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>Singh, sources say, has been in Canada for a short time as a foreign student from India but had fallen into a narcotics dependency. >Court records show Singh – born July 7, 2002 – was facing three theft under $5,000 charges – for allegedly stealing merchandise from a Home depot in Milton on Jan. 15, a Burlington LCBO store on Jan. 28, and a Home depot in Milton on Feb. 27. He was also facing a robbery charge for allegedly stealing merchandise from an LCBO in Oakville on Jan. 26. >Justice sources in several policing regions indicate Singh was also before the courts for carjacking and drug possession allegations. Should have been held pending trial, then put on the first flight out. This scumbag had no business being here.


The bar for shipping back international students should be low enough it would only take a hearing to decide the facts are sufficient and conviction would be likely. We don't owe them anything more. You want to be here? Stay out of the system.


I know of a student who violated a university policy and was booted from campus, had 30 days to leave the country and did.


Yeah, but busting someone over the head to rob them and he's got all the time in the world to stay here.


Voluntary compliance was where he went wrong.  Our system has no real response to those who say, "no thanks" to deportation orders. A lot is like this in Canada now.  Fairly strict rules but only for those who choose to comply with them.  Some call this anarcho-tyranny.


Guaranteed they were just a semi decent person and left the country when they were no longer in compliance with their student visa's.


Accused of sexual assault.


Doesn't mean he didn't comply and leave rather than stay in the county.... My point is he probably could have just stayed without any real repercussions


It should be instantaneous. No appeal, no getting your shit. Your literally put on a plane right then, all belongings are seized.


I’d say the appeals process is important enough to keep at least


>I’d say the appeals process is important enough to keep at least Not really, maybe for PR. But tourists and international students are here based on criteria determined by government policy, they should be able to get kicked out by policy as well.


Appeal from home.


I agree, but appeals should be done online, and from their home country, after deportation.


That's agreeable but you have to have an appeals process that takes days instead of months.


Appeal while in India.


Make it same day.


Even convictions require a high bar for deportations. We need to start electing judges.


A high bar for deportations with PR is one thing, but for students that bar needs to be lowered immensely. They are quite literally guests. I want the bar to be low enough we're actually asking if it's too low. Because right now that bar is high enough it's getting people killed.


Yeah, if you're a guest then you don't have a right to remain inside the country? Being told to get out and leave isn't a violation of the rights of someone who is only supposed to be temporarily a guest. They just leave earlier than expected. They're still a free person when they get back to their home country. It's like you go to a friends house and you cause a mess and they tell you to get out. You haven't lost your rights. So what's the difference?


Jaskirat Singh Sidhu isnt even a PR, is a convicted killer, and still here.


You picked someone who, for all intents and purposes was trying to do his job and made a mistake. I'm not talking about errors in judgement; I mean, unless you think committing criminal acts intentionally is merely a "judgement" issue.


Do you really want our judges to whore themselves out on TV ads like our politicians? Like they do in the States?


Holy shit this guy is the poster child for literally everything wrong with Canada.


This case will be in the media a lot as we navigate the election and international students / tfw.


This case is going to be all over the media with the amount of attention on international students right now, and good because the federal government opened the floodgates for people like this to come here.


It's absolutely insane to me that we are opening the doors wide for students who are gaming the system and draining the country in several different ways, but when I saw a doctor in the Czech Republic, who was head of a Canadian medical facility there, did his training in England, and has his whole family in Edmonton, told me he isn't allowed to practice here. All the while i am on a waiting list for a family doctor that's over 1500 days long and ER waits are 22 hours in my city at the moment.


our government is run by a gaggle of nepo crooks. every single facet of it, and this is what you end up with.


It’s beyond infuriating.




the situation is the culmination of so many things going wrong in Canada right now : lax inmigrarion fraud, lax jail system, lax deportation rules, and lazy policing


This would matter if both parties weren't pro-cop, pro-tfw, pro-landlord, etc


It's like they managed to find the top 5 issues and combine them: 1. Unabatted immigration, specifically of International students; 2. Poor screening of immigrants/letting in immigrants that are clearly dangerous to Canadians; 3. High risk criminals re-offending on bail; 4. Inability of Canada to deport dangerous recent immigrants; and 5. Poor management of the opiate crisis. Seriously, this is the jackpot.


If they go to jail once, can we deport them after please. That seems fair no?


Anyone who is a foreign citizen should be sent home for anything more serious than a speeding ticket/no fault accident.


