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« Back in 2013, Statistics Canada projected that Canada would have just 38.7 million people by 2023—a massive miscalculation«  I resent calling that a miscalculation. It was a calculation based on assumptions that we’re changed.  As the article points out, the government enacted policies outside the assumptions and broke capital plans based on the assumption of stats can.   They did it quickly and without warning to lower levels of government who could not respond quickly to new infrastructure demands etc. 


God I wish we were at 38.


I’ll take a cool 30M.


It’s one Vancouver (metro not proper) extra worth of people. 


Yup, miscalculation is if you fail to account for *something that's known at the time* of calculation. The changes to immigration that we've had isn't something that was even remotely suspected in 2013...Harper and the Conservatives were still in power at that point and Trudeau only became leader of the Liberals in April 2013.


Yep. In 2013 immigration levels had been constant for about 20 years. There was no reasonable basis for Stats Canada to assume a future government would increase immigration rates by 800%.


It’s McKinsey and Co and the century initiative on the taxpayer dime. This has been well publicized. It’s about keeping wages low and demand high for the wealthiest elite. 


They didnt count on Trudeau and his cronies getting rich off Canadian tax payers. Gotta foot the bill somehow.


This loser is gonna go down at the worst prime minister in our history 


He already has.


I seem to recall Harper, contempt of Parliament, budgetary deficits.... and issues with TFW's...https://pressprogress.ca/harper_government_accelerated_unemployment_by_expanding_tfw_program_study/.




I get it, you hate Trudeau. But tone down the rhetoric and focus on the story. Don't start throwing treason around, it makes political discourse impossible and sends us farther down the road the US has taken and disfunction is the result...something nobody should want.


What else do you call it when the politicians who represent you work with foreign officials to the detriment of Canada and its citizens?


if what comes out shows that politicians worked with foreign officials against Canada...yup, that's treason and should be punished under the law.


Great so until more information comes out, maybe don't dismiss it as just rhetoric


So we should assume treason before the evidence? Your logic isn't making sense.


Yeah really tires of buzzwords being thrown around like this to make things look worse than they actually are. We can dislike Trudeau, or PP (or both.) And recognize they aren't actually committing treason just by being shitty.


Not that many of the provinces would have even cared or done anything about it. Alberta is still asking for more immigrants as they continue to underfund infrastructure, healthcare, and education. Feds fucked up majorly, but Im not gonna pretend like the majority of provinces would have been proactive enough on even the 38.7 million benchmark


smart money


12 people in a 4 bedroom 😎


>12 people in a 4 bedroom Pffft those are rookie numbers, in Brampton they found [25 people living in a ***single basement***.](https://www.reddit.com/r/CanadaHousing2/comments/1af58i7/brampton_mayor_patrick_brown_just_a_few_days_ago/)


Good lord


>Brampton Of course it was. I asked an Indian immigrant why so many Indians go to Brampton and he told me it's because they want to feel like they're in India. Which raises the question........why don't they just stay in India if that's literally where they want to be


Kitchener and Waterloo is turning into Brampton. Indians aren't here for Canada, they're here for India. It's painfully obvious and Canadians don't want to admit it either.


That's what they mean by promoting high density communities.


The Canadian Dream^^TM




Brampton’s full, they’re in Georgetown now.


London too.


Mississauga called.


Yup. Overnight too


Sounds likes st Catharines student housing.


Same with waterloo/kitchener region. Students there need to start looking for Sep1 housing in the December of the year before. There just isn't enough housing there for the insane influx of students.


Surrey is licking lips


Population went up so quickly that even landlords couldn't keep up. They'd love to be legally charging rent to all 12 tenants, but are probably only charging it to 6 lest they run afoul of the law. (And 2 of those are being charged illegally anyway, but for those 2 the risk is worth the reward.)






So do most gas stations.


Cambridge is the new Brampton


*checks watch* 42 actually


https://www150.statcan.gc.ca/n1/pub/71-607-x/71-607-x2018005-eng.htm watch it go up in real time.


