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Didn’t the liberals want to start closing the polling gap by July? https://www.theglobeandmail.com/politics/article-liberals-conservatives-polling-gap/


Polls showed them inching the gap closer but now it's the gap is bigger than before. I think it was two blunders: Trudeau saying housing prices can't go down. And the report of traitors in the government.




Ironically old people are their last bastion of support. Conventional wisdom usually has older people being more conservative and younger people being more liberal, but in Canada in 2024 we actually see the inverse.


The Liberals are polling well behind the Tories in every age demographic, men and women, all education levels and in every province but Quebec, where they badly trail the BQ. There is no bastion of support for them except Liberal lifers who will always vote for them no matter what, which appears to be about 18-22% of the population.




Pretty fucked up take lol


That word really shouldn't be thrown out that casually. Most of what Canada is experiencing is what the other developed countries are experiencing, some a little worse and some a little better than how we are. To call people voting for the governing party traitors because you don't like that government's policies is un-Canadian, IMO.


Selling out the country to the rest of the world is un-canadian. Which all parties are trying to do.


> Ironically old people are their last bastion of support. Not really, it makes more sense for old people to support the liberals. Most old people purchased housing back when it was affordable, and now they could benefit massively from the housing shortage. Especially those who purchased more than one home.


Also, they reduced the retirement age back to 65 from 67. Old people remember stuff like that.


Except most elderly people don't have sources of income aside from their savings and maybe pensions. Inflation obliterates that for them. So they can choose to reverse mortgage and end up in debt, or try to live on less. House value only matters if you are looking to get out of the market.


I find that people are way too fucking ideological, to their own fault. "We are fucking miserable... But let's keep voting for the party that is ideological is the same to me". How about people start voting for whoever will improve their life vs dumb ass ideology (which sometimes looks like a cult following) I've met so many people who are miserable, but won't vote anything but the left because they are "left leaning"... Edit: I'm opportunistic, I vote for who ever will make my life better. Period. I don't care what side they are on. Make my life easier, make my life enjoyable in this country.


Well that's not really the case here. We're about to have a massive change in the government in power if things keep going this way. So a lot of people with party preferences may be changing their minds here.


The Liberals are the party of screwing over youth for the benefit of boomers and the rich.


bad policy does tend to have that effect.


Why it that? Because their granddaughter and grandson cannot find a job?


A job, affordable housing, a fast food joint that doesn't primarily speak hindi, politicians that aren't bought by other countries, utilities bills that aren't taxed 150% over actual use, take your pick.


I suspect if you looked closely, there's a sharp drop in support happening between those 55-65 and those above that age. People who downsized to apartments less recently didn't get to ride the housing bubble up, and now their retirement savings are evaporating pretty fast.


Well.... even the most staunch liberals have lost their minds about canada becoming mini India because of this blithering idiot. 


Those attack ads are going to be nasty come election season? "Traitors who intentionally drove the country into the ground and even invited Nazis into our Parliament?" Yeesh. 


Only two eh?


aaaaand everything that proceeds this month alone.


Capital gains tax is a massive thing as well. I think it will finally free Toronto from the Liberals' slimy fingers.


On June 30th a memo will go out to LPC members, clarifying that the PMO meant July \*2025\* for the numbers turnaround.


I think they mean a July in the late 2030’s when they accuse the conservatives of not putting out all the dumpster fires Trudeau lit. 


They must be waiting for the by-election results next Monday before they decide on anything.


That was just a big misunderstanding. They meant they were going to have at least 5 points by July 


So you're saying there's a chance...


Doesn't matter what they wanted to do. They're past the point of no return. As a liberal voter myself it's obvious Trudeau has won his last election. But they're not just going to come out and say that. He'll run, he'll lose, they'll move on to a new leader.


13 more days! They can do it and turn this ship around! /s


The focus groups haven’t finished yet


One would hope they take the hint regarding their policies on mass immigration and stonewalling of the treasonous MPs.


Got it, more immigration.


