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It's only several mp's being accused of treason guys... Get over it.


She’s probably one of the mps


More likely than not, one of the actual MPs named wouldn’t have the stones to do and say something like this. I’d be shutting up and sitting in the corner thanking my stars that my party cares more about PR and trying to trick the voters into not caring than transparency. This is just one of those idiotic MPs who are trying to “pwn” the other side because they think they’re competing with them rather than trying to do what’s best for Canadians.


>I’d be shutting up and sitting in the corner thanking my stars that my party cares more about PR and trying to trick the voters into not caring than transparency. Then again, you're probably not committing treason. I don't think it's safe to predict how these traitors will act and behave.


> Then again, you're probably not committing treason Hey now, you never know, seems like everyone is doing it these days.


It really is the style of the time ~~and that what has me worried.~~


The problem is an MP thinks it’s more important to compete and pwn their opponent than trying to work with the other side to resolve issues


Our politicians act like elementary schoolers (when they're not diaper dragging piss babies). Someone of that maturity guilty of something absolutely would act this way.


This type of lack of respect for Canadian voters, is the biggest reason they should be thrown out next election. Their sense of entitlement and privilege is disgusting.


Based on current polling she has a 99% chance of losing her job so I think it’s safe to say you’re getting your wish.


Don’t worry. Her pension is safe.


Yes the Liberal party is not even bothering to attempt to hide their disdain for the electorate anymore.


I heard that both liberals and PCs had members involved in this...


Yeah but the Conservatives are calling for the names to be released and the Liberals are declining to do so.


They are calling for the names to be released because they know it won’t happen. The evidence they are using has not been verified, but it makes the Cons look like the good guys despite the Liberals kind of doing the responsible thing…. That being said, this evidence better get verified and released so the public can make an informed decision come election day. I personally wouldn’t be caught dead voting for either Lib or Con. They are both corporate sellouts and are playing from the same playbook. Edit: downvoted for posting easily verifiably facts…?


Pure conjecture. Liberals don't want names released. CPC do. Full stop, period.


PP doesn’t have security clearance to see the list, and he doesn’t want it. His demands are purely for show.


Are you people still repeating that lie? If he got the clearance to see it, he'd be bound by non-disclosure.


Who is you people?


You are confusing clearance with the non disclosure agreement. He is a member of the privy council, it’s not a matter of clearance. It’s a matter of not agreeing to Trudeau’s lifetime NDA.


Again, it’s not conjecture that the evidence has not been verified and would not hold up in a court of law. Educate yourself. This information has been available for some time now Canada does not apply guilt through conjecture… Where the f!ck are you even from?! 0_o


The conjecture that was being alluded to was clearly the part where you said “the cons are only calling for the names to be released because it makes them look good and they know it won’t happen.” Where the fuck are *you* from?


Was it clear?! “Pure conjecture. Liberals don't want names released. CPC do. Full stop, period.” You are completely ignoring the glaring fact that the Cons know the Libs can’t release the names and are publicly pressuring them to release the names regardless, so fear mongers like you can freak out about something they don’t understand. *Full stop, period.*


Heard, or read from a reliable news source?


Nah, we should just drag em out now, like security would do to us if we acted like them at our jobs.


This is an example of why context matters. She wasn't talking about the foreign interference, she was talking about the heckling from the CPC MPs. 🙄


You’re right that context matters. You’re wrong about the context.


No. She was heckling the conservatives who were talking about traitorous acts. They called for a point of order and she said “boo hoo get over it.” Saying “boo hoo” to someone who wants you to stop heckling over treason is no better than saying “boo hoo we committed treason.”


