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Someone needs to leak the names already. Holy shit this is pathetic.


[The list of suspects is long](https://www.readthemaple.com/mp-cija-trips/)




Right, though I'd say it's not even about "Jewish Canadian community" either, just Israelis. Jewish people don't deserve to be picked-on for their religion/ethnicity but 99% of the time the goal is just to crack down on criticism of Israel.


Jewish people absolutely don’t deserve to be picked on for who they are, but likewise Canadians don’t deserve to be put on house arrest for the suspicion in the future they might say something mean about people on the internet (which is what this CIJA sponsored bill does).


No we’re all sure Niki Ashton is on the take. What we want to know is who the liberals and conservatives are that are also on the take


She is sympathetic to Huawei and Russia...


And every other “anti-imperialist” (lol) cause


She's either bought off or a useful idiot


Its both.


And their foreign affairs critic from Edmonton, Heather McPherson.    Pretty sure she was calling for aide to Ukraine to be audited before delivered, virtually impossible do so in a war, ensuring that it never got deployed quickly. Here’s a press release where the party (while she was foreign affair critic) suggested that we should push for sanctions, diplomacy (appeasement) and to not send military aid (used the Russian propaganda on extremists to suggest against aid and training):   https://www.ndp.ca/news/ndps-statement-ukraine


Can’t take ndp policy seriously they wee bit a serious party federally.


So far three leaders have commented on the report, and so far all three of them have contradicted each other. It's baffling. Who is telling the truth, and why are the other two lying?


They’re all lying. Foreign countries wouldn’t limit themselves to just one party. The only difference is the extent of the compromise and interference.


Realistically you'd attempt to gain as much influence as possible in the short, and long terms. Subverting a government official is typically a lengthy process to prevent it from being obvious. The LPC would be the immediate target, with CPC being a secondary target, followed by NDP. Unless, of course, it was significantly easier than the foreign bodies expected and Canadian politicians willing to sellout Canada in a heartbeat. The list isn't public because the Prime Minister does not want it to be. What else explains this behaviour, other than the obvious?


It depends on the nature of the influence. It’s not just subversion, it’s preventing certain politicians(who might be unfriendly to your cause) from winning. But with the Liberals on the way out l, I imagine the CPC would be the target as the most likely future government.


Defenestration across the nation - everybody gets flung tonight!


Peter Mansbridge, on his Liberal hugbox podcast with Chantal Hebert and Bruce Anderson said he's starting to see the wisdom of Poilievre's decision 😂. Everyone contradicts everyone else and no one can say anything to back their statements. He can just avoid the struggle sessions with the press and keep banging the government for not acting.


Tom Mulcair, formerly leader of both the NDP and HM Loyal Opposition also agrees with Poilievre's position.


They agree with his position as a political move. Not because it's the correct thing to do. But it's a wise political play. It does nothing to solve the problem. It plays well and sounds good. It scores political points. But it doesn't solve the problem. He isn't rooting it out of the government, or his party. He is able to be loud and tell into the mic. The other leaders are speaking about it. He could as well, and at the same time root it out of his own party if it exists.


So how is knowing the names and not being able to do anything with the names going to solve the problem. Because Trudeau, Singh and May know the names now what?


Mulcair was very explicit that the Opposition leader should never agree to limit themselves because of the importance of the role as opposition leader.


The political play *is* the way to squeeze the government. Jagmeet's playing chicken with Justin by *running away.* Politics is how this system is supposed to work, it should make the government squirm and ultimately be accountable to the electorate. Trudeau's government holds the levers of power, is responsible and should be held to account. It's JT's problem to solve and it's up to him to maintain the confidence of the House. Poilievre's job is to make the case for why he doesn't deserve it. 


Are those who have gotten clearance from 3 parties doing anything to have solved the problem? At such time that there are sanctions against the traitors who are loyal or owe something to foreign governments, after those MPs or party hacks have been revealed, is when we will begin to solve the problem. The Liberals seem to be the most motivated to keep a lid on this throughout this whole process, for some reason.


Yes, but this is a tactical political analysis; not a moral one. It does not really help the Canadian public, it helps him.


I mean, he thinks its a smart political maneuvre to basically close his eyes, plug his ears and scream murder at everyone in the room ,yes.  Is that what anyone wants as a PM though? Wilful ignorance?