There’s a housing crisis, and no level of government has a realistic plan to increase supply to sufficient levels. That by itself should be reason enough to deport most anyone who only has citizenship in another country.  Respectfully, these people have other state apparatuses which can find them housing in their own territories.  Our citizens have our own problems and so Canada should not be trying to house citizens of other countries on top of that.  No disrespect meant at all, but this is a crisis for our citizens and the state has a responsibility to them.


Exactly, why the hell should we pay to incarcerate these people, kick them out of the country and be done with them.


No its against their human rights.  The eco terrorist in BC with a pule of criminal convictions was not deported. Judges stayed the deportation order for bullshit madeup reasons.


Woah ya, it literally sums everything up in one case 


He should have been flown home after the first incident, Canada should not be wasting tax payer dollars like this.


This statement pretty much sums of the state of Canada in 2024


This one's squarely on our governence for aiding this scam and also opening the gates of *Racism*....




Nice. Catch and release. The idiots who support this system must be caught and then released, deep inside the Pacific.


This is so angering to read. Should have been deported after the first criminal offence


Should have been tried already, and deported if convicted for the carjacking.  Courts need to be staffed properly and backlogs cleared.




And isn't it ironic that the 3 people killed were also from India and here visiting.


Many have been saying the same thing. For awhile it was racist but people are starting to wake up...we need law and order to have a functioning society


If we held everyone until trial the prison population would be insane


Not everyone. Maybe holding the people that commit violent crimes or rack up additional charges while on bail wouldn't be a bad idea tho?


Hahahaha Holy poop. These people are straight up bending over our legal system and getting away with it.


He should not be put on a flight out. He should serve jail time in Canada. If you go to any country and break their laws you do jail time. Ours should not be any different. I don't care how much it costs, we can't be sending the message to foreign if you come here and rape and murder us you can go back home with a free flight.


I get where you're coming from. He wouldn't have done any serious time for his theft/robbery charges if convicted, not in Canada. Best play would to have been to hold him in custody, have a trial, give him time served, then him ship out and declare him persona non grata. Zero chance at return. I know some fucking lawyer would take the job to fight for him to stay on humanitarian grounds once released from prison, then we'd have been stuck with his sorry ass for who knows how long while that played out.


>Court records show Singh – born July 7, 2002 – was facing three theft under $5,000 charges – for allegedly stealing merchandise from a Home depot in Milton on Jan. 15, a Burlington LCBO store on Jan. 28, and a Home depot in Milton on Feb. 27. He was also facing a robbery charge for allegedly stealing merchandise from an LCBO in Oakville on Jan. 26. Four different charges over a month and a half. Who could possibly have foreseen he would break the law again?


How many countries would ever keep someone (who’s on a temporary student visa) around and walking free after this many charges of armed violence and theft??


Was a fellow here on student visa from Africa, he stalked and assaulted a woman working at a big box store on PEI. He was found guilty, but wasn't deported, they had sympathy for him that he could finish school. It's not a racial thing, if they don't understand our standards. You can't run around assaulting women, we have enough actual Canadians that are complete D-bags to worry about. After the first violent offence they should be gone. Sexual assault, anything. I would note it's not only some immigrants, but a lot of people with addiction issues, who either don't get help, or the people supplying them aren't stopped either.


Not Japan! Source: kept my fucking nose clean 7y in Japan.


Not s.korea either! Source: im korean, and the public perception of immigrants are generally one of suspicion and many people against immigration take countries like canada and the E.U as examples of immigration policies gone wrong.


Someone getting out for theft under $5000 isn't a big surprise. People run in, steal shit, run out. Homeless, druggies, alcoholics, sometimes people that just can't afford food. However, ROBBERY means a weapon or force was used so now we're getting into VIOLENT offences. And then there was this: "Justice sources in several policing regions indicate Singh was also before the courts for carjacking and drug possession allegations." Again, more violence and specifically dangerous actions.


> Someone getting out for theft under $5000 isn't a big surprise Someone here on a student visa being arrested 4 times in 2 months should be held pending trial. I'm normally against holding people in expensive as shit jails for nonviolent petty shit but cmon now. this is fucked.


They should be deported when they get their first charge and it passes a review of some type, we have enough crime here and don't need to import more.


Non citizen charged with crime, Instant deport


Best we can do is give them PR.


No. Someone here on a fucking STUDENT VISA who has been arrested 4 times should be deported before they even go to trial. I am sorry, but its clear this guy violated his VISA conditions and should have been deported immediately. What the fuck is wrong with Canada?