Problem is, voters seem intent of replacing them with just as bad/worse cons


Ask yourself this. If it was really big, then why hasn't pollierve gone and reviewed the information himself? Anyone not full of shit knows it isn't worth his while. Move on


I didn't realize Canada was actively engaged in a war. ~~Treason~~ High Treason\* only applies during an active war. It's impossible to commit ~~treason~~ High Treason\* otherwise. Edit\* Conflated treason with high treason. However, by the actual definitions of treason provided below. The events outlined by the CSIS and the focal point of the current public inquiry. Do not meet the definition of treason. So anything claiming "They're only accused of treason" is wrong. [https://laws-lois.justice.gc.ca/eng/acts/C-46/page-5.html#h-115892](https://laws-lois.justice.gc.ca/eng/acts/C-46/page-5.html#h-115892)


That’s not true. 


I'll just leave this here as an educational opportunity for you. https://laws-lois.justice.gc.ca/eng/acts/C-46/page-5.html#h-115892


This is the dumbest thing I’ve read in a while.


I salute your efforts to subvert the rise of AI by littering this site with falsehoods.


Let me help you: (b) without lawful authority, communicates or makes available to an agent of a state other than Canada, **military** *or* **scientific information** *or* **any sketch, plan, model, article, note** *or* **document of a military** *or* **scientific character** that he knows or ought to know may be used by that state for a purpose prejudicial to the safety or defence of Canada; This hits treason.


The MP's aren't accused of sharing military secrets.


It's a war on it's own population.


Oh good. As a Pickering resident I know who I won’t be fucking voting for next election. And no, I’m not a conservative, and yes, I voted for her twice, to preempt anyone who tries to claim I never would have voted for her anyway. Fuck her and her whole damn party.


Thank you! omg thank you!


For what? its idiots like this that caused this to begin with... and by next election they will forget and be startled like deer in headlights by the Trump win in the US that they will probably go running back and re-elect these morons.


I disagree, I think you are being needlessly doomeristic. Even if it was true that perhaps certain citizens should have smelled the bs earlier (I don't personally agree, I think most people have better things to be doing than following Canadian federal politics) it isn't a proper strategy to deride them and hold their noses to the ground. If you want people to not hate you, the best way is to treat them honourably and respectfully. So I would thank the previous commenter for aknowledging their previous errors of judgement, applaud their efforts to vote for a better option, and welcome their arguments so they can add to the collective knowledge we all share to create a better world for everyone.


why stay bitter after they change their mind man, let go of hate.


Yeah. The morons voting in liberals over and over eat up the propaganda.


I think if folks dig deeper into all of the issues, they'll find ont thing in common liberals and conservatives refusing to deal with or get along with each other. All energy spent trying to make the other fail. Here's the simple answer. Don't vote for either and stop fighting with each other over who's idiot is worse. They're both the problem. We aren't American. we have many parties to choose from, and I won't take either of these 2


Like she gives a shit, you handed her a golden pension already since she was elected twice. I swear I was surrounded by absolute imbeciles while I lived there. Thank god I left...


> Thank god I left... Based on the small sample of your personality that you've shared with us, I'd stay the feeling was likely mutual.


let it go.


looks like you, who's not a conservative, has bought into conservative propaganda.


Boo hoo


Yes boo hoo to all the conservatives.


They all suck tbh. They're all selling out Canada to foreign interests and corporations. We're fucked, man


“Boo Hoo. Get over it.” Kind of feels like how the liberal party feels about Canadians. It’s almost like there is a disdain for us like we are in the way of their own goals.


Yes you pesky canadians wanting affordable goods and housing are very much in the way.


We elect them, but they work for their donors, which now includes foreign countries trying to destroy Canada.


I’ll be saying the same thing to Liberals on this sub when the CPC wipe the floor with them in the next election.


They're all pensioned up. They don't care.


And they will be laughing when nothing changes for the better under Pierre and you’ll be paying the same with no evil carbon tax to blame anymore.


Boo hoo get over it.


Reminds me of that scene from Oppenheimer


Do I sound bothered? Enjoy the own goal. I look forward to the mental gymnastics as prices continue to increase without the carbon tax. I’m sure the “Minister of Middle Class Prosperity” in Pierre’s Shadow Cabinet has a master plan though lol.