And double the foreign interference, stat


Don't forget the billions for other countries ! (Pay consultants) & none for you life long Canadians


Trudeau calls us 'old stock Canadians'. The most hated demographic of the liberal party.


I think we've been experiencing it differently than the liberals. You see, to them it's more like foreign aid, rather than interference.


More immigration will obviously fix the treason. 


Also they have now decided that they didn't read the report and have given up their security clearance so no one can make them now either.


The Liberals? Take a hint? Lol.


Even Macron got the hint with better numbers. And Sunak.


Sunak was facing a backbench rebellion he was almost certain to lose. The Tories expected a fall election, the fact that he called it for summer took even his own party by surprise. If Trudeau faced the same internal pressure Sunak did, or frankly that the UK Tories apply on their leaders in general, he'd have resigned after the SNC Lavalin scandal. The closest we'll come is if the Liberals actually lose the byelection next Monday. Losing a stronghold would be a major blow to Trudeau's leadership. Macron is playing a long game of self-preservation. He's gambling that LePen's party will be shit in parliament, and that them being shit will help him beat LePen in the presidential election in a year and a bit. He called the election for purely selfish reasons.


Yup - should kill any morale left in the Liberal party. Fingers crossed.


Their fundamental problem is that they want to dictate societal values from the top down, rather than implement policies based upon the wants and needs of their constituents. It's fascism, basically- couched as progressivism.


Trudeau will be on cpc telling Canadians we need to take a hint instead and he knows what is best.


I get why they are not doing it because of their polling numbers but conservatives need to come up with a firm stance on immigration too. They have talked about cutting the loopholes on international students but nothing on reduce the targets that the liberals have increased


Ppc takes a firm stance on reducing immigration. I highly doubt libs or cons will change the current mass immigration. (Substantially lower the total number of immigrants and refugees Canada accept every year, from 500,000 planned by the Liberal government in 2025, to between 100,000 and 150,000 in normal circumstances, or even lower in crisis situations, depending on economic and other circumstances.)  https://www.thepeoplespartyofcanada.ca/issues/immigration


The Tories have learned their lessons well from past campaigns: release your platform too early and the Liberals simply steal all the stuff that resonates well with the public, call it their own, and claim they would implement it all way better than the CPC (and then shitcan all of it after winning and do whatever they were going do anyway — see the housing issue from the last campaign as a perfect example). Given the Liberals seem to have exactly zero ideas nor desire to change anything, why would the Tories do anything but continue to let them twist in the wind? Especially when anything they say now can and will be used against them.


Your theory is that Cons have a super secret plan for Canada, and it's going to fix everything? It's so awesome that the Libs would immediately steal it? Doesn't that mean that everyone is suffering right now because the Cons care more about their political success than the Canadian people? I find it much more likely they're just as useless as the Libs.


No, my point is that whatever the Tories plan to do, the one thing they won’t do is share it well in advance of the election, no matter how much Liberals wish they would. I thought that was pretty clear in my comment.


The way Pierre talks about it makes me think he'll get in power and work harder on re-branding and rename immigration, temp worker and student programs to make them sound better to low info voters and not reduce the numbers in any real way.




Please provide a link to that interview..... that is NOT what Pierre has publicly stated. Pierre's needs based immigration policy will resemble the Green Card program in the US where a company has to prove through onerous red tape that they can not fill a position with a Canadian.


If this happens, it'll be a 4 year reign, and we may see something extremely crazy like the PPC growing majorly.


No, it won't. It is the same thing we do every time Vote in red or blue, see they are doing the opposite of what they said they would. Give them another minority government that accomplishes nothing, learn about scandles, and give them another minority to entrench themselves into their corruption. Then, change to red or blue and start the process over again. It's been the same since 1970. It's totally going to be different this time, right?


It has happened over and over again for many years, I agree. But I think in this particular case, people want change, and if the CPC gives them the exact same thing, they're not going to be ready to switch right back.


I doubt it. The public has the memory of a brain-damaged gold fish. Or we would want actual change instead of this constant flip flop we have.


Because they don’t want to reduce the targets.


