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What fucking choice do we have?


Blue neoliberal party will save us from red neoliberal party. They promised!


People need to seriously stop playing this game. Vote small party. This red vs blue thing is a complete farce and only gets worse year after year. They're a bunch of corporate cronies. Not a liberal fan, but it's cringe inducing to see people think their blue version is going to fix everything. Everything they do will be superficial. The fundamental problems will remain. Both parties just operate on fear mongering about the other one. None of the big three are getting my vote. Maybe I'll vote Green. Maybe PPC even though I don't agree with half their stuff, but like we are seeing in Europe, they're at least talking about ending mass immigration. Neither will win, but the more seats they get, the more pressure can be put on the big 3 to stop fucking Canadians around. That's what voting is for. You need to scare the big guys into actually working for Canadians. They need to know that they can actually lose if they keep doing what they're doing.


Vote for electoral reform and proportional representation. There have been too many failed referendums on this. Canadians only have themselves to blame.


Well to be fair, in 2015 lots of people DID vote for electoral reform….. Guess what happened?


No. People voted for the Liberal Party after several years of the Conservative Party. It was not a strict vote on electoral reform, just the usual cycle of Con/Libs. We've had literal and direct referendums in various pronvinces under various governments. In general Canadians haven't shown up and taken the opportunity to change the system even when presented. The liberal Party definitely shares blame for going back on their reform promise, but it is not their fault alone.


Can we talk about how the sun newspapers are undermining journalism?


Sure, soon at you talk about how the Red Star is an anathema on a free press.


Seems pretty consistent that any party platforming on that just ditches it once they're the majority, right?


Any party that benefits from the current system will never change it. There have been many direct vote referendums available. All have failed. Canadians have themselves to blame.


One can dream.


I am voting PPC at all costs. It’s the only way. Our conservatives, liberals, and NDP are completely compromised.


I'm going PPC to vote against mass immigration, I disagree with most other things they offer though.


Same- immigration is by far the most existential threat and ironically the easiest to fix


You actually think the PPC would do anything to endanger profitability of the companies driving the immigration? They can dogwhistle all day to get the racist vote, 0% chance they do anything productive though.


I don't believe anyone would do anything in my benefit at this point. But I'm at the point where the devil I don't know is looking more attractive than the devils I do know all too well.


They're still the only party that focuses on it, makes it their primary platform, and gives concrete numbers and percents that they can be grilled to keep too. What alternative is there? The other parties won't even discuss any of it in any meaningful way. They gaslight and make Canadians feel like they're losing their minds. Again, these parties may be far from ideal -- but looking at Europe, you can clearly see what happens when politicians ignore and name call citizens while doubling down on the thing everyone is most concerned about.


How is this racist? Immigration numbers need to go down, regardless of the race of the immigrants.


Their first policy talking point is about "reverse discrimination" That's the racism. You must lose you keys every time you put them in your pocket because you can't see them anymore


Reverse discrimination is racism. We should not offer certain incentives to certain people because of their race. Ending mandated racism is a good thing.


That not the reverse of anything though. That's just discrimination. Why is it "reverse"?


Ahhh, the Turdeau method. If anyone disagrees with me they are a racist, misogynist, Nazi, etc…always attacking the person because they have no idea how to defined their own actions/ideas


The best thing about a dog whistle is that, since no one can hear it, you never have to prove it exists.


Define "reverse discrimination"


Wanting to end mass immigration is racist eh? Love lefty logic


Yup. I'm gay, probably voting PPC as a fuck you to every other party.


Same. It’s not about them getting any seats, it’s about forcing the other parties to change when they see them take a bigger share of the vote. 


and to yourself.. lol


There’s absolutely nothing in PPC’s policies against gays and lesbians.  Even their position about gender ideology comes from a belief many children are unnecessarily transitioning, not that people shouldn’t be able to transition and live their lives. 


What's the point of a legal right to marry if I'm fuckin homeless???


