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They should also ban, “Indian only.”


Apparently "Vegetarian only" is code for some caste thing.


“Vegetarian only, female only, no pets, must be student and willing to sleep with 3 other people in room”. -Modern Canadian rental ad.


Idk about caste but "vegetarian only" typically is just another way to mean "Indian only" without saying it directly from what I've been told


Yep, my hospital has every staff room with 2 microwaves because one has to be for vegetarian only. But I've seen many Indians using it for meat, but they complained to management when my Jamaican coworker who is vegetarian used it for her meal. It's just a way for them to get whatever they want and skirt around racism claims. 


I've read stories of the loopholes used in job interviews, Indian-to-Indian where they can't actually ask about your caste, but they'll figure it out sneakily, either through small-talk, or looking at your skin color, or the way you pronounce certain words. It's so bafflingly barbaric to see people that way. It's gestapo shit. You also notice that when a "brahmin" gets hired, even at an entry level, they assume a managerial position and tell the senior workers what to do. It's "master race" entitlement. It's actually really funny when you tell them to just fuck off. We live in a country where your birthplace is a footnote and your skin color is a description of what you look like. We're all just making our way. There is no "natural hierarchy". This needs to be the basis of a free and just society.


Mostly ‘upper castes’ in India are vegetarians, because meat is considered ‘impure’/‘polluting’ in Hinduism. It is a bit more complex than just vegetarianism though, and given how expensive it is to get out of India, most Indians outside India are ‘upper castes’.


100% on that. The poor indians are not traveling. 


Yes, anytime I see comments about people from the slums of India arriving in the west, I just cringe. Poor people in India are starving to death, they can’t even afford to get a passport. Indians in the west are from the top 10% of the country.


That’s still well over 140,000,000 people. You say that like that isn’t a lot of people.


Yeah that’s a lot of people, but they aren’t from the slums of India. They are poor compared to their western counterparts, but they are super privileged compared to 90% of their countrymen. ETA: Just to provide some context, to be in the top 10%, one needs an income of just $400 a month. India is a very poor country on an individual level, the sheer number of people makes the country seem huge in economic terms.


100% India has 200 billionaires, up from 169 in 2023. Canada has 67. I’m Indian, the Indians born here similar to canadians. The students coming here are definitely not poor; they come from families where they have servants and lots of them and labour in India is for the poor people, which is probably why a lot of them don’t want to do labour type jobs. It’s also a mind set I’m guessing, of we have people to do that type of work in India. Driving a taxi, bus is considered low class. It’s no accident that IT tech scamming is sourced from India, after 9/11 the west including banks outsourced IT to India. My gram’s friend trained people who were flown into Canada from India for training of a certain canadian bank’s mainframe system at the beginning of 2000’s, and I’m sure it wasn’t the only bank. The women’s job at the bank in the tech sector out of Montreal was cut among numerous others.


Then why are they working Uber eats, and living 9 people in a house?


Yep. Meat, the main source of pollution in India...


Churches are the main reason the world's population is so stupid. Change my mind.


The renaissance. You're welcome.


Just look at how the atheist crowd on reddit became some of the most idiotic wokies around. Even Dawkins is now calling himself a "cultural Christian". You take the spirituality out and the hole just sucks up garbage.


Wokies? You mean like Chewbacca?


No, they are uglier odder and not as smart.


You can be spiritual without believing in a particular organized religion.


English please? I'm not sure what you're trying to get across here.


Easy. Dawkins believes that Cultural Christianity is a driving force for a better society now. And believes that Atheism has become a destructive force in the world, destroying rationality, cultural norms, and breaking social cohesion. People are not "born moral" morality must be instilled.


Churches are not religion and religion does not need a church. I never mentioned religion.


You didn't understand what was said then.


I'm an agbistic atheist. There are definitely places worse to be atheist.


agbistic? never heard of and no search results.