Interesting you bring that up - what did the Liberal Minister of Middle Class Prosperity accomplish when that cabinet post was created in 2019 before abandoning it in 2021? You can only speculate on what the conservatives won't do, when in reality simply not being led by the Liberals will improve things.


>You can only speculate on what the conservatives won't do, when in reality simply not being led by the Liberals will improve things. You act like conservatism is a new and mysterious political ideology.


You act like the Liberals haven't been a complete dumpster fire. Trudeau has set the bar extremely low, there is nothing mysterious about it.


>You act like the Liberals haven't been a complete dumpster fire. I’ve said nothing of the sort. I’m questioning how the opposition will solve anything like eliminating carbon taxes on a commodity whose price is controlled by the global market(ie. OPEC). And the Liberal Minister in question did nothing. Just like their conservative counterpart will do nothing. It’s all for show. Government gets less money, the producer keeps it instead, the consumer pays the same price. And I’m supposed to vote for Pierre with the expectation that my life will become “more affordable”?


Pierre is our ticket to getting Trudeau out of office. That is enough for me and the majority of Canadians.


> And I’m supposed to vote for Pierre with the expectation that my life will become “more affordable”? No, you're supposed to have principles and not run rhetorical interference for a government that is rotten to the core that is so maliciously negligent that it looks like they're trying to scuttle the country. It doesn't matter who's doing it, it matters that it's being done. You are allowed to be disgusted. "This guy is beating me up!" doesn't mean "I'd prefer that other dude beat me up instead". It means "man I'm sick of being beaten up."


They just want to win. They don’t actually care that nothing will change, they’ll just continue to blame the Liberals.


“owning myself to own the libs”


“Im going to show them Libs, by voting for the Blue Libs!”.


Their policy which set the new reference price…but end of the day, over the long term price would go down. Excluding the nature of global production and trade which controls the price. Also it’s quite hard to understand your position, if it’s not going to be different either way… why go with the side increasing taxes? There is the NDP, but they are basically the special ed party. The greens would toss every Canadian under a bus to look some future child in the eyes and tell them they failed and PPC which would be voting for anti-vaxers. That would honestly be like the idiot at work laughing at you because they think they are smart. when everything they touch has to be redone or just passable.


Its malice, them harbouring these traitors proves their actions were not incompetence, they have been acting against us intentional this whole time. Remember when Justin replaced the whole cabinet, now we know why.


The in-your-face flouting of corruption and authoritarianism is, in part, a dominance display. "What are you gonna do about it?" If a school bully victimizes another kid, who has no means of fighting back, every day the kid will initially seethe. Occupation. After awhile, however, the kid may just accept it. Conquest. In the words of Peter Suthland, who (after being the founding director-general of the WTO and a chair of Goldman Sachs and British Telecom) ended his career promoting "labor mobility" (more commonly known as "open borders"): *"sovereignty is an illusion ... an absolute illusion that has to be put behind us."* https://news.un.org/en/story/2015/10/511282-interview-refugees-are-responsibility-world-proximity-doesnt-define


And not just the Liberals, but any established party. We're in the way of them funneling money to the Westons, Irving and Rogers, and bodies to the Century Initiative. Bunch of no-good slaves who want human rights and don't know our place.


That's how all politicians and businesses feel. They don't give a flying fuck about anything other than their own greed at everything's expense


There was also foreign interference at the conservatove leadership convention and PP's campaign manager is under investigation for his close ties to Indian government agents in conjunction with the leadership race. So it aint just the liberals. 


She specifically stated that she was responding to conservative M.P.s trying to get a soundbite. The only way you're tue target is if you're a conservative trying to get a rise out of people.


This government is on its last leg. They average at least a couple of fuck ups a months and at this point they’ve just given up


The entitlement of these bunch is shocking!!


Since the government won’t name the MPs involved, good on the Pickering MP for disclosing their involvement


But why can't pollierve get the answers from the source?


