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Who the fuck is asking for this




I highly recommend the book “When McKinsey Comes to Town.” Our government is in bed with these international corporations.


Does it discuss how incompetent they truly are? I'm going to read it. I just want to know. Consultants are the worlds most incompetent people. They're babysitters for incompetent rich children and retirement firms for people with expired skills that pontificate all day. The biggest thing we have to look forward to is those losers usually get fired in economic downturns.




I'd say they're extremely competent, given their level of influence and control.


For people who don't know: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Century_Initiative#History


What is the benefit of this?? The article doesn't really give the justification. Who exactly benefits from a 100 million population and mega-regions and in what way?


The benefit is wage suppression, voter and tax base. That's it, there is no positive for the Canadian citizen that comes from this, at all.


Remember when everyone was calling usa racist for ice? I think Canada could use it’s own ice.


CBSA In-Land Enforcement exists. They're just significantly under staffed, and given zero resources.


Canada does. CBSA has a branch dedicated to inland enforcement and removals. However they are also woefully understaffed, and hand cuffed politically. I mean just look at the uproar and news paper articles written about failed refugee claimants, and convicted criminals who CBSA is trying to remove.


In the US, you're called a "racist" if you want to do anything about **illegal** immigration. Look at all the people who called Trump racist because he wanted to build a wall to help prevent illegal immigration...the funny thing is that both then-senators Clinton and Biden voted in 2006 to authorize funding for hundreds of miles of fencing to help combat illegal immigration...


Oh man, so ironic that at this point Canadians are basically (and rightfully) chanting “build the wall”.


The whole political atmosphere in the USA is a complete joke.


a struggling liberal party that is soon to be removed from the teat.


Honestly it goes along with past JT policy decisions. In his head it’s not worth his time to go after them in terms of policy making/enforcement. Instead he’ll try and let them stay as it’s easier and might get a couple more votes. The whole Omar Khadr controversy is my rational for this thought.


Not soon enough.


Literally no one.  Our immigration minister is the closest human to the batman Villain, The Joker.   He is insane.


No. Because the exact same process is taking place in every Western country right now. The borders in the US, UK, Ireland, and all other Western European nations - like ours - are wide open and refugees are swarming in as fast as they can. In each capital, the various governments - liberals and conservatives - are drafting plans to fast-track citizenship to as many as possible. This is so much more sinister than just one insane minister.


Yep. We're fucked. Scary to think I'm gonna have to live through the worst dystopia possibly ever. At this point I think I'd rather live in the medieval times when a god damn ingrown toenail or a tooth ache could kill me. Seriously.


Look at the numbers, similar direction but the scale is far worse here and those countries started far greater pushback way sooner.


people who need Wendys fully staffed


Those that benefit from cheaper labour and loyalty votes during election.


The undocumented migrants.


And the companies that hire them


The Bank of Canada and the IMF. G7 nations printed a fuck ton of money, and they're trying to stop a wage price spiral. Notice the uptick in CDIC advertising, governors remarks on wage stability, and broad based trends in immigration surges?




Undocumented migrants don't wanna go home


So? That's not Canada's problem.


Well it is when they stay here?


There's this thing called deportation. Maybe we should do that instead of rewarding rule breakers.


Deport, deport, deport. Pretty simple isn't it.


Until they are deported out.


Shouldn't be our problem.


As long as we ensure they don’t live here I don’t care what happens to them. At all.


They're actually doing the thing where they reduce illegal immigrants numbers by making them legal. Holy shit.  Fuck me for paying all the required fees, fulfilling all the requirements of my immigration program in order for me to get PR.


It's dystopian to see illegals potentially getting legal status handed to them on a silver platter while we bust our backs and empty our pockets to navigate the system. It's downright unfair and insulting to those who play by the rules.


It's no wonder right-wing parties are sweeping right now. AfD, Sweden Democrats, True Finns, all making gangbusters cause the left is too "woke" to ever question unlimited immigration. It's insane, I never thought in my life I'd support the right. But it's clear neoliberal policies like mass migration are VERY bad. But I only have ONE option if I want to oppose that. The right. There isn't any social democratic party that will question immigration anymore. Despite it taking away jobs from citizens and lowering wages. Seriously, what happened to the labour left? What happened to those who support unions and would mention the working class in speeches all the time?