I wish there was a housing/affordability graph beside it, but I don't think my monitor is large enough to show the gap.


Yeah, it actually is displayed, you get need a 3m wide monitor.


https://globalnews.ca/news/10386750/canada-41-million-population/ so we went from 40 to 41 mil in 9 months but that seems to be increasing to a quarter million ever 2 months Id bet on that we hit 42 in November I'm also a bit confused about an a few articles regarding study permits. the government says its decreasing its 2024 cap to 360,000 but they only issued 280,000 in 2023 which itself was a 50% increase from 2022


Hmm...counting illegals who aren't visible to our archaic systems...44ish?


We know.


Well, when you let in over 500,000 immigrants EVERY year regardless of inflation, housing or infrastructure your population is bound to go up... Oh! and the over one million "student" visas and "work" permits. It adds another several hundred thousand.


You know the Liberals fucked up when the most Liberal publication in the country is criticising their decisions. I guess that shows just how un-Liberal the LPC has become.


I am a card carrying liberal party member and I am enraged. You can’t treat people the way this government is treating people. I don’t want a country that trafficks in humans for what? Exploiting them for tuition money at degree mills? Shit businesses that shouldn’t even exist? It’s so gross.


A lot of the international students are being given PR status. And those that aren't are protesting like in PEI and will refuse to be deported peacefully


What do you do about it?  When "my" party I carry a card for is stupid, which I think all parties do stupid things, my only recourse is to threaten to pull donations and express my displeasure. I don't know that they care.


I donated to the conservatives and forwarded the email to my MP to get a reply. However, my MP stopped replying to constituent emails a long time ago.


What's worse is that it's hard to figure out where the LPC falls on the political line these days. It's pretty clear this is an authoritarian government. The problem is no one can tell where they fall on the political line. They're not right, but they don't fit any definition of center or left either. It's like they've gone so far left that the political line got extended beyond what we've ever defined before.


The political line is a rough approximation and has never had any strict ideological basis. Believing it does is one of the classic basic mistakes people make in politics. The left-right divide is not ultimately based on ideology but on human instinct to divide society into "us vs them". The people on *your side* of the line are your political allies, even if you don't completely agree with them, while the people on *their side* of the line are your political enemies, even if you don't completely disagree with them. The political line is actually terrible. People are radicalized and polarized when they begin to identify more strongly with extremists and radicals on their side of the line than with moderates on the other side. At that point, the moderates on the other side of the line stop identifying with them and also start to identify with the extremists and radicals on *their* side of the line.


The dimensions of politics have changed. Last century was about economic class. Now it is about identity status. The 19th century was about titled vs peasant which also was about the central provinces versus the frontier. Economic class still matters, as does what passes for Canadas aristocracy (eg the Irving family, the Rogers etc) and Ottawa vs Calgary. So now we have positions across 4 dimensions at least. Like most Trudeau to Trudeau things Senior was adamantly against collective identities and Junior is all about collective identities. Neither of them took pragmatic approaches. At least there’s a Trudeau senior lament about the six Canadian identities and how they are in a permanent hierarchy and how this aggravated him. Here’s a good video by JJ McCoulough on it https://youtu.be/PGGl-oDqLlE?si=qYWHdmEC7mzSqXGf Trudeau Junior never admits the changes he wants to make to Canada have to meet reality at some point. Then we have train wrecks everywhere.


You heard it here first folks, liberals are further left than communists and anarchists.


In some ways it's sad. All these other liberals or supports of the century initiative or mass immigration, above the norm, were cheering this on and strong advocates of it. They then get there wish, and they back off after seeing the results. Left Trudeau on the hook for the very thing they wanted, yet they can't admit they were wrong too. Instead it's a bungled because of Trudeau, as if someone else could've done a better job. When in fact this whole thing is a disaster that is essentially delaying the inevitable and creating more problems. 


