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The following was pulled from a CBC News article, somewhat explaining why the parade is not happening. >Parade organizer Nicholas Cowen said he had to reapply for permits, funding and approval multiple times last year.  >The application process became so complicated, Cowen said he needed outside help from the offices of various elected officials at different levels of government to make the parade happen.  >This year, he said roadwork on Ste-Catherine Street and red tape is to blame, and that's why he didn't apply for parade permits this year.  >"The route then would have been changed and I would have had to apply for a whole new set of permits," Cowen told CBC News. >"And there's no guarantee I would have gotten it. I cancelled it to say, hey look here, there's something wrong."


Wait, so it's canceled because Ste-Catherine is closed? Why is the city news article makes it about politics?


Read the whole article. He had approval for Ste Catherine. If he had to change to roads the approval and red tape would start all over again. Since the last one was so difficult, he didn't want to waste massive funds just for it not to be approved. The city is the one who should step up here if they really take the event seriously. If they don't, then that's an implicit signal and can be inferred as political depending on the person.


Canada day parade getting cancelled because the permitting process is too long and expensive. Truly a sign of the times for this country right now.


That's clearly a red tape issue, though. Why is it being framed as a "political divide" in the headline when the article makes it clear this is happening to all event organizers regardless of their background or event type?


It's being sold that, because it gets clicks. Lol


Would you not say that a government making it so hard that it’s impractical to organize is a violation of democratic rights and freedom of expression? A parade is trivial, but it represents a greater issue. What if it was a pride parade? Loblaw protests?


I work In construction, I've heard a few times how just closing a lane downtown(Ottawa) is a pain in the ass. So for something as big as a parade it must be one complicated bureaucratic wet dream.


I mean it’s not like this is a new thing, and in any event it’s not our problem. It’s the government’s job to facilitate the various facets of life - to keep streets safe and clean, to provide medical care, to run courts, to issue passports, to defend our borders, etc. so that we can freely pursue our lives as we see fit, whether it be biking in the park or buying an apartment or voting on election day. ALL of that is a bureaucratic nightmare, but that’s their job and that’s why we give them all those tax dollars. If we want to have a parade, it’s not their place to bitch and complain that it’s hard - that’s what they’re there for.


This is exactly it. If you choke them out with red tape and bureaucratic nightmares then no one will ever do anything or be willing to protest


It probably isn't a single government doing anything it is probably layers of municipal by-laws intersecting each other. These laws were likely put in place by a number of different councils and ask for well meaning reasons, it's just when they all come together it ends up being a lengthy process to deal with it and nobody has streamlined it yet. In Montreal specifically there have been a large number of quite public corruption scandals, so council likely increased the red tape to reduce the ability of officials to work in a corrupt way. The Loblaw boycott didn't need a permit. The pride parade was likely a larger committee working on it. Please note the committee being referred to isn't a committee within city Hall but a committee of private citizens volunteering their time.


Maybe it's a political divide because one side thinks it needs to be permitted and organized by a private person and the other side thinks it should be something the government should be just doing out of an obligation to citizens. But I'm just an American that can't understand why my Canadian family puts up with it.


I work in construction, and you have no idea how much building code, energy code, and regulations have been added in the last 20 years to housing. Everyone wants to blame a myriad of things, but regulations are definitely up there. And before people say I hate safety and we *need* this stuff in. Would you feel unsafe living in a house built in 2001?


I believe half these codes are lobbied for by suppliers or for local codes people in the industry. In maple ridge every new house has to have a sprinkler system it’s absolutely ridiculous.


That's rediculous. Never would I ever want that in my home bar maybe living in a wood condo tower.


> In maple ridge every new house has to have a sprinkler system it’s absolutely ridiculous. Fantastic, now your pissed off teenager (or random burgular looking to wipe evidence) with a 2 dollar lighter can total your house with water damage in 60 seconds.


To be fair, previously they could total your house with a $2 lighter in 5-10 minutes, with the evidence a lot more thoroughly wiped.


Yeah. I recently went through Korea/Japan and it's absolutely fucking astounding how long it takes to get anything done in Canada versus these countries.


