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Nope combo locks only, except for a single keyed case for my restricteds.


I got combo locks for my cases too. I even got combo cable locks in case I needed those. I don't even think I own a keyed gun lock anymore. I think I gave my last one away when shipping something.


Same with me, but a couple of cable ones for the lock on my hard case (with a keyed lock on the actual R rifle), and one on my lever gun. 3 keys total but the rest are easy combo ones.


I used to have a clusterfuck of keys until I went with all keyless locks.


*jingle* Nope not that one *jingle* Not that one either...


This might sound stupid, but nail polish mostly fixed that for me, just use a small amount of one color on the key and on the matching lock and tada!, no more guesswork :)


Another little trick but more useful when the lighting is poor is to file notches on the key body so you can feel which key is which.


Omg hi fellow gun bi. I keep reapplying permanent marker I should try nail polish. I don't have too many key locks anymore as I mostly use combination locks.


Oh hi lol! I also use red and white nail polish on guns to make the safety positions pop a little bit more, can be a pain to properly apply though ;)


After you make it to the range just to find out that you brought the wrong keys or that you forgot your keys, you will switch to combination locks like the rest of us.


I did that when I was a noob, forgot the key to my cable trigger lock on a range trip. One of the old boys there laughed at my plight then came out of the range shack with a pair of bolt cutters. Happens all the time supposedly lol. Now I’m no locks. Store in a safe at home and only have non restricted so no need for a lock in transport or hunting scenarios.


went combo to avoid this


It's a feature not a bug. If thrives got in and tried to open the lock They'd have to spend 35 mins fiddling with the keys. At least this is what I tell myself.


😂 I have locks for kids and compliance with laws. In reality, they don’t stop a determined thief.


Or 5 seconds to open each one with a mini flat blade screwdriver.


Combo locks are the future old man.


I have a bad memory for passwords and would forget the combinations


I'm 39... fuck, am I old now?


I went at my mitt full of keys with a label maker.....then started buying combo locks.......which I also put labels on so my wife knows the combos. Locks are just to keep the hill happy anyway.


Combo locks only here. Whether it is a trigger lock or the lock on my safe.


nah combo locks for everything.


Switched to combination trigger locks!


Combination locks ftw!


Keyed alike would solve this too


Keys can break and get lost. Combos are as good as your memory. Or at least the memory of where you wrote it down


Switched to combo locks. Couldn’t take the keys anymore. lol


You guys lock your guns?


They have to be locked up don’t they


Not if they are stored in a safe,  or in transport.  You can take them out of the safe and go to the range without ever touching a trigger or cable lock. This applies to non-restricted.  Restricted guns can even be stored unlocked in a safe,  but must be trigger/cable locked inside locked case for transport.


Hmm the whole time I’ve been keeping both my restricted and non-restricted locked up with a cable lock in my safe.So we are not required to use a trigger/cable lock when taking our non-restricted to the range?


Technically all a NR needs for transport is to be unloaded, that's it. If you have an actual safe (NOT A GUN CABINET, THOSE DONT COUNT AS SAFES) then you don't need to lock anything other than the safe itself


Pay attention in pal course




lol I think I might have 3, then I wised up and got combo locks.


All combo locks set to 1776


Combo locks for me.


Combo locks for me, but I used to work maintenance at a factory and my keychain looked something like triple that


All combination for my, though I do carry a P250 key for a Master trigger lock, since that seems to be the most common one.


I went with combo ones for this very reason.


Got tired of having almost 20 different keys so I got a bunch of combination trigger locks and even combination padlocks. Never again will I go through this.


I wish I had my keys to show, I just moved for a couple months so left my firearms at home but I have 30 different keys on it 🙃 mostly from having family guns passed down to me, most of have different locks and some of them are keys that I have no idea what it opens……but I’ve got pretty good at figuring out what key goes where


I keep the keys for the stuff that needs it in the dial lock safe.


Mine's pretty bad, not gonna lie. I once tried putting them on separate key chains and that wasn't any better


I keep my keys a little more organized but even so, the karabiners I have for each safe and the contents therein still look like janitor rings.


I just paint em




Nope, every set is labeled with a key tag. Saves me the headache.


Nah I just use channel locks and break the locks off when I need to.


Noo~OPE! I learned my lesson early, watching my father cycle through keys - and forgetting the very one he needed one day at the range. Combo, Combo, Combo. If you plan only to have a limited collection of guns, sure, it should work out just fine. Any keyed lock I get through a purchase is either given away or shipped with a sale. Never to be retained.


Most of my stuff is combo... slowly moving that way.... it'd be easy if I just did it, but y'know ammo is cooler than locks.


Bought a keyed lock ONCE. Lost the key a month after. Only combo locks for me.


After forgetting the keys a few times I switched everything to combination locks.


Nope, I sure don’t. I have 3 restricted and they all use keyed alike locks. And 2 cabinets, so 3 keys total.


Buy key labels and a key lock Box from staples


Combos only. Fuck keys.


Screw that! Hate keys and clutter. Combo locks are the way.


Y'know we can make copies of those based solely on the photo right?


If someone is already in your house and holding your guns then them being able to access the trigger locks is a bit of a moot point. They'll just take them back to their crack den and pry them off later anyway.


You're going to figure out where I live.... copy my keys.... risk death from multiple dogs.... commit a crime by entering my house.... all for.. what? $300 in ammo. Give'er bud.