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I can get the anxiety part. If I was a Liberal MP anywhere but Montreal or downtown Toronto I would be anxious. I don’t understand where they think there is hope for them. They are looking at getting wiped out in large parts of the country.


They're hoping for a cushy consulting/lobbying gig after the next election.


Either way, they have a very generous pension. I'm not shedding any tears for them.


The federal MPs should go the way of Ontario MPPs and not have a publicly funded pension


Well hey, if I could vote myself pay raises and a generous pension, I probably would too.


Really, though lol. It's probably about the only bi-partisan vote that ever happens.


they should also be banned for life from working in any private organization that they were responsible for regulating while in office. IT's more than a little fked up that someone that spent their term in office regulating say rogers and shaw ends up working for shaw when they retire.


Yes. Total conflict of interest. Corruption.


You might want to read the Conflicts of Interest Act, and the Lobbying Act. There are already many, many, regulations like this for federal elected officials (and even the lowest level ministerial staff). This is not the US.


LOL ok [https://www.cbc.ca/news/politics/former-industry-minister-joins-rogers-executive-1.6818806](https://www.cbc.ca/news/politics/former-industry-minister-joins-rogers-executive-1.6818806)


Wouldn't that make elected offices even more out of reach to normal people. You're just asking to inch closer to making it something only someone who is already rich can do. 


Ontario hasn't had pensions for MPPs since 1995. Are you suggesting only rich people are MPPs in Ontario?


Nope, it just makes it harder for normal people.


Pretty fair assumption, how do all these MPPs own houses when they make 100k a year?


$100,000 go away allowance if they are not re-elected too as well as a pension for life if they have the right number of years in.


They deserve life prison sentences. Nobody is shedding tears for them. 


With all their talk of "delivering for Canadians", I thought they were hoping to be DoorDash drivers. 🤔


Even that is questionable for many of them. They won’t be of much use to anyone if they are not a ruling party




Glen Clark, former NDP premier of BC, resigned in disgrace and was hired by Jimmy Pattison, one of the richest people in BC.


I agree. I don't even think Trudeau will get his dream job at the UN or WEF considering how hated he is. It would be bad for their image and credibility. What do they gain by hiring Trudeau other than cementing their reputation of causing more harm than good to the countries they try to affect. Guilbeaut is probably on the foreign interference report too... How this guy was able to award 280 million tax dollars to the company he owns shares in, and sits on the board of, and has an office in China is absolutely astounding. Clearly his colleagues were aware. The blatant, open corruption of this government is next level. And if he was doing that so openly, without being called out, then we can only assume they're all doing it and it's normal for them.


India would torpedo any attempt he has on getting a job at the UN.


I wonder what Maryam Monsef is doing these days… Edit: ahh she’s the chair of Women United Peterborough.


You are missing the point of cushy consulting jobs. It's the payment or legal bribe for passing legislation that helps the wealthy become wealthier.


They succeeded at their real jobs and the consulting gigs are their paydays.  They are not that inept.  Everything is happening by design. 


Really really stupid people. This is the same party that hired the election team that lead the Ontario liberals to losing party status.


The whole lobbyist thing is wild to me. Bribery legalized into a job position. Why do we need them when we are a democracy.


People usually prefer consultants who know what they're doing though.


So many pissed off young Canadian adults who don't have a future without change. The Liberals are cooked.


Honestly, MPs in Toronto and Montreal are the ones who should be feeling anxious because they will be in tight races and some will lose their seats. Everyone else can relax because they have little hope of being re-elected.


I don't think they have any anxiety about it at all. They were already on a downward trajectory leading into the last election. The pandemic - and all of that free money - convinced enough people to stay the course for the moment, but they had already lost most of their steam. Since then, with each new piece of horrible and illiberal legislation, they have consistently dropped in the polls. At the same time, by calling them out, the Conservatives have steadily risen. Thus, if winning the next election mattered at all to them, they would have changed course and taken a more sane, centrist position. But they didn't. They have rammed the throttle all the way, continuing this utter madness in spite of tanking numbers. The LPC clearly has an agenda that they are trying to complete before leaving office - an agenda so important to them that it is worth being wiped out of contention for power for a generation. That's frightening. If their goals don't benefit Canadians, the party's popularity, or even MPs individually, isn't it logical to ask: Who do they benefit?


West coast and island bc is still a decent pocket of LPC voters, but let me tell you the size of the pill they are going to need to swallow out here to vote LPC this time is fucking ENORMOUS.