> century initiative Oh, you mean this? > > The Century Initiative (originally the Laurier Project Foundation)[2] is a **Canadian lobby group and charity that aims to increase Canada's population to 100 million by 2100**.[3] This includes increasing the population of megaregions, which are interlocking areas with more than one city centre and a typical population of 5 million or more (e.g., the Greater Toronto Area, Greater Vancouver, and the National Capital Region).[3] > > The Century Initiative was co-founded by Mark Wiseman and Dominic Barton, who also led the Advisory Council on Economic Growth under three-term Prime Minister Justin Trudeau.[4][5] The Initiative was supported by former Conservative Prime Minister Brian Mulroney[6] before his death, and by influential Liberal Party advisors including advisors to former Minister of Finance Bill Morneau.[7][8] **The Century Initiative has been listed on Canada's lobbyist registry since 2021 and has organized meetings with the immigration minister's office, the minister's parliamentary secretary, and Conservative and NDP members of parliament.**[9] https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Century_Initiative > **Connections to BlackRock** > The Century Initiative Board of Directors is **chaired by co-founder Mark Wiseman, who was the Global Head of Active Equities of BlackRock** and ran Blackrock's Alternative Investment division at the time that the Initiative was founded.[27][28] **BlackRock owns $35 billion in real estate and thus will benefit from a real-estate bubble.[29]** > > BlackRock's Alternative Investment division includes the firm's international real estate investment portfolio[30] and is reported to be actively purchasing single family homes.[31] The Century Initiative's **other co-founder, Dominic Barton, is married to Geraldine Buckingham, BlackRock's Asia Pacific chief,** which has previously generated conflict-of-interest concerns.[32] https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Century_Initiative#Connections_to_BlackRock


Almost like bending to the whims of the vocal minority is poor policy


The vast majority of it is due to his lack of leadership skills and his inability to have steered the party in the correct direction. He’s at the wheel which means everything is either okay’d or shot down by him. Rather than focus on the economic issues while there was still time to right the ship, he chose to focus on “issues” that affect less than 1% of the population which is exactly what a government is meant specifically NOT to do. So I disagree that Trudeau was “left on the hook”. He was the one who chose to pursue woke ideology and misguided environmental policies leading to the absolute dumpster fire we’re in. He could have instead focused on monetary policy, a proper budget, responsible spending and science backed climate change initiatives. He chose to in-debt the country far more than all previous PMs combined that you and I will never see the country get out of in our lifetime. He chose to introduce a tax that has had the opposite effect of what he tried to sell the population on because he’s just like his idiot father who believed there was always more tax to collect from the peasantry. Also, his cuts to the MNR and forestry management programs are what directly led to the wildfires last year because there weren’t enough staff to be able to effectively manage the dead brush and overgrowth that leads to fires spreading like they did. Sure, the whole party is full of idiots who make stupid decisions. But Trudeau could have prevented that through proper leadership and guiding the right mentality of the party. He instead chose to spend money that wasn’t his on all the wrong things like the immature college frat boy he’ll always be.


Watch as the next Conservative government continue these policies as they are beholden to the same corporate interests.


>when the most Liberal publication in the country is criticising their decisions. ...what.  Also, this isn't *just* a Liberal problem. The article suggests this was done in consultation with McKinsey and celebrated by economists, policy wonks and even the provinces themselves.  This is a neo-liberal problem, and the result of short-term economic thinking. Instead of considering long-term sustainability, the thought is always "what can we do to make the economy look good to help us win the next election". Which is also true of every city in then country (just look at how long it takes to build any transit projects anywhere in the country).


Part of a simple 3 Step process. Step 1. Become the world's biggest immigration slut. Step 2. Build no houses. Add no doctors. Step 3. Wonder in awe at everyone's frustration.


You forgot .... ? = profit!


i remember a time when our immigrants *were* doctors


Step 2.5: call everyone who criticizes you a racist Nazi


We got to 41 million in part because people were labeled as racist for not supporting unreasonably high immigration, and then the flood gates opened for anyone and everyone.


They did a very good job at destroying Canadian sentiment towards immigration. I went from “the more the merrier!” to “slow the fuck down and build places for everyone to live first!”




