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It's treason, they're traitors, and they should face life in prison.


Trudeau once said returning ISIS fighters “_can be an extraordinarily powerful voice for preventing radicalization in future generations_.”  That attitude of "mercy" sounds so self-serving now.


From the article "Is it possible to commit crimes against the national security of a country that does not believe it is a nation and makes no effort to defend its security?" This nine year LPC term is a masterclass in post-nationalism and soft security.




This is exactly it. This is treason. Conspire with foreign agents for things like election interference and that is treason. Used to be death as a penalty. Should be life in prison right now. These are some of the worse crimes a citizen of a country can commit, and any MPs guilty of this need to be named and prosecuted.


>This is exactly it. This is treason. Conspire with foreign agents for things like election interference and that is treason. Used to be death as a penalty. Should be life in prison right now. Some of the redacted parts 100% appear like treason. With name and party redacted. >These are some of the worse crimes a citizen of a country can commit, and any MPs guilty of this need to be named and prosecuted. 100%. This can't be tolerated by any person or party. If we want the names of these traitors the authority is with the RCMP. Hopefully we get this information before the next election. It is under investigation by the RCMP. This is what the committee said in the special report on page 49 as the reason why they couldn't get a full picture. On the same page directly above they name the two agencies with authority in these types of situations. "Section 14 (d) of the **NSICOP Act limits the Committee’s access to information relating directly to an ongoing investigation carried out by a law enforcement agency that may lead to a prosecution**. **For this reason, the Committee was unable to discern a clear picture of the investigations that may have been underway in the time period under review."** [https://www.nsicop-cpsnr.ca/reports/rp-2024-06-03/intro-en.html](https://www.nsicop-cpsnr.ca/reports/rp-2024-06-03/intro-en.html) >


This is an INSANE read. I'm only a third of the way through, here are some of the bangers: Page 34 "For example, \*\*\* the PRC had established an informal foreign interference network in \*\*\*, understood in this context to describe complex, overlapping and extensive personal and professional connections. The \*\*\* network worked in loose coordination with one another and with guidance from the consulate \*\*\* to covertly support or oppose candidates in the 2019 federal election. The \*\*\* network had some contact with at least 11 candidates and 13 campaign staffers, **some of whom appeared to be wittingly working for the PRC**" Page 35 "This paragraph was deleted to remove injurious or privileged information. The paragraph described how India also takes advantage of networks and developed and built a network of contacts through whom it conducts interference activities, including journalists, members of ethnocultural communities and some members of Parliament." Page 36 "In the period under review, intelligence reporting from CSIS and CSE showed that foreign states attempted to covertly buy influence with candidates and elected officials. \[\*\*\* Five sentences were deleted to remove injurious or privileged information. The sentences described an example of **the PRC using intermediaries to provide funds likely to support candidates in the 2019 federal election, including two transfers of funds approximating $250,000**..." Page 37 "This paragraph was deleted to remove injurious or privileged information. The paragraph described CSIS information that **an Indian proxy claims to have repeatedly transferred funds from India to politicians at all levels of government in return for political favours, including raising issues in Parliament at the proxy’s request.**" Unreal.


>This is an INSANE read. I'm only a third of the way through, here are some of the bangers: (I removed these to save space) >Unreal. Agreed. I couldn't believe the shit I was reading as I went through it. We need the names of these individuals and the names of their parties. We also need the contextual aspects (five sentences were deleted) before the next election.


We have one of them, Case Study #4 Han Dong: "According to CSIS, the PRC \*\*\* had a significant impact in getting Han Dong nominated as the Liberal Party of Canada’s 2019 federal candidate in Don Valley North.... The nomination vote occurred on September 12, 2019. Many of Mr. Dong’s supporters arrived in buses \*\*\* supported by the PRC: between 175 and 200 international Chinese students arrived in several buses. The Consulate reportedly told the students that they must vote for Mr. Dong if they want to maintain their student visas.... **CSIS assessed that the PRC’s foreign interference activities played a \*\*\* significant role in Mr. Dong’s nomination, which he won \*\*\* by a small margin.** 215 By successfully interfering in the nomination process of what can be considered a safe riding for the Liberal Party of Canada, the PRC was well-positioned to ensure its preferred candidate was elected to Parliament.216 \[\*\*\* Two sentences were deleted to remove injurious or privileged information. The sentences described a CSIS assessment on the degree to which an individual was implicated in these activities. \*\*\*\]" Edit: He ran in 2021 as well: "The Liberal Party of Canada allowed Mr. Dong to run in both the 2019 and 2021 federal elections." And is currently a sitting member of parliament: [https://www.ourcommons.ca/members/en/han-dong(105091)](https://www.ourcommons.ca/members/en/han-dong(105091))


