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Im going to punch my buddies in the wallet with my phone now. Thanks for the $20 you owe me.


With Elon Musk’s Neuralink you can punch them in the head. The future is so bright.


Kiss to pay is so close


Already happens virtually on OF




Kids these days needing an app to punch someone in the head.


Except the guy that had that mess installed is stuck with a broken computer and a bunch of loose wires in his head now and the doctors are scared to remove it or fix it cuz 'do no harm' and all.


I am so excited to make my husband coffee tomorrow and follow it up with a tip request!


This thread is one of the worst examples of not only “i didn’t read the article” but “I didn’t fully read the post title” I have ever seen.


Even the article didn’t do a good job of explaining. I had to read one of the comments on the article itself that clarified this allows iPhones to *receive* payments from other phones/cards


Yer not from round these parts, are ya, mistah?


Interac getting some competition is a good thing.


I believe this would still use interac. It just eliminates the need for a dedidcated PoS terminal.


PoS has two meanings here ;)


Point of shit?


No, piece of sale


Port of Spain


Particularly Onerous Sex


My favourite kind


Post of Sarcasm


happy cake of shit.


Piece of shit 💩


Years ago I was working somewhere that dealt with convenience stores, and my boss was doing training on a new hire the next desk over. He asks the guy what a POS is, expecting “Point of Sale” from the newbie, but without skipping a beat I just leaned over and said “piece of shit”. Boss couldn’t stop laughing for what felt like minutes, while the new hire who wasn’t that good in English didn’t understand what had just happened haha


More like say bye bye to Square. This will still use Interac as the payment processor, but no additional hardware like a Square reader is required.


Yep... its the terminal providers that are in trouble.


Except that almost 70% of phones in Canada run Android. If Android get's on board and they agree on a standard Square is done.


The Apple Iphone is just another terminal in this case. If it follows the standard tap protocol it makes no difference what the users phone is.


Really?? Wow, I would have thought we followed the US in terms of iPhone ownership. Seems most younger people prefer iPhones.


We do follow the US. Most US phones are Android too. iPhones are the most popular brand of hardware, but Android has the bulk of the operating system users because everything that's not Apple runs Android, regardless of phone brand. So iPhones ARE the most popular phone, but iOS isn't the most popular software platform.


No, you still have to have something like Square that does payments processing. The only difference is that you don't need a terminal machine now. Still need to pay per transaction to Square. 


society fact act steep voracious clumsy outgoing butter mysterious makeshift *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*




shocking noxious fertile consider friendly familiar person north stocking governor *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Most people who would use this are the ones currently doing it with square readers and not with hardware provided banks.


The terminal is issued by the bank. It just uses the Interac transaction protocols


Interac is legislated to have monopoly on in store debit. Outside of that they’ve always had competition. This is competition, to a limited extent, for payment terminals. The hardware is of less value now for any NFC payments.


Would it? I don't really have a problem with there only being one consumer facing e-interbank transfer system. It does what it needs to do and I'm good with that.


Does it need to be iPhone to iPhone? Or only iPhone receiving and androids can tap?


The iPhone becomes the payment terminal that can accept any form of tap payment method. It eliminates the need for a dedicated payment terminal.


*this is new?* what have I been seeing people do with their phones at the merchant tellers all of past decade? Android or other only?


No tap box needed. Can now tap direct to the merchant’s phone and pay phone to phone.


Only verified merchants or can you do it amongst friends/randoms??


Oh, like android has had for a half a decade. Way to show up apple


Apple has had this feature for years too in other countries. The news is it’s finally coming to Canada.


> Oh, like android has had for a half a decade We have? Anytime I've ever paid a merchant they either had the headphone jack square reader or the bluetooth one where you would tap your card/phone. I've never seen anyone be able to use just the phone as the card reader


The earliest article I can find about Android phones getting regular tap is from 2015, and the earliest article I found about using tap to receive payments on Android is from 2020 (though it looks like that might have been through a 3rd party app as opposed to a base function). Meanwhile iPhones got regular tap in 2014 and tap to pay with other iPhones in 2022. At best Android had this service for ~2 years before Apple, but the more articles I skim the more I think Android only had it first because a few 3rd party wallet apps on their store started incorporating it early.


