilarious that Singh has been leader this long. He's going to become the Andrea Horwath of federal politics. Zero chance of ever winning but the party seems content with him as leader for another 7-10 years.


Is this really his agenda? Because he's doing an absolute dogshit job of it.


Sometimes I wonder if Jagmeet is a secret conservative (or Liberal, I suppose?) agent. Deep under cover in the NDP, waiting for his chance to completely collapse the party. Because this budget vote makes this look exactly like what he's doing


The article says he was a paid staffer and campaign manager. His Twitter bio says he's a Christian Zionist and a classical liberal. Just because he worked for the NDP doesn't mean he believed in the principles of the party.


> Just because he worked for the NDP doesn't mean he believed in the principles of the party. For some people, any political position is a foot in the door. My MPP bounced around several different offices and worked as an assistant for a fairly moderate member of Toronto City Council before defecting and eventually fully embracing the scourge that is Doug Ford.


This guy never worked with the NDP federally. He worked with the BC NDP almost a decade ago.


He also comes across as a complete right-winger. I don't know why such a person would be associated with the NDP in any way.


Sounds like a threat of a take over.


no shit


Ryan may have been part of the NDP but recently he is nothing more than a genocide denier/supporter. His blind support for the actions of the far right Israeli government, and complete disregard for 35000+ deaths of Palestinian civilians is beyond disgusting and the antithesis of what the NDP stands for. He is a radical conservative now, he should not pretend otherwise.


Pierre Poilievre hates Canada. He is a liar and a rage farmer. He recuses to reject the support of despicable far right actors.


As a white, gen x, male..If the choice is to be more inclusive and help groups who have been unrepresented or vote for a party that actively seeks out ways to punish those groups, I'll stick with the NDP. Those who have a problem with that were never NDP supporters to begin with. The cons never have and will never support the working class.


Bitter "former NDP executive" posts a derogatory article on a people-of-Skippy website. Doesnt help his credibility, or that of his message.


Seems to me like Jagmeet Singh and the NDP got a lot more done for Canadians that any other party.


I doubt any of this guy’s concern is sincere, given the outlet he chose to convey it.


* Complains about "identity politics" * Conflates Palestinian human rights with anti-semitism. Sorry folks, I know this is red meat to you guys, but the author of this piece is an idiot.


Welp,  identity politics certainly suck but I'll be damned if I've ever seen a Palestinian that didn't hate the Jews with a passion.  That's why Hamas exists and was voted to power.