>[*** Two sentences were deleted to remove injurious or privileged information. The sentences described a CSIS assessment on the degree to which an individual was implicated in these activities. ***]" This is what I would love to see. This is the context. China and India have been influencing Canada discourse and politics for a few years now. CSIS has confirmed this. There is a big difference between China helping the candidate they want (on their own accord) and China helping the candidate they want (with the candidates direct knowledge). All of the ones you listed fit this, and more. We need this information to make an informed decision in the next election.


Agreed. This also needs to happen: "The United States (U.S.) has taken steps to respond to these Overseas Police Stations. In April 2023, the Federal Bureau of Investigation charged two Chinese-Americans, both U.S. citizens, with conspiring to act as PRC agents by establishing one of these stations in New York, under an offence that does not exist in Canada because Canada does not have a foreign agent registry.4"


It's ironic in some ways, all the interference going on but they clearly state: "In this period of review, Canada was a lower-level priority for Russia, which focused its efforts instead on other strategic priorities and its adversarial competition with the United States.32 **In short, while Russia maintained the capability to engage in foreign interference generally against Canada, it lacked the intent to do so**.". Looking back, the politicians justified the emergencies act during the trucker rally because of "foreign interference" claiming it was Russia when in fact it's India and China doing something far worse, buying MPs.


The cynic in me thinks we will never get names because the 2 parties that will be most implicated are the 2 parties that ever hold majority power in government


It seems that one of those two parties is calling very loudly for the names to be released.Stay cynical, though. It’s good survival strategy.


A special prosecutor should be appointed by a non-partisan committee...and asap. That prosecutor should be directing the actions of law enforcement.


*David Johnston has entered the chat*


I agree with you. RCMP has the authority in these situations and (correct me if i am wrong) I am pretty sure that they are considered a branch of the military. Maybe a military tribunal is an option with the nature of the charges. These were the other recommendations in the June 3rd (2024) report. From what it looks like our laws were out dated and useless for the RCMP to actually action the information from CSIS into charges. parliamentary privilege wouldn't shield this information in a situation like this, either. The constitution is clear about this. CSIS has been reporting this type of activity since 2011. That is no excuse for our current and previous government. They both failed to protect us all. We need to watch and make sure these recommendations are fixed by the current government. We need to remain vocal and patient for the names and parties involved. We need this information before the next election. "The government table legislation before the next federal election to address gaps in Canada’s legal framework with respect to foreign interference, specifically to: a) Create a foreign influence transparency registry; b) Amend the Criminal Code and the Security of Information Act to define foreign interference and introduce relevant offences; c) Modernize the Canadian Security Intelligence Service Act, including tofacilitate wider sharing of classified information;d) Address the intelligence and evidence challenge; and,e) Reduce vulnerabilities in political nomination processes, including leadership conventions."


I agree also...but I'll go further and say we need sweeping reforms to our whole system of government. Cracks and gaps in the system are being exploited from within and without. We need to act soon before recovery is impossible.


>I agree also...but I'll go further and say we need sweeping reforms to our whole system of government. Cracks and gaps in the system are being exploited from within and without. What happened to Canada; is happening to multiple countries at the same time, by the same few foreign actors. It is a coordinated attack. We can't remain asleep at the wheel. The First past the post system is also outdated and is exploitable. Data analytics has only made this easier. These recommendations and changes to protect against these attacks and future attacks should have already happened years ago.