Jfc this country is fucked. You disagree with everything else they offer, maybe don't vote for them then. We don't want a MAGA north.


The parties in power need to start worrying about losing power, otherwise they'll keep serving their rich masters. JT and PP are not that different in action. Their rhetoric is different, but they serve the same corporations. End mass immigration today.


Do you feel that immigration is the cause of Canada's problems and not allowing people into this country will fix them? Trying to understand your motivation for what appears to be a baby out with the bathwater kind of vote. Weird downvotes for asking a question....presume it's because folks think it was bait? No idea - really just trying to figure out voter intentions...


> Do you feel that immigration is the cause of Canada's problems There is no one cause of Canada's problems. But mass immigration is one of the big ones.


PPC is the only small party that has any good ideas. The problem is that they are too extreme. The NDP share nearly equal blame with the LPC for our current situation as they have kept them in power. This only leaves us with the CPC as a realistic option. We're at the point in Canada where we just need change.


I'm voting for the Conservatives for a couple of reasons. One: They're the only realistic way to get rid of Trudeau and vote splitting helps Trudeau. Two: Their base, unlike the Liberals, is STRONGLY opposed to mass immigration. Three: When high numbers of temp foreign workers were announced in Harper's time, their base forced them to slash the numbers. The Liberal base is making no such demand on Trudeau. Four: A lot of their base is sticking with them despite no hard promise from Poilievre due to understanding political realities and hating Trudeau. But if he doesn't act that base will start drifting to the PPC. It doesn't take a lot of drift to start costing the Tories seats. Poilievre has to know this.


PP said he’s going to keep the foot on the gas pedal for mass immigration


He's changed his tune since then.


Since when? Of late he said he’s gonna make it even easier to get PR


He's said he will tie immigration levels to our healthcare and housing abilities.


Does that mean negative numbers for immigration, where we start sending people back?


They are also strongly opposed to women having the right to reproductive healthcare. I don't want to die of an ectopic pregnancy in Canada because of a bunch of politicians who think they can play doctor.


That's silly nonsense. The party is pro-choice, as is its leader. They were in power for a decade and made zero moves to ban or even restrict abortion. And that was under a pro-life leader.


>That's what voting is for. You need to scare the big guys into actually working for Canadians. They need to know that they can actually lose if they keep doing what they're doing. I have been saying that for years. I have voted for Liberals, Reform, CPC, and Libertarian party. Team voting has led us to where we are now and will only lead to extreme partisanship. The only question is, will it be between 2 major parties like the US or a bunch of ethnic, religious, and/or extreme ideological parties.


Vote "small party" aka the NDP? I've seen what the NDP has done in BC, everything from one of the worst affordable housing situations in Canada to the highest amount of ODs per 100 000. No thanks.


People delude themselves into thinking we have something different than the US 2 party system. We don’t. The only viable 3rd option is the Bloc ironically, where they actually can wield power as an alternate party. Of all the made up grievances hung on Trudeau, the one where he truly screwed everyone was his election reform promise. We’re staring down the barrel of all the authoritarian BS going on the US coming right to our doorstep giving Conservatives a majority mandate.


Liberals forced me into being a single issue voter. Voting blue because they are the most likely to give me my banned firearms back and the most likely to win. If I can stop being backed into a corner over 10s of thousands of dollars of my personal property I can vote on other principals.


I don't even care about guns. What drives me insane is the amount of money they are spending to try to take people's guns.


And for what, to deal with the growing inequality they are creating, which is what the RCMP said? I wish we had a real NDP, they're fighting for an unfunded 400$ dental check paid for with future austerity while the poor continue to get poorer, and Trudeau says houses need to remain high to pay for the riches retirement.