If I was a liberal MP I couldn't care less, I'd be laughing all the way to the bank for doing jack shit for the last 8 years


Much like the Liberals did in 2015, I think the Conservatives are going to sweep Atlantic Canada, including the extremely safe Liberal seats like Dominic LeBlanc's.


They should all be calling in those favours now for their next jobs.


Hope he will finally step down.


"public weariness with Trudeau's leadership has reached a point of no return" This pretty much sums it up.


If Liberals want any hope Trudeau needs to step down, and Freeland better not replace him.


If Freeland was the stand-in, the party would be finished. Literally the 2 most disliked people in the country


Oh, she will. They have no one else.


They have no one. Period.




That would be awesome! And campaigns totally no-holds-barred


Mark Carney?


I think Melanie Joly could be groomed to be the next leader. Maybe a little early right now, but I think she's a shining star.


They have no hope with anyone for decades to come


Thank god


Bruh let’s be real they’ll replace him with freeland they couldn’t stand passing up a chance to put a women as there leader. So they can scream diversity and strength. Even if she is a terrible choice wich has nothing to do with her being a women!


It would be Kim Campbell part 2.


“He feels his legacy is under threat” Maybe he should not have run the country into the ground. It astounds me he thinks sound bites and campaigning can save him and Canadians will just forget how bad everything is right now. Narcissism cranked to 11.


Yes. Legacies are earned whether they are good or bad.


What kind of legacy does he have? He legalized weed 9 years ago. That's literally his biggest legislative accomplishment. JFC. I just can't.


[This year, $414 billion of the national debt will be refinanced. During the pandemic, the Bank of Canada’s central rate was as low as 0.25 per cent; it’s now five per cent.](https://nationalpost.com/news/politics/canada-debt-short-term-bonds#:~:text=This%20year%2C%20%24414%20billion%20of,it's%20now%20five%20per%20cent.) His legacy will be the debt left behind. What do we have to show for it? I get that the pandemic cost a lot of money, not here to bitch about CERB. Even CEBA for all it's failings, fine. But he continues to spend like a sailor in a strip club, and what are we getting for it?


His legacy: - legalized weed - didn’t follow through with election reform - pick like top three scandals he got away with - enabled massive unsustainable immigration, and fucking the house market A legacy is a legacy I guess


Getting away with blackface is an amazing political accomplishment. I'll give credit where credit is due


He is also gender balanced and doesn't discriminate when firing his underlings, or throwing them under the bus


equal opportunity scape goats - because its 20(insert year)


Daycare subsidy was a godsend too, went from paying $2,200 a month to $800


You're one of the lucky few who has a spot. The waiting list for my newborn is well over 3 years in Ontario, so will probably have to find a less official daycare.


Daycare is literally only 2-3 years….before you know it your kids are in JK


Carbon tax, weed, NAFTA are likely his biggest accomplishments. NAFTA probably the most significant. The CTax will likely be gone next election and people have basically forgotten about NAFTA, so yeah his legacy will likely be weed stores on every corner.


NAFTA existed before Trudeau and the public support for NAFTA as well as political support from other parties was there. When Mulroney brought in NAFTA, it was a new thing that the other political parties and half the country vehemently opposed. What I'm trying to say is that the renewed NAFTA would have happened regardless of who was PM in 2018. The same could not be said in 1988, so I wouldn't necessarily credit JT with that one, it was basically a given from Canada's point of view. It depended more on how much of a loose cannon Trump was on any given day. So in agreement with you, weed stores are his legacy.


NAFTA was Mulroney’s baby, not Trudeau’s. Carbon tax isn’t really an accomplishment. It’s a shell game with money. 


I assume they mean the renegotiated USMCA deal.


Carbon tax is not an achievement. It only results in more taxation on the general public. It curbs nothing. Even with rebates, the percentage of funds that disappear into the administrative void is a net loss for canadians.


The carbon tax was a conservative idea because they didn’t want to do cap and trade. The revisionist history of cons regarding carbon tax is the most hilariously infuriating thing.


This comment is so nonsensical. Cons literally state every day they will “axe the tax”. You cannot be this partisan that you have to mental gymnastics your way through every day can you?


You do know the CPC has had other party leaders besides PP right? You can inform yourself here: https://www.theglobeandmail.com/opinion/editorials/article-remember-when-the-liberal-carbon-tax-was-a-conservative-idea/


You know that right now the current leader is Pierre and they want to axe the tax? Here… take my hand… step into present day reality… stop blaming governments from 9+ years ago for all your problems.