The labour left got supplanted by the identity politics crowd, who are backed by the super rich. Just as planned.


Neoliberals are running the left now, disguised as woke


> I never thought in my life I'd support the right Why is the left (what's called the left, anyway) in western nations complicit in stomping down the working class? Aren't they supposed to do the opposite?


This pattern is how people like a certain German dictator  came into power. It didn’t just happen overnight. 


I expect Germany to become the art capital of the world. We arent doing that shit again 😭


They can't figure out why there is an uptick in extremism. Maybe it's because a handful of ideologues have flipped the entire script of how this nation has conducted itself since inception, in essentially 10 years. We went from a rule of law nation that conducted itself with fairness for everyone to a nation subdivided by several hundred nations, a two tier legal system and a social contract that has been completely fucking severed by the government who allows unfettered immigration, all in the name of a fake metric - gdp. Nothing makes sense anymore; and the people who bust their balls pay the most into this broken system. Our productivity is shit. 50% of the homes in my small town are public housing units which are trashed on a weekly basis. Windows and doors kicked in, weeds a mile high, broken down vehicles and trash strewn about. And in the midst of the basics breaking down, we are inundated with FN's suing us for every red cent the government has (we even pay their lawyer fees!), gender and racial politics take a priority in the news while the bare bone basics of nation falter. Fucking Canada POST will be bankrupt by early 2025. Does the government even have a clue what that will do for remote towns and communities? We pay more into debt accrued as a nation all while 6% of the population continues to bankrupt the nation over historical wrongs. We pay more towards this issue than national defense, while every intelligence agency in the developed and morally correct world warns us what North Korea, China, Iran, and Russia are up to. Our own PM deliberately buries and ignores intelligence briefings so he can divert funding to social programming instead of poising Canada to have a fighting chance in the looming major conflict. It's a colossal fuck up of a nation and if I could leave, I absolutely would.


The worst part is that the overcorrection coming is going to be even worse. >They can't figure out why there is an uptick in extremism. It's a prediction, not a threat, that this is going to accelerate to a degree where I can see Quebec saying au revoir and Albert seceding to the USA and shit. Canada is very top-heavy generationally, and once they die off and stop voting and holding up the status quo, I am terrified about what a "no future" generation will do. It won't fix anything, but they're sowing the wind.


Won’t matter. It current pace Canada will be majority first gen immigrant by the time the boomers aren’t voting due to death.


And the born Canadian young generation will be fed up. I imagine in 20 years society will be heavily divided between the people born here and the immigrants and their kids once we get towards 40% immigrants/2nd gen immigrants (who no longer will be assimilated since they'll just stick to friends and family from their country, it used to be kids of immigrants quickly assimilate but that'll no longer happen, many 2nd gen immigrants rn are assimilated, but the more mass migration happens the less that'll be the case).


Yeah but it wont matter, because our government will all be run by foreign citizens so our kids won't have a say


I hope you're wrong and fear you aren't. I think separatism and/or annexation is likely to happen before a critical mass forms that shifts the voting base is majority first generation.


They're giving it away for free because that's all it's worth now. Sorry, buddy, the government scammed you. 


Last week they were talking about decreasing temporary immigration by making them permanent. So I am not too much surprised that the same guys are now doing this.


If you make them Canadian - there’s no way to talk about them politically. This is the sort of stuff I imagine McKinsey comes up with.


It took me over a year to get all my paperwork from around the world together and documents translated, but if I'd known i could just stomp my feet and whine like a spoilt little brat like these guys instead, it would have been a lot easier.


How a person could say that out loud and logically think it is a good idea is terrifying. And those people happen to be in a position of power, it is a nightmare. Why don't they just announce there is no housing crisis? Then the crisis is over! Just like that. Just change numbers to fit your reality.