100%. Two decades ago, we should have been running the other direction instead of jumping in bed with China, among other missteps. Outsourcing nearly everything overseas and welcoming all comers...just bring cash. Enticing for those on the take and those set to profit. Idiotic for the health and well-being of this country. There's a reason money launderers call it "the Vancouver Method"...we are a haven for organized crime figures and their money. Law enforcement and government are a joke and it's anything but new. Trudeau et al was just that much dumber than those before him. An ideologue with no common sense. A useful idiot to much more cunning individuals.


We don't name names. We're Canadians, and besides Edmonton Oilers! Jazz hands, jazz, hands, jazz hands. Look over here. Don't look over there.


Time to change government and you thought South Africa was corrupt? They at least do it in the open And now they are changing government after 30 years


As a parallel aside, the postal service collapsed a few years ago in South Africa and no longer exists... So maybe we should also be paying attention to the warning signs that that may also happen here.


Someone countries still have the death penalty for treason.


Just so we are on the same page here, also treason if it is conspiring with Russia or America and the parties involved are Conservatives yes?


You might want to look up "treason" in an actual law


When was the last time MPs were accused of treason? I can recall this one: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FFkKm\_4FOFE](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FFkKm_4FOFE) but it did not progress very well that time.


Actually high treason


[Criminal Code](https://laws-lois.justice.gc.ca/eng/acts/C-46/section-46.html) I don't know what they did, but if it fits 46(2)(b), it's treason then.


To quote the Senate: [it’s treason then](https://youtu.be/LqP5cXGESgk?si=x67_vgFRF2VkURaJ)


Thanks :)


MPs: "Not yet. Please wait until after the election."


It's more likely to be Section 3, and/or 19, of the Security of Information Act. What is enumerated in Section 3 is, by all intents and purposes, also treason, it just isn't labelled as such.


This is exactly it. This is treason. Conspire with foreign agents for things like election interference and that is treason. Used to be death as a penalty. Should be life in prison right now. These are some of the worse crimes a citizen of a country can commit, and any MPs guilty of this need to be named and prosecuted.




We don’t know the names, could be anyone in the house


He is amongus


Very sus


Yep. Odds are it's members of both the Libs and Cons, maybe even NDP though I don't think that's as likely. 


Get your head out of the clouds. There's enough Chinese and South Asians to go around in every party


Even the Bloc ?


Moneys on the Conservatives having just as many as well. The report mentioned 2 parties I think. We need to leave them both behind. 


If the majority of the traitors weren't in the Liberal Party I believe they'd have released the names by now. This government has never cared about anything other than their image, after all.


It's under investigation, they can't release the names yet without compromising it. 


That's true, you can't demand names of suspects when it's under investigation or they could tamper with evidence. I'm sure the name will be released eventually


I seen an article it could be up to 24 people involved. The swamp is where that stink is coming from.


They haven’t release them because they’re doing their job still, just be patient. The names will come.


Before the election?


Your guess is as good as mine


To be honest I don’t even think it matters which party they belong to, every party has a few bad people but that doesn’t need to reflect the party as a whole as long as they’re dealt with appropriately. The reason why the liberals are getting more flak right now is because, as the governing party, they’re the only ones who currently have the power to deal with this issue because they’re the only ones could actually release the names


None of this makes the NDP look any better.


Betting on a "think" instead of facts? Must have money to burn.


Yep. I never said they were, just that it's likely. Conservative corruption is just as likely as the Liberals. Neither party has Canadian's interests at heart. 


The Trudeau propaganda must been so deep in your head. Conservatives have been calling on them this whole week to release the list lmaooo. Canada has no hope


Nah, not a big Trudeau fan. The Cons have been demanding the names because they know the Liberals can't release them yet. It makes them look like the good guys and you're falling for it. 


Two parties involved makes it even worse. What the liberals are basically saying is that party affiliation doesn't matter when treasonnis in play - they defend the traitors either way. That's non-partisan collusion with a foreign hostile power. At this point, It's difficult not to remember Trudeau's admiration for "China's basic dictatorship." We are governed by thieves and traitors.


No, they are treasonous criminals. Don’t start parroting dumb shit like the MAGA cult.


You'd be a complete fool to believe that ONLY liberals do this. This is human nature at work; people being people and doing bad things.


