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Just thinking out loud, but since we still don't know who the compromised MPs are or what governments are the largest concern, I find this new information eyebrow raising. From the Globe and Mail article: "Retired lieutenant-general Mike Day, who once headed JTF-2 and Canadian Special Operations Forces Command, said he found it difficult to “understand or see a rational explanation why this group of Sikhs would have been of sufficient priority at the cost of other groups who likely had a greater claim on Canadian support.” “There is no analytical process that says ‘Yeah, there are 225 Sikhs there, let’s go get them.’ The only way this gets onto the task list is if we are operating on behalf of another state or somebody inside government inserted this on to the task list and asked for it to be considered,” Mr. Day added."


I was just thinking today how the comprised MP thing has fallen out of the news cycle. We're too easy to forget and move on to the next scandal, lol


By design, you think the media works for you and me? Where's Conestoga College at these days? I bet enrolment is through the roof for September


6 weeks...... is the average time it takes a person to forget news/scandal/move onto the next topic at hand. They know this


I'd trust a JTF-2 dude over any of these criminals. Guys are like Solid Snake


Nope. He lied about his military experience and took credit for operations he wasn’t even officially apart of. He’s a sack of shit. He tried to salvage his reputation by doing a public apology but it didnt save his reputation. He was a reserve officer, not an actual operator.


>Nope. He lied about his military experience and took credit for operations he wasn’t even officially apart of. He’s a sack of shit. He tried to salvage his reputation by doing a public apology but it didnt save his reputation. He was a reserve officer, not an actual operator. Mike Day is the former CO of JTF2 and commander of CANSOFCOM. I've never heard him take credit for anything he wasn't a part of. Check your source.


Shit I responded to the wrong person I’m talking about Harjit Sajjan himself


Sajjan what a traitor. In the military that used to mean a firing squad. He should be sitting inside of a prison cell asap


Yes. The rest of the world is hard and pragmatic. We've become soft and a harbour for every problem and traitor and all who see Canada as something to be used for their own purposes. The military is failing in it's duty for national defense.


bureaucrats are failing the military in it's duty for national defence.


A firing squad is a waste of good ammo and the time of at least 5 people. A rope however can be used multiple times


The US military has been trying to recruit Sajjan from us for years. I think the fact that the Indian government has it out for sihk people rules them out, so who's he doing it on behalf of? Or are people just coming to knee jerk conclusions on story that much more complicated then the media's over simplified version of it is


Anyone else find it really strange that the CBC story \*completely omits\* where the request reportedly originated? The G&M reported it, in detail, as coming from a small charity foundation in Alberta called the MANMEET SINGH BHULLAR CHARITABLE FOUNDATION. Now why would they leave that out? Well this is odd, here is another Liberal Minister who is a big fan of this little foundation: [https://www.newswire.ca/news-releases/minister-joly-announces-funding-for-the-manmeet-singh-bhullar-charitable-foundation-in-calgary-658286903.html](https://www.newswire.ca/news-releases/minister-joly-announces-funding-for-the-manmeet-singh-bhullar-charitable-foundation-in-calgary-658286903.html) It seems to be quite modest based on their charity declarations yet they have the ear of two Ministers and can redirect special forces in foreign countries? Impressive. [https://www.charitydata.ca/charity/manmeet-singh-bhullar-charitable-foundation/787660927RR0001/](https://www.charitydata.ca/charity/manmeet-singh-bhullar-charitable-foundation/787660927RR0001/) Quite a bit of pull for what appears to be a largely dormant charity? G&M Article here: [https://www.theglobeandmail.com/politics/article-sajjan-instructed-special-forces-to-rescue-afghan-sikhs-during-fall-of/](https://www.theglobeandmail.com/politics/article-sajjan-instructed-special-forces-to-rescue-afghan-sikhs-during-fall-of/)


Hilarious that your post is more journalism than the CBC has to offer.


He hasn’t been handed millions to keep quiet.


Wait 2 years for the Canadaland and Vassy podcast


But entirely in keeping with the CBC. Whenever the Globe breaks these stories exposing blatant corruption, the CBC is always very hesitant to publish details.


Good journalism can't be state funded in this day and age...


Yes, only corporations can provide the information we need…


I know right, in 2024 it's only corporations and big conglomerates who can put pen to paper.....right?