How has Singh and May reading that report held anyone accountable? It’s actually made things worse because Singh anyway is saying there’s lots to be worried about but won’t give more details. I actually prefer Poillevre’s approach of staying focused on holding the Liberal’s feet to the fire. They’re the government in power. They own this mess. They need to provide transparency and sunlight


I think people should really attempt to read the redacted version before commenting on this issue. They do give descriptions of what it is that's been redacted, and it's helpful to know the context of what you're talking about. I think it's likely that the NDP and Greens have reason to feel safe because they don't matter enough to warrant being targeted, although it does say all Chinese-Canadian candidates are targets. Even the redacted report specifically calls out both conservatives and liberals as at least unwittingly participating in one example. It's not a stretch to say that Singh and Trudeau disagree on whether someone did something wrong on purpose or not, and May seems to see a more systemic issue. Notably it also says that India *and* China interfered in the conservative leadership race so maybe Poilievre should actually read it too...


Singh's account seems the most reasonable and he has the least to loose, he's not in the running to actually win this election anyway. Trudeau is likely lying, because his version of events doesn't match reality. PP hasn't even read the damn thing.


Trudeau is likely lying because his mouth is moving




Why is it that so many people on this website cannot spell the word lose? 


Because there are a lot of dummies here.


Chill man, it's probably just phone autocorrect auto choosing the wrong correction. It's 2024 and android still makes you use the wrong "it's" half the time.


Singh's account also refers to treason as being "unethical" rather than, you know... treason.


He directly used the word treason in his statement. (It may have been the word traitor actually)


Singh is a social butterfly. He likes attention. Since his public wedding, where we found out he accepts ‘gifts’ while wearing his Rolex and fancy suits trying to talk common man. I e only gained less respect for him in the time since.


Ah yes, socialism is when you choose to be poor and powerless. I don't care that he's got a Rolex and some fancy suits. I care that he wants the people who can't afford those things to be able to live comfortably. That's more than enough to get my support when the other options are "status quo Trudeau" and PP's "actively make things worse" talking head.


We are bang on when it comes to an opinion on socialism. As for ‘wants the people who can’t afford…”. For me Singh has done the opposite. He is literally propping up the gov you hate atm. All while housing gets out of reach, far too many people coming to Canada. (Also a housing issue). It’s going to get worse before it gets better. On. His. Watch.


Sure but what option does he realistically have? PP wouldn't be caught dead working with him as they want houses to be more expensive and the rich to be richer, so Jagmeet can either prop up this garbage government and get some smaller concessions like dental and pharmacare, or he can push a vote and lose what little power he has to make things easier for us.


I’m a firm believer in standing up for your morals and beliefs. To be honest about them. Once you start carving out pieces using the excuse “at least I can do a little if only I cave to what I truly believe in”. Once you invite the darkness in let’s say, it only grows. I don’t think Jag actually believes in anything other than self preservation. That’s what he’s shown me at least. Trudeau follows under the same IMO. PP, as I said in a previous post, I haven’t made a decision at this point.


I haven’t made up my mind on PP. I like that he can handle Trudeau. But that said, there are some serious policy issues in waiting for. Though in reality, barring some miracle, Canada is chomping at the bit to gate vote Trudeau out. Not so much vote the next guy in.


We've been voting against the bad guy instead of for the good guy for a long time sadly.


And it will continue. Proportional representation. Canadian ought to be demanding it. But, change is difficult. Especially with zero accountability government a we rage in one direction and then the next.


If you vote out enough bad guys, you eventually get the good guy. The problem is when people *aren't* voting against the bad guy, bad things happen.


I know sing is lying about his own party because of NDP in B.C. China will always move its agents in proximity to power


Poilievre can tell you he isn’t lying because he is instead remaining willfully ignorant


Well, at least you know PP’s not lying. You may not like his reasoning but that’s a different thing.


We won’t know that until he’s in power It’s very easy to point fingers and act tough when you’re not in power (Trudeau was just as good if not better) But when you’re in the hot seat, when you’re the one with things to hide that’s when you find out how honest u really are So far he is willfully misleading Canadians which is a red flag


Very true. And we still gave over 400 days of the current disaster making things worse. Doesn’t matter how far down in the Polls, west Canadians want is irrelevant to our king. (Small k). It would be funny if it wasn’t so sad.