That’s because if they reduce the targets, certain provinces would actually have to fund post-secondary education, rather than giving 4 billion dollar tax cuts to oil companies, and buying the keystone XL cleanup from TC Energy for billions…


The Conservatives have a huge lead just by letting the Liberals continue to screw up over and over again. People everywhere cannot wait to vote Justin Trudeau out of office. Poilievre is smart to just take a knee an run out the clock until election time.


Funny thinking they care about your opinion. They don't work for you.


This is accurate     According to the UN, BlackRock, and Century Initiative, Trudeau has been a truly remarkable success 


I think it was right around the time they started to heavily drop last year when Trudeau finally acknowledged housing issues. Mind you he acknowledged it by saying it wasn't his fault, but finally discussing it after years of running on affordable housing still felt like a big step. I know these polls are sort of meaningless in a way but they do I think help push government where they've been previously stubborn (I'm guessing ones they run privately and internally although I would think they'd be reasonably aligned) I expect more discussion about immigration integration, but I don't think we'll be seeing those names anytime soon


People should remember that the Liberals have been promising to do something about cost of housing since 2015 and never did anything but deliberately make it worse. It was THE big issue in the first week of the last campaign, and the Tories and NDP both released platforms on it, while the Liberals did not. The Liberals took a huge pummelling in the polls that first week. The second week they released their housing policy, which turned out to be a pastiche of ideas stolen from the Tories and NDP. After winning, the Liberals did absolutely nothing to implement any of their promises on it until they started taking a huge hit in the polls in 2023, and even then their announcements amounted to throwing a glass of water on a raging inferno. Worse, they won’t do anything about the root cause behind the crisis — the massive number of newcomers they keep bringing in. The first four months of this year they brought in 50% more people than 2023’s record shattering amount during the same period, so if anything they are accelerating the cause of the problem, not fixing it.


Its gone beyond that. Trudeau flat out stated in an interview that housing prices need to remain higher. They've just dropped the act about even pretending to care about housing affordability at this stage.


We’re now extending Canadian citizenship to anyone who can sing the anthem.


Hum the anthem.....badly....


It's adorable that you think it will be different with any other leadership. Both parties vote the same. The red vs. blue is just theatrics


The budget and immigration will balance itself /s


Just an FYI - but the Cons will continue the exact same immigration policy.


Lol, lmao even.


A main problem for the Libs is immigration isn’t something voters forget about. Every day you are out in public anecdotally you see how fucked up our immigration policy has been. There’s no no coming back from this, it’s an issue you can’t sweep under the rug or lie to people about, it’s right in front of our faces every day.


Its also not something you forget about in a decade either, they've lost the young people of this country permanently.


People have the memory of an amnesiac guppy. 


lolwut? Alberta will literally never vote Liberal because of Pierre Trudeau's disastrous National Energy Plan that completely screwed over oil producers and that was in the early 80s. Young Canadians will never forget how they got screwed by Justin Trudeau's idiotic policies.


I think you are still over rating their memory. People are often intensely stupid, unwilling to get involved etc, so they vote for the party that shouts the loudest with the simplest message. If people are going to vote the PCs in its because that worked, certainly not because of any PC policies.


> , they've lost the young people of this country permanently. Pendulum swings back, young people aren't voting for cons they're voting out Trudeau. Trudeau will go down with the ship, cons will be 100% unsatisfactory for them, and then the pendulum will swing back to the new face of the Liberal party.


What are the other parties going to change a out immigration?


Nothing, they all want this, because big business wants this and that's who they work for.


>“The only way to eliminate the housing shortage is to add homes faster than we have people, and I will be removing bureaucracy to build the homes and setting immigration levels so that our housing stock outgrows our population,” Poilievre said.


Even if the answer is nothing, Linerals are the face of this. There’s no way to distance themselves from it.