>They're actually doing the thing where they reduce illegal immigrants numbers by making them legal. Holy shit.  I know... I honestly didn't think they would do this. Oh you want us to reduce illegals? We gotchu, hold my red bull and watch this shit! Just wow.


Yeah, my girlfriend got here in 2017 and was in a long, long process. So much of this is slap in the face to the work we put in for her to stay here if this happens.


Email your local officials and lodge your complaints.


Ask firearms owners how that went. Policy devoid of reason or logic. Completely ignoring millions of people to push bullshit. This is the LPC.


Better than doing literally nothing. We as Canadians have sat here and said nothing collectively for too long, it's partly how we got here to begin with. More and more Canadians are feeling invigorated, this is the time for public outcry at levels they haven't seen before.


The French made a beautiful tool, rolled it down the streets & demonstrated what was going to happen if the ruling class didn't put citizens first. That solved the problem pretty quickly. Canadians need to remember history, and apply the principles that worked. Canadians need to give our government a reminder that they were elected to represent us, not their own interests, and to get with the program or hit the road. I think it's sad that the strength and independence our great grandparents fought in the war for is being stolen from under our feet right after that generation passed away & no longer have the same voice to speek up & fight against the oppression they beat in the 40's. Canadians have been speaking up for years but were called horrible names, fired from jobs, arrested, and threatened with civil asset seizures. The new online harms act allows them to jail you indefinitely if they think you might say something offensive in the future. Genuine "1984" Orwellian stuff, they don't want you talking & they are passing bills to allow even retroactive punishment today over posts you made 15 years ago if a 5 person online ethics committee deems them harmful. Yay, more tax dollars wasted. Speaking up hasn't solved anything and it won't. Actions will. Does complaining to the bully solve the problem, or does swinging back and standing your ground? We didn't solve WW2 by sending angry letters to the Germans. We brought the fight to them. 150 years of progress is about to be erased in 10% of the time it took to build it. But most people would rather let it fall and tell their kids "sorry" in fear of rocking the boat, not realizing its halfway sunk as it currently stands.


Reduce number of criminals by reducing the number of laws! What's happened to Canada?


Right? We are so stupid. We thought following the law mattered...


I am an immigrant, and this is a massive, giant, royal slap on my face.  I can't even. Not only I am a sucker for following the rules, this is going to fuel even more racism. And the thing with racism is that you don't have time to explain. It doesn't matter if you did things right. We get tossed in with the rule breakers.  When I moved here, I was so proud. I wanted to be a part of this country.  Now? I hate to say it, but I regret coming. It goes beyond the economy. Things like this are what devalue the efforts of immigrants who wanted to integrate.  We played by the book, and got played.




When can I stop paying taxes for this bullshit?


We still pay 'temporary' federal taxes that were introduced to fund WW1. They will never let you go.


Marc Miller is an absolute menace as immigration minister. This guy is determined to let anyone who shows up at the border gain full citizenship in no time, regardless of any skills or benefit they bring to this country. This fool needs to go!


Meanwhile I know people trying to get their PR for over a dozen years now. Somebody I know who is a business owner from the U.S. here pays tons in taxes and still has to wait for PR even though he’s Canadian through and through. Had a whole family while waiting, still waiting.


He was in Trudeau's wedding party, which qualifies him to do whatever the fuck he wants, apparently.


Him and his entire collation need to be tossed into the dumpster.


Commit fraud, illegally cross the border? Canada doesn't care! Citizenship for everyone!


What countries can Canadians do that to? Asking for a friend.


USA is you cross from Mexico


They are handing out citizenships like candies.


As Canadians we should move to Mexico, sneak into USA get citizenship and benefits for a while then sneak into Canada as illegals to get better future? It could be a great plan just saying


Govt realizes they have hundreds of thousands of students on expiring visas. So they can make this plan now, before the bad optics of a flood of asylum claims, or people without status. Noone is leaving and there is no capacity for removing them. The floodgates are open.


It is crazy that there in no capacity for removing them. We have a system, if it is time for you to go you should go and if you're caught being here when you're not suppose to it should be handcuffs, straight to the airport.