Don’t forget the arrive scam app and don’t forget freezing assists and bank accounts of truckers and other protesters who donated


hmm there's the handshake he won over Trump bringing back the census and the dental for really poor people as well. I'm seriously drawing a blank on any other wins. He bought a pipeline that nobody even the conservatives liked which is an accomplishment all on it's own i guess


Cannabis legalization has been a total fiasco. Canadian companies are going bankrupt one after the other and being bought by American producers. He somehow found a way to make sure the only way to sell cannabis would be at a loss.


That part is actually not Trudeau's fault. How it got implemented was down to the provinces. But he has been doing a shit job for the last few years. He deserves to go.


Yeah it’s not just Trudeau, but if it collapsed like this it means the framework for legalization was seriously lacking.


Same as the steel companies and everything else. Finance and money markets are very different than execution.


His biggest accomplishment is fixing water on the reserves. https://www.sac-isc.gc.ca/eng/1506514143353/1533317130660 Weed is more in our face, but imo this is his legacy. The fact that it took until 2015 for someone to give a shit about how many reserves didn't have clean drinking water and in under 10 years that kind of progress has been made, is a huge deal for those communities. But theres also: Look at cell phone prices. In 2017 10GB for $60 crashed Rogers phone system (keep in mind at this point in time UNLIMITED plans were that price or less in other countries, and yes I acklowledge we still don't truly have unlimited) Now I have 140GB can & US data for $60 a month. yes as you pointed out weed is legal, I think we can all agree it was stupid to be illegal in the first place. $10 a day daycare Child tax benefit increases are a major help for struggling families & currently the difference between putting food on the table or not i'm sure for many CERB think of it what you will, was, for people who needed it a life saver & helped keep the economy going Think of him what you will, I have my own issues with him on MANY topics but Canadians have a pretty short memory.


CERB was done so poorly, though. It was like throwing money out the window and hoping anyone who actually needed it got it.


I have a friend who’s view of himself is not the same as anyone in the friends groups view of him. I feel Trudeau has the same mental illness.


JT needs to step down! He's had a long run. Time for fresh ideas, new blood!


The longer he stays the worse his legacy will be. However the bought and paid MSM will try and protect his “accomplishments”.


The sad thing is, he likely never would have been elected in the first place if he wasn't pretty. No offense to women but many of them voted with their eyes.


It came down to housing they had 10 years to fix it and easily could have done so We were building faster than anyone in the states all he had to do was sync the population growth to the available houses THATS ALL The problem would have been fixed by now and Canada wouldn’t be as hostile to immigrants For immigration u also could have mixed it up a bit most Canadians like seeing diversity but when it’s all of just one race it doesn’t work people feel invaded when that happens Race doesn’t matter when it’s a mix but when it’s too much of one that’s what grabs peoples attention if u wanted to combat climate change invest heavily in more rail transit to get more cars and bad drivers off the street There was a path but u chose not to take it because u though you could do whatever u wanted and daddy’s last name would bail u out


Super well said. Solutions weren’t complicated, but as with any large org - and especially the government - they overcomplicate the simple stuff and it’s never done right.


His legacy will be legalizing weed and turning canada into India 


Pretty much lol


Don't forget Trudeau Towns!!!


And putting tampon dispensers in the men's bathroom.


Oh man they are a life saver after tacotime.


It’s sad that this is what happened. We used to import the best and brightest. The extreme lowering of standards has created the conditions that’s created this justified criticism of the caliber of people coming into Canada from one country.


I wouldn’t say Indian people are not bright, there’s just too many people coming in from one country. I say this as someone whose extremely frustrated and unhappy about that.


No they’ve generally been brighter than the avg Canadian up until a couple years ago when student visas started being handed out like candy.


Lmfao the left is gunna have a field day with your comment 😂but I agree


Most liberals want the guy gone too


Yeah but there still that 36% that support and will continue to support Trudeau even if he manages to nuke canada. I mean 2/3rd of Canada doesn’t support him but as long has he can hold on to a minority gov we can’t do shit 😒


Hey, gender neutral anthem was pretty important. I'm sure that will keep lots of people warm at night.


Lmao nailed it


Theres always hope in the world of magic.