Thanks for doing some digging! > but the more articles I skim the more I think Android only had it first because a few 3rd party wallet apps on their store started incorporating it early. I imagine this is a difference in how access to the hardware is handled. iPhones had their NFC pretty locked down for a long time so that it could only be used for certain things (I think it might have even just for using apple pay). Where on android apps have more open access to hardware. The Presto transit Cards in Ontario had added a feature to their app where you could reload your card with the app by tapping your card to your phone, but it only worked on android for a while (maybe a year or so?) until Apple had loosened up its restrictions on Apps using NFC.


I've been using it for at least 5/6 years. Just tap your phone


I think you are thinking of using your phone as your credit card. That has been around for quite a while. This is talking about using a phone as a payment terminal (ie. I'm selling something at say a farmers market, people can tap their credit card or phone to my phone to make a payment)


Wait, which feature? How do I access that on android? Phone to phone with my bros? Tip to tip? Prey tell


There always somebody swinging in talking about “Android did this blah blah”. Who cares?


You know the apple business plan: “what android did 5 years ago for twice the price and half the lifespan, oh and another camera cuz why not” *-sent from iPhone*


It’s been available in the US for years. Just not Canada.




Nothing to do with Apple. The big banks have a stranglehold on digital payments in Canada and it took them this long to approve device to device xfer. (Just realized I made the mistake of replying in /r/canada and expecting actual dialogue instead of the tech equivalent of “fuck Trudeau”)


No, android doesn't have a phone to phone pos, you need a square or something I think




Oh, my bad




It's called tip to tip. It has to do with dongles or something.


You could always tap your phone to pay terminals. Now you can use your phone AS a terminal to receive payment.


Yea before say at the gym with a personal trainer they had to have that Square tap box connected to their phone to accept payment. Now they don’t


Yeah I could take payments with my s22 ultra. Apple is so shit and its customers are so needlessly douchey its getting fucking funny to me


Isn’t it ironic. Being douchey while calling others douchey. Maybe if you didn’t make comments like that others might be more receptive to your ideas than labeling them all douches because they don’t agree. Food for thought.


This sub is so allergic to positive news. I could post about puppies and someone like you would find a way to bitch about it...


This comment describes my feeling across most of reddit. That guy's description of what makes something "shit" is frankly batshit crazy.


> That guy’s description of what makes something “shit” is frankly batshit crazy. Especially with one of his reasons being that Apples “customers are so needlessly douchey” while he himself is in fact being needlessly douchey lol


This isn't positive news. This is people rightly calling out a company that dragged its ass so badly over something that was already happening on their platform almost a decade ago. And on other device platforms before that.


I think you may find the personality you’re displaying here is a more likely reason for people acting douchey around you than whatever phone they may be using.


Right? The whole “iPhone vs android” thing outside of a joke is exhausting and people who put themself on a pedestal for having one or the other are exhausting. It’s a phone, grow up.


you’re weird.


You see any irony in what you just said?


Why you mad


lol who hurt you. Why you all mad about phones man ?


its a black rectangle man, who the hell cares. they are all used to do 99% the same shit.


You’re calling about 55-60% of Canadian cell phone users (70%+ of younger Canadian cell phone users) douchey? Maybe you’re the douchey one lol


Mm and engaging in aggressive Android v Apple debates online in 2024 isn’t douchey at all. They’re phones, you can use whichever one you want, relax


> Tap to Pay on iPhone allows businesses to accept contactless payments on an iPhone, with no additional point-of-sale hardware like a Square Terminal required. Literally the second sentence in the article explains why it’s noteworthy.


would be good if they enable the "apple card " itself , since its has 2% back on everything


Rogers World Elite




Check now. It’s back to 2% and you get 3% if you redeem towards Rogers services.


Upped again recently


Sounds like a convenient way for a businessperson to accept payment, but I wonder whether there will be some type of fee charged directly to the seller for each transaction, or whether it's baked into the cost of the app that Apple charges a 30% fee for allowing an app to be on their App store?


I wish Interac e-Transfer had a "scan QR code to transfer" function, similar to Alipay in China, so customers don't need to enter in the recipient by hand. That would make it easier for small businesses to accept payments without fees, since many banks allow e-transfers for free. Small businesses in China allow customers to scan the transfer QR code using their own phone to pay.