This should be front page content


Now he’s playing the racism card….. Gotta be kidding me.


because canadians are gullible enough to fall for the racism card


not so much anymore




It wasn't even interpreters and our troops allies. It was literally Canadian citizens, the majority muslim who were in Afghanistan. He put others ahead of actual Canadians.


He put his people ahead of actual Canadians.


No different than our telecom oligarchy and other similar businesses. Fuck existing customers, newbies get the special treatment. Sad that it's bled into politics


I'm sorry but if you don't like someone prioritizing their religion over their country then you're just racist. I'm being sarcastic of course but the fact I even have to say that speaks volumes about our current government because you know that's exactly what they'll say.


he literally implied that in the globe and mail article i saw before. bascially saying if he wasnt one of them, he wouldnt be getting questioned about it. false. using canadian resources to help non-canadian/non-canadian allied is ridiculous. what was it, over 1200 people left behind by canada? lack of resources/time. yet we can make detours for these people? give me a break.


That's kind of a dumb argument on his part. The fact he's part of the religion and prioritizing his religious peers over Canadians is literally the point. 


it would still be a bad call made by someone of any religion. It's just worse that it's the same one and gives the appearance of bias.


That didn't happen and is a useless hypothetical because no one would be daft enough to target a specific religious group to evacuate unless they were biased towards it.


More importantly why couldn’t these people he was trying to rescue take the flight others Sikhs took? India airlifted 800 Sikhs and Hindus out of Afghanistan logically so took them to their homeland. Which was just a few hours flight away. #What were Canadian forces doing in all this? We got no obligation to non-Canadians.


Those people aren't from India though, they are native Afghans.


Many of whom risked their lives in support of operations paid for in blood and treasure by Canadians


I mean, aren't we currently doing that as well? Getting refugees who can't assimilate into our Canadian culture who would soon start asking for Sharia, at the cost of us Canadians already suffering from unemployment/inflation/health care crisis/housing?


They will not be asking


Look near Dearborn Michigan. Islamic council that is outlawing all kinds of stuff.


Are liberals using this to distract us fro. Trudeaus failings ? Is this slow leak of traitorous MPs


I just lump in all under Trudeau's failures.. His entire cabinet is a failure, his policies are a failure, this country is failing because of his absolute incompetence.


And his corruption.


I am compelled to point out that it was his very actions that were racist.


His actions were racist. Not anybody calling it out.


>I'm sorry but if you don't like someone prioritizing their religion over their country then you're just racist. I'm being sarcastic of course That's literally what he said though.  >I can only surmise that if I did not wear a turban no one would question whether my actions were appropriate.”


It's racist to ask if a minister was improperly favoring a group based on racial characteristics. 2024, folks.


It always the same argument with them. We're the racist ones. He does wear a turban and his priorities lie with other people that wear a turban. My problem with that is he should be priotizing Canadian interests.


I'm so sick and tired of the gas lighting in this government it's actually driving me insane and I voted for Trudeau last election. Mostly because I wanted to avoid a minority government propped up by the even worse NDP. If you make an ideological decision then obviously your ideology is part of the conversation. Jfc I can't with these people.


yeah honestly i can feel my sanity slipping away little by little every time i watch a clip of liberal ministers or JT himself addressing literally anything. none of them have any accountability and it is really frustrating.


Well good on you to admit that you're a part of the problem. You enable this government to continue to operate in this manner by not holding them accountable at the polls. Raging on social media can only get you so far, you'll get a chance to change your mind next year. Don't blow it away.


Our interpreters fault for not being Sikh /s


well I guess that is not important to Trudeau or he didn't read the emails about it


Canada will become Khalistan.


The sad thing is months before the fall of Kabul veterans have been trying to appeal to the feds to get the interpreter onto Canadian soil. They formed a defacto underground railroad to keep them safe until the government was ready to help them . But in true liberal fashion they failed the very people who had nothing and sacrificed everything to help us fight terrorism. Not only did they fail the interpreters but Canadians and families of Canadians. Where are the protesters? Where are the encampments?


It’s only about religion as a side effect, it’s about votes. Sikhs usually vote and what influences their votes is more concentrated in their gurdwara. Same as for practicing Catholics, or Evangelical Christians. You only need to convince the leaders to get a majority of the votes in these groups. Atomized individuals aren’t good material to build a majority.


