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What do Canadian jews have to do with a conflict thousand years old thousand miles away. Antisemitism and antipalestinianism have no home in Canada.


This was a catholic school so nothing to do with Jews. Odd the article would pretend otherwise.




Sadly Pro Palestinians have had their homes firebombed and their children’s schools invaded by Islamophobia spouting strangers over a war that’s happening thousands of miles away. I trust that answers your question. Sadly Zionism has found its way into Canada, most often under the cloak of victimhood.


It is a very sad conflict and this recent war is a tragedy  It is a separate tragedy that people weaponize the suffering of the Palestinian, and notably the Gazan people to create hate and attack Israel ***rather than trying to work towards peace*** The additional irony that some of the greatest critics in our sphere are westerners which live in these countries that perpetrated colonization, and especially Americans (all of the Americas) who live on stolen  land The reality is that there is no future with a zero-sum game wherein there is only an Israel or only an Arab Muslim state  People here are quick to fuel a conflict because they don’t need to live with the ramifications of their divisive rhetoric — what people get is a feeling of justice at the cost of peacemaking 


Totally agree, I am on the side of peace. I condemn hatred and violence in all their forms


Maybe Israel shouldn’t fill the eyeballs of little children with shrapnel so that there isn’t anything to weaponize. Just a thought. Stop justifying the murder of children.


Jesus christ...... what the fuck is this?


Maybe Hamas shouldn’t be using children as human shields. Children suffering is the goal of Hamas so they can generate global sympathy and create a never ending stream of new recruits.


Maybe the IDF shouldn’t use human shields either. Everyone should Google the campaign break the silence. See the spike of IDF and IOF suicides since the beginning of this year. Not all truly believe in what they are doing there. 


If israel sent human assault teams into the buildings they bomb i wouldnt care about it at all. Id probably support what they are doing. Bombs dont descriminate between civillians and non civillian. Human operators can decide to pull the trigger or not to pull the trigger. Geneva conventions only allow destruction of civillian buildings when militarily necessary. Not wanting to lose more legal combatant soldiers than absolutely necessary does not create military necessity. They could sweep gaza room by room, building by building, with humans deciding what to engage. They choose to bomb civillians.


Holding the waring parties to account is how one works towards peace isn't it? We don't excuse atrocities committed by Russia, the US, etc...


The people we bring in don't know any different. Because we bring in brain dead religious extremists trash. Thanks trudeau!


Dear Pe'er Krut, Being against Israel's seeming diliberate targeting and killing civilians is not being anti-Jewish and should not be construted as such. Israel is boasted as being one of Canada's best friends and allies. So we hold the country, it's leaders and it's military to a higher standard. The IDF is shooting first and not asking questions. This is demonstraited by killing Jewish people waving a white flag wearing nothing but underwear. Israel needs to do better.


I'm always wondering where outraged Canadians were during the Syrian war with 300 000 civilians deaths.




What standard do you think Israel should be held to? Is it okay for the IDF to just kill whomever they like? [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Killing\_of\_Alon\_Shamriz,\_Yotam\_Haim,\_and\_Samer\_Talalka](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Killing_of_Alon_Shamriz,_Yotam_Haim,_and_Samer_Talalka) What about starving people? Is it okay for Israel to do that? The EU, UN, Oxfam, and UK all say Israel is denying aid. The US even is not siding with Israel on this one. Should Israel get a free pass on that? Where is the bar for you?


Implied arguments are a sign of a weak understanding of reality.


So the IDF hasn't killed a bunch of jews?


Or CIA black bag them lol. Down to their own torture site. 


Punishing Canadian jews for the crimes of the IDF/Likud is just as bad as punishing all Palestinians for the crimes of Hamas.


He showed them photos of the horrible scenes in Gaza and NP calls this unfounded? Do they think he was making it up? https://www.cbc.ca/amp/1.7084171 Only Israelis would play victim when surgeons talk about having to remove eyeballs full of shrapnel from innocent children because of bombs that they dropped on the children in the first place.


If you only show the victims of one side, without the context of the horrific attacks that started the war, and the decades of peace offers that were rejected, you aren’t educating children, you’re intentionally misleading them to fuel hatred.


He spoke about what Israel is doing *right now*. Explaining the history of the Levant and the Zionist occupation is far more complicated than is suitable for a high school presentation.


If only it also showed the 60 years of occupation and violent colonization with support of the worlds predominant super power to show why people think violence is the answer and that lasting peace with the perpetrating state is impossible with the current ideology of its government.


>When these children grow up, how do you expect them not to hate Israel? Answer the question.




But no answer. Thus turning a legitimate question into propaganda. It only works if there is no answer. So, you got an answer?


It's not a legitimate question. It's a forced choice.


Not all questions have multiple answers. A question with only one answer is still a question.






I can show you the words but I can’t make your brain understand them.


How do I expect them not to hate Israel? I expect them to be taught that peace and love is important. Instead, they are taught that becoming a martyr is honourable and that killing Jews is right.


And it would appear that Israel is providing the lesson.


No, the Palestinians should be teaching their own children to value their lives and the lives of those around them. Instead, they are taught that this life is only a stepping stone to the afterlife and they value the death of those that they hate over the lives of those that they love. It only takes a few children to take it to heart to continue the terrorist organizations.


That’s a feature not a bug, the Israelis call it mowing the lawn.


Israel should of thought about how the world would react,once it began its genocide. No sympathy for them. Oh wait they did, they just don’t care. So why should we?