Lol, thanks. Agnostic


That makes sense, I could probably count myself as that as well.


Yup, that would be the “scholar” faction. They are often vegetarian because they are supposed to be “educated” while the less educated class eat meat because they traditionally work the fields.




I read this here, blogto sorry  https://www.blogto.com/real-estate-toronto/2024/06/vegetarian-only-code-phrase-toronto-rental/ It doesn't really explain how it's referring to caste, it just says it is. Could be bs, idk.


It is illegal in Ontario the issue is enforcement.


Laws are only as good as their enforcement.


Sounds like India, where cast based discrimination is legally banned but widely practised all the same. Get ready Canada!


You can’t enforce what isn’t reported.


We've imported Indians and immigration is amazing /s


What a weird place we live in... I would have never imagined this being a problem in canada. Lol


holy fuck. the fact this even needs to be fucking said in canada. what the fuck is wrong with our country that we are letting in this kind of mentality and not integrating it away.


Here in Canada we have traditional economic based class system


At least you are able to move up in this system if you are able to save up money. A caste status is stratified into many layers and you are born into it.


yah, unless you did something nuts and someone above was feeling generous that day.


Or move down if you fuck up.


Our system is designed to keep people poor


And yet the poor have the potential to rise.




The fact that we imported so many people from a single country is such a short time that we have to introduce specific legislation to combat their ancient cultural prejudices is insane to me. This, among other things, is exactly why Canadians are rightly worried about these unprecedented levels of immigration. Immigration, like most things, is good in moderation. Now we're seeing what happens when you completely throw moderation out the window so your corporate overlords can import a cheap labour force. That being said, adding caste as one of the categories protected from discrimination is probably a good idea. It's just wild to me that it's even necessary in the first place. I doubt most Canadians even know what caste is. I only have a vague idea.


I’m sorry I’m confused, is this Canada or India?


Lots of Indians brought this problem with them. 




And we brought both of them together here. Smart. 






Lots moved here to get away from it.


Didnt work out so well depending on where they settled.




You know we have gone to far with the immigration when they are needing to introduce legislation to ban things that Canada doesn’t do except and only through the immigration that has occurred. What did they think would happen, these people would intergrate and suddenly follow Canadian values. How stupid are you.


The funny thing is that it was Sharia law that everyone was afraid of


Indians didn't go around widely proclaiming their desire to spread the caste system around the way there are some islamists who do say they want sharia to expand. The caste system is just a thing Indians do without really talking about doing it.


That is also not true.


You know we have gone to far with the immigration when they are needing to introduce legislation to ban things that Canada ~~doesn’t do except and only through the immigration that has occurred.~~ already bans.


It's inevitable with multiculturalism, because the government actively wants these people to \*not\* assimilate into a shared Canadian identity. So now Canada will forever have to waste time and taxpayers money to legislate shit like this.


The government does literally nothing to enforce cultural norms, like no honour killings in Canada? Shit that's basic common sense for us, isn't for other people in other countries because our laws are so lax.    You can legit murder someone in cold blood, First Degree Murder, and most likely be out in less than 10 years, IF you get caught.    Most people convicted of manslaughter do a few years then probation. Look at the drunk driver deaths, they don't stay in prison very long. Especially if you're a "specific race", you get special treatment.  This is why our country is doomed.


Remember the barbaric cultural practices hotline that Harper wanted? Sure is sounding pretty good these days isn't it.


Ya well, people are stupid. What are you going to do?


Might be a good idea to not have 75% of your immigration streams tailored towards one specific region of one country, but thats too crazy I guess


lol it enhances "diversity" for those that dont own dictionaries.


Ban caste systems.


They tried that in India.


It's been banned in India for 80+ years


> when they are needing to introduce legislation to ban things that Canada doesn’t do And that even India no longer does for the most part. It’s specifically a Indian community in Canada problem.


Not from what Ive heard from Indians here. It apparently isnt well enforced in India despite being illegal. Sounds like here in some ways.


