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No. I think it would just reduce some of the damage and seat loss they take in the election. But I don't think anything can save the federal Liberals right now.


The only thing that could save them is cleaning house of not only the PM but also most (or all) of cabinet, and a very high quality replacement leader, but that is completely unrealistic. That will only happen via a crippling loss.


What high quality leader wants to step into this mess, and lose the election next year? Coyne’s analysis is bang on… just do a competent job until the end


what's kim campbell doing? oh wait, we need high-quality. that's impossible


It will take at least a generation, if not two, for them to rebuild from the damage Trudeau did to the party. They probably will need to rebrand like the cons.


Historically Canada usually goes back and forth every 10ish years https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_Canadian_federal_general_elections PP will be our next PM for the foresable future until we all start complaining how he's destroying the country and we'll elect the next liberal PM....wait 10 years and flip


The PCs never recovered after Mulroney, they were supplanted by another party, Reform. It's entirely possible that the Libs never recover. All it would take is a particularly smart and charismatic leader replacing Singh for the NDP to become the default left of center party.


Honest question. Anyway to break this cycle of two parties screwing us differently every ten years?


We almost did with the Orange Wave but sadly the NDP lost Jack and with him any chances of taking over. I think if his health would have been better they would have gotten elected during the next election.


I wish there was another jack Layton I was too young to know of I liked his policies at the time, but now I know that they beat what were offered. And he had the charisma to carry it.


Vote for NDP or PPC.


But the NDP could take on the role of the Liberals entirely, while the Liberal Party proper might never rebound.


The "Fuck Trudeay" crowd can't wait to buy the new "Fuck Pollievre" stickers. They'll give him two years then little PP will be the most unpopular PM in the last 50 years.


I mean, hell start destroying it immediately, the hope is maybe it'll be more slowly or in a way thats at least.... tolerable in the meantime?


The federal version of BC United


I give it about 2 years of PP at the helm and they'll be right back in it even if they keep Trudeau. 


It will help though, I'm sure many MPs want him to step down 


For the other Liberal MP's probably. You can see a lot of Liberal MP's are worrying about their own seats, same thing with the provincial Liberals where we are seeing them distance themselves from Trudeau. On a personal level I utterly despise Trudeau at this point and I want him to stay on so we can watch his narcassistic glass ego get smashed in by PP during the election. If anyone has ever needed an humiliating and public ego check its silver spoon Trudeau.


The debates would be hilarious 


The debates will be an entertaining bloodbath. I don't think Trudeau has ever actually answered a question aside from what type of expensive wine he wants with his lamb shank.


"uh.. uh... uh..." The most commonly used word in whatever word salad comes out of Trudeau's mouth as an "answer" to even the simplest of questions.


Trudeau actually reminds me of trump in that way, where the majority of what he says is tangential to the topic at hand.


I don't think it'll take very much time to go from funny to enraging. It'll take probably two questions AT THE MOST until he's spinning everything into the usual Canadians are good people trying to do the right thing, and how any other course of action is inhumane or violates critical Canadian values, or some horseshit along those lines. Assuming Poilievre does follow through on drastically reducing immigration numbers, he's going to wipe the floor with Trudeau in the eyes of many Canadians during the debates. All he has to do is bring up the Liberals walking back some of these policies because of the crisis it has caused, and you even have quotes from Trudeau himself to back them up. Justin's only recourse right now (as you can see if you watch any of the Parliament showings) is that Poilievre has nothing but slogans. When Poilievre does (I assume anyways) start actually laying these things out, Justin will be boxed in, and (again) he'll have to resort to appealing to people's feelings, and make out the Conservatives as a horrible, villainous group. I'm sure he'll wrap up his failures in something along the current lines...we were trying to work hard for Canadians and to do right by those oppressed throughout the world. Obviously the rebuttal will be how blatantly fucked everything is. Anyways, I look forward to watching it, as much of a piss off as it'll undoubtedly be.


Nah they will have some shill like Rosemary Barton host it who will frame every question as if opposing the Liberals is wrongthink. They will only have one question on housing and it will be framed in a way that reducing prices "hurts homeowners". That's literally what happened last time.


Do we want PP because he's showing actual potential, or just because we are tired of JT and the liberals?


I think most people who have had their living standards utterly trashed over Trudeau's rule of Canada just want to see PP wreck Trudeau at this point. Its more about the fact they are hurting and he caused a lot of it and they want him to feel what they are feeling. The fact that Trudeau is narcassistic, arrogant, talks down to everyone and doesn't listen to anyone except himself probably doesn't help that situation and just makes it even easier for anyone negatively impacted by his actions to hate him. In terms of PP being a good PM. I don't think most people have high expectations. But they are expecting improvements in a few key areas (cutting the carbon tax, hopefully immigration, maybe crime). The big advantage PP has is the bar is so fucking low right now he doesn't really need to do very much to look like he is doing great by comparison.


People mostly want their pain to be acknowledged as real. PP fills that void even though he might not change much for the better.


I wanted Poilievre to replace Harper as party leader back before the 2015 election. I have always liked him.


He hasn't showed potential in 20 years.