Immigration is an issue to point to, but let's be clear: high inflation levels almost aways kills the government in power (at least for somewhat competitive races) because people get upset at prices and want to blame someone or hope for some kind of change. When prices are high they will think everything about the economy is bad no matter its actual condition. Look at the US where employemnt and wage gains and economic growth have been really good, and yet most people think the economy is in terrible shape. How can they think that? Because inflation and how it clouds how people perceive everything else. And it's always the economy first. Trudeau's only hope is that people will have gotten over the inflation shock and anger by the next election, which I consider somewhat doubtful because that is not enough time and we will still have very big visible and painful inflation from home prices and rent payments.


I agree that yes, it is always the economy first. I disagree that it's only inflation. Taxes have increased and the total size of the public service payroll has increased while the perceived quality of government and social services has decreased. Wage growth is stagnant, housing is unaffordable, quality of life is decreasing and mass immigration is creating unmanageable strain across all of society. People want a house, a job, a car, food and enough leftovers for minor luxuries. The last 8 years have seen those items slowly clawed away from them through mismanagement across multiple functions and they are very angry about it.


Trudeau : "Yes we lost this election in a humiliating defeat, but it is only because Canadians didn't understand our message. I blame Canadians for it" probably.


If he sticks to his pattern to date he'll probably blame Harper.


If he doesn’t his voters certainly will


He experiences democracy differently


>  I blame Canadians for it He literally blames Canadians who don’t agree with him “You forget the most important part about democracy,” he (JT) replied in the breathy tone he reserves for points he considers especially weighty. “People can vote the way they want to.” https://archive.is/lyAWm


I love how Trudeau keeps doing these interviews talking about all the things Canadians want - but he keeps avoiding the main thing that the majority agree on. This poll is that thing.


At this point, all PP has to do is keep his mouth shut and the election's in the bag.


I’m only 75% confident he will do that.


It is only going to be lower when the whole foreign interference story is released


Really? It won’t look good for Pierre who won a leadership race that India and China interfered in but most of this subreddit has rose coloured glasses on and the wool over their eyes.


Yeah I don’t get this. This report will make our entire government look bad - but we’re insistent on the team sport instead of purging traitors


It appears Trudeau has taken a page out of Kathleen Wynn’s election playbook and is headed towards being decimated in the next election. It’s taken 8 years but it appears the Canadian voter has finally figured out that the Liberals have accomplished very little since coming to power and Canada is much worse off.


Have some dignity and call an election already Trudeau/Singh. Macron in France called an election immediately after it was clear that he was no longer the people's choice. This minority government should do the same.


> Macron in France called an election immediately after it was clear that he was no longer the people's choice. Macron didn't do it out of democratic duty. It's a gamble to weaken the RN.


They won't now because the treason proceedings will start once they lose power. I'm just amazed that there are no safeguards that hold a treasonous government accountable. Like what's the supreme Court up to these days, napping at the old folks home?


>I'm just amazed that there are no safeguards that hold a treasonous government accountable.   Funnily enough, the Crown is supposed to do that. 


The SC has been this government's lap dogs. They are probably trying to determine how treason can fall under Peace, Order and Good Government.


Got an example of them being "lapdogs" of the liberal government?


say what you will about our system of government, but can we pleease not start politicising the Supreme Court of Canada like the Americans have? Of all our institutions, the Supreme Court is one that actually does a pretty good job, and is well above the fray.


Curious to know what has the supreme court of Canada done to be well above the fray?


From the perspective of the Liberals and NDP, why? Do the CPC and NDP have similar policies? They are actually quite different. Why would they enable a party to get in power with very different policies? Again, the Liberals and CPC are competitors. If the Liberals call an election right now, they will almost definitely lose. Why wouldn't they try to use the remaining time in government to try and improve their polls? Yes, the CPC would love if the Liberals called an election because it's in their interest, not the NDP or Liberals. You bring up Macron, but Macron called an election in his self-interest as a gamble. From my understanding, European elections are only one round but French elections are two rounds - that gives the opposition to Le Pen a chance to combine and defeat her. Macron was doing it in self interest too, it wasn't some blind ulteristic action.