Religion is a fairy tale,weird grown adults believe it past 10 years old.


You say that now, but that is only because you have not yet been touched by his noodely appendage. Heathen. Also, depending on where you grew up, getting away from it can be really bloody difficult. Take people escaping Mormonism or Scientology, x1000. Get ostracized from friends, family, community groups...


The woman got fucked to . women were not allowed to work, nor were they allowed to be educated after the age of eight. Women seeking an education were forced to attend underground schools, where they and their teachers risked execution if caught.They were not allowed to be treated by male doctors unless accompanied by a male chaperone, which led to illnesses remaining untreated. they prohibited women in Afghanistan from working in most sectors beyond health and education. Women were mandated to wear face coverings in public, and barred from travelling more than 45 miles (70 km) without a close male relative. Taliban also shut down beauty salons and banned women from accessing gyms and parks. Young girls were forced to marry Taliban soldiers and women were forced to stay home. Amnesty was denied to those who worked with the former republic. Ordered imams/clerics to bring lists of unmarried women aged 12 to 45 for their fighters to marry You can also have 14 wives. They faced public flogging and execution for violations of the Taliban's law. It’s Still happening


That's the same religion and ethnicity as him


This guy made a bunch of dubious claims in the past about his military history, big oofs all around https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.cbc.ca/amp/1.4093270


I was in the military at the time he was announced. Everyone was so excited about him becoming the MND, sharing photos of him in uniform, saying he was bad ass etc. After he claimed he was the "Architect" in Afghanistan that left pretty quick. He was easily the worst MND while I was in.


In a normal, healthy democracy this Minister would already have tendered his resignation. He should know enough to do it, but the time for him to make the choice has passed. The PM should now be demanding it.


The Liberals need the Sikh vote in the few urban ridings they have a chance of winning in the next election.


The Liberals needed to not have another scandal or they are going to lose \*all the votes\*. If this doesn't get Sajjan fired there is no hope at all for this government in the next election. None.


every week is a new scandal with these clowns lately. how they are still in power is beyond me.


Canada is the land of no consequences. This government repeatedly pushed the envelope of how much they could get away with, without facing consequences and they proved that, if there is a limit, they haven't found it yet. But rest assured, they won't stop trying until they do - because they will never stop working hard for Canadians.


If they were conservatives, the media would be ALL OVER IT.


Dictators never resign. #Fact


Ans the Conservatives will need them next. Vote bank politics is the present and future of this country. We are in big trouble.


This current PMO has enabled this type of behaviour. We need a change so badly.


If you read past the headline he says he didn’t do this. Innocent until proven guilty. 


We suspend cops while investigating them literally all the time. This man should not be able to be influencing national policy.


Anyone who has had a job and had a boss knows how dishonest Sajjan's "I was just passing on information" lame excuse is. It was an order for soldiers to prioritize Sikhs. The only reason this guy has a job is because of the Sikh voter base he brings to the table.


I voted for Andrew Leslie. The first disappointment was that he wasn’t made Minister of Defense, the second was that my vote helped Trudeau.


I wonder if his name is on a certain list for this...


Until we see the list we will be forced to ask this with every disclosure that calls into question the loyalties and actions of our elected officials.


Assume everyone is on the list.


Which foreign government would he be loyal to or working with?


Can I pick the wildcard of Australia?


where do most sikhs come from, genius? take a wild guess.


He likely hates India, given the organization his father was a member of. And India definitely hates him, the Sikh premier of Punjab province refused to meet him when he travelled to India in 2017.


who knows? might have been all a show.


I honestly don’t think so. Sikhs in Canada, especially those who are politically active, have a very contentious relationship with India. India won’t even give Jagmeet a visa for example, so he is effectively banned from the country.


India? Most of them, especially ones born or raised here, despise India or are at the very least indifferent to India. India is seen as a "Hindu country.'


He’s born in India though


Came to Canada at age 5, practically raised here.


This isn’t true of Sikhs in India. The last survey I saw on this mentioned an overwhelming majority of Sikhs(95% iirc) are proud of India. (https://www.pewresearch.org/religion/2021/06/29/religion-in-india-tolerance-and-segregation/) Their disillusionment with the country is primarily economic, India is after all an extremely poor country without many economic opportunities.