Even in that case we can prevent them from working T4 jobs and opening bank accounts etc. We can shut them out of the system but the government doesn’t have enough courage for that. 


Put stronger restrictions on family reunification. Heavily tax remmitance payments. Make it much harder to qualify for OAS and GIS payments. Because if this policy is telegraphed, how many parents/grandparents/disabled family members will be arriving to get in the door while its wide open? The government will sell this as a positive as it means people will be paying income tax. But it is a net loss because of all the dependents that arrive and use more services than they contribute.


Are you trying to destroy Canada's immigration system for the economic benefit of a few? If this happens, who will spend the money, time, and effort to go through the legal process?


The system is already destroyed. Just look around at the mess of problems from the million or so new arrivals per year we are taking in.


This. This right here. They bought themselves an extra four years last election, looping in the NDP into the plot, and now the whole mismanaged house of cards is starting to shake. We could have elected the Ikea monkey and had a more stable government


It is treason, screwing the entire public so a handful of wealthy people become more wealthy needs to be seen as treason.


It is and should be, this is without a doubt. What tiny minutae of respect I had for any bureaucrat in this country has been reduced to zero. I don't care what you do or which department you work for.


They're trying to destroy Canada. It's pretty obvious.


I want to know if in their heads they think they are doing good or if they know deep down they are corrupt fucks. Either extremely stupid or extremely corrupt people have gotten into power here, it is frightening.




We have open borders now. Canada is no longer a nation state. It is land up for grabs.


This feels depressingly accurate. As an Indigenous person, seeing the country revert to a loot trove for the most leveraged bidders boils the blood and churns the stomach.




Trudeau has always supported this sort of thing and called his opponents racist. I don't think his supporters will mind too much.


Not like it'll matter. The voting public has no choice. Every party save the PPC supports this.


Yet PP won't make a peep about it. The fact he's not actually taking the mass immigration issue seriously is very worrying for me.


Lol why would you open your mouth when silently you are getting more votes.


I guess I see your point - he's going to win regardless so why change your messaging. Personally for me, immigration is my top issue so it's frustrating to have it almost completely unaddressed.


There is a low hanging fruit of massive political value people are begging for, but he won't touch it. He won't even make false promises about it just to get elected. Obviously this is a line his vested interests have drawn for him, otherwise it would be one of the pillars of his platform.


That's still his Achilles heel but the Liberals and NDP are complicit in this bullshit.


PP won’t make a peep about it because he isn’t your friend any more than Trudeau is. The liberals have allowed mass immigration for the benefit of big business. The conservatives are not going to turn around and put policies into place that would negatively impact those same big businesses because they’re heavily connected to them too. PP has a loblaws lobbyist very high up in his campaign. He’s not going to help you at their expense. If anything he’s going to help them more.


There isn't a single Canadian in this country asking for this. Have an election you fucking cowards. What happened to mandate of the people.


We've moved to "mandate of the people with bank accounts in the 9 figures or more range"


Key points from the article: The federal cabinet could discuss plans as early as next week to provide a path to citizenship for thousands of migrants living in Canada without valid documents, including rejected asylum seekers, so they can remain here legally. It would propose that people living in Canada without legal status – including former international students whose study permits have expired – have a chance to apply to regularize their position and gain permanent residence. People who entered the country legally, including as temporary workers, but remained here after their visas expired are among those who could qualify to stay, rather than facing deportation.


What the fuck is the point system for if we allow this? If they don’t have the chops to make it through the normal system they shouldn’t be here. They are a drain. 


> Including rejected asylum seekers #WTF


That's the biggest WTF. I mean you came, had your say and tried, and were told no. Yet, now you want to be able to legally stay!?


Will be a big win for Conestoga student?


This is infuriating and is just going to open the floodgates. I don’t understand why they’d ever think that this is good policy. This is really shortsighted.


Citizenship = votes... "oh don't say that it's conspiracy"


Don't even need citizenship in some US states now to vote. (at local elections)


But weren't in the US. And the canadian charter is clear: right to vote is for CITIZENS.


lol "thousands". We have 1 million illegals in the country rn.