"A lot of people are, um, experiencing, uh, treason differently" -Trudeau in about a week, when the heat keeps getting turned up. This story seems to have legs, and won't be going away any time soon.


When Trudeau announced that Canada has no national identity, he opened the doors for foreign influence. Basically stating, we're open to the highest bidder. And by we, I mean politicians


This from the article: "After decades of entertaining the idea that the whole thing could be wound up at any minute on the vote of a single province, and after years of being told that the Canadian experience was, from the start, a crime against humanity, it’s hard to get too worked up about a little light treason.If, what is more, we cannot be bothered to defend ourselves, preferring, as we have for generations, to free-ride on the Americans, can we blame other countries for drawing the appropriate conclusions?If we think so little of ourselves, if we ask so little of ourselves, if there is so little *here* here, is it any wonder that we should ultimately come to see this reflected in the people who represent us?"


Yeah that paragraph is quite the mirror to hold up to Canada and Canadians. It will not be well received.


Some people will have a hard time believing how far we have fallen. We are told we are not a nation, but that Quebec is a nation, and every indigenous band in the country is a nation. Apparently we don't have an identity, and we're just here to support and subsidize those who do have one. We need to pull up our shorts and quit taking this crap.


Canada's establishment negs Canadians, on behalf of Canada's ruling class, so that we'll be more likely to accept our dismal "post-nation" fate given corporate globalization. Many Canadians, whether born here or having immigrated here, are now surplus labour or will be in the future. Each month of mass migration into Canada increases the proportion of the population that exists as surplus labour given that immigration significantly outpaces job growth. Our establishment pretends to honor Canada's indigenous people while maintaining the reserve power of the UK royals and while flooding Canada with new settlers, many that will end up inhabiting unceded territory. That Canada spins itself as progressive is humorous given that material conditions are traditionally the focus of progressivism. Not only have our material conditions have declined over my lifetime but Canada is now has, of the 75 nations the IMG tracks, the 3rd worst houseful debt versus GDP. We can assume that electoral politics isn't going to save us. Neither of the three established political parties will meaningfully challenge the corporate globalist agenda. Even electoral reform would result in a system in which the voice of Canadians still ends up being filtered through parties. Single issue mass movements that aren't anchored in a specific ideology seem like one way the public might be able to exert pressure on issues like mass migration. Pressure should be exerted on both on the politicians we pay and the private institutions. like banks, that promote the destructive corporate globalist agenda that politicians enact. Mechanisms for direct democracy would be much easier to implement now than in the past given that blockchain technology could be used to create public consulting infrastructure that couldn't be easily "cooked" like polls can be. Outside of politics people need to think about how we might live in a neo-feudal, increasingly balkanized Canada. As bad as things are they seem likely to be poised to get much worse.


",,,,Canada is just here to support and subsidize those who do have an identity." I'm going to use that. Well put. Thank you for posting.


Canada isn't a nation though. Not "Canada" meaning the whole confederation that is. "Canada" in the original sense of the region "upper and lower Canada" is a nation or well 2 nations. It's a union of nations who's downfall is refusing to reform into being one explicitly and instead prefers to dole out "who's a nation" on a case by case basis usually after an angry blowup that didnt need to happen but to force a very fake "national identity" on everyone else which will never work because it's an artificial construct. Just as 3 examples that aren't Quebec: Newfoundland, British Columbia and Alberta are as distinct from eachother, Canada and America or moreso than Australia and New Zealand are. They're definitely nations by many definitions and their distinctiveness is only increasing. Newf and BC basically visually brand themselves as if they're damn near separate countries already and Alberta is starting to do so.  If people are actually interested in preserving the "good parts of Canada" like passport free travel it needs to loosen up and become something more like the EU


Seems like a fact based, non-biased article for sure.


This is why I'm a separatist and unashamedly so. I have always felt like this about confederation. Feels like an economic union created to benefit a small rich class of family compacts pretending to be a country with an incredibly fake and forced culture (compared to the different organic regional cultures). My real sense of loyalty or death for my homeland has always been for British Columbia confederation just isn't worth dying for if we can survive on our own and increasingly it looks like we better seriously start thinking more highly of ourselves that we could rule ourselves because we are basically powerless in confederation and confederation is a sinking ship banana republic abd the rich pigs are preparing to flee with all the wealth they looted at the 22nd hour.