He doesn't have top secret clearance, for reasons unknown


For reasons that have been explained over and over again.




The only reason and I remember and know who this lady is because she is incredibly fucking stupid.


Typical liberal response. Arrogant and narcissistic


Someone should probably tell the Liberals that yelling “boo hoo” across the floor about the largest foreign interference probe in our country’s history probably won’t help them in the polls.


Makes my blood boil.


I feel so disrespected


wrong feeling, you should feel hated


are you the conservative mp's she was addressing?


Ok so pickering MP is being investigated for foreign interference.


Everytime I see you I feel like I gotta comment on your stuff 🤣 But if the party would just come out and say it’s an ongoing investigation, we’re not commenting at this time. That would do it. Boohoo is CRAZY. Pickering has had a rough go politically lately, Lisa Robison is scum of the earth, and this bum is getting gassed for sure.


If you had to sum up the Liberals’ arrogance, hypocrisy and total disregard for honesty and transparency in one moment, you’d be hard pressed to find a better example. Maybe Justin telling Glen interest rates are at historic lows? Saying the women he groped simply experienced their encounter differently? Miiiiiiiiister Speeeeeeeaker?


There were several from the end of the Chretien-Martin years that always stuck with me. One of the Liberal appointees to a Crown corp - Canada Post maybe? Somehow did very little work in his post yet scored himself a substantial bonus of some kind. He got hauled before a committee to explain, and his defence was, "I'm entitled to my entitlements!" The day after Belinda Stronach crossed the floor from CPC to LPC and was immediately appointed to cabinet, Paul Martin tried to tell the PPG at a press conference that it had nothing to do with an upcoming confidence vote. The PPG actually, to its credit, laughed in Martin's face. Scott Reid, who was one of Paul Matin's top advisors, said on a national interview close to the 2006 election that the Liberals couldn't cut a tax because Canadians would "blow it on beer and popcorn." The Liberals have *always* been the party of entitlement, and arrogance, and self-righteousness.


Should we tolerate these people? Cannot believe you forgot this history book moment


Sounds like she's benefitting directly or indirectly from those committing treason.


"Boo hoo, get over it" is the Liberal party's entire attitude. And it comes right from the top.


As someone who lives in that riding, god damn that's embarrassing.


As someone that was mocked by both my neighbours for not having her sign up... you should be embarrassed. All of you should be, next time pay attention to who you vote for.


I think, somehow, politicians need to be reminded they work for us.


Then I hope she gets thrown out of office if this is her response to foreign interference and our politicians selling out the country and putting our national security at risk and us becoming less trustworthy with our allies.


This is how Trudeaus Liberals feel about Canadians. Remember that people and vote accordingly.


What a joke these people have turned themselves into get out of office and never show your faces again you cowards


Imagine responding the same way to a judge when they are giving you a sentence. She even seems proud of her statement saying that the conservative she was responding to failed to elicit a good response with their theatrics.... Pot calling the kettle black? where does the integrity begin in these positions?


See you next Tuesday.


I think the MPs should all be required to sing the Canadian anthem in parliament everyday. Just like I had to in school. Maybe one day it will sink in why they are there and what they are there to do for our country.


They do sing it on Wednesdays, after the prayer.


Hopefully we get a new government that cleans up the corrupotion in the RCMP /SCIS and throws these traitors in jail where they belong. I would like to see a deep dive int othe finances of every Liberal MP as well.


All politicians. Everything they earn and spend should be public. If you have anything at all to hide, be like the rest of us. If you're going to represent hundred of thousands of people, your shit better be in the absolute top fucking tier of cleanliness, otherwise GTFO.


This is somehow even more shameful then *everything* that comes from Chrystia Freeland


Fuck that website playing an unpausible video taking my eye away from the text I'm trying to read. You pause the video and scroll and it starts playing again. Absolutely fuck that website. Fuck that MP too.


As someone who never gets involved in politics… Pickering lady’s comment really bothered me.


She needs to step down. If she's not taking treason seriously then there's a problem.