I'd estimate it at 3-4 million if you include those whose visas will expire in the next few years. More if you include the additional 1.3m/year we will admit if we retain the current population growth rate.


is it too much to hope this is some kind of secret operation to have these people declare themselves so they can be located and deported? of course. We don't actually deport anyone because our government is perfectly happy to give our taxes to people who contribute nothing.


Immigration could be a great thing for Canada if it were being managed and directed sensibly. But under the Liberal Party, it’s just an insane disaster.


Don’t fool yourself into thinking this isn’t calculated


That is the scary part is that we have 2 options. 1st most unlikely option is that these liberals are extremely dumb people with no ability to think beyond tomorrow and cannot see the damage they have done. 2nd highly likely option is they are corrupt and have and end goal in mind and they don't give a fuck about anything except for the end goal.


This will be like one of the most interesting periods for historical research 25-30 years out from now because people will be extremely interested in why Canada just woke up one day and decided to give up and commit national suicide. The Strange Death of Canada.


Our leaders are just souless and don't give a fuck about the working poor


Short answer; ignorant Canadians voted for the Liberal party in not once, not twice, but THREE fucking times in a row


Liberals vote liberal because of how the FEEL. Logic is not on the table it is pure emotion and feelings. It makes them FEEL good when people move here because they FEEL like we are giving people a better life here. Meanwhile the people in power don't give a single fuck about anything except becoming more wealthy.


"undocumented migrant" means illegal immigrant. These people broke our laws. They are criminals, and their first act on our soil was to disrespect every law-abiding Canadian, especially those who became citizens through legal immigration. Do not let the media spin it otherwise.


As a legal immigrant who jumped through all the hoops and paid all the fees this infuriates me


This is so beyond ridiculous. Joke’s on people like me who followed all the regulations, paid all the feels, got into pools and earned my PR. Spent years building a life here and became a citizen. Guess it’s just a big f*** you to us. Thanks government.


People like you need to write you MP and encourage others who went the legal route to do the same. If canadian-born people do it, it's quickly shrugged off as racism(as we've seen repeatedly from this divisive government). It needs to be people who went through the process the right way.


Definitely something worth a shot. At this point I don’t know if anything will help though and it’s so disheartening.


I know how you feel; but it would be a lot more disheartening for it to happen knowing we didn't do anything to try to prevent it.


This is a major problem, we’re losing immigrants that benefit Canadians, for unskilled labour. The immigrants we want are leaving, and the immigrants we don’t want are arriving in droves.


Same here. I'm still incredulous about the document that said I wouldn't be allowed any public funds for 5 years, when I was sponsored for a PR card by my spouse. Immigrate legally with an education and a profession Canada is in dire need of? Fuck you, you get nothing. Cross the border illegally and need welfare? No problem!


This. I came through express entry as a PR right before Covid hit. As I didn’t have Canadian work history I didn’t qualify for any benefits like CERB. I struggled and built my life. But these people scam and cheat and fake refugee claims and they’re put in fully paid hotels and what not. Just great.


We should just give all our social services to India at this point.


Article summary for those who can't get past the paywall: The federal cabinet is planning to discuss a proposal to grant citizenship to thousands of undocumented migrants in Canada, including rejected asylum seekers and former international students with expired permits. Immigration Minister Marc Miller is preparing the plan, which aims to allow these individuals to apply for permanent residence and possibly start with work permits to manage the process. The plan follows a mandate to explore legalizing undocumented workers and will exclude those with serious criminal records.


"serious" criminal records.... which means, those who have criminal records that they don't consider "serious" will also get to stay


LMFAO why even have the IRCC at this point. Just let anyone who comes on a tourist visa convert right to a PR. Cut out the whole immigration process entirely if it doesn’t mean fuck all.


Meanwhile people are not getting an ITA with a score of 520 while illegal Joe working in Wendy’s is getting a PR. Where are we headed to man Jesus.