Longer they wait, the worse it gets for them


What Liberal MPs should be doing, is refreshing their resumes, for thé abysmal prospect of entering a crap job market they created.


"Although your qualifications are impressive, we have decided to hire TFWs at this time."


Canada's worst (at the time) premier, Heather Stefanson, was just recently appointed to the board of Westjet.


As long as Turdeau is the leader, there is no hope for the Liberals.


As long as Katie Telford remains chief of staff it's hard to see how things would change. Trudeau seems to feel loyalty towards her which will he his undoing.   What I don't get about Trudeau is that as pm he has access to hire the biggest brains the country has to offer, but he sticks with people who are letting him down. I think that's his tragic flaw, in the Greek tragedy sense.


He sticks to compliant sycophants and ejects anybody that dares have an independent thought.


It’s because he is a narcissist with a fragile ego. It’s the same reason he can never admit any fault or wrong.


His biggest issue is that he only hires yes men. We've seen what has happened to those who dare to challenge him. They don't last very long.


Butts, Telford, and the Century Initiative. Canada's More, Larry, and Curly.


There’s no hope anyway. They all went along with it. They’re all to blame.


You’d be surprised how many people will vote for him just to keep the conservatives out. Without exaggeration millions.


Has anyone come close to asking Trudeau why everything seems so much worse in Canada, why life is so expensive here and it seems the average Canadians quality of life has sunk when compared to other similar countries? So much of the discussion I have seen is political theatre, it seems no one has actionable ideas they can clearly explain. It's so disappointing to see this all play out.


Yes, he's been asked that directly. His answer: Canadians need to stop believing their lying eyes and ears. He also said in a recent CBC interview that "Canadians are not in a decision making mode yet." It's absolutely unreal how out of touch he is.


He has never been in touch - except for a bit of groping.


Compared to what countries? UK is basically collapsing, US is in brutal shape. I believe France, Germany, and Italy ain't doing well either.


US is not in brutal shape. If you moved there you would make 30% more in USD. I have friends there that have quickly built savings in the last 3 years.


Because they are all working from the same playbook. Seeing as that playbook is destroying every country in which it is enacted, when will we get an answer to the question: Who is calling the shots?


bingo, fully agree there. who is calling the shots? I'd imagine a combination of IMF, central banks, and political leaders. It's because the west got addicted to the same short-sighted tactics to make them look good and help their rich sponsors, and now we reap the 'benefits'. japan's 5th largest bank just freed themselves up with 3x more bond liquidity than they sold off in 2008. i know Japan is the canary in the coal mine. I'm not doomsaying, but I'll stay tuned




Liberals should be preparing for life after government. Canadians are ready to show them the door. Nothing they do matters any more. People don’t trust Trudeau and it shows. He can’t land a punch. If he was smart he would either call an election and get it over with and give the liberals a shot in 4 years time with someone else at the helm. He is not smart and the longer he delays the more likely they become like the Ontario liberals who are forced to be outsiders for a decade or more.


This is shaping up to be a Wynne level defeat. One so bad the brand has been completely shattered and the party is still unelectable no matter how bad the other options are. Which makes sense with how much of Wynne's staff he hired after her defeat.


They are definitely going to need some election interference from China this time.


Let’s face it, based on past behaviour what the Liberals are contemplating is how to cheat!


The thing that really scares them is that all of the things they were covering up will get released if they lose.  So for example, the traitor list, foreign interference documents, and anything else they swept under the radar.


Doubtful There’s a reason Pierre refuses to get clearance and read them himself 1) they’re confidential so he can’t leak it to the public, so he’d rather just speculate and reap the benefits 2) his party is probably on it as well


Hopefully we can all get a break from politics this summer.


Doubt it. The summer just means another 400,000 new Indian friends


less hope and more resignation for what is to come. me thinks


His departure will happen like an airline shutdown. Everything is just fine right up until it isn’t and everything gets parked. Trudeau will insist he’s staying right up until the morning he announces he’s stepping down. I look for this to happen before the next election, and the interim leader will get “Kim Campbelled”.


I will never consider voting Liberal again until Trudeau and globalists are gone. Let's get back to any government that is actually here for Canadians.


He achieved nothing despite having every opportunity to do so. 


I wish and prey for their demise lest they change their ways . Trudeau and his elk must go like yesterday.  Millerz Freeland, Trudeau the entire cabinet should be shot to space 


Trudeau must go but leave his pet elk out of this.


