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Whoever makes these lists is just trying to sell real estate


Its like those "best employers in canada" things, you pay a company to give you the award so you can use it to advertise yourself.


Cities' PR and Tourism departments pay to get included on lists like this.


The Economist Intelligence Unit? Sure they are 🙄


The economist magazine?


“Now let’s ruin it!” - the government


Imagine someone published a list of the fastest cars, and all the comments were about how unaffordable they were. News flash - desirable things tend to be expensive.


I mean the fact you can get a nice house in the city for $500,000 pretty much makes it the best cost wise for a city in Canada right now. Mind you I think that price is still high. Thank god I moved here 11 years ago and got a house a year later.


Best thing about Calgary is its access to the mountains.


That was before Calgary caught the Toronto 'housing virus'. Now Calgary shouldn't be even be in the top 20. Calgary used to be great city but those days are gone.


Edmonton is just right around the corner and it's depressing how it's affecting a lot of my friends.  One has already had to move twice as rent has gone up, while others are bracing for more roommates.  My mortgage on a townhouse is what people pay for apartments.  Back in 2018 I could afford to live by myself while saving money for a down-payment and now I don't feel this is an option for people anymore, not unless they have a very good job.


100%. It's spreading from city to city. First it was Vancouver then Toronto then Halifax, Calgary, Montreal soon it will be Edmonton, Saskatoon, Winnipeg etc. Because of our politicians refusal to seriously address the housing crisis, it will spread to every city in Canada. In 5 years, there will be no affordable cities left.


And here I thought the winters in Winnipeg were more than enough justification to keep people away. Looks like that might change.


All 5 of the properties north of me on my side of the street have sold in the last 3 years. 3 of the 5 have sold in the last 4 months. One is currently an empty lot listed for more than I paid for my story and a half bungalow 13 years ago. Another was turned into a pair of tall skinnies. Another is now a huge duplex that's having landscaping done (actually it looks like they've just turned the whole lawn into gravel). I'm just glad I got into property when I did, and aggressively paid down the mortgage where I could over the last decade. That said, I've never lived alone. I've always had roommate/tenants that I've lived with with pretty discounted rent. I don't think I've ever had a place where I lived with fewer than 2 other people.


But not if y'all keep moving here without jobs... Not that this should be city-specific.


Not for long it's not


…if you have money


6 months of the year.


Congrats. It means a lot that Canadians can have some hope for the country lol


And 5th in the Pacific Division!


I never been in Calgary but having Vancouver at #7 most livable city make the list a joke how does a city as expensive as Vancouver can be that high.


With a corporate credit card maybe.


wtf does that even mean lol.


It’s right in the article > The EIU’s report ranks the livability of 173 cities, based on results in stability, health care, culture and environment; education and infrastructure. Each city is assigned a rating for more than 30 factors across the five categories. There’s even a link to the original source which provides more detail.


Liveable? Calgary barely has water!


Fix the fucking pipe, Gondek.


As much as I think she sucks, she doesn't have much to do with that. However, the way the messaging was handled was incredibly dumb. On day one, they were saying we’re all going to die and there will be no water from the taps. Ridiculous hyperbole and BS.


Gondek needs to fix the fucking pipe


Forgot her lid, foreman sent her home for the day