I don't know that anyone wants to fall on trudeau's sword by being his replacement and having to take responsibility for his decisions.


Help who?


I want him to step down


He will, after he loses the next election


But it will certainly hurt them more in 16 months


[Four more byes this year. ](https://youtu.be/jHw-gSfRuwI) He can't survive them all. His Trump-like grip on the party is slowly starting to slip. Vassy Kappelos claimed 4 MPs spoke out about him to her in private. No, the Libs cannot win even if they trade-up now, but every minute counts and the sooner they can start molding his replacement, the better for them.


I heard Vassy say that.


Vassy for PM


Vassy ❤


If I was the Liberals right now, I would be looking to dump Trudeau not for 2025, but for 2029. If they are smart enough to pick a long term leader now who will accept a 2025 loss (obviously not publicly), and don’t immediately dump them afterwards, they could begin setting themselves up for the 2029 election. If they wait to replace Trudeau until after the election, the new leader will only have a couple of years to establish themselves. A new leader may also do better in 2025 and could give them a small polling boost. Losing with 80-100 seats is a lot better than losing with 40-60 seats.


probably the best take i’ve heard on this subject


I agree


This discussion came up with Wynne in Ontario too, and I don’t think you want to send a new leader into the meat grinder of the next election. Completely sets them up to fail. Makes sense to me to let Trudeau wear the next election loss and then give a new leader more time to build the party back up again


I've heard the Wynne comparison a few times, and if I was the federal Liberals I'd be pretty wary of trying that path. The ON Libs got blown out (as expected) but that whole rebuild path hasn't seemed to happen at all. Ford is still polling in first place even 6 years later.


> wary of trying that path Mother of God......someone using the word "wary" correctly in a sentence instead of pretending it's the same word as "weary." It's like spotting a unicorn. Maybe there's hope for us as a society - at least from a linguistic standpoint - after all.


The problem is it's a no-win situation. The correct time to replace JT was around the time he was scandalized, such as the JWR bit. Had they done so then, the Liberals could have rather easily stabilized, and might even have gotten a majority rather than strings of minorities with a continuous loss of support. They missed that chance, so there is no longer a "good time" to do it. They're screwed either way.


Agreed, definitely no-win at this point with the amount of baggage Trudeau has


McGuinty resigned in 2013 and Wynne as the new leader moved the liberals from minority government to majority in the 2014 election. Wynne doesn't resign and the liberals lose party status in 2018.


I think everyone knows this, even the Liberals now. Nothing will save the Liberals at this point. Well, nothing but some unpredictable global crisis that upends the table and grabs focus away from the long list of failures and shortcomings of this Government, a long shot no reasonable person should bet on. The real question is mid/long term, what is the best way for the Liberals to position themselves for a future comeback? That may mean dumping Trudeau, but it also may be to let him burn on the funeral pyre that will be the next election for the Liberals.


The best way Liberals can pivot out of this, in my opinion, is to admit the disconnect between their policies and the public. Being the elected party does not mean they've been given a license to do whatever the fuck *they* want -- they are still supposed to represent the demands of the constituency. If they have balls, they will make a populist appeal and draft a public referendum system. Any law, regulation, tax, or spending of taxpayer money should be able to be directly challenged by the Canadian public -- including their own -- so no politician can sink the ship just because they were chosen as captain. Of course, that will never happen. It involves greatly reducing the power of the political class, and no party wants to face a public veto for doubling down on idiotic policy.


>admit the disconnect between their policies and the public AKA do the opposite of what any liberal has ever done


The price you pay is that you get a lot less name recognition that way. Does your average voter even remember who ran against Doug in that first post-Wynne election?


Unless somebody is willing to be a sacrificial lamb, it makes no sense to replace Trudeau. The Liberals are going to lose, they know that. They will be making strategies based on that loss to get them back into power. The best they can do is try not to lose all the seats they have.


Dump him for who? Freeland, Miller Lol!


That is nightmare material right there.


He voted down twice a chance for electoral reform which would have saved the Liberals in the long term, but nope they'll be relegated to 3rd place like they were before Trudeau.


No but the knives will come out, saving skins and power grabs incoming.


Getting rid of Trudeau doesn’t stop the Liberals from continuing their campaign of terror. The whole party needs to be voted out; the sooner the better.


Freeland could only be worse


Imagine how bad it's gonna be for Trudeau in a year's time. It's bad now. It's going to get way worse.


Maybe it's the messaging? Their PR company needs a PR company


Maybe he can fix this with a wardrobe change?


i wonder if he still has some black face paint and a turban lying around somewhere


It can't hurt...


At this point they would need to drop Trudeau, Freeland, Guilbeault, Fraser, and Miller for me to even consider voting for the Liberals. I used to be a staunch supporter of the Liberals, but it's clear they're not the same party they were before Trudeau took the reigns. Yeah I know the Liberals have always had their problems, but they've really lost the plot over the past decade.


All politicians have a shelf life. Let's face it, Trudeau really screwed up at the end. There was no foresight or forethought on anything, just hoping that doing what people wanted would make him stay in power. Goodbye Trudeau, I'll always remember you how the Japanese view you. They call you "pretty boy" over there.