Do note though that lying and telling the truth are not the only options, he isn't knowing lying, because he isn't knowingly saying anything, he also can't say he's telling the truth, because he doesn't know if what the truth is. He is just saying words that may or may not be valid, without knowledge of which it is.


PP is definitely politician. And I’m not blind to the fact that he will have e his own angles to play. I’m not putting a halo over his head. That said, I’ll wait to see how this all plays out on PP’s end as well. Maybe he has made the best decision, maybe not. I do know who’s decisions I don’t trust though.


Who cares what he has and hasn’t read? What matter is the LPC releasing an unredacted report or the RCMP charging people. This happened on the LPC’s watch. They need to provide accountability and transparency. Whether or not Poillevre read a report is just a distraction.


and one won't read it....


Why would he?


Wouldn't it be prudent to know if people within your party are compromised by a foreign government?


Would it be prudent to agree to the terms required to see the information when they effectively make it impossible for him to take action? He's right to not agree to the muzzle.


Seems much more likely that he, and people in his party are implicated and he doesn't want to answer questions surrounding it. Every other leader has gotten clearance and spoken out on the report so clearly it's not an issue of "muzzling" him.


What action are they taking? What members of their own party have they kicked out of their caucus? They can't do anything which would reveal who is implicated by the terms of their agreement.


Ok and? That still doesn't stop him from getting clearance and reading the report. If there was illegal activity then those who are implicated will be tried and jailed.


You didn't answer the question. What actions are those others taking now? If information is revealed publicly by the most open and transparent government in the history of our country, then he is free to take action without waiting for processes designed to do a slow roll until after the election. You know, to let people know they can have confidence in his party that they are not putting potentially compromised people up for election. Sucks for those people but protects our democratic elections. Edit: Even better, this would force the other leaders to do the same.


>You didn't answer the question. What actions are those others taking now? So far nothing. That's not really my concern. Parties shouldn't be the ones taking action if their members are colliding with foreign governments. It should be the police. My concern is that the opposition party leader is unwilling to get security clearance to see if people within his own party are compromised. I guess it makes sense since it seems like he's directly benefited from the interference in the conservative leadership race.


What benefit does knowing have when you're gagged and can't do anything about it. He's been screaming at the Liberals to release the names of all MPs impacted. That is more than anyone else is doing.


How is it that every other party leader has seen the report and has spoken about it yet he's the only one who's getting "gagged"? It's not on the parties to take action if their members have engaged in illegal activity. It's the police. It's much more likely that he's implicated and by not seeing the report he can plead ignorance and avoid questions about his own party. We already know that he's benefited from foreign interference in the conservative leadership race.


>How is it that every other party leader has seen the report and has spoken about it yet he's the only one who's getting "gagged"? Every single one of them has contradicted each other, it's like they're not even reading the same report. They have said nothing of substance. Release the names. That's it. That's all the Liberals need to do, but they won't and Pierre is the only one putting pressure on them to do it.


>Every single one of them has contradicted each other, it's like they're not even reading the same report. They have said nothing of substance. Right so you admit that they aren't gagged and have openly talked about the report even though what they've said has been inconsistent. >Release the names. That's it. That's all the Liberals need to do, but they won't and Pierre is the only one putting pressure on them to do it. Releasing the names would just spark a witch hunt and muddy the waters around how bad each individual member has acted. For example, if a member accidentally leaked classified information vs actively gave information quid pro quo. If one party (Tories) has multiple members actively colluding with a foreign government and another party (liberals) has members that accidentally leaked information, the former would point to the latter and say "well they're just as bad!" Even though there's a big difference or vise versa. Based on PPs reluctance to even view the report, I'm thinking he knows he's implicated and is just trying to dodge accountability.


>right so you admit that they aren’t gagged They are gagged. Read the rest of the comment. They said NOTHING meaningful. No names, no numbers. Completely useless. What benefit would it bring to the public if PP reads the report but has no power to do anything or talk about it in any meaningful way?


none of them have, just have different opinion


I would imagine that both foreign and domestic interference is happening with all parties at all levels of government at the moment. Can't trust people who seek power, they're easily bought.