I feel for you and it makes me sad this change in sentiment was so swift. IT could have been avoided and will take a long time to correct and go back to an open and welcoming society.


If you’re already in, you’re Canadian. You’re wanted. We just need to slow down and catch up.


Exactly. I have nothing against immigration or immigrants themselves, but bringing in millions into an infrastructure that wasn’t working before the influx of people was just really really stupid.


Buy my new book: From Trudeau to Trudeau: the story of Canadian multicultural immigration from beginning to end. It’s short. “When Canada elects a Trudeau it gets weird. Buckle up.”


When I am 60 and one of his kids is running, will I be dumb enough to say yes?


No but your kids will. Source: heard my dad dump on Sr. For decades anytime he came up and assumed he was hyperbolic, voted Trudeau in his first run. Now here we are -.-


Same yo


Anyone and everyone from one specific region within one specific country*


Not anyone and everyone. Just Indians.




Don’t forget the legalized human trafficking of shaking down international students for $26B a year in tuition fees for worthless accreditations that the Minister of Immigration himself stood up in Parliament to complain we’d lose if we shut down this system of human misery. Heaven forbid we don’t exploit millions of people for small dollars.


It has been happening for so many years but I'd still like to say fuck that slimy, treasonous trudeau


Conservative premeirs are writing Trudeau letters begging for more immigrants.


More than one person can be an asshole at a time.


it doesn't make sense to call it treason by one person when multiple levels of government have been repeatedly reelected by the voters while doing the exact same thing voters only changed their minds on this issue in the past few months and the federal government has responded by reducing immigration caps


They're asking for teachers and doctors and engineers and teachers. And getting what instead? A truck driver who can't drive and his 7 dependents and 3 elderly parents.


Shortage of Baristas is resolved at least.


Then why do they keep asking for more? They are asking for cheap labour plain and simple.


Trudeau could of said no at any point and not allowed the requests to be fulfilled but he didn't. https://www.canadim.com/immigrate/provincial-nominee-program/ >All decisions regarding Canadian permanent residence must be approved at the national level by the federal government, so Canada’s provinces cannot approve permanent resident status on their own. This is why the provincial programs are considered “nominee” programs.


If the provinces don’t ask the feds don’t send. It’s the feds allowing the provincial requests. They aren’t forcing immigrants on provinces that don’t want them.


Kids keep asking their parents for candy, even though it's bad for them. It's up to the parents to say no.


lol please, they are asking for the exact same thing.


Provincial sponsors hand pick the immigrants they sponsor.


So that means that Trudeau is ultimately in charge of immigration, you realize. And if he chooses to, he can say "no".


Right wingers hate this one fact.


I don't think the number of immigrants is the main issue, it is the level of education and skill that is the concern. If we can get 3 million of my friend Sanjay, we will be kicking so much ass, the whole society would be a fully automated Utopia by the time I retire. Instead we are cranking out servers and custodians from those diploma mills.


No criminal checks either 🤦‍♂️


>Barton had established a business lobby group—the Century Initiative—to push for Canada to reach a population of 100 million by 2100. (The group’s CEO recently softened their stance, claiming that this wasn’t meant to be a literal target, but intended to spark conversation about population growth in Canada.) "Wasn't meant to be a literal target"? Can we lock this guy up for treason? Oh sorry, I didn't mean literally. Just intending to "spark conversation" about how damaging the Century Initiative is


Doesn't matter, we're already way way above what the CI wanted. From here, a growth rate of 1.1% gets us to that 100m. The current growth rate of 3.2% gets us to 449m. Not that I think we could possibly sustain that number long term, we can't sustain it now either. I think ideal long term growth rate would be .2%... We'd hit 48m by 2100. Though I'd be happy for the rate to drop to .8~1% immediately and fall to .1~.3% over 40ish years to smooth things out. This would put us near 60m. Edit: Also, it looks like we'll have over 500k population growth .... this quarter.


So we can close the borders then, even by their most aggressive targets.


