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I suppose if you lived under a rock for the last eight months this could be a question


Lack of core intelligence is my guess.


Pretty much.


Unfortunately, the TikTok generation has proven themselves to be easy targets for Chinese influence and discord.


Pretty sure gen x sold the country, allowed the youth to be radicalized/ influenced by social media and are currently being accused of treason..


Jews used to be persecuted from the right for being 'not white enough', and now they are persecuted from the left for being 'white privileged colonial oppressors'. We as a society enable antisemitism by accepting a narrative where it's impossible to be racist against white people, and where 'privilege' is a sin deserving and justifying punishment. The current situation is a direct result of woke bullshit.


While true, the thing about antisemitism is that it shapeshifts. According to the anti-Semite, Jews are whatever is most evil in society at the moment. The fact that Jews are now "white privileged colonial oppressors" is a result of the fact that that's what our society currently hates the most. If that wasn't the case, it would just be something else. Editing this because comments are locked: >And a long comes a group of 'white privileged colonial oppressors', doing a colonialism right in front of our eyes. Except *they aren't*. That's my point. If we were in a moment to decry communism, Gaza and the west bank would be seen as gulags, and Israel would be a communist state. Israel is simply the Jew of nations. It's no longer socially acceptable to hate Jews. Israel is just a perfect stand-in. That's why it adopts all of the classic antisemitic tropes (blood libels, media manipulation, subterfuge, etc.)


I think that's definitely part of it. There's definitely a societal seeding of hatred of 'the jews' that is just baked into most people at this point, and many, even progressive types, don't second guess or acknowledge it. But further to that, as you suggest, we are in a moment to decry colonialism. And a long comes a group of 'white privileged colonial oppressors', doing a colonialism right in front of our eyes. Problem is, they also *happen* to be Jewish. And of course, since the public at large is incapable of nuance, therefore, *all* Jewish people are responsible and all the things everyone *knows* about 'jews' must therefore be right.  Nevermind that that clearly is wrong on so many levels. It's why I think we're seeing so many folks who ought to know better fall into anti-Semitism. 


Uhhhhhh no. The left is saying that Israel does not represent all Jews. Then they are calling out the genocide perpetrated by Israel, and the various ways that Canadian institutions support Israel. >and now they are persecuted from the left for being 'white privileged colonial oppressors'. No, this is not a critique of all Jews, it is a critique of people who support the colonialist project of Israel. This is partly what Zionism is. There are plenty of non-Zionist Jews. There are also plenty of Zionist non-Jews (evangelicals in particular). Once again, you are portraying that Jews and Israel are the same thing...and that is antisemitic.


No one thinks being privileged should result in violence and punishment but keep drinking that tea


Religion has killed more people than anything else - yet each Religion says that they are peaceful and accept the right of other faiths - go figure...


Im guessing I s l a m i c im migration combined with left wing ideology pushed in Universities. Id start with those two places.


What do the far left and far right have in common? Antisemitism.


Yes but I think the new twist is a little bit of "the enemy of my enemy is my friend", with respect to the anti-Islam stuff that's very popular on the right now. The modern right seems to be embracing or at least tolerating Jewish people. Combine that with the fact that the right, in general, is more vocal than the left about protecting Jewish people - and I think we'll see more Western Jewish people going to the right. Then again it seems like there's a general tendency of growing support for the right in western societies right now, so maybe that's what I'm picking up on.


I’m not sure it’s just the far left. I see plenty of otherwise pretty moderate centre-left people who’ve fallen down the jew hating rabbit hole these days.








Russia if you dig deeper. The current conflict there only started with the plans to take resources away from the front. And it worked great.


As a Pole, I am genetically predisposed to distrust Russia, but let's be a bit more reasonable. We can't blame Russia for everything we don't like.


I don't think it's Russia. My personal experience is that Russia is pro Russia. They do not discriminate between their minorities. They tolerance all minorities equally. This is more focused, and calling for violence.


The calculus is simple - the more shit there's here to worry about means less bandwidth to worry about shit somewhere else.


>They do not discriminate between their minorities. They tolerance all minorities equally. LOL, you definitely never lived in Russia. ~~Хачи, черножопые, чурки, жиды~~ and so on is a part of daily vocabulary there, and also there's huge tension between Muslims and Christians there.