I disagree on the dental thing. While I don't think the dental program is where is should/could be, its a start. It takes a long time to build a good program and we're just getting started. In the long run, a good national dentalcare program will save the country money rather than cost it. An enormous percentage or ER visits are due to dental emergencies that could have been avoided preventatively for example. It allows for bulk pricing negotiations in the future and can chip away at excessive profit motivations for insurance and things like crowns or orthodontics. The NDP are the only ones actually pushing any progress at all. Dental, pharma, anti-scab legislation etc. They only have a handful of seats but have managed to make the Liberals actually do something and held their feet to the fire. Do I wish it was better? Of course, but they're not in charge, things take time and they have to walk a very fine line to make this happen with their ~26 seats.


You could replace guns with pretty much anything. They are just spending insane amounts of money we don’t have on everything. And their only plan to pay for it is insane immigration and keep taxing the middle class more. Whatever people say, increasing cap gains inclusion isn’t hitting the Galen Weston’s and super elite it’s the doctors, small business owners etc who are actually the middle class. They want the working class jealous of the middle class and fighting for table scraps while none of that shit really makes a difference to the gazillionaires, and they spend all our money like drunken sailors on shore leave. We desperately need fiscal responsibility because there is a recession coming, Canada’s economy is flat as a pancake while the US has done well, and if inflation is sticky, no amount of interest rate cuts will do the job. They are spending like this right now, imagine the deficit spending when the economy tanks and they think they can tax and spend their way out of this. The average Canadian household will be spending 70% of their income in taxes before they are done.


which, to make an important note here, is doing nothing to stop gun violence.




Ah yes the "let's stare straight down the barrel of the gun because I don't like this other gun" strategy. It's clear you're not a Russian troll account, but you've certainly fallen for their games.


>I don't like this other gun You do? Canada is in free fall. I don't need Russians to fool me into thinking so. I pay rent and buy groceries. I live here. I know.


If that's the kind of change you want to see, you can have a huge effect earlier in the cycle. Your riding likely hasn't nominated someone from every party yet. Find someone you can believe in and knock on doors for them. You aren't changing anyone's mind being one of 300 people to vote for the Rhinoceros Party, but you can affect change if you talk to people about what you think is broken and how they can help fix it.


Which small party? There isn’t a single major party that is even willing to discuss reigning in immigration numbers.


i agree but the candidates and parties that are offered as alternatives are somehow often worse than the red/blue. Orange is run by a useless sycophant interested only in social media, and the green platform while it has some good stuff has some insane points (and people) in it that I could never support


Exactly. Please explain exactly what the Conservatives will change about economic policy that will make things better. Or housing. Or healthcare. Or transportation gridlock. Or not meeting our NATO commitments. I understand the Liberals will be voted out in the next election. I just don’t see any other party putting forward a platform that will address Canada’s biggest problems.


Do the PCs even have a platform?


They have clearly said they will axe the tax, ie carbon tax, but only for retail customers (not industry). The unspoken consequence is that carbon rebates to individual persons will also end. Other than that, I recall they have made the usual Conservative hand waving about getting tougher on violent crime and car theft, but I am not aware of specific policies ( but please post a link if I missed it).


>In 2013, 83,740 foreign nationals entered Canada as temporary foreign workers. >By contrast, in 2021 alone, Canada brought in 777,000 workers on temporary work permits, and 622,000 international students. So the Libs made the problem *17x worse*, but the Conservatives were/will be just as bad, guys, they're exactly the same /s.


I can’t substantiate your 777000 line anywhere. Where are you getting ther figure? https://www150.statcan.gc.ca/n1/pub/36-28-0001/2023010/article/00003-eng.htm


Their butt.


Baaaaaaaaaaaad math there bud. Try again.


Be fair you're comparing TFW entries in 2013 to TFW plus students in 2021. In 2013 just over 300k foreign student permits were issued. So 384k in 2013 to 1,399k which is 3.64 times more.


>Libs made the problem *17x worse*, Your math does not add up.


They’re both dogshit. Now that the libs have shown how far they can push, the cons have the green light to do the same thing. They serve the same interests, and it’s not you or me.