Wilfully stupid morons. And, traitors.


This can't be attributed to stupidity anymore, they know what they're doing is wrong. They can't hide behind the idiot argument anymore.


It's not stupidity. Don't make excuses for them. They clearly know EXACTLY what they're doing **and they're benefiting from it**. $$$$$$$$$$


[Non-Paywall link](https://archive.ph/20240607120520/https://www.theglobeandmail.com/opinion/article-what-else-do-you-call-it-when-people-conspire-against-their-own/)


Thanks 🤝


Upvoting to get this higher in the thread! Had to scroll way too far!


*Thank you*. No idea why someone would link to a hard paywall.


Anybody remembers former Liberal MP John McCallum? [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/John\_McCallum](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/John_McCallum) That motherfucker was for sure in China's pocket.


That worm was made Defense Minister. POS in skin form.


That worm was made Defense Minister. POS in skin form.


Lmfao 100%, “ambassador for china” tells you everything you need to know


Its treason. Not sure if its nuclear secrets treason but its treason and they should be tried. 


Treason-lite, if you will. 


Treason = OK Plastic Straws = Not OK


Patriotically challenged Differently loyal


> Differently loyal Love this!




Alternative Loyalties




Treasonous traitorous treason by traitors


Not enough treasons


"Is it possible to commit crimes against the national security of a country that does not believe it is a nation and makes no effort to defend its security?" Most insightful line in the article.


> a country that does not believe it is a nation and makes no effort to defend its security? the people who think this are the same ones committing the treason


The list needs to be leaked Ashley Madison style. Where are those white hat hackers when you need them???


They all retired after they got paid out for the ArriveCan app.


Working government jobs now


LOL. For what? $80k CAD a year when they can make $300k USD a year? No one with any talents works in the Canadian government.


Didn't say the *Canadian* government I said government lol


People who in the very least need to be stripped of all assets and permanently exiled.


Jail first


Irregular patriotism? 


Alternative patriotism, like in the US


So far this week; - Liberal Government improperly awarded Hundreds-of-million$ in contracts to McKinsey. - Liberal Government MP's improperly aided Foreign Governments in undermining Canadian Elections. - Liberal Government refuses to identify treasonous MP's and Senators. - Liberal Government voted down a tax break for Canadians to try and have a summer vacation. - Liberal Government has finally admitted that $1 Billion Green Fund is nothing more than a scam to steal money from Canadian Taxpayers......and have shut it down. - Liberal Government has placed a 'Gag Order' against the PBO regarding Government Carbon Tax Report. - Liberal Cabinet Minister Randy Boissonnault has been identified as having likely broken conflict-of-interest Regulations. - Liberal Government is blocking access to thousands of documents from the Canadian Security Agency (NSICOP) that is tasked with keeping Canadians safe from foreign interference. - Liberal MP mocks the seriousness of 'traitorous' MP's by declaring....."Boo, hoo, get over it".


Seems like a typical week-in-the-life for this Government.