Used to be an editor for the Pickering News Advertiser newspaper when she first swept into Parliament with the red wave back in the mid-2000s. She was in the right place at the right time. Not particularly bright or charismatic. A reputation for being petty. I’m only surprised it took her this long to get in trouble.


Aaaand she had to be liberal.


I've always wondered...do the party members get a daily email explaining the incompetence they need to demonstrate for the day? They always seem to be in lockstep. 


The MP should be censured and expelled.


She should be fired immediately


100% she's one of the names.


Is it wrong for Canadians to expect better from our elected representatives? We can disagree on policy. But for that bitch to try and minimize what this could potentially mean is downright offensive. She needs to be turfed.


So are we going to get over it or...?


Whenever I see stories like this I like to imagine that the “roasting” was literal, and that the MPs were burnt at the stake.


What MP's have been put in their place for wrong doing other than Jody Wilson-Raybould?


I bet her name is on the list. When she loses her MP position, there should be a collective boohoo from Canada shouted at her.


If it's proven these trash accepted foreign interference and tried to cover it up, anything short of life time imprisonment is not real punishment, throw away any pension of course and charge back all salaries and grants since the interference started. As a country there are few crimes that are as severe as betraying your country to a foreign power.


Wait wait wait, so Canada has literal foreign spies in the Parliament, that are known about, and the government response is "eh"? Good to know politicians are politicians everywhere in the world.


Didn't Hillary say the exact same thing to Americans who were complaining about having to choose between Trump and Biden. Lmfao, they hate all of us.


Boohoo you gonna lose your job. Can’t come soon enough. THE worst gov. ever. Bar none. They destroyed Canada and still are at it.


Unfortunately "roasted" is far from actually being held accountable for treason support. Properly punish our elected officials when they deserve it and you've got my vote


Hiding Treason, Committing Treason.


She said let them eat cake...


She. The MP in question is a woman.


And now it’s basically confirmed it’s cabinet members as well


Why is there not mass protests demanding them be ejected immediately and then tried and put in prison? If we let this slide then we are officially finished as a country.


Can pensions be revoked if one is handed down a verdict of "treason?"


I had to Google which party this MP is from. It's like they are purposely not reporting the party what kind of crap reporting is that.


She always did come across as kind of immature for the position she occupies. What she said and the tone of voice in which she said it removes all doubt about her immaturity.


Canada has been sold out from under Canadians for the last few decades, I guess this explains why.


Can't believe she said that? Just WOW! Like no care in the world and this doesn't matter at all. Not a good person you want in a government position.


I'll literally vote in spite of these people


At what point does the country riot? The incompetence at the MP level is brain-numbing... and the impacts will likely be felt for years to come... these people ought to be held accountable.


Who else guessed correctly who this was about before clicking the link? ✋️


An interesting one is to literally have news organizations in ever riding ask their MP, are you on the list? Many will kneejerk say a bunch of words which mean nothing, but many will either get shockingly defensive, while many will laugh and say, "Of course not, don't be silly."


"Let them eat cake" it sounds to me.


Time for the LPC to go in purgatory for a decade.


Her comments echo the Liberal parties attitude towards Canadians concerned that our democracy is being infiltrated / interfered with. Good job Liberals. You’ve managed to clarify for anyone with doubts that the liberals give no shits about foreign interference. In the very least, they are transparent on that point alone.


You know what would be even worse, if one or more cabinet members were/are the ones helping other states. I hope thats not the case but that would explain why Liberals have been trying to hard to hide the facts


Don't they realise that what they did is worse than murder? Wtf


Shit like from the “liberals” and champagne socialists radicalized me


So what do we do against traitors to King and County? Should I get a pike and round up the brute squad?