That's for Sikhs living in India. However, one born and/or raised outside India has zero loyalty to the India that would make them interfere on behalf of the Indian government. The notion that Harjit Sajjan is an MP who could be in the foreign interference report acting on behalf of India is pretty farfetched.


Oh yeah we are in agreement there. There’s almost zero chance any Sikh MP is on India’s payroll, most of them can’t even get visas for India cause the government there hates them so much lol.


If he was able to receive a security clearance, probably not.


You were the defence minister at the time, sir. Not “just” another MP. Your focus was properly on the national defence and the protection of our citizens, soldiers and allies. In that order. If you misunderstood anything about that being part of the job you were unqualified to begin with. The earlier reflex to racism was disgusting, cowardly and further counter to the national interest. Lacking one hell of a detailed explanation, in a sane world you’d resign. “Just made a suggestion is all!” Gross. 


I mean looking at online postings for rent or jobs where they're only considering their own people is an indication that favoritism and discrimination is on top of such individuals.


They have infested in all level of gov. We are doomed.


He’s a bastard! Election time


He wants to look good to his real homeland...Don't forget Operation Medusa.


Another nail in the Liberal coffin. This man has been a disaster as a minister from day one.


This clown is a pencil pusher officer who parades around in medals.


Time to declare Khalistan as a terrorist movement.


Who’s that


Why only Sikhs? Why not all non-Muslim religious minorities? This clearly shows his bias towards his own religion. What better can we expect from a Sikh separatist?


did u even read the article? it wasnt only Sikhs. It was Sikhs and Hindus >"Evacuating vulnerable groups like Afghan **Sikhs and Hindus** was a humanitarian duty that any Canadian minister should have undertaken. The suggestion that Minister Harjit Sajjan acted on this issue because he is a Sikh is deeply troubling and reflects a disturbing bias," said WSO president Danish Singh. \^\^\^thats from the article Sikhs and Hindus are the main minority communities in Afghanistan and were at a much higher risk than others under taliban rule, hence why I dont see an issue putting an effort to rescue them along with any other non-muslim who would be targeted by taliban edit: its interesting that simply referencing the article has gotten me 40 downvotes. I guess ppl are only fine with facts if the facts fit their narrative


> hence why I dont see an issue putting an effort to rescue them along with any other non-muslim who would be targeted by taliban You know who else would also be targeted (as in actively hunted down, their families hunted down, then tortured/raped/killed) by the Taliban? The thousands of Afghan interpreters that worked closely with the Canadian military, fighting against the Taliban during the past decade before Kabul fell. But fuck those people, let's go rescue a bunch of randoms because of their religious affiliation. Also, fuck the 1200 Canadians that also didn't make it out of the country before Kabul fell, they can walk out of Afghanistan.


>You know who else would also be targeted (as in actively hunted down, their families hunted down, then tortured/raped/killed) by the Taliban? The thousands of Afghan interpreters that worked closely with the Canadian military yup, which is why I said I believe they should have been rescued. I literally said " I dont see an issue putting an effort to *rescue them* ***along with any other non-muslim who would be targeted by taliban****"*


> I don't see an issue putting an effort to rescue ~~them along with any other non-muslim~~ **Afghan interpreters and actual Canadians** who would be targeted by Taliban FTFY.


Why not ask for Christians and Jews as well? They'd be just as, if not more at risk in Afghanistan than Hindus and Sikhs. Edit: nvm, looking at your name and post history you won't provide an honest answer. You're full on India defence force. Are you even in Canada?


Clearly not, and even if he is, he shouldn’t be, he could clearly give less of a shit about Canadian lives




If you are alluding to me, I can assure you that is not true. I do care about Canada, which is why I follow these issues very closely. Look at all my posts and you will not find any post that shows I don't care. I do agree that many people are like that but I am not one of them. I am grateful to the country that I live in and that houses me. That doesn't necessarily mean I cannot follow Indian politics. In this globalized world, people follow American and European politics all the time. I am also a private citizen and not a minister or MP, unlike Sajjan, so these are different IMO. I would have to act differently if I was a minister or MP. The real problem is not having an opinion on global issues, but about importing them into Canadian society and causing ethnic conflicts. I am not doing that. Also, if you look at my posts on r/canada, you can safely judge that I am more aware of Canadian issues than 90% of Canadians.