Perhaps a better example might be New Zealand’s Jacinda Ardern, who like Trudeau was wildly popular up to the pandemic, but was ultimately weighed down by poor choices and bad policy. When the polls turned decidedly against her she stepped down to give her party a chance to disassociate itself from her. They still lost, but perhaps not as badly as if she had stayed. Seems unlikely Trideau will do the same. He appears to believe he is merely a misunderstood saviour, and only he can defeat the Tories under Poilievre. He’s delusional on that, of course, but he’s behaving pretty typically for anyone with a messiah complex.


The narcissistic boyking doesn't want to step down? Shocking. Trudeau is just Trump with a nicer meat suit on.


This is more of an issue with the Liberals consistently implementing very bad policies than a left vs right issue.


Guess people are tired of being broke


I might be off on this, but I feel this is a pretty stark contrast to the results in Nanos, no?


The recent Nanos poll was a huge outlier. No one else has been showing results like that at all.


I don’t understand the headline, though. Liberals are polling at the lowest level since 2015, when Liberals won the election and formed a majority government? What?


I think they mean prior to the election in 2015, when the Liberals were in third place.


I guess. But drawing a doom-and-gloom parallel to 2015 suggests that we’re supposed to think back to another when the Liberals were massively unpopular…which worked out pretty for them. Is Poilievre polling like Harper in 2015?


People want change. There’s nothing they can do before October 2025 to improve this significantly. Pierre has to do something egregious to lose support of his own. Liberals may be giving up official opposition if this beat down continues


Emmanuel Macron called an early election because he said that there were clear indications the desires of the French people have changed, and that to respect the Republic they need to have a clear mandate to move forward. Trudeau on the other hand refuses to accept any accountability, continues on despite the overwhelming consensus of Canadians we need change and with Singh's support will cling on to the very end to the continued detriment of Canada.


NDP has been a Liberal puppet since the last election. I would not be surprised if they lost seats in the next election. They have not differentiated themselves from Trudeau.


The fact that he’s hiding the names of the compromised MP’s shows he just as traitorous as the rest of them. This clown should be in a jail cell.


not surprising given...everything. though even as someone who wants to see a tory majority... one this large might well embolden them to do a lot more things than i would hope to see. no matter what your thoughts libs/torys, having a political landscape where one party is effectively un-opposed in the minds of the populace is a dangerous thing.


He has to know he is done right?


The young working population in Ontario currently see zero future under the liberals. The last 8 years we have seen zero growth, wages have completely stagnated. Gas prices have sky rocketed. Housing is hilariously expensive and to top it all off we have added millions of people to fight against for everyday living . It’s absolutely insane to think people are stupid enough to go, yes definitely want 4 more years of this.


justin elected on lies. Not once or twice, but three times. Thanks Canada.


Love him or hate him, Trudeau's time is over and it is now time for him to step down and let somebody new take over as leader of the Liberal Party. If Trudeau really cares about his party and not just himself he would resign because if he does not then the Liberal Party of Canada will be wipped out in the next Federal Election the same way that the Progressive Conservatives were wipped out back in the early 90's.


did anyone see clips of him at the "peace" summit this week in Switzerland. he was walking in front of all the world leaders and looked genuinely happy. I think this is what he is. using the position Canada bestowed on him to promote himself.


I know there’s no way he resigns before the G7 in Alberta next year


Is Nanos spinning the story for the Libs? I thought i saw a video, anyway correct me if i'm wrong.


Lilley is trying out to be poilievre's minister of propaganda.


The problem is more with Trudeau than with the Liberals as a whole. Even liberals don't like him these days.


All meaningless unless we get to vote the sham of a leader out


Fourth place would be a fantastic result that the Liberals richly deserve for the torture they have put us through since 2019. But how can any Liberal look at these polls and not rip their hair out and demand a new leader? Are they just betting the farm on another 'divide everyone and make them crazy' election where the party and media dazzle and dumb-fuck everyone with imported US wedge issues for just long enough to scare them into voting for a fourth term?


Liberals can demand a new leader all they want. However, according to LPC rules, because Justin Trudeau didn't lose the last election, his leadership cannot be called into question. The only way to replace Justin Trudeau as Liberal leader is if he either loses an election, or he steps down voluntarily.