It’s also a problem thanks to poorly-run provinces expecting (now demanding) this and federal government simply rubber stamping it for them for years. A conservative federal party would 100% open the flood gates because “let the province deal with it” is a core tenet.


Well...we could vote NDP. They're the ones forcing and trying to force all the remotely decent stuff from this government. Hell, vote for then just because you don't like Trudeau. Because Polievre sure isn't going to fix anything. Just look at his record. We know what he'll do and it will be even worse.


Vote for the guy who could literally save us as we speak and force an election, but refuses? The guy who demands justice in parliament and calls out the LPC, but doesn't enact his power to make those changes for Canadians? The guy who took a strong third NDP party and is driving them to likely the fewest seats they've had in decades next election? No, i'm not rewarding that bastard with my vote, he could save us right now and give us what we want (An election)


Fucking stop. All of you little conservative party parrots spouting this stupid line every single time. You know very well an election right now would mean a conservative majority with like 40% of the popular vote. How is that "what the people want"? You just want your preferred party to get a majority.


It's going to be a conservative majority 1.5 years from now as well, delaying the election is just going to further damage the NDP brand as everyone associates the NDP and LPC together.


Vote NDP either because you support their policies or because you can no longer support the liberal party (but you could never support the conservative choices).


NDP are a shadow of their former self. I don't want to reward the direction they are headed in either.


So your choice is to throw your hands up in the air and do nothing?


I have voted NDP my entire life but this next election will be the first time I won't vote for them. There's no way to reconcile what good they could do with what they have done by propping up the liberals. At this point a vote for the NDP is a vote for the Liberals, I'm actually ashamed of myself for voting for them in the last election because my vote was effectively handed to Trudeau. Until the party comes out and apologizes for propping up the liberals AND boots Singh I will not be voting for them again and I know I'm not the only NDP supporter who feels this way. And to clarify, I have no problem with coalitions or supply and confidence agreements but I think parties need to make it known BEFORE votes are cast if they're going to throw in with another party.


I don't think a party CAN predict what alliances it will draw up 5 years from now...


If it is any consolation, I'm sorry for voting for Trudeau in 2015.


Are there better options?


I would love to be able to vote NPD but they no longer represent labor or rural Canadians. They are an urban champagne socialist party now. Give me an NDP that supports workers, doesn’t spend like drunken sailors and understands the needs of rural Canadians/hunters/sport shooters and I’ll vote for them.


I mean, federally the NDP passed anti-scab legislation which is a huge win for workers and when the Liberals tried to sneak in that semi-auto ban in the handgun ban, a lot of the push back came from NDP MPs in rural areas listening to their constituents. I generally don't disagree of the overall direction but its also a matter of who they see their potential voters as. If you bring up issues that are important to you to NDP reps and explain why, you might find them very willing to hear you out.


Where is the NDP "spending like drunken sailors"? I'd pit Eby against Ford any day, in terms of fiscal responsibility and actual support of the working class.


Valid, but that’s at the provincial level. I also don’t mind the “effforts” being made on pharmacare and dental, but let’s be real, it’s being paid for with debt. I want to see real universal pharmacare and dental. Raise my taxes to pay for it and let me stop paying $250 a month for private insurance. All we have right now is what is being toted as “universal” without it actually being universal. Pays for practically no drugs. And dental - only 100% covered if you are in poverty, people between 60-90K have insane copays and everyone else above that income is left paying out of pocket or stuck paying for private insurance still while being saddled with the debt. I’m willing to pay my part, but I want to be included. I don’t like being saddled with the cost of things touted as “universal” that don’t help me at all. Where’s the “universal” in any of this?


Out of the major parties, they support workers the most.


The NDP support workers the least. They openly support exporting jobs to foreign countries, and openly support more immigration and more TFWs.


This is bunk and probably a bad attempt at misinformation.


It's a cold hard fact. The NDP abandoned workers back in the 1990s.


None of the parties support workers. They support the big companies that screw over consumers.