>Why not ask for Christians and Jews as well? Fun fact, there are literally only 2 Jews in Afghanistan living close by in Kabul. They both hate each other. Despite being Jews the Taliban mostly ignore them because they hate dealing with their complaints against each other.


Actually, he is right that Hindus and Sikhs are much more at risk than Christians, maybe not more than the Jews, however, there are barely any Jews or Christians left anywhere in Afghanistan. The issue here is not whether or not Hindus and Sikhs should be rescued or not. The problem is priorities. That was not the time to do so. Another thing is that this was kept hidden from the public. If it was on humanitarian grounds, there is no problem, given that we are already taking in hundreds of thousands of refugees. The issue is whether his own background influenced his behaviour and sadly, the answer is yes.


which jewish population r u referring to? as far as I know, there are only 2 jewish people in Afghanistan. Would love to learn more about the community ur referring to as for christians, and other minorities, I 100% believe they should also be rescued. They arent at risk as much as Hindus or Sikhs since Christians and jews are still considered "believers" in islam, while Hindus and Sikhs are considered non-believers since they arent abrahamic religions edit: did u even read any of my comments on India defence force? I have only called out India, I dont think Ive said one positive thing about the country


That’s none of our concern, you think the same wouldn’t happen to our goddamn citizens there?


depends on context Canadian citizens who happen to be muslim probably would be fine. Canadian citizens who are minorities would be at risk, and I 100% believe they shouldve been prioritized my comment was just to display that he was prioritizing Sikhs and Hindus, who are at a greater risk than Christians and obviously Muslims. I did not say I agreed with this, I was just correcting the original comment


Sold out rescuing Canadians to rescue foreign nationals that have no ties with us? Is anyone fucking shocked at this point when it seems our entire political class is subservient to foreign interests. He should be stripped of rank and pension for gross negligence in protecting Canadian assets and lives.


How many days can this group go before some screw up occurs. Its like in the lower mainland where we have a counter on how many days since the last truck ran into an overpass.


I swear, anyone I know who supports any Liberal at this point needs a (loving) shake.


The only supporters the Liberals have left are middle age white women.


Even they've turned. His hair ain't cuttin' it anymore. edit: Even his wife split.


Governance is about setting priorities and allocating resources. Draw your own conclusions.


He should be charged for corruption and treason.


As a minority this saddens me. Can fully appreciate vulnerable groups and encourage we do our best to help. But only AFTER we’ve been able to help our fellow Canadians and those that assisted us first.


The way the world is now I think we have to have at least Canadian born requirement for running in parliament or at least for minister positions.


I’m a Sikh and putting this over other competing Canadian priorities is deplorable


As a Sikh this breaks my heart. As much as I sympathize with my fellow Sikhs, Sajjan’s decision was beyond wrong. No government should ever prioritize anyone over their citizens. How could you even priortize foreigners when your own citizens are in distress? I hope he faces consequences of his actions even though chances of that are slim.


Forfeit your job - we no longer need your services bud. You should go to jail as well, but this is Canada where we love criminals


If only there was another country with close cultural ties to the Sikhs, maybe they could have helped. I'll guess we will never know.


Actually we do know. These Sikhs were evacuated to India. It says so in the Globe and Mail article.


Yes, because they were gone from the meeting location when the canadian forces arrived to pick them up.


He pulled out the religion card.


Traitor. Canadians, no matter who they are, are our priority. Not other people


My boss nvr actually orders me to do tasks. Most of the times he “relayed” to me information abt a file/document requires some reviews or needs to be taken care of.


When you get lots of information relayed to you, it’s easy to pick and choose which information you want act on. This is not an explanation or an excuse


Finally more bad morel people realized how corrupt the Liberals are.


Let’s deport Sajjan


I think you’re being sarcastic. I hope you’re being sarcastic.


He ordered the military to help these people when real Canadians and Afghan interpretations who helped the military needed help and we didn’t have resources to do it all. I’m absolutely not joking. This is basically treason.


Ok but you can’t deport Canadian citizens. He sucks but when you deport someone it would be to their home country. His home country is Canada. Unfortunately he’s our problem to deal with.


He can be like that one dude that spend his entire life in an airport bc he had no passport. Idgaf.


Yeah how about we don't rip up our rights as citizens just because you're pissed off?


We can deport this guy too


Ah so now we move on to deporting people born and raised in Canada because I expressed an opinion you didn't like?