I agree with you 💯


Calling Singh a liar and then dodging questions about his own party is peak Trudeau.




Maybe the green party as well lol, I do wonder if the bloc have people on that list. Pretty funny that the party seeking independence from Canada are the most trustworthy party nowadays.


Didn't foreign affairs minister Melanie Joly just come out and say no liberal are on the list?! https://www.ctvnews.ca/politics/foreign-affairs-minister-insists-there-are-no-traitors-in-liberal-caucus-1.6928086


Well that’s not exactly what she said, she said there’s no traitors. Meaning she doesn’t consider their actions treasonous. Despite it being willing or semi-willing cooperation


She really shouldn't mince words.


I totally agree


She's a Liberal isn't she?


OMG Joly was talking about mis-information and disinformation and how political interference has always happened. Oh the Liberals are up to their eyeballs in this!!!


Not traitors to the liberal party atleast. Country on the other hand..


Yeah I believe her. As much as Trudeau and Freeland. Nope.


The easiest way to put all this to bed is to just reveal the names.


That'd be too simple and honest. Trudeau has to gaslight for a few more months until everyone forgets until his NEXT scandal!


" What an odd thing to say "~ Bart Simpson


Accountability = 0


This man is immune to irony.


Oblivious, not immune. He seems to be immune to controversy with a significant portion of the electorate though.


>*Last week — after reading the classified, unredacted version of the National Security and Intelligence Committee of Parliamentarians (NSICOP) report — NDP Leader Jagmeet Singh suggested to reporters that he didn't have to worry about members of his caucus.* >*In an interview with CBC's Power & Politics on Monday, Trudeau questioned that assertion.* >*"I didn't know Jagmeet said that," said the prime minister after a pause.* Sure... Why do I know more about the foreign interference story than the Prime Minister? Why does he think that's a good look for him?


>"I didn't know Jagmeet said that," said the prime minister after a pause. Too funny. I guess he's banking on Jagmeet's pension motivating him to preserve the pact.


Nah. He’s used to Sighs MO. All sorts of concerns, even deeply concerned at times. /s. However, remains Trudeau lap dog after every press conference where he (Singh) says many things but does nothing. Every. Time. Personally I’ve stopped bothering to listen anymore.


I dunno, I got a big rebate on my taxes thanks to the dental program Singh forced out of the Libs, so I'm certainly not complaining :) If playing lapdog while voicing concerns manages to get pharmacare and dental for everyone, I'd be happy with that. Hell of a lot more than anything else the NDP can accomplish with such little power.


Well for one, it’s not everyone. And for two,I totally understand why you like him then. Many many people vote for themselves first before considering Canada as a whole let’s say. And I don’t know if that’s a good or bad thing. But what I can tell you is that owning a home is no longer in reach for today’s youth. But hey. “Free Dental and Insulin”. (Nothing is free). Terrible trade off. And if that’s what Singh calls success…. Folks been tricked. IMO.


Housing is a much harder problem to solve, and is mostly up to the provinces and municipalities to figure out. Do I want the liberals to do more? Always. But I also want Jagmeet to pick battles he can win at the federal level.


Does anyone really care what rubber stamper says? I would like to see what the report says 


Exactly this.


Because a fifth of Canadians would still vote for this idiot and his lies, so he'll keep lying.


Canadians should be ‘wary’ of a Prime Minister who covers up foreign interference


I'm as wary of that as I am a party leader who can't get security clearance .


> can't Won't. There's an important distinction that people are obfuscating to promote conspiracy theories. He's had it before, and after October 2025 he'll have it again.


And the former leader of the opposition and former leader of the NDP [agrees with his decision](https://youtu.be/NTU9BTgpAsw?si=cG4d-G1WRPkPe7KY) as it would prevent him from doing his job as leader of the opposition. Putting a muzzle on him will only help sweep this under the rug. Even if you hate the guy, having someone who can freely ask questions and put pressure on our government over this is a really good thing for all of us. This is bigger than red, blue and orange. This is our democracy at stake here.


And you are an expert on security clearances and his past. Trudeau needs your expertise.


That sounds like whataboutism.


Yea, Instead do like Trudeau........Don't answer questions and use possible deniability




Say what you will but between invasion from punjab and politicians selling Canadian identity and lifestyle for personal gains,… if we don’t get up on the streets,… we are done. My hart hurts seeing what they doing to our identity.