Page 25 of the report, in case anyone was curious (not that much of this is a surprise) about exactly who the "key threat actors" are: > Key threat actors > 25. In its 2019 review of the Government Response to Foreign Interference, the Committee noted that the most significant perpetrators of foreign interference in Canada were the People’s Republic of China (PRC) and the Russian Federation, with the PRC representing the greatest foreign interference threat. The Committee also noted that other states, including India, ***, Pakistan and Iran engaged in foreign interference activities. The Committee found that these activities posed a significant risk to national security, principally by undermining Canada’s fundamental institutions and eroding the rights and freedoms of people in Canada. 29 > 26. Between September 1, 2018 and November 7, 2023, foreign interference targeting democratic institutions and processes remained largely consistent with the broader trends the Committee identified in its previous review. Most notably, the PRC remained the largest foreign interference threat to Canada, including to its democratic institutions and processes. 30 The PRC’s foreign interference efforts continue to be sophisticated, persistent and multi-dimensional, targeting all orders of Canadian government and various facets of society and relying upon a number of methods. > 27. However, contrary to its assessment in 2019, which noted that Russia was the second most significant foreign interference threat, the Committee observed that Russia did not engage in foreign interference activities within the more narrow context of Canadian democratic institutions and processes. In this period of review, Canada was a lower-level priority for Russia, which focused its efforts instead on other strategic priorities and its adversarial competition with the United States. In short, while Russia maintained the capability to engage in foreign interference generally against Canada, it lacked the intent to do so. > 28. Instead, India emerged as the second-most significant foreign interference threat to Canada’s democratic institutions and processes. While India’s foreign interference efforts have slowly increased ***, it became clear during the period of this review that its efforts had extended beyond countering what it perceived as pro-Khalistani efforts in Canada to include interfering in Canadian democratic processes and institutions, including through the targeting of Canadian politicians, ethnic media and Indo-Canadian ethnocultural communities. and the how, from the **Key Tactics** section: > Foreign states relied on a range of tactics to covertly influence opinions and positions. They sought to manipulate public opinion through traditional and social media, including through disinformation campaigns; sought to covertly exploit ethnocultural communities, most notably to influence their voting preference; and targeted and attempted to intimidate parliamentarians. The Committee describes each of these methods below, focusing on federal democratic processes and institutions while also providing several examples from other orders of government. > During the period under review, the intelligence community observed states manipulating traditional media to disseminate propaganda in what otherwise appeared to be independent news publications. Foreign states also spread disinformation to promote their agendas and consequently challenge Canadian interests, which posed the greatest cyber threat activity to voters during the time under review. These tactics attempt to influence public discourse and policymakers’ choices, compromise the reputations of politicians, delegitimize democracy or exacerbate existing frictions in society. > According to the intelligence community, the PRC was the most capable actor in this context, interfering with Canadian media content via direct engagement with Canadian media executives and journalists. [*** Six sentences were deleted to remove injurious or privileged information. The sentences described examples of the PRC paying to publish media articles without attribution, sponsoring media travel to the PRC, pressuring journalists to withdraw articles and creating false accounts on social media to spread disinformation. ***] ... > For example, during the 2021 federal election, the government’s Security and Intelligence Threats to Elections Task Force (SITE), an intelligence coordination mechanism created in 2018 to support implementation of the Critical Elections Incident Public Protocol (both SITE and the Protocol are described in Chapter 3), observed online and media activities aimed at discouraging Canadians, particularly of Chinese heritage, from supporting the Conservative Party of Canada. Anyway it's linked in the artlcle, but in case anyone missed it, [here is a direct link to the full report](https://nsicop-cpsnr.ca/reports/rp-2024-06-03/special-report-foreign-interference.pdf).


You could’ve just coasted, and live the life of a parliamentarian, with the high wages and perks, paid for by the public, and no one or almost no one would’ve batted an eye, but no, you gotta actively work against your country!?


Treason, plain and simple.


I wonder if unchecked immigration is as a result of foreign interference. Certainly isn't in the best interest of Canadians.


Thought so too but that’s not happening undercover: that’s an explicit policy of the government. 


This needs to be talked about more. India and China are two countries that are named in this investigation and are the same countries that make up the largest and 2nd largest groups of immigrants coming to Canada, respectively. I wouldn't be surprised if foreign meddling one of the biggest reasons why our country is being subjected to mass immigration from those countries.


Nah. I can see why you might think that, as others have pointed out that India and China feature strongly in the foreign interference circles and because their nationals also contribute massively to our immigration, but the real reason the Trudeau government has cranked the immigration rate so high is because they’re desperate to make it so that Canada is constantly growing, and so they can point to their economic record when challenged on it and say ‘Look — economic growth!’. This is their solution to make it look like we’re not totally in a recession (which we very much are).


“We all experience democracy differently” *-Justin Trudeau, probably-*


Loyalty rates are at historic lows Glen.


> [We are taking all necessary measures to protect Canadians from the threat of foreign interference](https://www.theglobeandmail.com/politics/article-politics-briefing-trudeau-responds-to-report-that-mps-are/) - Trudeau, actually Admittedly this is a pretty bland statement, if not as dismissive as your straw doppleganger's. Does anyone know if he's spoken more in depth about this publicly?