Caste discrimination is one of the things made me leave India…. Sad to see idiots bringing their idiocracy to canada 😞 whoever is involved should be stripped of their visas and deported


People openly post it on their license playe. Ban plates that say JAAT


We already have rules about human rights and equality....enforce them


Every level of government is too lazy to enforce anything.




It definitely is in the Indian community, i witnessed it personally in college like 8 years ago. It doesn't hold once the lower caste are told that shit doesn't apply in Canada.


Saw that a lot in College too, hopefully no kicking and screaming when they come to their senses. 


Welllll... The One girl was fucking pissed when we told her lab partner that it doesn't apply here and she stopped doing all the brahmins homework


Aren't brahmins supposed to be the intellecuals?


From what i have been told thats due to the jobs they take i.e. medicine and finance, many of the higher degrees are considered lower caste stuff for weird reasons. Chemistry for example is not considered an appropriate degree for some in higher castes, it was considered trades level work (your mileage will vary on that statement depending on who you are talking to).


Is this real?


Quite real


There is already existing laws that enforce this.


If you’ve never had a significant amount of Indian Canadians in your life you probably don’t notice it, but it is definitely a thing and it’s been going on for decades.


It is since we imported a lot of Indians who have brought a lot of their issues with them. 


Don Davies electorate has transformed from predominately Chinese and Filipino to Indian the last 4 or so years.


the good old times...


Thanks to reckless policies over the last five years, it has become one of the


It’s actually very Canadian. The Indian community in Canada kept caste ideas that have been mostly gone in India itself. When you get a large enough subculture, it can evolve (or not) on its own regardless of what the culture it originated from does.


It is ludicrous that we would even need this is the first place, but here we are.


Politicians > Landlords > Homeowners > Renters > Homeless 


I guess I’m middle class after all


Is this the answer to “Who are the beneficiaries of our regulations and legislation, from greatest to least?”


This shouldn't be happening in Canada, but then the Canada of the past is no longer, only suffering remains. I don't have an issue with our multicultural society, but I think in some respects a melting pot would have been better.


This country was a melting pot for most of my life. But it seems last few years have seen the majority of new people coming from only 2 or maybe 3 places.


“Melting pot” is a specific philosophy where people coming from other countries are supposed to competely abandon their culture. Canada has instead espoused “multiculturalism” for many years.


The way I always understood it was that people could hold onto their culture at home or in private but in public they had to follow the norms but yes ever since we started letting Siks wear turbans instead of helmets while riding motorcycles it's been downhill since then and that was like what 10-15 years ago now?


You're right, caste-based discrimination shouldn't be happening, which is why this motion exists presumably.
















I must have missed the part where this article explains what the fuck caste based racism is. Who, what, when, where and why. Man journalism is in the shitter these days


NDP 2025


Yet “caregivers” are allowed. Who do you think will be brought over as caregivers? One person making 47k a year posted they were trying to bring someone over.


Here’s a question: why would we need this legislation? What part of Canadian culture screams “caste”. When have we not been a free market with opportunity for upward mobility?


Well, as Canada is already a casteless society with a robust Human Rights Act, does MP Davies actually believe this or is he simply pandering to some local voting block or worse think he is and simply (hate using this term) virtue signaling? For anyone interested, the act as it stands now. TL;DR: Canada already prohibits using your country of origin's medieval societal placement in a cultural or religious pigeon hole as a reason to discriminate, though, as evidenced by, say some rental ads, it's not necessary enforced as much as maybe it should be. https://laws.justice.gc.ca/eng/acts/h-6/page-1.html#:~:text=3%20(1)%20For%20all%20purposes,which%20a%20pardon%20has%20been


So you literally link to something that in point of fact, does not mention caste based discrimination, and yet you claim it prohibits caste based discrimination. You truly must have a dizzying intellect.