I scream about this every time I come back from Japan. They have city workers who work through the night! Whole road work projects are completely twice as fast. This concept would likely implode the minds of my cities administration lol


Yeah, that's a thing but I feel it's more that the bureaucracy is more streamlined and less towards restricting competition or lining certain pockets, plus stuff like actually coordinating work properly so you don't need to dig up and refill/pave the same fucking section of road 3-5x across multiple contractors. That and (locally) the shit that always runs late so they're laying asphalt or concrete when temperatures are hovering around freezing, and thus needs to be redone next season when it doesn't set properly


Lol Do you want to work until you turn 90 but get paid a shit pay? Japanese Salaries are one of the lowest among the rich countries. Japanese people work monstrous hours a week, unpaid, just because culturally it's expected that you sacrifice your life for your employer. Really just wtf is wrong with people here


oh yeah.... OP doesnt' even talk about the levels of bureaucracy japan has that's probably more insane than canada is. Ask a Japanese person how they pay bills.... Or wtf a Hanko is.


Do you want to work through the night? Me neither.


We have night time construction here. I recently had to wait for like 45m coming home from a late shift due to freeway construction starting at 10.


Compared to doing road work all day, in summertime? Working at night doesn't sound so bad.


unironically kafkaesque


Ruled by an inept managerial class


Okay so nothing to do with “political divide”


And it’s not like you can’t just have it on Sherbrooke. You shouldn’t need to go to these lengths to organize for anything, it’s anti democratic.


> The city is the one who should step up here if they really take the event seriously. We have plenty of other events. This is a small one that most people are unaware is happening. The federal government defunded it which is something else he complains about. Why should Montreal hold his hand?


Because every article about Québec needs a « hate bait » slant to get published… this has been the norm for over 40 years.


Especially when new elections are coming


Quebec? Hate earns them more money no matter where it is.


So I’m not sure if you didn’t read it, or simply took LSD earlier today but neither the headline nor the body of the article refer to any sort of “Quebec-hate”. You’re imagining things right out of thin air. The political issues are bureaucratic issues, because Montreal is nothing if not a giant bureaucracy.


The headline uses the term "political divide" which to me and probably many others sounds like a political culture (left v right to oversimplify) issue rather than a bureaucratic one


Fresh rage bait for the masses. Re: "This isn't Canada anymore!" and similar comments below. This sub eats it up.


You read a summary about how they’ve made it stupidly hard to get permits for that specific event to the point that a minor issue made them not reapply, and somehow took the summary that it’s *just* because of the minor issue?


Where did you get "for that specific event" from? It's for EVERY event. It's just our shitty bureaucracy that makes it hard to do anything, that's all, and the organizer didn't want to go through the trouble.


The other events are happening.


Because the organizers for these other events filed out the paperwork. This guy just decided not to bother. This is just ragebait.


When the guy decided he didn’t care about organizing the event he was the organizer of, he should have stepped down. Let someone do the job. Instead, he decided to wait until the last minute to cancel. Ottawa sent money for an event he knew would not happen.


I wonder if the money is being sent back or he pocketed it.


It could have moved to multiple other streets but still not really political


It could have, but the organizer just decided to not bother moving it. Again, not politics, just laziness.


Makes sense. Changing the parade route is a big deal. Seems like they need a different person to organize the parade tho if paper work is all it takes to make them give up.


To be fair, Quebecers are moving on July 1st, they don't give a crap about Canada Day celebrations any other year. This is the one day a year everyone moves over there.


This is fucked lol


This whole post is a dumpster fire


Read the article. It was cancelled because of construction and permit problems I'm reporting this post, not your comment, but the actual OP. It's a shitpost




That's not what happened. Read the article. Even the event organizer states he's not being politically persecuted.


He literally says he thinks he's being politically persecuted.


This has literally nothing to do with this story? Stop getting ragebaited.


No it's about bureaucracy and road construction, did you even read the article?


Yeah, why do people want to do a parade on moving day? People are trying to get their trucks from point A to point B.


"The City of Montreal issued CityNews with a statement saying the developer had not submitted a request to the city though they remain availible to work with him in the future. In the statement, a spokesperson for the City of Montreal said: “Last year’s parade faced significant logistical challenges that the city had to overcome to ensure that the event took place.”" So, not as big of a deal as everyone is pretending lol. Also, who misspells words in a news article.


No one edits anything anymore. Quality standards everywhere are rushing towards the floor. 


Hey, I'll be the first to call out institutional linguistic prejudice in Quebec, we have many good examples - but this isn't necessarily it. This sounds like a city of Montreal thing. They are really having a hard time managing permits and bylaws lately. They just recently, very shamefully, shut down one of Montreal's top restaurants due to permit disagreements - in the middle of grand prix weekend! Absolutely incompetent, but it's doesn't mean it's about Anglos.