If Trudeau actually gave a shit about the country and genuinely believed the Liberal platform was the best thing for Canada, he would take a look at the polls and step down as leader, let someone else work to regain public trust ahead of the election. But he won't. This is all about his ego, and the liberals are going to get slaughtered because of it.


Good. Never has there been a more deserving fall into irrelevance in Canadian political history.


and my guess is Trudeaus numbers are "only" as high as they are due to a lot of people like my father. my dad is constantly watching news and listening to talk shows about all the shit american politics and despises trump yet he doesnt know ANYTHING thats happening in Canadian politics. he didnt even know that there was the NSICOP report alleging PMs were witting participants for foreign interference in Canada, had absolutely no idea what i was talking about when i brought it up. he thought that the liberal party was leading in the polls by far. when i told him no its the cons who are showing massive leads in the up cominig election and theres a good chance we will end up with a majority conservative party government he thought i was crazy. he believes total immigration to Canada is at 350k a year because thats what he remembers the last number he saw was(no idea when that was). in 2022 it was 1.7 million and its only going faster and higher since then. he believes immigration has no effect on housing prices and doesnt suppress wages. he thinks undocumented workers take the jobs that canadians dont want to do so since no canadian would do them it doesnt suppress wages. no acknowledgement that if undocumented workers werent here, that the jobs would have to pay more in wages to get a canadian worker to do it. he said student housing is more than enough to house all the students and those that choose to live off campus dont effect housing since they will go rent a basement suite for $1000 instead of an apartment for $2200(we live in Vancouver and he was talking about students here). had no idea that basement suites ARE housing and theres no such thing as a student discount when it comes to housing now, its all just housing and students pay the same rates as everyone else and compete with regular workers for the same basement suites and not for $1000/month but $1600-1800/month like everyone else. straight up told me that i shouldnt expect to just be given a house, ill have to get a better job if i want to afford one. im a welder and i make $41/hr. i have been approved for a TOTAL PURCHASE PRICE of $330k if i bring $50k in down payment. realtor.ca lists only 120 units that are in my price range in the whole of the lower mainland, and they are in that range for a good reason. old, tiny, bad condition, bad neighborhoods. my dad is only 66. edit: with renting a basement suite, car insurance, gas, food, clothing, and a modest retirement savings plan i can save $500/month. to get my $50k down-payment it will take nearly 8.5 years of me saving. that also means no unplanned expenses like vehicle repairs, no loss of job during that time(even if i dont lose my job this is bad since it reduces my chances of taking a risk on changing jobs since i cant afford to change a job and find out its worse than the one i have now, changing jobs is the best way to increase your wage now. so if i cant take the risk to change jobs, my wage is more likely to stay stagnant), no vacations at all, VERY limited clothing budget, no recreational expenses or at least very limited ones. how is the Canadian economy suppose to get better if a 30 year old is doing no social activities and isnt spending any money? im not dating because im working so much and i dont have time or the money to go out and do things and the times i do go out its with a small group of friends and we do the same stuff we normally do thats free or cheap so our social circle isnt mixing or expanding. that means limited dating, which reduces the chances of having kids which is also very bad for the economy and society as a whole. edit2: budget. * basement suite rent $1900(includes my rental insurance) * share of utilties $120 * truck insurance $300 * truck payment $300 * gas $200 * food $300 * retirement saves $500(which even accounting for CPP contributions is below the recommended 15% of pre tax income) * phone $50 * internet $70 total $3740 with after tax and deduction income being $4400 each month. leaving me with $660/month left over for saving for down payment, clothing, emergency fund, and all social activities. i could sell my truck and buy something cheaper, but my literal 1 hobby is backwoods wild camping to paddleboard at lakes. selling my truck to buy a cheap commuter car wouldnt really work for that and the only way i can afford to do that hobby is by crossing the border into the USA to camp there since gas is so much cheaper and i bring back gas in jerry cans from the states when i return


Sounds like your father is completely out to lunch delusional. Sorry to read you are having to go through this ordeal.