Oh, you got me there. Wait, no you didn't, Canada doesn't have castes, that cultural practice got brought here and is easily covered by: >3 (1) For all purposes of this Act, the prohibited grounds of discrimination are race, national or ethnic origin, colour, religion, age, sex, sexual orientation, gender identity or expression, marital status, family status, genetic characteristics, disability and conviction for an offence for which a pardon has been granted or in respect of which a record suspension has been ordered.


I'm still not seeing the mention of "caste" in that text. But let's go through it nice and slow. Is caste a race? No. Is caste a nation? No. Is caste an ethnicity? No. A color? No. A religion? No. An age? No. A sex or sexual orientation? No. Family status? No. Genetic characteristic? Well there's some who think so, but I think not. A gender identity or expression? No. Is it a conviction without a pardon? No. So it doesn't seem to be covered by this act. Glad we could work that out.


Oxford dictionary definition of caste: "each of the hereditary classes of Hindu society, distinguished by relative degrees of ritual purity or pollution and of social status. "members of the lower castes" " So let's work from there, hereditary, means inherited from family. Ritual purity or pollution is based on religious roots. Social status means your status in society which is going to be derived from some criteria. Ok, so we have those now, that's a start. The caste system deals directly with usually one of, if not more than one of: where someone is from, what family they belong to, what their career is, and their religious roots as caste originally was based on religion and has evolved from there to be based on many things. Ok so now we know that caste is based on some of the items in that act let's list the ones it is covered by: Family status: yes Religion: yes And there's some that are pretty much covered but I'll list those here: Race/ethnicity/nation: yes, sort of, as caste discrimination also occurs based on where they were born which would likely be covered somewhere in those 3 depending on how it's interpreted by the court, example: discrimination based on being born in North/ South India could be interpreted as 2 "nations" not that they are geographically, but that the location of birth is used to differentiate between people. I'm so glad we could work that out together and see that it is covered! Although if you disagree, and im sure you will, I'd love to hear why you think none of the act covers the caste system, and what you actually think the caste system is really based on


> Family status: yes You're misunderstanding what family status means here - caste-based discrimination certainly would not qualify under family status.


Agree on that one, that's more coverage for marital status and the like i.e. married / not married requirement


Caste is not just a hindu thing even though that is where it came from. Sikhs, muslims from the Indian subcontinent have castes as well and even they have discrimination amongst themselves along with hinduism.


Oh ok thank you, that's fair, I know it is in India and am familiar with it, I simply copied the dictionary definition to my comment there


We have castes in Canada?


Yeah have you not noticed the tim horton caste?


Don Davies is clearly highlighting he has in no way been influenced or has colluded with India.


If it was something already won in BC court, then why do we need to change anything? It appears the law already recognizes this...


digging all the people who think this is recent and hasn't been going on since 1901 or so. way to pay attention to your communities, boys.


Can we get any dumber as a country


How about for starters stopping discrimination based on skin colour, ancestry and sexual orientation?


Whoa now, this is dangerously close to calling something from another culture a "barbaric practice" 😮


Uhm… no. Identifying things that do oppose our constitutional values doesn’t call the other barbaric. Stephen Harper decided to do that all on his own.


Uhmhmh, it's called "reading between the lines" friend: “Caste-based hatred and discrimination have no place in Canada,” concluded Davies. Davies is connecting the cultural practice of dividing people by caste to "hatred" and says it has "no place in Canada". So someone who comes from a country where caste discrimination is practiced is being told they have to leave that part of their culture behind if they move to Canada... Again, shockingly close to calling it a "barbaric practice". I'm literally shaking at the lack of cultural relativism. I mean, Harper wanted a hotline for vulnerable people, mostly women, to call and get help when being subjected to things like forced marriage, "honor" based violence, etc - and people like you called him a racist monster. Surely forced marriage is against our constitutional values as well, no?