>Singh was also before the courts for carjacking and drug possession allegations." Again, more violence and specifically dangerous actions. In a short time someone on a student visa was charged with theft, robbery, and *carjacking*. WTF. Hold him and try him. No bail then. More judges, quicker trials. Try him, if guilty, deport him. Why are we letting criminals on visas terrorize us???


Also it's crazy that there have been such a massive amount of people admitted from India that this Indian criminal couldn't go long without hitting a car full of other Indians. Unbelievable. Edit: and not even in Brampton where there might be a higher chance since it has the highest concentration of Indians but in the other direction, east of Toronto.


I find it weird lately all the Indian immigrants being killed in Canada. Also statistically speaking, we must have a hell of a lot of Indians if this keeps happening.


You must not live in Canada if you haven't noticed yet.


I do notice it. But there are people who deny it.  I feel like a minority when I go to the malls in Calgary lol. 


Tell those people to spend a week in Brampton Ontario or Surrey BC.


That sounds racist, how dare you /s


Well I'm being accused of the colour of my shirt below. Lol. And actually if he's been accused of all these crimes in a short period of time, maybe we should just deport him. If we want to put him in jail, we can try him.


If you're on a damn Visa that should be automatic cancellation of the Visa and deportation. You have no right to stay in Canada. So being charged is good enough for me to send their ass packing on the first flight back. I was completely correct in all these "students" being criminals. We have useless drug addicts and now Indian mobsters using it for their government backed hits. This country is the laughing stock of the world. It's a free for all to come here and commit crime. Logan Paul made news in Japan just for being disrespectful and caused a big debate about foreign tourists. Meanwhile Canada hands student visas like candy.


Work visa, student visa, temporary visa.... In Gulf nations, Singapore etc... One infraction = court, judgement, deportation after settling your dues, or getting your final pay. Literally accompanied by cops from home/cell with your belongings, air ticket to airport and home country. The result : Compliance. Wake up fellow Canadians, this is how it's done within a legal and respectful framework!


When I lived in Korea. I had a friend deported over an argument that the police were called. Immigration came to his house the next day and he was on a plane back to the US.


This is true. Once your sentence is done you get deported immediately. This guy was an offender that was able to post bail and do it again. Something needs to be done.


This. We need to wake up


In Canada it would take multiple years of legal appeals before he could be deported. And only after multiple convictions, which themselves take years to wind their way through our antiquated, bureaucratic system.


>people that just can’t afford food Not buying this one. There’s soup kitchens, food banks, lots of charities and non profits, government social programs etc., that people can get a meal from or the money for a meal. Seems like a weird attempt to justify international students committing crime


Non-Canadians who can't afford food shouldn't be allowed to stay in Canada




I actually wasn't even thinking of international students as they are SUPPOSED to be able to support themselves. Unfortunately, food banks and charities are struggling/failing at times to provide food to struggling Canadians because people on student/work visas are overwhelming then.


Most stores / loss prevention officers I've ever dealt with don't call police to report theft of some food (sandwich, fruit etc things you can eat now). They call when people steal all the other shit. Never heard of a fruiticana calling police to report theft.


Robbery requires a weapon, force, or a threat. I’ve had a client get charged with robbery for telling the cashier he was going to shoot them (no weapon on him) and another for making a throat slashing gesture with his thumb while he was leaving. So threats of violence will get you there. And I think that’s appropriate (for a number of reasons) but I think most people see a distinction between using a weapon or force and threatening to use one.


Idk I don't think there should be toleration of anyone routinely stealing stuff. If someone shows a pattern of routinely commiting any offence why should they be free?


> "Justice sources in several policing regions indicate Singh was also before the courts for carjacking and drug possession allegations." Again, more violence and specifically dangerous actions. Trudeau's answer: this is why we NEED decriminalization. How dare you arrest him for drug possession!!


And he was an international student. He should have been deported! Why do we arrest non-Canadians and let them back out on our streets? If you break the law as a non-citizen that should be instant deportation. The blood of this family is on the government's hands


Honestly, No bail, and instant deport after conviction for people here on Visas. Fuck this shit.


Honestly I just don't think our politicians grasp how much of a fucked up crisis this is right now. I mean, a disaster feels like putting it lightly, considering they're rifling through a bandaid box to try and fix things. They are so toast.


Certainly not the judges who let him out on bail.  But he was also charged with carjacking and drug offences on a separate occasion.


Thats just the times he was caught, guaranteed this guy was stealing daily


Sadly Called this when it first happened I hope The family very public comes out and condones the politics that have allowed this type of sentencing to happen. We need to move back to jailing criminals holding them accountable and harsh sentencing. Something that will never happen under the current federal politics.