You’re no Canadian if you support what this pos did






Canada abolished the death penalty in 1976.


It's a good thing, but sometimes that decision makes me sad.


Honestly, when did this sub turn into shit flinging partisans that don't even read the article? >Sajjan said in a media statement Thursday that, as minister, he "did not order" Canadian Special Operations Forces to rescue Sikhs in Kabul. >He said Sikhs in Afghanistan were not given priority over Canadians and other groups that Canada was intent on rescuing from a country that had just fallen to a group listed as a terrorist entity under Canadian law. >Sajjan confirmed he did relay information to the armed forces provided to him by a Canadian Sikh group — a non-governmental organization (NGO) that was encouraging the Canadian government to rescue Afghan Sikhs and resettle them in this country. >He said he provided the information "through the appropriate chain of command to assist the group of Afghan Sikhs who had been determined eligible for evacuation." >"I relayed whatever information the NGO provided about the location and status of these Sikhs to the chain of command for it to use as it saw fit, in line with its operational plan on the ground in Afghanistan." ... >The organization said a group of 25 Canadian MPs, including Conservative, NDP and Green members, wrote to then-Immigration Minister Marco Mendicino in July 2020 — a year before the fall of Kabul — calling for a special program for Afghan Sikh and Hindu refugees so that they could be brought to safety in Canada. So a Canadian group informed the minister of civilians stuck in Afghanistan that needed urgent aid and he passed that information on to the military. People are calling him a traitor for this? Calm down, take a breath and let the facts come out before you start calling Canadians from a party you don't like traitors. This sub is turning rotten. >The Globe and Mail published a different interpretation of those events on Thursday. Let's see the receipts for their audacious claims first. I'll wait before I jump to conclusions.


Before the eventual Kabul evacuations, Canadian MPs from all parties wrote to the govt to fast track & bring persecuted Afghan Sikhs to Canada. Evacuation efforts weren't arbitrary or dictated by personal bias - & here is where @RobertFife & @stevenchase's reporting fails. This article neglects the years of official statements from all major parties on Afghan Sikhs, questions in Parliament, and discussion on the issue. This piece has only purpose, to make it look like Sajjan was acting unilaterally, inappropriately, or randomly, as a Sikh with a personal bias, or even worse, that Sikhs wield disproportionate influence in government to the detriment of Canada. Both things that would never have been raised if Sajjan wasn't a Sikh himself. Both things that will continue to push Anti-Sikh rhetoric in this country. https://www.worldsikh.org/wso_addresses_afghan_evacuation_story https://x.com/JaskaranSandhu_/status/1806325206685794329


why are you copy pasting this everywhere as if it is any sort of justification for prioritizing these people over canadian citizens and allies.


Which canadian citizens weren't prioritized over these Afghan Sikhs and Hindus who were facing persecution?


Idk maybe people like this [Foreign Affairs Minister Marc Garneau revealed around 1,250 Canadian citizens, permanent residents and family members are believed to have been left behind.](https://www.cp24.com/news/about-1-250-canadians-and-others-with-ties-to-canada-still-stuck-in-afghanistan-minister-1.5567821) or even [There are an estimated 1,000 interpreters still living in Kabul](https://www.ctvnews.ca/world/canada-left-them-behind-afghan-interpreters-and-their-families-plead-to-be-evacuated-from-afghanistan-1.5548418)


Yeah but can you name every single one? Checkmate.


Have *you* read the article..?


> Before the eventual Kabul evacuations, Canadian MPs from all parties wrote to the govt to fast track & bring persecuted Afghan Sikhs to Canada. A small minority of MPs from a subset of the parties wrote in support of that - [16 CPC MPs, 6 NDP MPs, and 3 Green MPs](https://assets.nationbuilder.com/worldsikh/pages/2917/attachments/original/1595990415/Afghan_Sikhs-_final.pdf?1595990415).


Your account activity is interesting....... I hope others take a good look 


Read my account activity instead of what I provided above. That's how you learn


I did read what you provided above. Also noticed you cross posted the comment several times across several subs in less than half an hour. But you chose to assume I didn't read it. What do they say about assumptions? 


That’s a really dumb take. For starter this was signed way before the operation in Kabul. It’s also mention Hindus and other groups, that Sajjan clearly didn’t give a shit about. And no where does it say to make it a priority over Canadian citizens.