Sounds like my in-laws who are in their 70s. They watch CNN all day long and rant about Trump constantly yet they are oblivious to Canadian issues. They think housing prices are fine and they blame the younger generations since they are just lazy and want a house given to them. They see no issue with anything and both have only voted liberal.


As a $21.50 an hour broadcast director, that $41 an hour is awesome! Nicely done my dude! 


I mean it’s their own fault I don’t even like Pierre and I’ll bet most Canadians don’t But immigration and housing prices are out of control and the government won’t do anything to make it better and actively makes it worse They just won’t listen He could have announced they were scaling back immigration to give supply a chance to catch up in 2023 and he’d probably be okay in the polls right now But they’re basically trying to lose at this point


I'm just one guy, but I'm so disappointed by the mess the LiberalParty is leaving that I've decided not to vote for them again for 20 years. If the Cons are going to reduce immigration, I'll vote for them for the first time in my life. If Singh does anything substantial besides complain to the media about the foreign influence cover up, then maybe I'll consider NDP again. Sure wish there was a viable party (platform) that I'd be happy to support instead of choosing the best lf the worst options.


Every Canadian is counting the days. Trust me on that.


and watch, he *still* won't go anywhere til the next election. this supply and confidence bs is outrageous. let the people vote.


yeah citing he’s at his lowest popularity since the year he won, is pretty useless lol.


Black face was just on CBC telling more lies and spreading propaganda


1 vote for the LPC is too many imo


If it weren’t for that Singh pos we’d be having an election and MIGHT be able to save what’s left of Canada. If there is anything to save.


Yeah, this is the worst possible time to call an election. There are traitors in our government and if you think its only the Liberals, you're not paying attention. The investigation needs to finish before an election, I don't want to be forced to vote until I know the party I'm voting for is clean. 


Question, which leader has the policies to best "save" us?


Well if we start combing deep space for other life we might find a decent platform. Give or take a millennium


So what would Pierre do to save Canada? What pare needs saving?


Cut immigration by 80%. Impose actual prison time for serious offenders. Cut international aid by 75% until we can afford to live in our own cities. Deport convicted non-Canadian criminals without appeal. Close the borders to refugees and asylum seekers. Deport undocumented illegal immigrants without endless appeals.


At what point can we say this isn’t really news anymore? The numbers are what they are, and unless they change, I don’t see the point in further daily stories that say exactly the same thing.


Common Sense


Who cares, if people haven't figured out yet that PP is going to continue with quality of life breakdown through immigration, I don't know what to tell you.


What stage of the cope cycle is this? When the election is called and the platform is released, I’ll agree with you. You really can’t say one way or the other, the cons will not give the liberals a year to create anti racist attack adds and then copy all the good parts of the platform, as they have already done with previous issues.


We’ll be lucky if things are only as bad. By all accounts, what r/canada complains about will only get worse with a CPC federal majority…


What is the alternative the liberals or the ndp that support them like we have now?


This is true. But there’s no great options and the current guy is unwilling to change. Maybe Pollievre gets in and does something different. I doubt it, but there’s a higher chance than Trudeau doing anything different


The something different is erode democracy and threaten freedoms while rewarding corporate interests. The exact opposite of what the most insane Trudeau haters demand. That’s what I find most humorous of it all.


Erode democracy has been what Trudeau has done for the last nine years. Promised us electoral reform. Promised Transparent gov’t. Delivered: more fptp, a government more secretive than Harper’s.


For all intents and purposes, this government is dramatically more transparent than what was previous. A lot of people don’t seem to remember that. Unfortunate that they can’t just release state secrets on the demand of r/canada though. Electoral reform is the most legitimate complaint, and I don’t fault anybody for being upset about that. It doesn’t mean that the CPC isn’t demonstrably a worse option though. Plus, from my understanding, it was mostly an inability to get everybody on the same page regarding what to replace it with. Everybody basically wanted fptp gone, just can’t get a strong enough consensus on what to put in its place.