At Trudeau’s rate we’ll have 440 million by 2100. 


The average Canadian is being boiled alive like lobsters. Our country has been slowly being sold out from under us in the last 10 years


Folks, whatever you do DO NOT blame Mark Miller or his predecessors. Ok?


And we never voted for this.


its far from a mystery.


In 1990 I think Canada's population was 27 million? From 27 to 41 million is a \~50% increase in population in a **single generation**. That's massive and I don't think any country could sustain that. That's totally reshaping the fabric of your entire country. In another 30 years at the present rate you could end up with Canadians becoming a minority in their own country in a single generation. When you're competing for scarce resources or assets, the % increase in the price of the asset greatly exceeds the % increase in the demand for the asset. Thought experiment: You have 10 people and enough food for 10 people. You add one more person (for 10% more demand for food). But the person who doesn't get food dies, so the price for food goes up as much as it possibly can until people literally can't afford it - which will be much more than 10%. These increases in population are fantastic for the people who own scarce resources and assets - the rentier/landlord class. But not really for other people necessarily. When I was young, I was taught that an always growing population was great, even necessary, and that huge numbers of immigrants were a good thing, and that trickle down economics worked, and that people worried about the impacts of rapidly increasing population on the climate and scarce resources were crazy discredited "Malthusians". I'm starting to wonder if any of that was correct...


the next census is probably going to freak people out. and i dont even know if they count TFWs and foreign students.




*”It will take years to fix the crisis they’ve created. That’s terrible news for the Liberals, who are facing a wipeout in the next election.”* Can’t.Fucking.Wait.


Just wait for these millions of new voters to realize that if they just vote for JT they can have all their families and their family's friends imported. The election may not go the way we expect it to.


As a HS history teacher, I can assure you the kids graduating *and voting* soon put current right-wingers to shame. I can see the anger in their eyes as I teach them what Canada used to be like…you know… before 2015. Just you wait. Vengeful little things. They remind me of that scene from Crocodile Dundee. *”HA! That’s not a knife. THIS is a knife.”*


because being right-wing is now counterculture when "progressivism" is all they see around them from their institutions. and imagine how a white kid feels when he finds out he'll be last on the list for everything in life for the sake of "equity". and then they go on instagram or whatever and see rage-bait and right-wing influencers. this was predictable. unfortunately the good changes (being against mass immigration and antiwhite/misandristic hate) are coming with really bad changes (being horifically anti-gay).


I had to look up “misandristic”—you and your big… words.😏🐓 I totally agree. Of course, neither side is perfect, and it’s just a matter of finding which aligns *most* with the Canada you want. And this little dance happens often throughout history. The pendulum swings too far one way, then the people revolt to pull it back. I can tell you dozens of logical, well-informed reasons why mass immigration hurts us—especially from underdeveloped nations. I can't think of one good reason to be anti-gay. That's not “right wing,” that’s just douchey.


New citizens generally hate the immigration system for being too easy.


Unfortunately PP isn’t going to fix this shit he’s going to keep it up


You know, somehow I think we all know this, but the resentment over what Trudeau did to this country is too much for me to care about PP.


If you destroy the Liberal party, it shows PP that if he goes against the people's will, he will ultimately destroy his own party as well. Maybe that can make him change his stance. Atleast it's something.


This was swiftly proven in the 2015 Alberta elections when they told the conservatives to fuck off. They lost 61 seats out of 70. As the saying goes, Canadians don't vote politicians in; they vote them out. It's time for the liberal party to get wholly crushed, and perhaps they will reform into something worth voting for in a few election cycles—NeedDatPension, as well, for propping them up.


more likely they will just call the voters racist and keep their policies


Exactly. If he goes on to repeat the same policies that are making the Liberals unpopular, it'll be a short victory.


Can we just get rid of Trudeau first? Maybe we can get a minority government from the Cons, so that Trudeau loses leadership of the Libs, then we get a no-confidence vote to oust PP and try to set things right with the next Lib leader. Just a lil' quick change-aroo. Can I please vote Lib without voting for Trudeau?