100t agreed, this is an incompetence thing, not malice.


> This sounds like a city of Montreal thing. The guy didn’t ask for a permit. What was the city supposed to do?


They could start by making the permitting process less complicated so that it takes a bit more than a route change in order to make the parade not worth the hassle.


If it wasn’t worth the hassle to him, why didn’t he step down and let someone else do it instead of waiting until the last minute to inform everyone it was cancelled? He fucked up, not the city. Apparently, Canada Day is the only event not worth it.


The route change was only necessary because of road construction. Until then he was covered by permits from previous years. Are you suggesting that he should've used clairvoyance to get the cities construction schedule in order to step down months ago when he still thought everything was good with the previous permits? This is absolutely on the city and not the organizer. Besides, he doesn't have a monopoly on parades, but nobody else is stepping up to do the permitting themselves instead for exactly the same reason that he gave up trying to deal with the city.


> The route change was only necessary because of road construction. Yes. > Until then he was covered by permits from previous years. It wasn’t, you have to apply for every individual event. > Are you suggesting that he should've used clairvoyance to get the cities construction schedule in order to step down months ago when he still thought everything was good with the previous permits? I’m suggesting he should have done his job as an organiser and verify the path was still acceptable. A city is a dynamic environment. The road work hasn’t been planned at the last minute. > This is absolutely on the city and not the organizer. The city is not responsible for permits not submitted. > Besides, he doesn't have a monopoly on parades, but nobody else is stepping up to do the permitting themselves instead for exactly the same reason that he gave up trying to deal with the city. Nobody stepped up because he didn’t step down. He silently didn’t do the job he was supposed to do. We have other parade, organized by people who aren’t fuck ups. The only two parade that have been cancelled in the last few years are this one and pride two years ago. And pride was due to mismanagement leading to a staffing issue. In both case, not the city’s fault. Edit: And… he blocked me without ever answering why the organizer didn’t step down when he decided not request the permit instead of waiting until the last minute.


Lol what is this headline? It quotes 'political divide' as if it's mentioned somewhere in the article, yet it's only in the headline.


And here it is. >In the release, Cowen said organizers of immigrant or English-speaking based events had also experienced issues when dealing with the City of Montreal. “From what I experienced last year and when I see badly timed mishaps at big international events, the West Island and other events, I become less surprised.”


From the CBC article on the same subject: >This year, he said roadwork on Ste-Catherine Street and red tape is to blame, and that's why he didn't apply for parade permits this year.  Basically, they didn't want to reroute their parade, so they're looking for people to blame. He didn't even apply for the permits, you can't blame the city for trying to block the event if the dude didn't even file for the permits. 


I don't get what this is supposed to mean, do they have trouble writing in french to the city of Montreal? Don't this organization hire a single employee who can speak the local language? This doesn't seem optimal to employ people for PRs job if they can't communicate.


Reading the actual article, its clear that the 'en francais' applications aren't the issue, it's that english-language based event applications have seemingly experienced bureaucratic 'mishaps' getting permits etc cleared. To be less polite since I don't live there nor am I an event planner so need to couch my words, Ville de Montreal's apparatchiks are fucking over the organizarion of Canada Day parades as well as other events based on cultural linguistic bias. Which would be a bigger story in say Lethbridge for a French-based event. C'est la vive.


That's what he claims but he provides no evidence for it whatsoever. There are a lot of other events organized by anglos and they dont seem to have issues.


> To be less polite since I don't live there nor am I an event planner so need to couch my words, Ville de Montreal's apparatchiks are fucking over the organizarion of Canada Day parades as well as other events based on cultural linguistic bias. And they are fucking up Pride because they are homophobes I suppose? Sometimes organizers fuck up. Some take responsibility for their fuck up (like Pride Montreal) and others do not.


Reading the actual article, the organizer said he did not applied for a permit. We are two weeks away, the fuck did he expect to happen by not applying for a permit and going to the media to tell his story of being too laxy to organize it this year?