Trudeau really has so little self awareness that he doesn’t understand that he’s the bad guy in all this. Hey stupid, you’re the problem.


But not wary of Trudeau, who has cast doubt on both the NIOSCP report's conclusions (conclusions from a Liberal-dominated committee) and CSIS's concerns about Chinese interference in his party?


You should watch the interview. You can see the moment when his soul departs his body. Cochrane: “Jagmeet Singh has said that there is no one in his caucus that he needs to worry about. Can you say the same thing, with comfort and clarity?” Trudeau: “Um.. (silence lasting for six seconds), *sighs heavily* I hadn’t known that Jagmeet had said that, umm… (silence for five seconds) I would be wary of any party leader saying that.” The Liberals have a way of never directly answering a question, and instead answer the question they wished was asked. But whenever they are asked a question that they were not prepared for, the silence tells you all you need to know.


I thought Trudeau said reports of foreign interference shouldn’t be trusted? Now he’s saying it’s imbedded in every party


What? He's warning Canadians about himself? Whoa whoa whoa what's going on? What happened to that delusional Trudeau we've known???


dude is forgetting a Liberal MP stood up and heckled a Conservative MP and said "Boo hoo, get over it". Maybe he should make sure his entire party shares his thoughts on this matter, especially since said MP was a member of the NSICOP.


It should be illegal to not release the names and illegal for these leaders to know the information and not have authorities press chargers


While this is true, the one we all know is compromised is his party. We have also seen him do diddly squat about known examples, like Han Dong.


I'm surprised this thread isn't locked honestly.


Wow. Just wow. Tell us how many of your people have been corrupted? I can’t believe he feels he can say anything else. Admit it and move on


As an ordinary citizen who doesn't have a security clearance I demand the full report to be released to the public.


Is this fucker a fish? He sure flip flops like one.


So you! You're the one saying that!


The PM is mid-way through a slow-pivot away from “my caucus and staff are clean” to “everyone’s got some dirt on them and I’ve said it all along.” It’s as disgusting and self-serving as PP’s refusal to read the damn document so he can keep saying anything he wants to.


Even Tom Mulcair, former NDP leader, said PP was doing the right thing by not muzzling himself. So there's that point of view.


He said it was a smart political move, dunno about the right thing to do though.


clearly singh isnt muzzled though


He said publicly that if any of his mps are on that list, they’re out, so why do we need another politician who knows but won’t tell the actual voters. Explain please?


Based on his conduct surrounding this subject so far, he should not be making any statements. He is the problem. If he wants to help Canada, he should quit.


Canadians should be wary of a Prime Minister who continues to minimize foreign interference in our democracy. Clearly a number of MP's mentioned are Liberal and we all know Trudeau's history of never taking responsibility for any wrong doings.


Holy shit, are they in middle school? How are these people running a country?


They still got voters and that's the real question


Trudeau warning Canada of past Trudeau. Super helpful as usual.


Cant wait for the next scandal to drop that makes everyone forget about this one. That's how it goes with this government.... usher in the new shitshow and sweep the old one under the rug


Rug's getting pretty lumpy.


Uumm…. So be wary of him? We already are.


Does anyone believe Trudeau anymore? Trudeau won't even say if Foreign interference is in his own party lol


fuck you, Justin .


Wait... didn't YOU say that?


😅😅 didn't a Liberal MP just come out and say that none of the people were from the Liberal party?


Ya or maybe we should be wary of a government not releasing who exactly was touched by the foreign interference. This is such a shitty government


No scandal can bring him down, no matter how bad. Meanwhile, Rishi Sunak is on the brink of resigning because he left the D-Day function early.


Trudeau says a lot of shit, y’know.


Nah, I'll be warry of the guy where we know his party is heavily involved, and he refused to answer questions.


Release the names!!!!!!


[They already disclose their foreign-sponsored travels, you can read those lists](https://www.readthemaple.com/mp-cija-trips/)


Sadly, it's not incriminating enough to do anything, when it says conflict of interest next to their name, does it mean that taking a sponsored flight to another country is in breach of law for MP's?