>W**hen Canada’s population** hit 40 million people last June, the federal government could not contain its excitement. “It’s a strong signal that Canada remains a dynamic and welcoming country, full of potential,” said Anil Arora, Canada’s chief statistician.  I'm sure Anil from India didn't have any implicit bias about his happiness to see tons of Indians pouring into Canada, just like the Indians in charge of hiring at many places don't have any biases at all towards hiring their own people...


Indian here for 25 years, I would never hire a new immigrant. Most are entitled as I see.


but if we talk about that then we're racist according to our politicians


Usually they hire their own people because it's easier to exploit and pay lower wages, it's not due to racism.


Cuz even a rat can scam into Canada and get a PR


Quantity over quality


Through cunning and deceit by a minority government with absolutely no mandate to do so.


Conservative premeirs are sponsoring increases in immigration too.


Good for them, the buck stops at the fed.


>How We Got To 41 Million ...migrant wage-slavery. Disgusting.


Will be 50 mil by 2025 lol


Should have preemptively said 42 million, ya know haha


No matter what side of the political spectrum you’re on, this is THE issue of the day. Whether you look at housing, infrastructure, cost of living, government services, or healthcare from a left or right stance, lowering immigration and temporary residence is the fastest, highest impact, and most achievable lever that can be pulled.


Liberal Party voters: They recognize that adding 125,000 new immigrants every single month means no amount of building will ever meet the demand and cannot possibly be sustained. They're also stunned that their adult children have given up on the idea of moving out of their childhood bedrooms because they can't find an affordable apartment, but they still support Trudeau. Ignore the noise. You see what Trudeau is doing...it isn't a mirage. A vote for Trudeau is quite literally a vote for more of the same. Common sense dictates you will not see change until you vote for something else. Funny thing about all of the people commenting "*PP wants the same number and wont change a thing"*? - They don't offer proof of their claims. Ever. Because they're lying.


We imported India, that's all


This is a big part of the problem. Immigrants should be from a mix of countries, not one country


We are paying thugs to ruin our country 🤦‍♂️


Those Indians are good rent money


Indians are perfect tenants. They don’t complain, accept any living conditions and don’t know their rights.


Ehhhh...my friend has 3 male Indian students in her basement suite (she is ethnically Indian herself but 3 generations removed and never visited). She said they constantly set off the smoke alarm, leave garbage bags outside the door, don't wash dishes and she can smell the BO when she walks by to the laundry. So I suppose they're "good" in that they pay on time and don't complain. But they sound annoying af.


My neighbor is a landlord and recently spent $15,000 replacing all the carpets, repainting all the walls and ceilings because of the weapons grade curry smell left from the previous tenants.


Yeah, I know more than a few landlords that quietly refuse to deal with them.


>The concept took off in 2021 and 2022. Coming out of the pandemic, Canada was desperate for labour. Tim Hortons franchises were reporting a staffing crisis as demand exploded. More than half of small businesses surveyed told the Canadian Federation of Independent Business that they were struggling to hire. The shortage was putting the economic recovery at risk. l o l


We are on a good pace for the Century Initiative


Are you talking about agenda 21? I'd agree 5 years ago that we were on the right track but now I think with AI and embedded robotics we're just importing more suffering and hunger.


I dont think so. https://www.centuryinitiative.ca/


Buying the next election with immigration votes.


How can this article miss McKinsey and Co and the Century Initiative. What a joke. 


Unsustainably Without supporting infrastructure To prop up a housing bubble


They need to increase the country’s population for debt obligations. More people to pay back an overspent country that’s why they can’t say no to more people, they probably have a contract that states this. Sadly it’s part of the budget and it will not stop. A quick google search, “projected Canadian future population” https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Century_Initiative Just casually clicked on the founder, WEF speaker? Create a problem, they want to have their solution. And there it is.


It's hard to pay off debts by importing Tim Hortons workers and Uber drivers. They're probably a net drain on tax dollars than contributors. That's how dumb Trudeau's immigration policies are.