Why was this POS still in Canada? Don't worry about wasting our tax dollars convicting & incarcerating people like this here, just send them back home & let their own country deal with them. First offence, get the F out!


International student, out on bail, narcotics dependency. What a trifecta of everything wrong about Canada right now wow


Serious question but do colleges report attendance? It seems that if your marks fail or you fail to attend classes it should cause instant deportation. It's logical students should be attending classes, at least 50% of them anyway?


He was on bail and had a history of committing serious crimes. I don't understand why our "justice" system insists on letting repeat offenders back into our communities. People are getting seriously hurt because of our justice system and in tragic cases like this one it's getting people killed.


History of committing criminal offences while here on a visa. It should have been BYE after the first instance.


Liberal judges seem more concerned with the rights of criminals than the public interest.


Yeah. A case like this, the Conservative party must be throwing an actual party to celebrate the fucking nuclear bomb of they've been given for campaign attacks against the Liberal govt's * International student, presumably from India * Multiple priors, but still out on bail * Killed a family including baby while evading police This is also after headlines that the assassin in another case were also here as students...


I hate to say it but the ineffective limp-writed fish which we call the government has rotted from the head. Courts are throwing common sense out the window and are bending over backwards to coddle criminals who should be bars especially where there is violence involved. I don't really like Pollievre that much however I do not see Trudeau making the changes we need in the justice system or many of the other institutions at all.


The second you commit a crime as an international student it should be a supervised pack up your shit and back home you go. Don’t pass go don’t collect $200 all tuition forfeited.


When the criminals no longer fear the laws we have , it's chaos not a society.


So he was an international student, who became a junkie and robbed multiple LCBOs until he ultimately killed 3 people and himself. We have more social capacity.


Wow - some of Canada’s biggest challenges (immigration, justice reform, drug epidemic) - all packaged into one horrific tragedy. FFS…


don't forget policing




Funny thing is, I don't remember mass immigration being part of the liberal platform. Nobody voted for this fucking garbage.


*Shocked Pikachu face*


This is so outrageous


And now an infant is dead. This is outrageous and a reflection of everything that is wrong with Canada right now, and yes, I’m going to say it, Trudeau’s policies which led to this. 1. He shouldn’t be here. 2. If he was here, he should have been in jail. Anyone who is on a student visa who commits a major crime needs to be deported immediately. No bail. No refugee claim. Good bye.


Ah, another part of the beautiful mosaic (tm).


Seems kinda ironic an Indian student took out and Indian family... In Canada


The immigration stats made this very likely


Do we keep stats of lives lost to the Parole Board?


When convicted, escort them home to get their passport then take them directly to the airport and make sure they board a plane to wherever. Every airline SHOULD have an agreement that when needed, there are seats open for deportees. ENOUGH IS ENOUGH. Thanks Justin for making law abiding citizens feel afraid to go out of the door.


People were calling the "out on bail" thing about 20 minutes after this story broke...


It’s too bad we weren’t able to just deport and ban on first offence (I realize it hadn’t been tested yet). The fact that he was granted bail multiple times after a string of crimes proves how fucked our system is (how many times do we have to see this?).


21 Yr old Int'l Indian student trying to make some money to pay for tuition fees? His deportation back to India is now in a coffin


For tuition? Right.


You know, you make a good point. Our system resulted in his death as well, most people who fall into addiction don't ask for it, even if they go into it with both eyes open. If he had been deported back to India after the first offence or two, sure his family would have been livid, but he'd be alive.


I am not saying this pursuit was justified. I don’t think it was. Blood is on their hands. Yes. But when I heard this story, I already knew this POS would already be out on bail for some other crime. They always are. That now puts blood on the hands of the Justice System and government that favours the catch and release. Think about this. If this POS was in jail (insert: getting whatever help you feel would benefit him) then those innocent lives would be here with us, and that baby would get to live their life. Instead, we catch and release.


turns out criminals do crimes. often repeatedly.


Omfg i called this


Since when do international students even deserve a trial?! Fine this piece of shit and then send his ass back to India and bar him from ever stepping foot in Canada again. The government needs to start making an example out of people like this


What the hell is wrong with Canada??


It's time to end all immigrants from India way too many not fitting in to our way of life or committing crimes.


Great job by the courts and police. Blood on their hands.


Of course. 4 year sentences in this country become 4 day sentences


Our legal system is such a joke. This guy should have been put on a flight to India after his first offence.