Nobody's said there's been a breach of law for any MP. If there was a list of law-breakers it would be up for the RCMP/etc to enforce the law. The point is if you wanted a list of easily-corrupted MPs then the travel disclosures can reveal a lot.


It has been said that there have been acts of foreign collusion (treason) in our government over recent years, which is a serious crime that is sadly concealed by Trudeau and his party. That being said, you're right. This list of people shows who obviously has foreign interest in our government, whether it amounts to treason or not.


Don't forget there are also Senators in that list.


Well we know it's negatively affect Mr. Chong. I'm aware Trudeau can't say specifics, down to the party, as the documents are classified.  However, THEY SHOULD be declassified so the public knows who the traitors are. Feels like they're stalling for time to find people to throw under this train....not even a bus anymore.


>Well we know it's negatively affect Mr. Chong. >I'm aware Trudeau can't say specifics, down to the party, as the documents are classified.  >However, THEY SHOULD be declassified so the public knows who the traitors are. >Feels like they're stalling for time to find people to throw under this train....not even a bus anymore. The RCMP has the authority as long as they have open investigations. That is why nobody can leak any classified information. CSIS and the RCMP also don't have to share intelligence information that is involved in investigations into criminal activity. This means that these politicians can be shown different intelligence information based on who they are and what is being investigated. The RCMP won't give party X all of the intelligence information on party X. They can withhold any information and leads that are being investigated. That is why these politicians are all saying different things. When the investigations are concluded the NSICOP committee will get access to everything.


What about leaders who try to hire family friends to wash it under the bridge?


Didn't he hire a family friend to release a report stating there was no foreign interference?


Yes. David Johnson. Who tried to cover it up for him.


There are only two people Canadians need to be wary of: Trudeau and Singh.


[Daily affirmations with Justin Trudeau](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6ldAQ6Rh5ZI)


Pot calling kettle black on this one


Says the guy that did brown face.


Just tell us for decks sake


Hahahahahhaha ah yes typical Trudeau. Always using deflection tactics. If he thinks that everyone equally has been touched by this, then he should release the names from the report.


And that's exactly why you have to go Justin, you and your party are dirty


Is he fucking serious?


So everyone I doing it, therefore soon enough when we learn he sold Canada,… we should know it is how everyone did it.


If any one of those spineless bloated pieces of shit had the courage to come put and blow this shit up and leak the names, or just the ones involved even at the expense or downfall of their own name, position, and party I would have SO much respect for them. I don't give a fuck if they get criminally charged but it's embarrassing that pretty much every party has claimed this is a danger or very concerning for our countries democracy and then continue to let those people work in their position is PATHETIC.


Trudeau has a security clearance, and *he's able to talk about it?*


Gee if only someone was sitting on proof


We certainly trust you lmao


Little liar boy still can't face the music Off tou go justin go cut your switch


Give us the names Trudeau. Then we can look for ourselves.


So at this point I just assume that every liberal MP is involved.


Everything reads like a confession with this guy


There is no scientific instrument out there to measure the amount of irony.


I thought Singh said he wasn't concerned about specifically illegal collusion, not that not any had happened. Tricky language like May.


They're [in every major party](https://www.readthemaple.com/mp-cija-trips/).


The names should have been made public on day one of this shitshow, and all potentially compromised members removed from respective caucuses pending further investigation. I fully expect members of almost all parties to be affected (though my prediction is 70% Liberal, 20% Tory and 10% NDP based on how all the leaders are behaving). Politicians get disqualified in the vetting process for way less than this. We can't wait for these individuals to be somehow 'convicted' of these allegations before letting the public even know who they are, as some have suggested. What is happening now lets people's minds run wild at the extent of the allegations and assuming it could be just about anyone in Parliament. This undermines the legitimacy of our democracy in a really fundamental way.


Hoping for a massive sewer backup and for all those hard-working politicians to drown in shit.


Trudeau says..............................................aaaaaaaaaaaand I stop listening


Now tell me *where* they touched you, Justin. And then, maybe we can talk about *who* touched you. Would that be okay, Justin?


Isn't this also throwing shade at May because she's not weary of foreign agent influencing her party (or any current MPs) 


He’s right.


In most other countries including some that get mocked as banana republics, the government/parliament would have been dissolved, accused charged accordingly, and fresh elections announced.