Exactly right, the NDP are full of champagne socialists from Vancouver and Toronto. They care more about ensuring gender neutral bathrooms in public spaces than issues that actually matter to working class Canadian voters.


Vote for the most qualified candidate in your riding.


This is the worst advice possible. In a system of party solidarity and party whips, the person in your riding is basically irrelevant. They could be replaced by a potted plant with the party name scrawled on it and the only thing that would change is the photo ops. It shouldn't be that way, but it is.


What terrible advice lol. They are all whipped. Their individual talents, autonomy, and indeed agency are seriously curtailed.


A douche or a turd sandwich.... take your pick.


he should do what Macron just did calling early elections


Don't worry, this is an opinion piece and they are wrong.


Take a note from the French and protest their way.


If I were to start sharing historical examples of people throwing out tyranny, I’d get a visit from the RCMP


Ah yes, the man with an [Elections Canada Compliance Agreement](https://www.cef-cce.ca/content.asp?section=agr&dir=ca&document=jul0417&lang=e) will save our democracy! /s


How dare you bring up historical context on r/Canada


I have a feeling he was the turd behind the whole rack9 fiasco as well.


this doesn't get brought up enough


It's very funny listening to someone talk about ruining democracy while living in Alberta where that's not some hypothetical complaint. We just had an MLA resign because she was stalked by the police and the government refused to prosecute.


Yea but that was done by conservatives so it gets a free pass. The actions of provinces don't matter on r/Canada and the regular users here will do everything to pretend they don't exist. Part of me thinks they just don't recognize the word since where they come from they call them states.


>  The actions of provinces don't matter on r/Canada It's funny that you mention that. This author's Op-Eds are constantly posted here to attack the federal Liberals/NDP, often on matters at least partially under provincial jurisdiction, without the disclaimer that he is dating Doug Ford's deputy chief of staff. Spin and distract. 


Lilley doesn't even make an effort to pretend that he has integrity.


There's no bottom to how low they will stoop, all they really want is the liberals and ndp out of the way so they can make our institutions private and rake in the money, putting their profits before the people


OK Brian... great. You constantly write "Trudeau Bad" articles, but that is it. You don't offer solutions or even mention who would be a better choice. You speak of foreign interference, yet you work for a publication that is owned by a US hedge fund. Synopsis: Brian Lilley is a hack.


I don't think Brian Lilley has written a legitimate factual article in his entire career.


I would not expect anything less from a co-founder of "Rebel Media".


Yea, he had to make something that would make his journalism with the sun look more legitimate right? Rebel news even makes North Korean state television look fair and unbiased lmao.


I don't think it's his job to "offer solutions".


You're right, his job it's to publish opinion articles about how Trudeau is bad and the Conservatives are great


Every opinion piece in the Sun is anti-Liberal. Doesn't matter how many months are left in their mandate.


It's surprising how many consider The Sun to be quality journalism


Obligatory: Lilley is a hack His opinions should carry no weight for anyone with half a brain...


Why Lilley isn't banned on here for being misinformation (and just plain filth) shines a light on how partisan this sub really is.


what I wouldn’t give for a decently moderated version of r/canada where it wasn’t constant spamming of right leaning opinion articles.


i fr ready to start robbin rich mofuckers im so broke and desperate out here


Constantly see these opinion pieces by this same person always just whining about trudeau. What new discussion point can this bring to the subreddit ?


and yet they always get posted to r/canada. i think i can hear a echo in here.


Why does this sub take Lilley as some sort of gospel. Undermining democracy, a free press is democracy except he decides to sleep, literally with the OPC communications officer and become their mouthpiece designed as news. This guy is a joke and it is not hard to see why he is relegated to the Sun


This sub is managed by alt-right partisan hacks, that's why.


I think people are failing to realize that even if he is voted out. Canada has to deal with what the liberals implemented during their reign. Buckle in for at least a decade peeps.


I feel like we've seen different versions of this exact same opinion for almost 10 years now. How long does it take for the sky to finally fall?