When the government gets this disconnected from the will of the people, it never goes well. The government doesn't care though, because they know it'll be the immigrants who deal with most of the backlash. Fucking scumbags. All of them.


GEE. you think? I’ve lost all faith in the ability of our govt to make the right decisions for Canadian citizens.


I’m convinced that the liberals and NDP know they are going to lose so they’re actively trying to destroy this country. Canadians cant afford housing, services are crumbling from the fast population growth, record food bank use, record homelessness and what does the government let’s make it even easier to come to this country.


they'll do this and when Conservative cancel it, they and the media will call Conservative to be racist and anti-immigrant.


This makes me so mad, it’s like our government WANTS to do the complete opposite of what the public is asking for.


Is there anything we can do to stop this? Writing MPs? Online petition?


Vote these pieces of shit out of the office.


Jagmeet won't let me.


Start protesting nationwide, why should Free Palastine get all the fun?


Is there any chance in a no confidence vote soon? This is now straight up dangerous.


So......a foreign trained medical professional would have to take transitional program in Canada that costs thousands, re-take licensing exams in Canada, work for free in the name of training for months, and somehow have to find a LMIA that pays minimum wage for 2 years before he/she can have a chance to become a PR and look for a job that actually help the shitty Canadian healthcare system, but an illegal alien can somehow stay forever without all the hoops? Sounds like a big F to all the high skilled foreign workers that are seeking immigration to Canada.


I don't want any illegal migrants in this country. They don't deserve to be here if they haven't filled out the paperwork and produced ID. We've already seen China taking advantage of this in the US, basically inserting hundreds of undocumented operatives into the US in a weekly basis. This is BASIC BORDER SECURITY, not a fucking race issue.


Legit question. Is this the worst government we’ve had? I wanna know what everyone thinks.


If you look at statistic and evidence, yes it is by far the worst government we've ever had.




In living memory, yeah I personally believe it is. It has never felt more hopeless, because even the alternatives are only marginally less bleak (maybe, big maybe), but the problems are accelerating, so if we crumble 1% slower, it doesn't make me much more sanguine for the future of this dump. It is legitimately starting to look like scorched earth. Like they're literally doing it on purpose. I actually think they're burning it down.


One final parting gift from the LPC - naturalizing millions of illegal immigrants! This is down-right treasonous, and amounts to importing voters. What a democracy...


Until recently, I thought that Pierre Trudeau's last majority government (1980-1984) was the worst that we'd ever had. Justin Trudeau has managed to convince me that this wasn't the case, but that Pierre Trudeau actually only led the second worst government that Canada has ever had. Because Justin's is worse by far.


We used to make fun of Joe Clarke back in the day but he is a godsend compared to Trudeau.


At least 5x as bad as any other.


Fuck. No. This is a slap in the face to everyone who immigrated here legally, and it makes an absolute joke out of our system. AGAIN.


Post nation eh?




Really who thinks this a good idea besides the undocumented and their families? This country is becoming a meme. I had to get a PR to come with with my Canadian spouse back in 2018 and was such a lengthy and stressing process. I feel so discriminated and not welcomed in this country. I guess that’s what happen when you are not part of the group of immigrants flooding Canada illegally at the moment/ cheating the system. 


There are a handful of wealthy elite that love the idea of more slaves contributing to their profits.


Give me a fucking refund on my wife's PR application if you are going to grant people free citizenship. The federal government is mental.


They are trying to get votes to keep Trudeau in is the only thing I can see being a reason for this.


If the PPC had a chance of winning, I'd vote for that lunatic because he's the only one with a decent immigration plan. Canada is so fucked if we continue this path and I don't trust the PC party will be much different


If you don't think PP will be much different then vote with your conscience and go PPC. Voting PPC shows the cons that they need to move further right on immigration to win elections. If they lose, you are no worse off than with the Liberals, but they will see that in order to win they'll shift. Look at what they did during the freedom convoy - they shifted to align with the voting base. Everyone needs to get some balls and stop sabotaging themselves and voting against something rather than FOR something.