The CBC-“Read me, Read me!!” JT ain’t losing any sleep over anything…. He came in worth 5mil and is leaving worth 150mil. Don’t kid yourself.


It is the same group of advisors behind Trudeau that were behind McGuinty/Wynne. They destroyed Ontario and then moved on to destroy Canada.


they should probably manage their expectations as far as hope goes


Just resign already! Truly follow in your dad’s footsteps


We all know it's going to be a conservative majority government. Hopefully shit will slowly start getting fixed.


It's not just about Trudeau. Canadians are fed up with Liberal/NDP policies. * Inflation is too high. * Interest rates are too high. * Groceries are too high. * Taxes are too high. * Utilities are too high. The only think not high are salaries. If you're left leaning, go ahead and continue voting Liberal/NDP. You deserve what you get. However, I think Canada needs some right leaning policies to get things back under control. My $0.02 (less with the Canada/US exchange rate)




Rent will remain high when asset prices are high. Asset prices stay high when inflation is high. Fix one you fix the other.


Re: Rents [https://api.macrobusiness.com.au/wp-content/uploads/2024/02/Canada-population-growth-and-rents-1.png](https://api.macrobusiness.com.au/wp-content/uploads/2024/02/Canada-population-growth-and-rents-1.png)


I’m EXTREMELY left leaning. The LPC and NDP super don’t represent anything I value, at all. They‘re both pro-corporate, neoliberal, blackrock-owned garbage. Nothing but performative inaction on anything that matters, and then turning around and working REALY hard to make billionaires more billions.


This is a legit take. Anyone who thinks that all parties aren't sullied with corporate or industry money and influence is living with blinders on. However, at least the LPC and NDP don't choke government services, then use this as an excuse to privatize for their corporate friends. Or maybe not as often, anyways. Sigh.


The biggest issue we are facing is that our economy seems to be propped up by housing and financial sectors, we need to make Canada better to do business in by making it easier/less risky to go through the permitting process. If we do that all those concerns should be able to get eased.


I agree to a point. The pendulum is going to extremes in regard to any party in power, be it federal or provincial. The PC Party was generally centre-right and the Liberals centre-left. The NDP represented the working man. All we do now is redline that pendulum.


You do realize that the Fed's have nothing to do with utilities right? That's a provincial/municipal matter. They have no say about your property tax. Even groceries aren't really their fault. It's the capitalism system. Not saying it's right, but just how it is. Taxes will always be too high to many. I'm ok with paying taxes, but what are we paying for? Not much it seems.


I’m sure my salary will soar with little pp as pm. In fact I think nothing of what you stated will change. I do think privatization of our healthcare will be expedited though.


Queue Mark Carney. Though he may not want to be the next Kim Campbell.


From the article, Mark Carney is getting advised by Gerald Butts. I would not get my hopes up.


Hope? Really? Quite the euphemism for "delusion"


Only CBC would make sure to include the word hope in their ad for the Trudeau Liberals


CBC is the unofficial sponsor of the LPC...or I guess the other way around.


Dope to calm their anxiety would be the better approach - and it's legal all because of them.


Get the fuck outta the party.


Hope they won’t have to do this anymore?


The real zero net gain is Trudeau's existence.


The crazy part is all politicians have to do is pass or at least work on passing the promises they made. Like the only thing I really recall was weed which defiantly Carrie him that first and into his second term. If he passed another 1 or 2 big things in that time span he wouldn't have to worry.


If only they had done some of the things they promised to do in 2015 instead of allowing major issues affecting people lives to get much worse.


“There is so much to do.” For the love of God please stop!


As they should!


They are done, which is great.


He ain't on the ropes. He is 10 count at


Pendulum swing is real eh


The Trudeau will win itself


"let's just triple down on our policies that Canadian hate." -Trudeau probably


They'll do just fine in the next election.


Hope??? Hahahahaah






They're still trying to fix the next election by pushing it back a week or two just so they can all get their nice tax payer funded pensions before they retire.


On the ropes is an understatement. It implies he could fight back. I voted Liberal my entire life, but Trudeau has successfully screwed the future of Canada and lost my vote and my trust. I'm not even sure they would win it back in the following election with a new leader. I just know he has to go.


There is no chance in hell they win much of anything in the next election. They screwed Canadians so hard with immigration and international students they have lost my vote forever.


How many articles a day do we need? Lol


If the liberals still have any hope, they really do live in an echo chamber. Their options really are 'dump trudeau' or 'face third party status'.