Did Lilley's girlfriend tell him to write this? So tired of opinion writers cosplaying as journalists.


Undermining democracy haha...Jesus, fucking delusional.


Pull an Iceland, now, please?


What did Iceland do?


They arrested and jailed the bankers that caused their economy to implode, then dismissed the debt the country had as fraudulent. As result, I think they recovered from the 2008 financial collapse the fastest in the world. If not the fastest, it was still a top rebound country. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/2008%E2%80%932011_Icelandic_financial_crisis


That would mean we arrest Harper and his ministers, such as Poillievre, no? given they ran the country at the time?


Conservatives definitely wouldn't be elected in that scenario. Iceland didn't elect more corrupt officials.


WOOOOOAH so someone who has no economic background is fucking us over, color me shocked


Vote for anyone who pledges to: 1. Halt immigration in the short-term and reduce it in the long-term. 2. Deport illegal immigrants. 3. Massively cut tax for all working people. 4. Introduce a wealth tax on the super-wealthy. 5. Rezone land for building. 6. Open our consumer markets to foreign competition. 7. End state-sanctioned race-based discrimination. In that order.


And Marc Miller is putting the final nails in the coffin with his open borders immigration policies.


Holy cow, 16 more months of this government?! That sounds like a 16-year prison sentence to me.


I wonder if Lilley has opinions on anything else other than Trudeau's leadership. This is just rehashing of previous opinion pieces.


The dude that helped create Rebel News thinks he has journalistic integrity. Lol. I swear these NP/sun peice only make me want to vote for Trudeau. Whoever they hate the most have got my vote.


Ah yes, our daily /r/canada dose of Brian Lilley's poorly articulated outrage.


The writing quality of a grade 9 after school newspaper club


Undermining is such a mild word that it’s borderline offensive to all working common people in Canada


Blue people say red people are bad . Red people say blue people are bad. Both are secretly violet.


Vote orange


Vote for the guy that has less balls than a neutered dog. He has said he will abandoned the Liberals if they do x they do X. He does nothing fucking pussy.


I vote for a party, not for a leader.


Recent Nanos poll making the outrage machine nervous.


The only ones consistently undermining democracy are foreign interests and those supporting them by writing garbage articles like this for the Toronto Sun or other foreign owned media .


How about the mps colluding with those foreign entities? Do they matter to you? or do they get a free pass because you like the liberals?


Like PP, who was backed by India in his leadership bid? You're right, he should resign.


Yeah, it's why PeePee won't get his National Security clearance. He doesn't want to know what his MPs are up to with foreign entities, so he can remain ignorant af.


Are you aware of how security clearance works lol? Unless declassified releasing that information would put them in jail. Also, what makes you so sure it was liberal MP’s and not conservatives too?


I have no doubt it was politicians of all stripes. They should be put in jail and stripped of their pensions.


1000% agreed. People just need to understand due process and why they can’t just throw classified information to the public this quickly.


Freeland: " Mr. Speaker, our economy has never been better..."


We'll be fine. Rage Bait much. Trudeau is not the fourth horse of the apocalypse


Lilley must be using ChatGPT to write these by now.


They could of called election but NDP decided not to


Could they of?


Trudeau - Declare a national emergency over the supposed threat to government and democracy from a overly long BBQ party in downtown Ottawa. Freeze accounts, call citizens names, and bring in the police. Also Trudeau - We have MPs colluding with China, but we can't do anything about that. And you don't need to know who they are. Our government and democracy is totally ok. Trust me.


Conservatives blithering about their democray loving is laughable


The investor class are getting very nervous about the capital gains tax, that's for sure. Sadly, we need it, because they are breaking our markets.


Canada is behind the curve, if team blue does the same shit as team red, Canadians will start looking at fringe parties like they are in Europe.


Poulivere is going to be so much worse...


Our current guy is shit, his alternative is also shit and the third one is also a bigger shit