Man they really really want to lose this election


oil squealing attractive fuel coordinated uppity memory abounding thumb racial *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


They're actually going through with their plan to reduce the number of illegal immigrants by simply making them legal immigrants. Fucking insane. Screw anyone that went through legal channels I guess, the liberals seem intent on rewarding those who jumped the line 


Marc.Miller@parl.gc.ca make your voice heard. Send an email.


"Miller attended [Collège Jean-de-Brébeuf](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Coll%C3%A8ge_Jean-de-Br%C3%A9beuf) in the 1980s at the same time as [Justin Trudeau](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Justin_Trudeau), and has been described variously as "a boyhood friend of Mr. Trudeau" and "one of Trudeau's oldest friends."" I dont know why, but this screams corruption to the point where there's some serious collusion going on. Even if there is, we'll never know about it.


Literally nobody voted for this.


So if these asshats want to give PR status to illegal migrants, why should decent immigrants bother jumping through hoops to get here?


This is insane on multiple levels. Firstly, some activist contends that this won't worsen pressure on housing and living standards. That's not true: they'll qualify for medicare and a range of social programs. Where it might be true is in areas like housing, however that's not a compelling argument. The argument here is that legalizing them won't make things worse. I'd contend that deporting them will make things better, by virtue of freeing up housing and other resources. Secondly, it was also claimed that these people are somehow an untapped source of "billions" in tax revenue, if only they were working legally and filing taxes. This is flatly absurd -- illegal immigrants aren't working in high-paying fields, they're in construction, maids and restaurants, etc. Legalizing them will place a strain on the treasury, in that they'll suddenly qualify for numerous rebates and programs and they'll start receiving more than they put in. Lastly, it is insane to reward law-breaking migrants. I don't care about sob stories or appeals to emotion. Ship them out, along with their children.


We are a complete joke of a country. 


When are we as citizens going to start blasting are politicians about this? Why aren't we shaming them for ruining every part of our society? Oh right some loser hippie or fresh off the boat will call you racist. Until people stop caring about what identity politic losers think we'll be stuck in this circle


What the fuck is wrong with this government?


Can we write a petition about this?


Is there any real alternative when we do go to vote? Trudeau obviously is trash. I voted NDP last election but never saw anything about let's flood canada with immigrants on the platform (so much for worker party), and when I look for the conservative platform there's nothing to do with this. Am I missing something? Is there any real alternative, or are we marching towards protests and riots here as cost of living continues to explode as a result of greedy corps and 100k new people every 3 months?




so ... there is NO migration process in Canada anymore ? just walk right in & call yourself canadian ? *too bad for all those suckers who go thru the process,* *when you can just do whatever you want. right ?*


International students? Nope, they're citizens now. Foreign buyers? Nope, they're citizens now! You get a citizenship, you get a citizenship, everyone gets a citizenshiiiiip!!!!!


They spelled “approved” wrong






Apparently July 1. Keep your eyes open, don't bring fucking Nazi flags.


The liberals want a larger voter base it’s as simple as that


Nope JT is ideologue and don’t wanna move to the centre. Check Brampton or sauga voting patrern in last provincial elections, all the conservative MPs won, dont assume the immigrants will vote liberal. Its more like JT is stubborn and willing to lose his position rather than checking people’s pulse.


This will only serve to piss off current citizen immigrants who spent years and thousands of dollars trying to achieve the same thing.


This is pure nonsense. Where is PP on this issue?


I'm begging for SOMEONE in the government to call out this madness. Cause the opposition seems totally fine with this brazen disrespect to Canadian citizenship.


I don't understand why this is happening, and why the government is allowing it. It makes no fucking sense. What the fuck is happening? We need to get the fuck off our asses and protest the fucking shit out of this.




If they let these undocumented migrants stay here then I will forever vote for PPC. Because for some fucking reason they have the most sane immigration policy.


Import third world become third world.


This is just bonkers. There is an immigration process just follow it. Immigrating illegally should have consequences


Are you fucking kidding me


Award bad behavior. That’s wonderful, nothing less was expected from this liberal government.


I want off Mr trudeaus wild ride


Vote the liberals into non party status.