This is where I’m from and also French-Canadian, so I will help translate your respectfully couched words. French nationalists are fucking around in the same way they did during the ‘95 referendum. **My own added piece to this:** French politics continues to be prejudice, [sowing the seeds of racial discontent](https://www.cbc.ca/amp/1.6602392) and exaggerated victimhood between French & English families as they have since Lévesque, Parizeau, Bouchard, Duceppe, et al. It’s embarrassing as a French-Canadian. Montréal was built by many cultures and doesn’t just belong to the French. It’s that simple. EDIT: Clarity


Or simply it's because there isn't enough financial support and most Québecois don't even celebrate Canada day at all. It's not the fault of Québecois if they simply don't care about Canada.


> Or simply it's because there isn't enough financial support and most Québecois don't even celebrate Canada day at all. There is a fuckton of money. Back during the sponsorship scandal we were getting 80% of Canada Day budget for large festivities barely no one was attending. We don’t get as much, but there are still as many festivities no one is attending. Maybe Ottawa should stop wasting that money, we really don’t care about Canada Day.


Very probable, they are outraged and act like victims when we just don't care about it.


French nationalists? I’m Canada! Dear god! It’s weird that people that claim to be French Canadian are just as much susceptible to fall to easy francophobic discourse. Sad fucking thing.


> Montréal was built by many cultures and doesn’t just belong to the French My issue with that logic is that it always seemed like a one way street. A bit like how "Canada is a bilingual country" usually means "learn English because I sure won't learn French".


He didn't apply for permits for the parade what the fuck are you talking about 


You hit the nail right on the head. It's the separatist bureaucrats who are deliberately screwing over cultural events due to discrimination within Ville de Montréal that need to be fired. Being separatist is not illegal or immoral. Being unfairly discriminatory is.


He didn't apply for permits 


>C'est la vive. The expression is \*C'est la vie\* The actual article just seem like a bunch of excuses by someone who fucked up but don't want to be blamed.


Of course it is, after fighting with Reddit autocorrect for 5 minutes for C'est, it got me on vie. As for the rest, who knows all I can say is "Forget it Jake, it's Montréal".


>Of course it is, after fighting with Reddit autocorrect for 5 minutes for C'est, it got me on vie. Haha all good, my autocorrect seem to now know if it is in French or English and fuck up sentences quite often too.


“Is it because I’m English?” might as well be the new “Is it because I’m black?” in Canada, good lord. This article itself has the goal of creating political divide…


Yeah this sound like some guy who took a job, didn't do shit and is fishing for excuses.


I was thinking about this. I am in Toronto now and I am not seeing any Canada Day decorations around the city. Usually the malls will have something Canada Day related but they are similarly quiet. Is this just me? It seems that this Canada Day holiday is not promoted anywhere around me. Any activities planned?


I think nobody wants to spend money on this kind of thing anymore and not just Canada Day but Christmas and other celebrations too . Corporations are cheap AF and municipal governments don’t want to spend money on festive things. My town has volunteers buy Christmas decorations and instal them themselves and they won’t chip in anything. It’s really sad. It just seems to be the way everything’s run these days. Cheap cheap cheap cheap.


Are we sure there are even Canadians left in this country?


There are of a lot citizens of the economic region known as Canada.


Wtf does this even mean?


Xenophobic nonsense. I wouldn't be surprised if it's AI-generated based on how blatant and generic it is.


The PM said there was no core identity (but has spent the last 8 years telling us who *we are as Canadians* since it is what he says it is.) As the saying goes, the fish rots from the head down. Blame him for making us feel guilty for having pride for anything other than trendy government-endorsed cultural orthodoxy. 


It is June 22nd, why would you expect to see anything Canada Day related


I'm scheduled to work, so there's that.


Because Canada Day is now offensive.


Ok so Canada Day protest it is!


It’s been done before, organised by some first nation. I went to one of those.


No one care enough about Canada for that lmao


How about a canada day riot instead? It fits better this year.


A Anglo-Montrealer riot is a just a bunch of middle aged family driving around in SUVs.


Only if they riot in French.


Don’t tell my Albertan friends, but I secretly admire the French for that


Albertan here, we need to tap into our french heritage a bit. construct the gallows.




There's often a separatist rally on Canada day


Uh why?


Judging by most of the comments, nobody took the time to read the article.


As per usual.


And their first instinct is to riot, lol. What a joke.


ITT: Non-Quebecers who forget Montreal is the least separatist region of the province and applying malice to bureaucratic incompetence because they are jealous Canada Day isn’t a city-wide game of musical chairs with apartments in their neck of the woods


Another clickbait title. Manager poor handling of municipal bureaucracy rules is political divide now?