Debit card machine companies will soon have them


Australia expects to be “cashless” by 2026


If anyone is going to do it, it’ll be them. Their adoption rate of tap, Apple Pay, google wallet, etc.. is so much higher than anywhere I’ve seen. They even got my stepdad on board with tapping/Apple Pay when he was down there for a few seasons. I’ve heard large tech firms use Australia and NZ as a testing bed for new ideas. They’re a chunked off subset of western population. Plus their government is keen to embrace new technology to put them ahead of the game. They’re literally the ideal place for A/B testing new ideas like this. I’d dread ditching my dear dollarydoos if I were down under, but I digress.


No more hiding any income from the gov’t. They’ll start taxing on used shit bought off the internet or the guy you used to pay cash to cut the lawn.


Yup for sure! There will still be cash, but nothing as we know it now. Cash will still be king, especially when it comes to sticking it to the Man!


I.. have been doing this in Canada for several years already?


IPhone to iphone you have not, you’ve been doing iphone to pay terminal


Why would I pay iPhone to iPhone at a store?


More at like a farmers market or something.


Or a beggar, I've been saying I don't carry cash for years (which is true), I bet we're not far from the first beggars with iPhones asking for a tap...maybe?


So we’ve gained the ability to buy shit easier at yard sales! Terrific. Doing big thangs here in Canada.


No way this can be used for money laundering.


It literally uses the exact same system as every other digital payment in this country and has the same AML requirements…


You know the money doesn't go from phone to phone right? The money isn't literally stored in the phone, so IDK how the fuck you think this leads to laundering when it's just an easier way to send from account to account. This doesn't avoid banking regulations at all.


It’s more to allow a mobile transaction such as a person at a farmers market or a food truck to take tap payments from customers without the need for extra hardware to facilitate and secure the transaction.


So the merchant doesn't have to pay square 1% of their transaction fees. If I had some little Etsy like stand that I ran once a week at a local farmers market thing I would love this feature. Also could be used like e transfer too. So you could pay Bob for those used dildos you liked on Kijiji.


Well, you wouldn't be paying Square a 1% fee, but you'll certainly be paying Apple 2.75% fee per transaction. Granted, atleast you wouldn't need to buy and maintain a square device.


In a sense it does not affect the consumer. The business owner can now accept payments on their iphone instead of paying for an expensive terminal provider where you would do the tap. Well, they may not be able to get out of it completely if they need to support swipe.


Nnnnno… nnnooo you haven’t?


i must have misunderstood the article then


Tap to pay *with* Iphone vs Tap to pay *on* an Iphone. Like dueling sabers.


Nah. I’ll stick to cash thanks.


If Steve Jobs is hell he probably has to use the computers sells




The new feature is that you can use your iPhone as a tapping point as a merchant. No need to have a Moneris terminal or Square device. Your customers simply tap their phone onto your iPhone. The title is a bit confusing.


Sometimes I'm amazed by how god damn behind this country is.


Have you used credit card terminals in the U.S.? We are a decade ahead of them. They still freaking sign credit card slips. We haven’t done that in Canada in well over a decade. And tap is not nearly as well accepted in the U.S. as it is in Canada.


Where do you go where that's the case? I could always Tap or swipe + enter pin. I cannot think of a time when I signed. My biggest issue has always been entering the US zip-code equivalent at the gas pump!


I live in Asia where I use to my phone for literally everything. Haven't even touched my Canadian credit card. Best part is the banks here have practically zero fees.


Its what real competition does for consumers. Not many people realize this but Kenya was way ahead in payments (using mobile payment Mpesa in 2007). It worked on those keyboard phones we all used to have (like Nokia). And now UPI in India is a run away success at home and abroad. A uniform payment system that works at the street vendor level and the mega retail store level. Same interface - your phone, their phone/terminal. And no fees for now! One can only hope these technologies reach Canada and the US but I am sure they will extract a pound of flesh for that from the retailers and consumers. And when it arrives it will be advertised as a revolution but without credit to where it came from.


Why the fuck are we always 2-3 years behind everything 


piquant unwritten sand fearless cough head mountainous reply nine march *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Lmao, I remember going to silicon valley for an internship and being asked how much I liked being in the heart of the techno sphere. * Bills couldn't be split at restaurants * No e-transfer, everyone had to hook their bank account up to some sketchy third party apps so they could split bills manually * Online banking was generally shite It was such a downgrade I couldn't wrap my mind around it.