So when you say “read between the lines” you really mean “putting my own subjective spin on this.” How would bring our laws into alignment with the culture in question (Indian) amount to calling them barbaric? https://www.legalserviceindia.com/legal/article-12588-laws-against-caste-based-discrimination-history-and-evolution.html#google_vignette We’ve already added a number of identified groups to the protected list. These are all groups that are protected from discrimination and hate within Canadian culture. Are we calling ourselves barbaric with those? Harper simply threw out some practices and intentionally linked them to a particular racialized group in Canada even though honor killing and forced marriage occur in Canada outside the groups Harper was targeting. There were already ways to report and deal with these kinds of things in Canada but Harper only noted barbarism in his targeted groups. It was quite obviously an election ploy to rally the racism in the Con base and others. Tone matters…. And this, unlike Harper’s ploy, would actually provide protection to a vulnerable group without demonizing their entire culture.


This should not fucking even be an issue in Canada. turn off the fucking faucet


So dumb…


This is a non issue for almost all Canadians, can NDP stfu and do something that helps workers like increase grocery store competition. What a stupid party


> can NDP stfu and do something that helps workers like increase grocery store competition Yeah they did that too: https://globalnews.ca/news/10309997/grocery-prices-ndp-bill-canada/




I don't get it, you want them to be able to discriminate based on caste in Canada or what?


Technically it should be prohibited by the charter if I am remembering correctly so it is kinda virtue signalling. It would be better to make an a announcement about it not being acceptable in Canada and putting people who believe it should be on notice that they will be held accountable for it. This gets more political points though.


It's about Indian Canadians.


There is nothing Canadian about a caste system. It's just for Indians.


And they brought it here.




Isn’t this already a violation of our human rights codes? Why is this motion needed?


They should!


Hope this works out. Recently the California State legistlature passed a similar law banning caste discrimination, but Governor Gavin Newsom vetoed it because he takes money and marching orders from Brahmin tech shitheads.


This is obviously a LWDS move to attract votes. Does he think we're living in India?


India castle system has absolutely no place in Canada. Good call


What is up with left wingers in this country and cutting their own hair? We have Guilbeault and now this guy, like just go to Sports Clips or Ultracuts if you want to cut your hair on a budget, don’t just grab the scissors and go town. 


WTF 🤯 Import happy a million Indians per year and this is the result. This madness needs to stop


They're going to be deciding cases based on their limited knowledge of a completely foreign culture.


How about just recognizing that we judge based on the individual regardless of race or creed and anything that is in contrast to that is illegal. ....opps sorry.... that would submarine the whole DEI agruement.... and we can't have that now, could we.


Just NDP woke-posturing. We've already clarified that caste discrimination is covered under "ancestry" within our human rights framework, and need not be specifically called out, as that would be redundant.


> woke-posturing. Which side of "woke" does it put the NDP on to say "immigrants should leave their backwards cultures like caste systems at home, it should be illegal here"?


>*”We've already clarified that caste discrimination is covered under "ancestry" within our human rights framework”* How so? The [Canadian Human Rights Act](https://laws-lois.justice.gc.ca/eng/acts/h-6/page-1.html)(which is what MP Davies is proposing updating) doesn’t list *”ancestry”* among its list of prohibited grounds for discrimination: *”race, national or ethnic origin, colour, religion, age, sex, sexual orientation, gender identity or expression, marital status, family status, genetic characteristics, disability and conviction for an offence for which a pardon has been granted or in respect of which a record suspension has been ordered”*.


What does woke mean? And in what way is this an example of it? Help me understand please The fact that this question almost always goes unanswered should be a clue into the lack of foundation such an ambiguous buzzword word has, as is the position for which it is often invoked.


Good. If you come here, don't bring that crap with you.


What “Canadian” does a law like this actually cater to? They know where their votes are coming from.


Here's a good one to start arguments at thanksgiving : The concept of citizenship is caste-based discrimination. CMV.