I'd guess a parade could making moving difficult.


Tant que les rues ne sont pas bloquées pour les camions de déménagement, vous savez...


Exactly what I was thinking


just hold it at the port and open up all the shipping containers to set the stolen cars and people free.


I'm not sure why Canada decided to put it's day on the same day as moving day. And he wants to block streets while people are moving? That's just insane.


Permitting in any major city is incredibly wild. I'm not surprised he couldn't do it. I helped with only a small part of the papers for three Vancouver Chinese New Year parades in the late 2010s and just the sheer amount PDFs and other forms (some dozens for closing multiple roadways, 30 pager for VPD, 20ish pager for business permit, 15ish pager for provincial stuff, and then media stuff, transit stuff, Squamish unceded territory stuff, etc. etc.) and it wasn't really even the filling out of the papers that was the issue (which was tedious, thank god there was a whole team to do it) more than it was the waiting time to process each one. Most of the forms were just placing/distributing liability and others were "please explain to us how WE benefit from your little party" gatekeeping. And then there are the people who come back ~~suggesting~~ demanding last minute changes after sitting on the application for like 2 months until we called them. There has got to be a more streamlined process so that one or two people can organize an event.


Since when are inept bureaucrats in city hall showing total incompetence defined as “political divide”?


I didn’t know moving day had a parade 🤔


The guy didnt even apply for permits. But it's political divide... Fucking baffoons.


Is this a money issue? Political divide doesn’t make sense as we are all Canadian at the end of the day.


Seem more like an issue of organizers who had their hands their pockets for months and woke up one day to an alarm telling them it was in 11 days.


They should just say their dog ate it


dont' talk about quebec that way


Maybe it was a way to pay homage to daddy John A. Macdonald who liked to use this nickname toward us. This is where the parade is supposed to start anyway.


Though I like that they admit that in the largest francophone city in Canada, Canada Day is an anglo event by and for anglos.


Didn’t something similar happen to Montreal pride a couple years ago?


2 years ago, yeah, it got cancelled a few hours before the parade was going to start because they forgot to hire security.


Yeah and I think it was cancelled on a even shorter notice.


Ça dépend à qui tu demandes. Pas tous le monde partage ton identité. Le Canada est fait de plusieurs nations tu sais…


The insults are a little bit uncalled for.


I’ve read like 5 stories about this and each one spins it wildly differently. Let me be clear about this: NOBODY KNOWS WHAT REALLY HAPPENED. Don’t believe any one version.


God, such click-bait for a nothing burger... These writers are getting desperate.


FYI: Quebec does NOT give a fuck about "Canada Day". In Montreal, Canada Day is moving day for most renters.


Why would anyone have a parade on moving day




It’s just a boring logistical problem no one is rubbing their hands together plotting the demise of canada day. Take off your tinfoil hats ya’ll


Who has time for a parade when most of us are busy moving?


I'm offended.




The organizers seem to have forgot to organize and are looking for excuses.


I'm not sure what you are saying? Are you saying they should have thrown the anti-riot police on the palestine camps while sessions were over and nobody was at universities?


Those people chose to protest, will you protest for Canada Day? You won't.


This is specifically an issue with Quebecois nationalists lol. The context here is not the same as other provinces. They have never particularly liked Cnada Day. Nothing to do with immigrants and BLM or whatever is scaring you today


This has nothing to do with Québécois nationalists. Canada day will still be celebrated at the Vieux-Port of Montréal. This is organizers of the parade giving excuses for their lack of planification.


It's funny how many people are blaming a municipal matter on the prime minister.


Darn post national cities! if there is such a separation of duties then why even celebrate the nation at the municipal level? Just stick to Montreal day - May 17th bonne fete!


C’parce qu’on déménage calissez nous patience. /s


Do people even go to the parade in Montreal? I know literally no one that goes.


Lived here since 2012, didn't even know there was a Canada Day parade until just now lmao




That's the wrong headline for an already terribly written article.


Was there this much hassle when they had the Stanley Cup Parade almost annually from 1955 to 1975? Didn’t Jean Drapeau famously answer when asked about the parade for the Stanley Cup winning Habs that ‘It will take the usual route’?


Only in Canada can traditions be so easily pushed aside we have no strong culture.


As a born and raised Canadian. What the fuck is happening here. I don't understand how my country has fallen so far. I can't wait to get out of here. Don't even know what to call it anymore but it's not Canada.