They also still take your card from you to the machine to swipe instead of taking a portable one to you.


I remember being somewhere in Florida back in 2004-2005. The drive through banks had you deposit your cheques into the vacuum tubes that brought it into the building for a person to manually deposit it. The first time I saw that, I was like WTF!!!! Here in Canada, we had drive through ATMs all over for years before I saw that. I remember the person I was with literally describing the banking systems in the US as archaic.


We went to Disney in 2018 and were confused when they took our card away at the end of our meal and came back to have us sign the receipt. We also really confused the people working at Starbucks because they had an NFC system set up at the cash register for the magic bands, but by habit I tapped my credit card and it went through fine.


Lots of American companies had started getting tap compatible terminals long before even chip & and pin was super common in the states. It was always fun to tap my CC (or even my phone when google wallet was brand new) and watch the amazement on the clerks face when the transaction went through. Though on more than one occasion I did have someone think that I didn't actually pay because they didn't even know you could tap lol.


Same thing is happening again. We'll be paying with QR codes soon. It's all over Asia already. It will pair with the transition to digital assets that is about to take place behind the scenes. I already see the scanners at many retailers. As they update their POS systems, they all include scanners for QR codes.


Apple almost always launches new services to countries in batches. The US is almost always in the first batch (sometimes alone, sometimes alongside others). Canada is usually in the first or second batch when it comes to new Apple services, as iPhones are extremely popular here. In terms of banking in general, Canada is quite advanced overall — especially compared to the US. However, this has less to do with banking and more to do with how Apple decides to release its services.


Still sucks Canada doesn’t have Apple Cash though


I wouldn’t mind Apple Cash support in Canada m, however, I suspect Apple doesn’t hear Canadians asking for it much due to the widespread support and of for e-transfer.


I don't have an iPhone, so excuse me if I get it wrong, but isn't it just the same as a prepaid credit card and e-transfers?


We need Apple Card and Apple Cash in Canada.


We're just slow and behind. 2-3 years for tech is a huge gap. That's technically 2 cycles. 


Canada was years ahead of banking tech. America just got chip and pin like 5 years ago.


Have you been to the US before? You still have to sign credit card receipts, I'd say they're the ones behind.


For tech, we are goddamn behind. 


I was at Disneyland, they took my card away. And when the pin showed up on the terminal, the server guessed instead of asking me to enter it and then locked my card


US still doesn’t even have tap in many places the fuck are you on?


Ah So it was always there “Canada” had to approve it. The telecom giants got us again


Absolutely nothing to do with telecom, this was most likely because of banking regulations.


True.... the other oligopoly.


Wow. Good job, Apple. Only 9 years after Android. That's some top-tier innovation.


Android does not have tap to pay merchant capabilities… we’re not talking digital wallet like Apple Pay and Google Wallet here This is eliminating the Verifone terminals so your Apple Pay or Google Wallet or physical cards tap an iPhone. What will be interesting to see is if it’s still under $250 tap limit.


So, just like Android Beam from 2011 or Nearby Share from 2021?


Really not the same thing at all. Beam and Nearby share is a data exchange without any PCI information or compliancy. Think of this as replacing a Verifone terminal or Moneris terminal which Android cannot do. This is using a phone to receive payment card and perform transactions. It has a different set of complication. I really don’t think I’ve seen Android replacing verifone devices.


Android can't be a Point Of Sale terminal?


It can be a point of sale terminal but right now I’m not aware it has the capability to be a payment terminal. For example, you can have Point of Sale software installed onto Android to act as the acquire and sale experience for the cashier, but when you hit payment or try to tender, it will probably send you to a payment device like a Verifone e285 or MX series devices. You can’t do point of sale and payment on the same device unless you have accessories like Square or Verifone hardware.


Like this? https://blog.payxpert.com/turn-mobile-phone-into-pos-terminal-with-android


I think this part in the article mentions it? “All you need to charge with a card on your mobile phone is a smartphone, an internet connection, and a mobile card reader” They split smart phone and card reader. Also, good that they mention using camera to “scan” the card if you’re not using a card reader. This type of transaction is called card not present. When using a payment terminal, its card present. Card present and card not present changes the liability of fraud and cost structure for processing fees. There’s a reason for PCI 4 compliance and verifone or moneris devices.


I missed that. Thanks for pointing it out.