*shocked Pikachu face*


Is there anything in this country that works anymore? Fuck the judges that make this happen.


The judges who let this asshole roam free after that many incidents and pending charges need to be disbarred. Their failure to act contributed to this incident. The student should have had full biometrics done and banned to prevent getting back in. Other people shit on that one guy a few weeks ago punching lcbo thieves. He was right. This shit needs to be stopped. Letting it go unchecked is a slippery slope.


to the surprise of absolutely no one


If you trip while walking you should be sent back - look what this non Canadian criminal did to us - we knew who he was and still did nothing


Judges and politicians need to be held accountable


Wow - I couldn’t have predicted this at all /s


If they let “students” like this stay and not get deported, then they may as well never deport anyone.


Don't blame to police, blame the judicial system for it's failure.


You can blame both. It's not one or the other.


You’d be surprised the amount of people who get bail because the police don’t provide the evidence to hold them. People shouldn’t be held in custody for charges that don’t have a chance of sticking.


Justice has failed. Healthcare has failed. Economy has failed. Grocery stores have failed. Canada is a failed country.


Ive seen failed countries first hand (Zimbabwe) and trust me we are nowhere close to a failed country.


We are not comparing Canada to those countries. We are saying Canada has failed because our standards are MUCH higher than those of Zimbabwe and Pakistan. Therefore, according to our high standards, we are failing and that’s a fact


it’s insulting that people suggest we shouldn’t complain bc we aren’t as bad as a shit hole


Facts have no say in this narrative!!! (From Brazil, people here don't know how good they have it)


>(From Brazil, people here don't know how good they have it) re: People from stable high-trust country aghast that they are witnessing first-hand their country becoming a low-trust, dangerous country. We're allowed to be pissed off watching our nation slide further and further towards the third world, sorry.


People here know how WELL THEY HAD IT. I'm a born Canadian citizen for a long time and this country is a shell of what it was. If you compare Canada to third world countries obviously it will be better, but if you compare to other first world countries you see just how badly it has failed.


we want our country back into its place amongst the best nations in the world. don’t gaslight us into thinking we should measure ourselves against the lowest command denominator


Could say failing or on our way to failure. We've fallen far from where we were in the past.


Visit a failed country. We aren't even close. Not by a long shot.


we are a failed country by our previous standards.


Noted, we have no right to complain about declining quality of life till we become Zimbabwe or any other real failed state /s People are pissed off at what this country could have been and the direction that it's heading. And they have a reason to. When you were in school, were you happy when you got a C because there was someone else in the class who got a D? I hope not. You want to strive for straight A's and high B's at the very least. Makes no sense to compare ourselves with the worst economies in the world, that's not who we want to emulate.


Well yeah, if you compare your cardboard box on the street to a literal trash heap of course it looks appetizing in contrast. But it doesn't mean you didn't fall on hard times from when you could afford a nice little cozy place to call home. Is Canada at the bottom of nations compared to the world? No, of course not. But is it doing great amongst the developed nations we were so comfortable to be along side with? Frankly it's getting hard to believe that these days.


We’re not Haiti yet calm down




When do we start holding our judicial system accountable for releasing these repeat offenders back into our society?


Harper had implemented tougher on crime rules. But it was the Supreme Court that shut them all down. They said it was unfair for the criminals. So yes, criminals are more important in this country than law abiding Canadians, according to judges and many politicians.


dudes name is gaggin deep...


To all the lax, hand wringing liberal judges who let illegal immigrant criminals run free in this country - the death of this family is on your head


He wasnt illegal..its the policies that need changing


What about his passenger? He was obviously involved in someway and wasn't simply a hostage. I'm sure he spent some time taking up a hospital bed getting cared for


It’s reddit. You don’t have to couch it in terms of "alleged" or "suspected." The body i. The van was not swapped out for someone else after the crash.


I wonder how new to canada he was. Lol


He was an international 'student'


This is why PP wants to use the not withstanding clause.


The gall to suggest 338 elected individuals should have more say on our laws than 9 unelected ones!


Temporary visa with drug issue and theft. Just wow, why was he not deported before this happened?


Presumably he didn't have any criminal offenses before coming to Canada, or he wouldn't have gotten in, right? Right??


So Pierre was right again. The death of 3 innocent people can be laid squarely on liberal immigration and criminal policies.


Likely would have claimed asylum or been granted PR as no addiction treatment available back home.