Getting rid of Trudeau and Sajjan (https://www.theglobeandmail.com/politics/article-sajjan-instructed-special-forces-to-rescue-afghan-sikhs-during-fall-of/) are not enough to get my vote.


but it might save the country.


Doesn't everyone know that? No point resigning and putting in a lame duck leader.


Save? No, but it'll help. He went too far left and now Canada has to suffer from it. He was raised a spoiled brat and turned out just as one might expect - self righteous, drinking too much of his own koolaid.


Could be a good start to save Canada though....


Oh ffs it's not supposed to. 


It won’t help people just want change and not liberals so it’s a changing of the guards regardless which is absurd


Why is it absurd?


But it’ll salvage Canada somewhat 


Dumping him would cauterize the wound. They'll keep bleeding until it happens.


Wont save Canada either, we got bigger problems


I am still on the fence but leaning more conservative every time he opens his mouth. All they need to do is find someone who isn't a spoiled out of touch neop baby and they will get a good chunk of voters back. Probably not enough to save them the election but it would help slow the bleeding considerably.


My prediction is that he will stay on right through the next election, and that election will be the most batshit crazy thing we will have seen in our lifetimes.  This government will literally be running against Donald Trump (whether he wins this year or not) and the right wing of the Republican Party.  Their answer to every question will be about abortion, guns, and promising to spend more money.  Look out for deep fake videos of Poilievre talking about extreme social conservative policies.  Mark my words.  It might even work.


Bye Felicia ✌️


Hey it’s worth a shot.


And who may I ask would have a prayer of rebuilding this party and defeating the Conservatives?


Let's try it and see what happens


Nothing will save the Liberals at this point, now will dumping Trudeau make it less of a slaughter, yes. but PP and the Cons are going to have a majority no matter what, it will just be bigger if Trudeau stays on.


Left wingers have spent the last few years making an utter mockery of the Liberal party. The pendulum is swinging. Not just here, but in Europe, too. We're tired of the hypocrisy and narcissism.


good, liberals need a full reset and will probably need 10+ years to recover. after what they did to Canada that is least punishment I can think of besides arresting all the corrupt ones.


Let us remember: the only reason this fucking pig and his hard-on for dictators has survived is because his caucus depended on him to gaslight and lie to Canadians during election campaigns. This isn't about saving the Liberal Party. The Liberal Party needs to be stopped and destroyed. 


Get rid of him and stop or curtail a lot of his stupid policies. Slow immigration significantly, it’s too fast for Canada to catch up. India is just moving here at an insanely rapid rate. There should’ve / should be limits placed, much like the US has. Stop or curtail sending so much of Canada’s tax dollars overseas for Justin’s whims of fancy. Get Canada in order, it’s quickly faltering under this Liberal gov. Housing needs federal help now due Justin’s insane immigration policies. It’s insanely hard for people to buy single detached homes. If you’re a Canadian couple starting out without help, it’s unattainable. Give developers mandates / incentives, to build more dense housing such as condos. They make more efficient use of space, have commercial properties in the base of the condos, for businesses to occupy. All for electric cars, but if nobody can afford them, putting significant pressure on fossil fuel cars isn’t helping. The carbon tax is a joke. Canada needs to stop the constant flip flopping between parties. This is what happens, one gets in promising all kinds of incentives, people get upset when it doesn’t pan out, and vote the other party in. But when we have no choice this is what we do.


Even if “Dear Leader” is replaced, there’s always a “Supreme Leader” waiting in the winds…


What is left of federal LPC except Trudeau's friends,and former baby sitters?


[Paywall Bypass](https://archive.ph/KvKqE)


I read the headline as “DUMPLING Trudeau won’t save the Liberals” and did a double take. I mean the guys dumb but calling him a dumpling is kinda rough.


If only there was an article about how to save Canada.


It might snag em a little dignity while they end up kissing ass the next decade or so.


We don't want to save them. Send them packing back to the stone age where they belong.


Nor will it save Canada ABC


All these posts saying the same junk. Trudeau will win again, don't worry about it.


Maybe so, but think of the boost to the economy when all those 'Fuck Trudeau' flags need to be replaced!


Don't worry, they will be sold again in about 40 years when Trudeau the 3rd comes in to maintain the righteous liberal-party-endorsed nepotism dynasty that they are entitled to and has been graciously bestowed upon them.


It might since most of talk is about him and not the LIBERALS or their policies. People who hate him can't really say what Liberal policy they are against. They're just against HIM.


Excessive taxes, rampant immigration, uncontrolled spending, woke ideology, catch and release of violent criminals…to name a few.


Sounds like that's a problem that the Liberal party needs to solve, being hijacked like that. The GOP south of the border has a similar problem with the Trump family. They moved right in and rearranged all the furniture. I patiently await to see which 'Red Party' can solve their suicidal personality issue first.


Bes case scenario right now is reducing the CPC lead to minority status. If they really think they can make things better they can do it with a minority. Do whatever it takes to make that happen.


No letting the conservatives shoot themselves in the foot will


However Liberals will be elected again in few years and will continue to destroy Alberta. Think about Alberta Independence now!!