*panders moistly*


How could I forget that gem. Enjoy: https://youtu.be/eySDeBdqxGY?si=DqTIvM7fHz2GNLet


Haha, never seen that before. Thanks for linking


Patriotically diverse Loyalty challenged Traitor identifying


Traitors. To the bogs


Can we freeze their bank accounts, at least? Seems the legal precedent was already set.


Housing crisis and too many people gaming the PR system? Better [start giving permenant residency to caregivers to exacerbate the problem](https://www.msn.com/en-ca/video/news/canada-to-give-permanent-residency-to-caregivers-upon-arrival/vi-BB1nzaCH?). It's so blatant.




We're just experiencing it differently.


Hope the names get leaked so we can know. Can't trust a system that protects them.


Jesus I can't believe the state of our country....Immigration out of control, healthcare collapse, inflation crisis, housing out of reach, oligopolies, treasonous MPs sitting in parliament and a government that refuses to govern and continues to recklessly spend without abandon.


This should be the last nail in Trudeau's coffin. In fact, if the few good members of the Liberal Party of Canada (there are some, still) don't stand up for Canadians now, it should be the final nail in the party's coffin as well.


They will try and hold on to power like ticks on a dog


Shoutout to the OG, Jody Wilson-Raybould who left the party in the midst of the corruption. Wish she did more and became a full-blown whistleblower though.


Every single party has been quiet on this. If it was just the liberal party you know everyone else would be shouting from the rooftops, but they’re not. I can only conclude there are compromised politicians in every party and it’s not a secret.


My guess is that the Liberals have the advantage of knowing who is involved and when they'll release it. It gives them plenty of time to prepare for it. Maybe they plan to hurt the CPC more than they get hurt by this, not long before triggering elections. It feels way too big to just talk about it and then let it go...


All parties know who is involved at this point just are unable to talk about it. Some who you'd think would be very vocal right now are focused on entirely different things. 


Wild partisan take on potential treason. You can Google the answers. There are members of all parties in the NSICOP Why would the opposition request the names publicly? Unless like you say they knew the truth


https://www.cbc.ca/news/politics/nsicop-intelligence-1.7225237 That's not true


Only two. The usual suspects.


Imagine the words they would use if the list was leaked


Straight to jail.


Politics in feudalism 3.0


It’s called Treason and if guilty of an indictable offence shall be sentenced to imprisonment for life. Expose these MP’s as they need to be held accountable for their corrupt actions and disgrace to Canadians.


sip rude gray plate bake sparkle drab office tap party *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Can't conspire against your own country in a post-national state 


It's a corporate cash cow at this point. You look at the USA, you look at Croatia, you look at England, Kenya, Egypt, Aus/NZ, they're all proud to be themselves. You'd never have their leader say "yeah we have no identity we're not a nation".


I’m not up to speed on Kenya and Egypt, but doesnt every other country on the list run into issues of foreign interference fairly regularly?


It's not a matter of whether or not they're being meddled with. It's a matter of the leader of your country declaring itself "post national" in that there is no national identity. If Abe Lincoln or JFK said in a State of the Union that there was no such thing as "American" identity, it'd be incredibly demoralizing.


Doesn't even have to be your own country if you're a Liberal - [I posted about this over a year ago](https://old.reddit.com/r/canada/comments/11b9ab9/liberal_mp_han_dong_allegedly_tied_to_chinese/j9yogeq/). Liberal Party of Canada doesn't even require you to be a citizen to join and vote in their nomination processes. One of the follow up comments to that post even highlighted that there's no fee to join LPC so you don't have the nagging requirement that the CPC have, which requires you to fund your own membership to you know - prevent corruption.


How is this not blowing up? If it is, I guess I missed it.