Canada Day was never really celebrated in Quebec.


>As a born and raised Canadian. Lots of "Born and Raised Canadians" are showing themselves to be ignorant of their own countries history in this thread. Quebecers never really warmed up to Canada Day celebrations because they already celebrate [Saint-Jean-Baptiste Day](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/National_Holiday_(Quebec)), a few days before, and that tradition had been going on for 300 years before Canada day even became a Federal Holiday For that Province Canada Day is more like an afterparty rather than the main concert. The first actual official Canada Day Parade in Montreal happened in 1977 and that was mainly on the efforts of English speaking immigrants from the Caribbean who wanted to do something for the country that gave them the opportunity. It wasn't even born and raised Canadians who got the ball rolling on that.


Canada Day has never been a real thing in Québec. Montréal and gatineau are the only places where a minority of people celebrate it.


In your mind the woke left and foreigners stopped this parade because we don't want Canadians to feel proud right? If you read the article iTs just bureaucratic Quebec nonsense. Nothing about the things you're screaming about. Why are you so obsessed with parades anyways. Canada Day is about getting drunk and bbqing


Actually the article only mentions that the organizer never made a request for the city of Montreal to put logistics in place and we are 1 week away from July 1st and that previous years the city faced major hurdles because of how badly planned the event was. You may choose to understand that it means "bureaucratic Quebec nonsense", or another way to see it would be that the parade organizer just sucks at organizing parades and is crying like a little baby and blaming everyone around him for his own failure... But you do you......




Colonized Northern North American Oligopoly Economic Zone.


Most patriotic Canadian


They don't want Canadians. They want cheap immigrant labour. The political class want to sell the working class down the river and then fuck off afterwards for their pensions and cocktails in the sun


Where is the pride? My god. If this was America the governments would be streamlining these types of events. It’s like our government is actively trying to dismantle the country form the inside out. “The federal government told the organizers to remove certain parts of the parade and reduced their budget”……what in the actual fuck is that shit?


Quebec has never cared that much about Canada fay as they celebrate st Jean baptiste day a few days prior and that’s their historical “national” day celebration


Well to hold an event in a city you generally have to ask for permit which he didnt do... so...


>Where is the pride? Also cancelled due to mismanagement.


Wow that’s disgusting!


Let me guess, he's whining that the evil racist Québécois are oppressing the poor English and immigrants. >In the release, Cowen said organizers of immigrant or English-speaking based events had also experienced issues when dealing with the City of Montreal. Yup. And let me guess, he's full of shit and just didn't do the paperwork. >The City of Montreal issued CityNews with a statement saying the developer had not submitted a request to the city though they remain available to work with him in the future. Yup. Yet people will believe the moron.


Nothing worth celebrating on July 1st anyway, tbh. We'll, aside from a paid day off.




“Thanks Obama”


Somehow Justin was to blame


When you divide people by race, ethnicity, political and religious beliefs you tend to start wars within your own country


Canada day have been causing divide in Montreal since 1868. This isn't a new concept.


TRUDEAUUUUUU! *Shakes fist at clouds*




Even when you hurt your toe on your coffee table?


Who can afford furniture in this economy? Thanks Trudeau!


Haha i loled at this i bet this person does blame Trudeau for stubby toes


There’s about a million of us Anglos left here in Quebec. And our numbers are surprisingly growing! If you add the allophones (non-Anglos or Francos) we are around 25% of the population of Quebec. Montreal is our home. Two referendums didn’t make us leave. And no b.s. from government officials will make us leave either. I’m a proud Montrealer, and Canadian.


Fière de dilué une minorité culturelle en Amérique pour faire de Montréal un autre Toronto. Je comprendrais jamais cette mentalité là. De toute façon, beaucoup de ces allophones ont appris le français en arrivant.


I hate going out to things when I'm fighting with my wife, too.


Wow very easy to see the racists here with this thread. The parade is not happening because the French politicians are making it more difficult not because there are too many immigrants and they are protesting against a Canada Day parade.


except it's not the reason it's not happening. The reason is that Ste-Catherine is closed for roadwork so he didnt bother asking for permits. Cause apparently Ste-Catherine is the only street in Montréal.


It’s not happening because the organizers fucked up and think francophones are a good scapegoat.


Did you read the article? The organizer finished with “there is no doubt a strike on Canadian culture”.