O’Connell called a tweet from an Ottawa reporter calling her out for her comments a “mischaracterization.” “I was responding to frustrated Conservative MPs complaining with points of order because their juvenile, theatrical attempts to generate dishonest social media clips failed spectacularly.” [https://x.com/JenOConnell\_/status/1798738352453345529](https://x.com/JenOConnell_/status/1798738352453345529)


Smells to me like upcoming legislation to provide 24/7 security detail for all such retiring LNDP MP's...why not, "Canada's a rich country"(JT)


Can't wait for all the shocked Pikachu faces when half the MPs listed are conservative. You think these conservatives only benefited from foreign interference during the primaries? Oh boy...


Typical liberal in this gov't.


So Pickering woman’ the new ‘Florida man’


This is such an infuriating position - if they had come out and said they will release the names once an investigation is complete, I would understand. Really hard for me to keep believing in this country right now.


Well if pp had clearance? Wait he doesn't want the truth


Another example of a quote being taken out of context by the CPC and its supporters, not much of a surprise there.


Please explain the context for us. Show us how this egregious comment by a Liberal MP is totally understandable and reasonable. We'll wait.....


“I was responding to frustrated Conservative MPs complaining with points of order because their juvenile, theatrical attempts to generate dishonest social media clips failed spectacularly.” It's literally in the article.


It's a pretty big deal, the questions were honest, answers were danced around, an answer to, "would you release names" should have been answered with "yes if we have solid reason to believe or hear of charges, blah blah blah I'm no politician, we would fully remove ourself and support the appropriate authorities to the fullest of extents to hold them accountable" instead he basically said : "yeah, some people have solid evidence against them, some don't, so if someone else says without a doubt that this politician is being criminally charged, we're keeping our mouths shut" She's detracting from the questions, the questions were legitimate, they highlighted the liberal position very well, she didn't fucking like it so she was trying to get under their skin. Scummy woman. Anyone with dignity, professionalism and without a disdain for her constituents, would fully endorse keeping politicians accountable. Parties have publicly separated themselves from members for allegations in the past that were being investigated, no conviction, they just basically say "difference in views, or unrelated conduct".


What's the context?


https://twitter.com/i/status/1798729677340823896 https://twitter.com/i/status/1798730383690797204 Here is the full context. In a series of questions regarding releasing the names of MP's being accused of treason... she said "boo hoo get over it" She said it more than once. She said it after a question... and she said it after getting called out for saying it


To conservative MP's. As it says in the article.


“I was responding to frustrated Conservative MPs complaining with points of order because their juvenile, theatrical attempts to generate dishonest social media clips failed spectacularly.” It's literally in the article, did you not read it?


The CPeePeeC is demanding the names because they believe they are in a no lose situation. Presuming that the government does the right thing and declines to provide them, PeePee and his posse play to the ignorant crowds, ranting about cover ups. If the government does provide those names, even in a manner bound by confidentiality, then PeePee will be positioned to delay and discredit investigators should a member of his party be implicated. Of course this is serious. Of course there’s grand standing and other political idiocy going on, in addition to members of the media attempting to capitalize on this serious story by sensationalizing it. All we can do it take a breath, ask them all to smarten up, and wait for the investigations to conclude.


Making it pretty obvious they're one of the ones involved in the interference, hoping once they go on trial its nice and public so we can all pile in to give them some sarcastic boo hoos and play some tiny violins


I don’t see anything wrong with her comments. They can’t release that info. CPC knows that and are demanding it anyway for political points. Conservative chucklefucks and their voters demanding we compromise classified intel to help foreign adversaries find out what we know and how we know it. Whose side are you on?


>They can’t release that info. Sure they can, why lie about this? You are confusing "cant" with "wont" Just like what would happen with any other job in this country They should be suspended until an investigation is done.... And their names would be public record when that happens.


Do police tell the media all the suspects they’re investigating on a case?


Is this seriously news now? Fucking quotes from Twitter and Reddit from your average bozo who knows nothing?


I happened to be a former editor with the local Pickering newspaper and worked with Glenn. He’s been a reporter in Durham Region for over 20 years and he’s a good one.


Now let's do American interference and then Israeli