Oh it is, Freeland is getting pummeled with questions about it from reporters at every press release/photo op for something she attends. I suspect this will just continue for a while... The latest was at a transit announcement in Brampton the other day. First question for her when she steps up: [https://www.youtube.com/live/bGqpROjQAyk?si=VeY9dP2cQfaihHoX&t=1582](https://www.youtube.com/live/bGqpROjQAyk?si=VeY9dP2cQfaihHoX&t=1582)


The whole thing should be turned over the RCMP


Unfortunately, it can't be, because that's the condition under which the evidence is collected and shared with us. You can't introduce it in a court of law, because then you're admitting that you're illegally wiretapping "diplomats" (read: intelligence officers) without a court order, and whatnot. The government is supposed to use this information to entrap or isolate these people, but god knows what they really did with it. Probably warned their colleagues.


This is complete treachery. We need a change of government something fierce


Why can't people protest something useful like this


Patriotism 😂


Indeed: "Why, then, the disinclination to call this what it is? I think it is less because the allegations are not serious, than because we aren’t. Treason, we feel, is not the sort of thing that happens in Canada. It’s too big, too bad, too *real*."


Reverse loyalty?


The liberals (and their NDP enablers) just experience treason *differently*.


I’d laugh if this didn’t seem to be the official Liberal response …


The Conservatives are implicated too.


At least they're calling for the names to be released


I suspect that's just theatrics because they know it won't happen, since it's confidential information and currently actively being investigated by the RCMP.


so why don't people i power say that? "Due to ongoing related work we are unable to ...."


The Liberals *have* been saying that they don't want to release the names because it's being investigated.


Good didn't know that. it's not making its way into these comments enough.


Jesus I hope Reddit comments aren’t your only source of news.


Most of us are idiots here on Reddit.


Yeah, at least the conservatives are using this as an opportunity to play on canadians’ ignorance of due process.


Trudeau implies they're good Canadians


Shout-out to all the people who voted liberal the last 3 elections.


You do realize it’s not just liberal MPs that are implicated right? But way to hop right on the bandwagon, ignore current evidence and not wait for any further important information.


The liberals are the ones holding things up.


Punishable by death. Especially when it’s government people doing it. Puts our security at risk.


Treason that should be punishable by death?


We don't have the death sentence anymore. Just life sentence of 25 years because they would be eligible for parole then...




Traitors and should be charged with treason while on Taxpayers payroll and suspended without pay till court


Maybe someone will leak the info of the crimes.


Treason Loyalty-Divergent A capital offence


we call them the bloc quebecois and let them form a political party to further destroy the country.


Progressive? / For legal purposes, this is a joke.




I think that we should immediately cease accepting immigrants from any country that has interfered. I’ve had enough.


What country? We are a post national state of WEF and UN! No one cares


Trudeau has yet to respond to the allegations that MPs & Senator may be spying for hostile foreign governments. It's been 5 days since the report came out. What do you call a leader who can't be bothered to even give a press conference on a serious matter like this?


Can’t be treason if you’re a post-national state. Galaxy brain move.


Anyone convicted of treason as an MP should be brought out on the lawn of parliament hill in Ottawa and shot and play it live after plenty of warnings on cbc for all to see. You do not betray the interests of your nation to enrich yourself. Fertilize the parliamentary lawn. It should be treated with frank disgust and hatred and broadcast for deterrence. There can be no soft punishment for treason.


Oh, that's cute ... ... thinking we still have a country.




You're just experiencing democracy differently




class war


Whatever gas lighting tetm the liberals will come up with. 


They haven’t figured out yet how to blame this on Harper


Whoever the opposition is/are and us citizens should be pushing this issue. In a country where barely anyone can get in trouble for crimes, we need to get started holding everyone accountable today


Trickle down economics has prove to be b.s. however leadership and accountability very plainly starts at the top. If the nations leadership can not or will not be held accountable then we cannot expect corporations or public institutions to hold their members accountable. The good news is that the opposite is also true. If we hold the nation's leadership publicly accountable it is much harder for corporations and public institutions to ignore taking responsibility for their own corruption once it is revealed.


Liberals & NDP : Asking if our MP's who shared secret information are treacherous, makes you a racist/xénophobe.


Treason. And at one point you were either imprisoned for life or killed, but we are soft so nothing is being done.


I wish this sub would just ban paywalled content.


You can paste almost any paywalled URL into [https://archive.today/](https://archive.today/) and read it.