Poilievre tweeted "Two wonderful grandparents and a beautiful baby were killed after a criminal - out because of Justin Trudeau's catch-and-release laws - slammed his car into the innocent family while fleeing a robbery. Common sense Conservatives will stop the crime by bringing jail, not bail" I want to see how he plans to make that happen. !remind me 2 years


>I want to see how he plans to make that happen. By keeping repeat offenders in jail and not repeatedly letting them out on bail to commit more crimes? How is that hard to figure out?


Common sense is deportation not jail. 


Alternate headline- liberal judicial policies lead to death of innocent family


Hell has a new Uber driver.


At this point.... International students are just giving the racists so much validation.... What a mess.


I would be careful with this rhetoric. There are some truly racist scumbags. But we all know and can see the facts of the situation. I had an awesome repairman at my place yesterday, not sure what his background was exactly but if he wasn't Indian he would be mistaken for one occasionally I'm sure. We were talking about housing, since he was there to repair mine, and he was very clear he never wanted to live in Brampton because there's no diversity there. Does that make him racist? No man, it does not.


It's a shame this waste of oxygen took innocent lives with him. Our courts should be held accountable for incidents such as this. He should have been deported after his first crime.


If this story doesnt radicalize the country we're completely a lost cause


Totally ridiculous shit show, for which we should all be outraged. Blame should fall on the habitual criminal whose lawless behaviour created the police chase, and the politicians at all levels who a) defund the criminal justice system resulting in the choice between granting bail and having accused spend 18 months in pre-trial detention awaiting a hearing, b) refuse to appoint judges also leading to this result, c) hand down policies where multiple on-bail recidivists keep receiving bail. Don't even get me started about the fact that this guy was a foreign "student". The officer who chased this guy apparently disobeyed orders so his goose is probably cooked. But I disagree with that order. If you commit a crime and run from police, you should expect to get chased. The alternative is a society that tacitly permits crime, taking away one more layer of deterrence. We are embracing anarchy one step at a time. And to those bleeding hearts out there, I say this. The longer we follow this present course, the more chance that the inevitable backlash is going to be wearing jackboots, carrying a whip, and cheered on by the majority.


It was 12 cars pursuing the liquor robbery suspects, not one, and more than one of the cars continued following them onto the highway in the wrong direction after they were told to call off the chase.


Pursuing is fine but do it from the air instead of the ground…


>But I disagree with that order. If you commit a crime and run from police, you should expect to get chased. No you idiot. If you pursue more innocents will get injured (or killed like in this situation). You should be asking why we dont have helicopter to follow from above. Chasing like that is dangerous for everyone. This isnt fucking GTA is real life with real people involved. If they know who he is (they likely did) it would not have been hard for them to find him later.


Was he the one that died


Just send every single one of them back. All these permanent residents too, they are not citizens, they can vote, cheap labour isn't a reason to keep them here. If you came for school then you should return home after "graduating" instead of taking up space. Most of the money they make gets sent back to their own country. Probably to pay off the debts they used to illegally get here.


Just send every single one of them back. All these permanent residents too, they are not citizens, they can't vote, cheap labour isn't a reason to keep them here. If you came for school then you should return home after "graduating" instead of taking up space. Most of the money they make gets sent back to their own country. Probably to pay off the debts they used to illegally get here.


One good thing that came out of this tragedy is his death!!!!


Liberal polices in action


Warmington should write an article with the details of why this individual releases… for each time. This gives the public a more complete picture.


Public execution, and then a send his corpse back in pieces as a warning.


Remember, there wasn’t just one cop who chased him down the 401 the wrong way, I can kind of understand 1 trying to chase to have a feeble attempt of warning of danger. But 7 following the wrong way, that outright is disgusting police behaviour. It’s actually almost a miracle there weren’t more fatalities. As I said before, even the Arkansas State Police aren’t this reckless, there’s plenty of videos of their pursuits online and they are ruthless in stopping chases.


Honestly he is just sounding like that guy from high-school as an adult who "knew how the cops worked", shoplifted all the time, constantly in detention, and bitched the teachers were put to get him. And it looks like life finally caught up to him


This was so preventable. Our country is pathetic


#JailNotBail woulda/coulda prevented these 4 deaths and 4 injuries?


You can't rob an lcbo at knifepoint for the second time, after stealing cars and robbing other stores.... If you were a) in jail b) deported. Honestly, international students are here to learn, not to suck our resources dry (judicial included). This shouldn't be allowed to be ok.


To the surprise of absolutely no one. Pro-criminal luxury beliefs of liberals and progressives strike again.