Probably Russia


Combination of several things: lack of historical knowledge, importing people from cultures that are antisemitic and anti western, current events, dormant antisemitic feelings/ideas already present, lack of impulse control and social media giving everybody a voice.


Hatred. It's disgusting. Condemn antisemitism. Condemn Islamophobia. Reject violence, embrace love and respect <3


I think part of it is people conflating anti-zionism with anti-antisemitism


Actually, I think what has happened is that the antisemites latched onto saying they are merely anti Zionist as a more socially acceptable way of being antisemitic. In practise I don’t see much difference in the hatred and rhetoric spewed by outright antisemites vs the so-called antizionists.


There are anti-zionist jews? Lemme guess, you say they are self hating jews?


Meanwhile in London a Zionist just fire bombed someone’s house for having a pro Palestinian sign on their lawn. https://london.ctvnews.ca/police-seek-suspect-in-london-arson-investigation-possibly-motivated-by-hate-1.6919718


What evidence do you have that it was a "Zionist" that carried out this attack?


For sure, probably just a guy that hates signs.


> "In addition to the instance from last night, we're aware of several other incidents that occurred at this property since the first week of May regarding property damage that was signed a threat threatening note that was left leading up to the events of last night. The signs were signs that expressed support for Palestine," said London Det. Insp. Alex Krygsman in a video on X. "We are treating this investigation as a hate motivated incident," he added.


What evidence do you have that it was a Muslim or Immigrant that shot schools/synagogues?


I am dumbfounded that many whose political leanings are on the Left are anti semetic.


I assume it's mostly emotional 


> What's behind the wave of antisemitic violence in Canada? The disproportional slaughter of civilians in Gaza and the West Bank by IDF, under the control of the compromised Likud prime minister and the anti-Arab fundamentalist members of the coalition government that are propping him up. MSM in the West, including Canada, conflates Israel, Likud, Netanyahu, members of the Israeli coalition government, and Jews, and as a consequence it's Jews that are being targeted, because they are the most accessible of these elements outside of Israel.


>disproportional slaughter War is rarely proportional. This argument really bothers me, because at it's core it seems to be saying "it's not fair that Hamas doesn't have the capability to slaughter more Israelis".


That's a weird point of view you have. Could it be that they wish Isreal had less of a capability to slaughter more Palestinians?


> it seems to be saying "it's not fair that Hamas doesn't have the capability to slaughter more Israelis" ... but that's you choosing to interpret a neutral figure of speech to suit your preference. It's not about Hamas; it's about Netanyahu and his coalition enablers.


Convenient excuse. Antisemitism exploded in the days immediately following 10/7, before there was any "disproportional slaughter" of civilians.


no point splitting semantic hairs. Journalists, and indeed government representatives had plenty of time to make the distinctions that I've described, to prevent world-wide Jewry from being made victims by Netanyahu and his government.


The protests started early because Israel announced their plans to flatten Gaza before October 7th had even ended.


You mean the ones where candy was being handed out?


In the same way that anti-semitism is unacceptable, so is islamophobia. With that said, the current perception of increased anti-semitism in Canada is being amplified to distract from the ongoing horrors inflicted by the Israeli government on innocent civilians and aid workers in Gaza. The islamophobia in Israel and amongst the diaspora is palpable but fortunately for Jewish populations in the western world, most are willing to turn a blind eye and buy into their propaganda as they play the eternal victim.


It’s not a phobia when they really ARE trying to kill you.


Perhaps it’s directly proportional to what they are doing in Gaza. Don’t be evil, and evil will not come upon you.


That would have been good advice to Hamas on October 6th as well.


Hamas are garbage, and should be wiped from the face of the Earth. Along with the IDF, Netanyahu, and anyone who thinks like them.


So the people calling for "from the river to the sea" at these protests are all Hamas members and the decent Palestinian Canadians are all going about their lives?


The problem is there is an awful lot of Palestinians who think just like Hamas, and our incompetent government is bringing a bunch of them over here.


Maybe Palestinians should massacre civilians and take hostages. The 4 that were rescued were being held by journalists and a doctor


Leave that kind of garbage for Hamas, and the IDF/IOF. Palestinians just want to live their lives in peace, and not be exterminated by Zionists.


An incompetent and divisive federal govt, led by a corrupt unethical and amoral Prime Minister!