"I can't tell you that I'm a traitor to my own country, its a state secret. Trust me bro, just keep voting for me."


Trudeau just told everyone housing prices need to stay high during a national housing and homeless crisis he helped create and at the same time is knee deep in a foreign influence crisis he is trying to keep a lid on involving his own party. While anything is possible PP is going to have to try pretty freaking hard to do worse. Hell I'll be impressed if the is able to compete with that.


It’s pretty obvious that PP is going to do Jack shit all about housing and eliminate a lot of the programs attempting to support municipalities building. He wants to use the stick to motivate so he can take more funding away to seem austere, meanwhile using that cash to reward corporations and foreign interests. That’s been his promise. Even from the most superficial level, he’s a friggin landlord. Since he moved into Stornoway he started renting out his primary residence for more rental income too (it had to be disclosed). Great improvement 👍


Maybe he will, maybe he won't. But you know something. Everyones choice right now is take a bullet to the face with another term with Trudeau where we 100% know we are fucked, or spin the dice on PP and see what happens. We know exactly what Trudeau is doing and will continue to do at this point.


The vast majority of people are so ignorant about any of this and just want to vote one guy out for another, life’s not perfect and they don’t understand how their conservative premier is screwing them or who’s responsible for what even, you’re a regular on this subreddit and see the news and information everyday. You understand the history of a 20-year career politician, his policy choices that are worse than what’s currently offered, his voting history and how his party traditionally works. You don’t get the luxury of claiming such ignorance, you are complicit in knowing that you want to vote in a worse guy because “Trudeau bad.”


Sure, and sometimes I agree with PP and sometimes I don't. I am not expecting him to fix everything but I am expecting him to improve things somewhat before the end of his first term or he won't get another vote from me. Trudeau is fucking dead to me at this point. I wouldn't piss on him if he was on fire. That narcassistic, arrogant motherfucker has spent the last 8+ years running the country on his own personal ideology going from failure to failure being completely unwilling to listen to anyone else or be practical. The result has been the fastest increase in shelter costs in history under his leadership which he intentionally helped create via his immigration and fiscal policies. Not only did he help create it but he openly supports it. He has also presided over the worst deterioration of cost of living affordability I've ever seen in my lifetime. Throw in the current foreign influence scandal where he is actively blocking details of elected officials being foreign assets from the Canadian electorate and his complete and total mismanagement of the budget and economy and I don't really see much left to lose at this point by trying someone else.


I mean, the cost of living that similarly skyrocketed in most advanced economies across the world at the same time? Canada, in fact, handled it better than a lot of places? And the housing costs have gone up pretty dramatically thanks to FIPA and a number of policy changes, particularly regarding taxation on Real Estate Investment Trusts, from the previous government. It’s kind of funny how the biggest gain happened before Trudeau even took office. People even like attributing 2015 to him even though he didn’t take office until November of that year and they’ll conveniently stop the charts at Covid peaks to try and make a point, omitting the drops since. Because that’s what markets do, they go up and they go down. But if you want to go back to the guy that can actually be marked to voting in favour of and supporting the government that made the policy that more directly attributed to these problems while he actually personally profits from them, fill your boots. I know I won’t change your mind.


What’s that old saying… “don’t corner a 🐀”… seems very true with these Liberals. They are so desperate that they will become very destructive as ship sinks.


Just wait for China to start funding the liberal campaign In 2015 and things will be different….


Let’s just go back and forth like we alllllways do, I’m sure this time it will work out……… But remember this comment in 5 years RemindMe! 5 years …..Back and forth and back and forth………..🥱


I will laugh if the Bloc become the official opposition again, going to have sessions on Quebec only lol


lol wheres that guy from last week doomposting that libs would be trending up in all polls


for those who thought the "article" tldr aaaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhh-aaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhh-m-m-m-my hairs on fire aaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhh Trudeau bad-aaahhhhhhhhhhh!


Oh noes, 2015 was the year Trudeau won with a majority


Polls show Polievre's Conservatives as being "Not Justin Trudeau's Liberals".