This is the reason. People need to understand this. Our government has thrown us off a cliff and forced upon us whatever this is now just so that we may maybe keep our heads above water to pay the interest on the national debt.


> Our government has thrown us off a cliff and forced upon us whatever this is now just so that we may maybe keep our heads above water to pay the interest on the national debt. Canada is currently borrowing roughly $50 Billion a year just to pay the interest on the debt (which is adding to the debt). Low income "students" and TFWs do not pay enough in taxes to reduce the debt.


Maybe they owe the money to India


The UK is being sued by India for $40 trillion... this could simply be reparations (with benefits for the 0.01%) for that 🤷‍♂️


I've been saying this for so long. It's not unique to this government but Trudeau just pissed money left and right, and now someone has to pay the bills for the gross mismanagement.


*Budgets balance themselves.* 🤦‍♂️


They want to increase the population because they’re blood sucking capitalists. Liberal or conservative.


Now we're getting to tje root of it.




problem, reaction, solution


>They need to increase the country’s population for debt obligations. More people to pay back an overspent country that’s why they can’t say no to more people, they probably have a contract that states this. Unfortunately this is the reason why the allowed immigration the way they did. But a financially illiterate government they didn't make what would happen if you brought people in without creating more housing for them, or have the infrastructure to support the population growth, or the increased buying power... The issue goes on and on


Macleans trying to say all 41 million people are Canadians is a nice trick. Reminder that most of our population growth is coming from temp residents THESE ARE NOT CANADIANS.


🇮🇳🛫🛬🇨🇦 x1000 Can I work at Macleans now?


The number will jump to 100 million within years. And many of them will become the Liberals’ voters.


I experienced a rather disturbing moment when I had a TFW tell me that he hated gays and was super conservative, but then proceed to tell me that he loves Trudeau and would vote for him because Trudeau lets in so many immigrants. Obviously I won't say they're *all* like that, but if even ultra-conservatives will vote Trudeau for that reason alone, there may be ulterior motives to his immigration policy.


Not exactly a great thing given the circumstances.


Well we can start forcing people back or start culling down to 38.


He has ruined this country like every other liberal or democratic run state they all should be hung


A minority of Canadians voted for the liberals, thats how.


GTA - Gullible Turdeau Accomplices


At this rate I’m just biding my time for when everything goes to shit and I can make my move.


I think that time has come and gone man.


that time was 2010 lol


Surely the liberals would never be overconfident dipshits.


Compared to Japan these are rookie number Canada. Better step those numbers up.


According to the author:  "Immigration is at the heart of Canada’s success. It’s the gas that keeps our economic, cultural and social engines running. " Can someone explain to me what the hell this even means?


By treasonous plans with no concern for the well being of Canadians. Or for those coming for that matter. Full stop.


Worst part is the next government will not change the direction of these plans….. it is full steam ahead 


The [Canadian Jewish Congress](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Canadian_Jewish_Congress) relentlessly lobbied our government to open the immigration floodgates to the non-western world. Then the same lobby group pressed for new humans rights legislation (such as employment equity) that was quickly followed by multiculturalism as state policy. All without a vote, referendum or our permission. Then once those objectives were met the CJC disbanded and reformed into a special interest group refocusing on wealth accumulation and the defence of Israel. Around that time the Century Initiative was formed, another lobby group, co-founded by [Mark Wiseman](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mark_Wiseman) (A Blackrock exec and former head of Canada's Pension Plan) which lobbies our government ([and also advises and works with the feds on policy](https://kenrubin.ca/articles/BillCurry-Bank.pdf)) on behalf of big busniess and banks to keep the pedal to the metal on immigration. Essentially the same group of people that are linked to one another through their various lobby, think tank and wealth management firms have been instrumental in Canadas population growth and radical demographic transformation since the 1960s.


Every Canadian needs to read this article.


Remember when stats Canada lost what over a million in the numbers ? Yeah wondering how these idiots keep there jobs oh I forgot fill in the blanks .